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What is your opinion on this situation...


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*Takes a deep breath, So...


A social member who was in long standing of our guild was given an opportunity to raid and happily joined us. Obviously being new to raids we explained tactics in detail, clearly and politely. We would mark up CC's and the like making it friendly for the new comer. We offered up 2 set pieces to help him out and numerous drops. Not long after that we inspect him to find out that the majority of things we had given to him had been vendored. Later that day we receive numerous whispers from several people that he had ninja looted in Hardmode 55 Flashpoints. We took the guy into a secure channel on our TS and spoke to him respectfully and politely. He said he was sorry and would learn to be a better 'player', we gave him a chance but obviously that never lasts. Next day I myself as an Officer in the guild receive whispers saying the individual has been harassing people and was offered 'screenshot proof' and warned that he was tarnishing our reputation. Later on that day we took him into another Op, he won rolls on a few non set parts - nothing serious. He breaks CC's over and over, saying we're stressing him out when we've done nothing wrong. Just usual skimming over of tactics/CC's etc. He begun whispering Operation Member's within the Op complaining and using foul language. Guild Leader caught wind and took him into a Secure Channel on TS and told him to be on his way, in our opinion it was the right thing to do.


The guy shortly after joins another guild and that guilds Leader whispers a few of our Officers and our own Leader saying is it true that we gave him a hard time and harassed him, obviously we replied accordingly. The Leader said it was concerning that he had 69 set bonus armoring s and 58 and lower mods, enhancements etc. So he was booted. Joins another guild, doesn't last a week and is booted.


He then joins the guild he is currently in and starts whispering members from our guild harassing them, some are easily goaded into a response - others just put him on ignore (He's not worth the waste of breath right?). Guild Leader from the Guild in question begins whispering us saying he's reporting us 'daily' and has contacted the UK cyber bully charity and Police regarding the whole thing. He also childishly whispers Officers/Leader from his alt's with things like 'Your going down' or 'Your time is up'. Our response is, honestly we don't give a flying monkeys. Yet we're actually getting heat still over the whole thing. Apparently if an individual runs under you whilst your on a speeder or if your even near them is harassment, resulting in the classic "I haz screenshots omg, report!".


There is a whole lot more to it but it's become so pathetic that it's actually laughable, we no longer have contact with the said guild or any of their members. Yet we're still told we've been reported for things we haven't done/said. So yeah what do you think? Laughable much?


EDIT: ... http://dramath.guildlaunch.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=34033355&gid=313516

Edited by Ajaxduo
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It is laughable. But I must give you and your guild much credit for being so pacient with this person. From what your saying he/she is nothing more than a troll and likes to stir up drama. You guys did nothing wrong and only removed him after several attempts at fixing the situation failed.


What angers me is that this person continued to do it to other people. That behavior is just so bad that I wish it was bannable. Again you have my support and I'm sorry your guild had to go through it.

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It is laughable. But I must give you and your guild much credit for being so pacient with this person. From what your saying he/she is nothing more than a troll and likes to stir up drama. You guys did nothing wrong and only removed him after several attempts at fixing the situation failed.


What angers me is that this person continued to do it to other people. That behavior is just so bad that I wish it was bannable. Again you have my support and I'm sorry your guild had to go through it.


Agreed however we took to CSR's advