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I Want To Like TOR, But It Just Feels Old


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Well OP I'm sorry your are getting so much flack.


Go back to wow some say? He does not want to. I do not see anything wrong with him/her wanting to have some features from the most successful MMO ever created, in the game that he obviously wants to play.


No this game is not 7 years old but that does not mean that they are incapable of having features that WoW has out of the box. Rift managed to do it and even added some WoW did not have that Blizzard later copied. No I'm not comparing the success of those two games, just some features.



People are always quick to jump onto others to tell them how they should be playing "their" game or leave but when someone post some constructive criticism inviting some honest discussion they get flamed. That's not how you build a good community.



But now for the OP, he is my feedback on what you wrote....This is just what I think and in no way suggests that it applies to all....


-LFG- While this is nice, it is in the end.... A in game community killer.


-UI- Yup I agree, horrible. No reason to not have a fully customizable UI out of the box. Rift managed on a much smaller budget. (yes it's less of a game then ToR)


-Graphics- Well, I think that requires a bit of a sacrifice for an MMO to maintain a good game play experience . If I want some nice graphics I hit up Skyrim. If I want to hang out with my friends in and kill stuff, ToR.


-Nit/Day cycle- yeah would be nice, but not game breaking for me. So many options they could have with different planets as well. But who knows, it cold come.


-water- Just another thing that's not game breaking for me. Would be nice mind you.


-The server queues- Meh. It will get better. New game, holiday time. Folks off work, out of school.....but not for ever.


-Character creation- One of the better ones for an MMO imo. I like it.


-Addons- I for one like some of them. A long as they don't play for you I'm all for it. Addons don't make elitist players after all.


-Mem leak- ?


-Quests- Yup, MMO's tend to have the same variety. All the same quests in the end IMO.


-Voice acting- Sure they used the same actors for lots of the NPC's. This is a game not a movie.


-Choices- I like them. Wile it's not a new concept still rare in my exp.


-Mounts- No mount until 25, meh. I like having to look around. Besides the "hearth" is amazing. Multiple locations, 30 min CD? Sweet IMO.


-Economy- to early to predict.


-Technicalt game errors- That is to be expected in a game of this size. As long as they keep us posted and working on the problems I'm ok with it.


-Gear- Yeah being able to dye or transmog gear would be nice but still no game breaking for me. Who knows, it might be coming.


-Barber shop- Still a frill thing for me.



Just my thoughts. To each his/her own. Nothing wrong with people not wanting things the way you do, but try to actually talk about it instead of "go back to WoW".


We can all be adults here right? ;)




P.S. -sorry for typos or spelling, put together at work.

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trion did make a great game, it hasnt been picked as mmorpg's game of the year for no reason, rift is imo the best mmorpg out there at this time, so why am i not playing rift? because i had a slight disagreement with them when they did server merges because of crap talkers like you.


i like tor, the story is great but the mechanics, well the story cant carry everything, a good mmo is properly balanced, like one of those childrens mobiles (the dangly thing, not your cellphone) tor is one of those, with the mild exception of a 10 ton weight dragging it off its hinges labeled as story / voice acting.


as for the limited time / rescources, time: over 3 years in development, rescources, more than any other videogame to date other than duke nukem forever, how they spent those rescources, got only knows, probably 10 million on voice actors, 2 million on actually development (of which $10 for the character models) and the rest on the star wars liscence


combat is choppy at best, with severe bugs showing up every now and then that render you entirely useless for 10ish seconds because none of your buttons are working, the cover system is a gimmick, and stealth is useless from a combat perspective. the only combat it got right was the space combat, and thats just a rail shooter with gear slots


So you stopped playing "the best mmo" because they done server merges, really? lol.. some of you people are just pure DERP material, while i agree with the op alittle, i still think the game itself is really well done for a launch and i will more then happily give it a couple of months before i judge it, i bought rift the collectors edition, i played it for a few hours and then uninstalled it, it was very polish and nice to play but it just lacked anything new, was just wow 2.0, SWTOR feels alot different for me but to each his own.

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You are gonna get flamed to **** for this post. But... It is true. Sadly.


OP and you are right. Yet i do have fun in this game a lot of fun still people cant handle the fact that their perfect game needs fixing. They just flame anybody who wants to make improvments and has constructive cristiscim. Very immature all these go back to WoW. They must think they're real cool...-.-

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Well OP I'm sorry your are getting so much flack.


Go back to wow some say? He does not want to. I do not see anything wrong with him/her wanting to have some features from the most successful MMO ever created, in the game that he obviously wants to play.


No this game is not 7 years old but that does not mean that they are incapable of having features that WoW has out of the box. Rift managed to do it and even added some WoW did not have that Blizzard later copied. No I'm not comparing the success of those two games, just some features.



People are always quick to jump onto others to tell them how they should be playing "their" game or leave but when someone post some constructive criticism inviting some honest discussion they get flamed. That's not how you build a good community.



But now for the OP, he is my feedback on what you wrote....This is just what I think and in no way suggests that it applies to all....


-LFG- While this is nice, it is in the end.... A in game community killer.


-UI- Yup I agree, horrible. No reason to not have a fully customizable UI out of the box. Rift managed on a much smaller budget. (yes it's less of a game then ToR)


-Graphics- Well, I think that requires a bit of a sacrifice for an MMO to maintain a good game play experience . If I want some nice graphics I hit up Skyrim. If I want to hang out with my friends in and kill stuff, ToR.


-Nit/Day cycle- yeah would be nice, but not game breaking for me. So many options they could have with different planets as well. But who knows, it cold come.


-water- Just another thing that's not game breaking for me. Would be nice mind you.


-The server queues- Meh. It will get better. New game, holiday time. Folks off work, out of school.....but not for ever.


-Character creation- One of the better ones for an MMO imo. I like it.


-Addons- I for one like some of them. A long as they don't play for you I'm all for it. Addons don't make elitist players after all.


-Mem leak- ?


-Quests- Yup, MMO's tend to have the same variety. All the same quests in the end IMO.


-Voice acting- Sure they used the same actors for lots of the NPC's. This is a game not a movie.


-Choices- I like them. Wile it's not a new concept still rare in my exp.


-Mounts- No mount until 25, meh. I like having to look around. Besides the "hearth" is amazing. Multiple locations, 30 min CD? Sweet IMO.


-Economy- to early to predict.


-Technicalt game errors- That is to be expected in a game of this size. As long as they keep us posted and working on the problems I'm ok with it.


-Gear- Yeah being able to dye or transmog gear would be nice but still no game breaking for me. Who knows, it might be coming.


-Barber shop- Still a frill thing for me.



Just my thoughts. To each his/her own. Nothing wrong with people not wanting things the way you do, but try to actually talk about it instead of "go back to WoW".


We can all be adults here right? ;)




P.S. -sorry for typos or spelling, put together at work.


Why are you trying to make this game sound perfect like its some jesus game when it really isnt...Character Creation IS A JOKE its not the better ones is the worse ones...no sliders? just preset stupid looking faces? get out of here.


LFG doesnt kill the community CROSS server LFG does...also with PvP.

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I stopped at the comparison to world of warcraft. I bet he mentioned - Arenas! This game has a huge, absolutely massive amount of content and story. Extremely good mechanics. We have a vast spectrum of gearing options - crafting, instances, commendations and the animations run circles around world of yawncraft. Best part, pandacraft players used to slam other games about animation/combat and wow's animations are a joke compared to this. Finally, no gold spammers because we have skills like slicing. Bioware should make a pr campaign of lightsabers chopping wow pandas. Edited by rijde
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I stopped at the comparison to world of warcraft. I bet he mentioned - Arenas! This game has a huge, absolutely massive amount of content and story. Extremely good mechanics. We have a vast spectrum of gearing options - crafting, instances, commendations and the animations run circles around world of yawncraft. Best part, pandacraft players used to slam other games about animation/combat and wow's animations are a joke compared to this. Finally, no gold spammers because we have skills like slicing. Bioware should make a pr campaign of lightsabers chopping wow pandas.


He has good points. but hes comparing to much to WoW so people are going to nerd rage and flame him. for people have a searing hatred for wow on ToR fourms it seems.

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I don't understand why people keep saying "WoW didn't have XYZ at launch either!"


This game is not competing with the WoW of 2004, it is competing with the WoW that is out NOW.


I am still happily playing both games, because they offer me very different experiences, but there's nothing wrong with acknowledging areas where this game could be improved. Development time was obviously very lopsided. A lot was put into story, voice acting, and classes. VERY little into the UI, and not as much into the combat engine, AH, social features, or bug fixing.



The reason why they are comparing it to the original is because any new game is not going to have around 10-12yrs of development behind it. And the reason I say 10-12, is that almost every new MMO has a dev cycle of approx. 3-5 yrs. 7+ 3/5.


It really all depends on us. If we continue to sub and they have the resources to put back into the game, more can be put towards development and growth. So it's really up to us on how bad we want this to succeed or not.


Not making excuses, just stating facts (I've spent some time as an engineer for one of the larger MMO developers). There are a few things I hope they address, but so far its been pretty fun to play and a good option other than Blizz.

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He has good points. but hes comparing to much to WoW so people are going to nerd rage and flame him. for people have a searing hatred for wow on ToR fourms it seems.


Like what? It is an awful comparison. Every thing he mentioned was polish and design choices. Bioware made a very impressive game. They deserve a lot of credit for managing this project. A lot of people, myself included, were skeptical this story driven system would work. It does. Now, they just need to polish and that's easy now.

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So you stopped playing "the best mmo" because they done server merges, really? lol.. some of you people are just pure DERP material, while i agree with the op alittle, i still think the game itself is really well done for a launch and i will more then happily give it a couple of months before i judge it, i bought rift the collectors edition, i played it for a few hours and then uninstalled it, it was very polish and nice to play but it just lacked anything new, was just wow 2.0, SWTOR feels alot different for me but to each his own.


you just got reported for this, but ill reply because one of us is at least capable of some decency,


youd quit an mmo too, when you tight community you build up on your server gets torn to shreds because the server is being removed, and everyone is forced to transfer off,


the server youre being sent to hates all the new people filling up their server and making it laggy, blaming all the insignificant failures on everyone that was forced there,


imagine if all the tor servers with low and standard populations got shut down and forced on the high / very high ones?


thats exactly what rift did, the game is great, the customer support, not so much

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Like what? It is an awful comparison. Every thing he mentioned was polish and design choices. Bioware made a very impressive game. They deserve a lot of credit for managing this project. A lot of people, myself included, were skeptical this story driven system would work. It does. Now, they just need to polish and that's easy now.


What's your point? Specifically the "oh that's just design choices" bit. What an odd thing to say.

A design choice can just like any other choice turn out to be ***-backwards.

Not saying that they are but if enough people share the opinion that the game misses this or that then it's quite possible Bioware made the wrong choice. That does happen sometimes, regardless of the developer.


Personally there's things I miss, some which I would have expected to be there straight out of the box. Lucky for me that I still enjoy the game so I can wait and see if they improve.

Edited by Kenthen
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- No LFG Tool (been in WoW for over 2 years... absolutely baffled as to how this hasn't been developed for TOR yet)


So it took Blizzard 5 years to implement a LFG tool yet you expect it from Bioware 3 days post release? Nice. Now I actually agree there should be one, and Blizzards failure to act and taking so long to implement one doesn't mean Bioware should do the same and should be striving to be better than their competitor, I get that. But 5 years man. Seriously?!


- 2007 graphics (The Skybox being a 2D Painting is particularly insulting)


You're comparing the game to WoW, then slating the graphics. Rofl, clearly you're not maxxing SWTOR. The game looks amazing. It destroys WoW in terms of graphics.


- Server queues (Had queues in WoW for Vanilla, BC, and Wrath but not Cata, Blizzard has evolved, BioWare has not)


3 days after release - Don't pick a full server, try to log on at peak times and complain about the queues?


- Three Warzones, No Arenas (also consider Huttball cannot be taken seriously as Rated PvP). Again; TOR is competing with 2011 WoW (8 Battlegrounds, 4 of which can be done Rated + Arena Content)


I believe there was 2, possibly 3 battlegrounds at WoW release. Seeing as the game is 3 days old and almost no one is level 50 yet, it's hardly important.


- No addon support


Hope they add this


- No Dual Spec


Hope they add this


- Taris memory leaks (should have been fixed in Beta, not "overnight" a week after Early Access started for the game's release build)


It's called patches, all games do it.


- Lack of variety in quests; everything is kill X amount of Y, unlike WoW where they've added a lot of variation (for better or for worse) in the quests, which makes leveling feel less grindy


Wow, have you played WoW? The quests in SWTOR are infinitely more varied.


- "Choices" are still just the Blue good guy option, or the Red bad guy option — this was kinda new in KOTOR, and still cool in both Mass Effects; but unimpressive today


...Or the grey neutral option. Right? Or any combination of choices you want to make. Like I do - Choose whatever I want I.e. the whole point. Why? Since we're comparing this game to WoW, and indeed any other MMO, please show me where you can experience anything LIKE this in an MMO? Simply you can't, the choices have an active impact on the outcome of the quest, your relationship with the character and your companion, the path that you will take, the weapons and armour you can use, it physically effects your character if you make dark choices. etc etc. This point is nonsense.


- No Mount until level 25; it only takes a couple hours to get your first Mount in WoW these days. No idea why this was considered a good idea


It used to take weeks for a new player to get to 40 and get a mount in WoW, clearly you have become to accustom to getting everything spoon fed to you by Blizzard and want everything made easy mode for you. Post vanilla player? ;D. Again mounts at 20 or 25 (I think it is now?) only changed a couple of years ago. It was like that for about 5 years (now they've nerfed the time it takes to level ridiculously)


- Awkward gold; having over 500,000 gold by the time you hit 40 is... silly, and will be a major hassle as the game ages and gold inflation occurs


Uhm, big numbers don't mean bad.. You do realise this right? Just because the figures concerned are larger than WoW has NOTHING to do with the economy, if the economy 'goes wrong' it won't be because of the larger numbers involved. LOL.


- A vast array of technical errors that BioWare, and easily amused Players will chalk up to "Every launch has issues, go play WoW kid!"; but nonetheless detract from gameplay, and are hard to excuse in a 2011 title




You basically want it to be exactly like WoW. And because it's not you're complaining, that's fine. Wows had 7 years to polish itself. But if you want all these features (which are all World of Warcrafts features).. Why don't you play World of Warcraft?

Edited by Boundd
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Games like WoW and Rift succeeded by looking at their predecessors and figuring out what should be added, what could be borrowed, and what needs to be improved on. SWTOR definitely did this with the story, but they dropped the ball on the rest of it - forming groups isn't any easier or more pleasant then in other games, for example. Stock UI lacks customization and doesn't provide enough information for serious group play. Absence of macros makes for overloaded action bars and awkward keybinds. AH interface is a mess. It's like the last 5 years of MMO development never happened, and it's frustrating beyond belief. I did not want Bioware to copy WoW - I wanted them to take a good long look at what it did right and then do it better. So much for innovation, obviously.


I still hope this game is going to do well, but I don't think that it's going to happen on the strength of its solo content alone. Good as it is, that content isn't going to last, so they really need to get the MMO part of the game up to speed.

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So it took Blizzard 5 years to implement a LFG tool yet you expect it from Bioware 3 days post release? Nice. Now I actually agree there should be one, and Blizzards failure to act and taking so long to implement one doesn't mean Bioware should do the same and should be striving to be better than their competitor, I get that. But 5 years man. Seriously?!




You're comparing the game to WoW, then slating the graphics. Rofl, clearly you're not maxxing SWTOR. The game looks amazing. It destroys WoW in terms of graphics.




3 days after release - Don't pick a full server, try to log on at peak times and complain about the queues?




I believe there was 2, possibly 3 battlegrounds at WoW release. Seeing as the game is 3 days old and almost no one is level 50 yet, it's hardly important.




Hope they add this




Hope they add this




It's called patches, all games do it.




Wow, have you played WoW? The quests in SWTOR are infinitely more varied.




...Or the grey neutral option. Right? Or any combination of choices you want to make. Like I do - Choose whatever I want I.e. the whole point. Why? Since we're comparing this game to WoW, and indeed any other MMO, please show me where you can experience anything LIKE this in an MMO? Simply you can't, the choices have an active impact on the outcome of the quest, your relationship with the character and your companion, the path that you will take, the weapons and armour you can use, it physically effects your character if you make dark choices. etc etc. This point is nonsense.




It used to take weeks for a new player to get to 40 and get a mount in WoW, clearly you have become to accustom to getting everything spoon fed to you by Blizzard and want everything made easy mode for you. Post vanilla player? ;D. Again mounts at 20 or 25 (I think it is now?) only changed a couple of years ago. It was like that for about 5 years (now they've nerfed the time it takes to level ridiculously)




Uhm, big numbers don't mean bad.. You do realise this right? Just because the figures concerned are larger than WoW has NOTHING to do with the economy, if the economy 'goes wrong' it won't be because of the larger numbers involved. LOL.






You basically want it to be exactly like WoW. And because it's not you're complaining, that's fine. Wows had 7 years to polish itself. But if you want all these features (which are all World of Warcrafts features).. Why don't you play World of Warcraft?

you owned that kid. rofl.

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- No LFG Tool (been in WoW for over 2 years... absolutely baffled as to how this hasn't been developed for TOR yet)


And it spent 4 or so years without one. Right now, I don't see a need for one- it's very easy to get in a PUG- AND there's the social window where somebody can mark themselves as LFG and for what mission.


- Awful UI; I could make an entire thread about this (and people already have), but for the sake of brevity, I'll just restate that it's awful

Agreed. Not too sure we need fullblown access to game files like some suggest, but things like being able to open any window I want, stack them, move them all around, etc. would be nice. Also, second row of hotkeys is not hotkey-mappable from the little fiddling around I have done. Very bad :(


- Pet AI is horrible, between the delay on commanding their auto attack, their hilarious pathing errors, and many others; it's safe to say giving every Class+Spec a pet was a bad idea, without first giving them AI that's passable in 2011

Not really had an issue with this one. True, sometimes they are a bit laggy, or lost; mark it up to a bad day for them, or send them on missions.


- 2007 graphics (The Skybox being a 2D Painting is particularly insulting)

I'm not a OMGINEEDSMOREGRAPHICSANDFPSNOW guy. Couldn't care less, the point comes across, and I can fill in gaps.


- No Day/Night Cylce

Would be nice, but hardly something that breaks immersion. If there must be a day/night cycle, then I want it realistic- including the inability to see in the dark.


- No accessable body of water deeper than 6 inches

Another minor issue. It would be nice to be able to swim,, but not game busting that it isn't there.


- Server queues (Had queues in WoW for Vanilla, BC, and Wrath but not Cata, Blizzard has evolved, BioWare has not)

I hate them with a passion. I'm trolling now, while I'm queued up. No reason for them in my opinion, if there are multiple instances of planets.


- Lackluster Character Creation

Agreed. Even EVE Online has a more in-depth character creation- and that's a game where you only fly ships in space. No ground combat, and still no walking in stations.


- Absurd Leveling curve; the overall process of getting from 1-50 is pretty fast, but the curve for time per level increases at a rate that makes me feel like I'm playing Aion again

Leveling does feel rather quick; however, I'm a casual gamer, so I'm not complaining too much.


- Three Warzones, No Arenas (also consider Huttball cannot be taken seriously as Rated PvP). Again; TOR is competing with 2011 WoW (8 Battlegrounds, 4 of which can be done Rated + Arena Content)

Not a PvPer, but I can see the problem there.


- No Macros


- No mouseover casting


- No addon support


- No Dual Spec

Don't see any of these as needing done.

Dual spec? Get another character, especially with the fast leveling as you already pointed out.


- Taris memory leaks (should have been fixed in Beta, not "overnight" a week after Early Access started for the game's release build)

Not been to Taris yet, but any memory leak- and one as bad as Taris supposedly is- is bad. Period.


- Lack of variety in quests; everything is kill X amount of Y, unlike WoW where they've added a lot of variation (for better or for worse) in the quests, which makes leveling feel less grindy

Welcome to MMOs. If you've a better idea- and want to put in the time to really develop, test, and help implement it in however way a customer can- then do it, and quit ************.


- Voice Actors voicing too many different people; I don't think I've seen this many Characters with the same Voice Actor, since the first Deus Ex game

Bound to happen with an extensive spoken dialogue.


- Player Character repeating Dialogue from other conversations (My Sith Inquisitor has said "I'll show you what a Sith can do!" like 5 times now, and other less memorably rhyming are equally if not more common)

Annoying, but hey- people do say certain things time and again. Consistent with RL (though that is a weak argument, granted).


- "Choices" are still just the Blue good guy option, or the Red bad guy option — this was kinda new in KOTOR, and still cool in both Mass Effects; but unimpressive today

Not sure what you're getting at here; I've seen plenty of gray option choices, and besides which- the mission I ran last week, where I killed somebody? Doesn't affect my character today in whatever way he ran it, beyond any light/dark points he happened to accrue.


- No Mount until level 25; it only takes a couple hours to get your first Mount in WoW these days. No idea why this was considered a good idea

Wah, I had to press a button for 5 minutes instead of 3!


- Awkward gold; having over 500,000 gold by the time you hit 40 is... silly, and will be a major hassle as the game ages and gold inflation occurs

I do hope this all gets adjusted, as I feel you're spot on there.


- A vast array of technical errors that BioWare, and easily amused Players will chalk up to "Every launch has issues, go play WoW kid!"; but nonetheless detract from gameplay, and are hard to excuse in a 2011 title

"Every launch has issues, go play WoW kid!"

The year in which a game comes out has no deciding factor on whether it has bugs or not. I don't care if you believe me or not, but truth be told- next time you go pick up some major MMO, you'll say the same thing about it.


- No Appearance/Gear Customization such as WoW's Transmogrification, or a standard MMO Appearance Tab (weird in a game where we watch ourselves talk so much)


- No Barbershop for minor character recustomization (again, weird in a game where we watch so much of our character speaking)

And the problem is...? Oh, you rushed through character creation and leveling, and don't like how you ended up. Get some patience before you make your next alt, kid.


- More — I will expand on this as more things pop into my mind, these are the ones currently at the forefront of my thought process


Anyway, do you guys feel the same way? Maybe you don't see the logic in some of my points (but you will once you get to level 40+), but you've probably noticed the game feels old. I'm worried that this feeling will plague the launch, and the early days of the game. This will both turn away new players, and create a jaded community; problems that get worse and worse as time goes on. Hopefully the game can be improved enough though, I do like it.


TL;DR, I think TOR feels old, what do you think?

Doesn't feel old to me, but I sure as hell do after seeing what you've typed, mostly. No game is perfect, to be sure; and when expectations are sky high, people will look at any fault and magnify it tenfold.

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I dont get it, why does this game have to have all the WoW stuff to not feel old?


Wouldnt that make it old?


If anything its cut off a little fat and added stuff where it counts. Hated WoW, love ToR.


There are simlarities, but they are part of every MMO. If anything its taken WoW's questing system and left the rest on the cutting room floor, where it belongs.


The questing has gone to the next level with the drama, cut scenes and voice overs, I actually get into it and dont think of the fact its the same basic tasks because I want to advance the story.


I really dont want all the other stuff proposed, I dont think a game needs it to be "new". In fact I think it makes it "dated".

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Again a classic case of someone wanting to get flamed. So again dont be an idiot. Quit comparing a 4 day old game "officially" with a game that has been out for 7 years. I played WoW sense the Beta. So 7 years. This game is no worse then WoW was at the start. There will be bugs. There will be balance issues. No game is perfect out of the gate.


Go play WoW and be happy. Thats what its all about anyway. If you feel like your wasting time here and wouldnt be over playing WoW then dont waste time.


And to the "no mount at level 25" Obviously you didnt play Vanilla Wow. Where you didnt get a mount tell 40. You have lost your cred

Edited by Newsinz
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I have one argument for the SWTOR vs WOW debate

BW spent a lot of money on voice acting which is something I enjoy a lot

WOW had years of income to suplment the addition of fetures

as soon as SWTOR gets the income to suplement new fetures/content/warzones etc the game will begin to compare with WOW


the thing with most MMOs is that the game actually becomes comparable to other games once it gets the income to add new stuff


BW does not have deep enough pockets to pay for all of the fetures right away

It would be foolish for BW to have goton any more money for this game


as soon as the income starts rolling in the new stuff will to


the new stuff would have been in already if BW had the income right away


just like WOW in 2004 it was a base. They got monthly income to improve on the game so they did

TOR will do the same thing

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What I've learned from this forum post is fascinating.


1.) No critique of a game can be made (regardless of legitimacy) while referencing another game. This is because games are apparently made in a vacuum. Developers don't look at other games, nor do their games compete with other games, and thus cannot be compared to other games, even if they are contemporaries of the same genre.


2.) Clearly, if you dislike any aspect of a game, you hate everything about it and all it stands for. You even hate the people who play the game, apparently. It's personal, man, you shouldn't have insulted my UI.


3.) Cars make really bad metaphors. Especially when you have to explain why it's okay for things to be broken on day one. "Hey man, I drive a Toyota. It took years for them to fix that problem. You don't see me complaining."


I have so much more to learn from you people. Please continue.

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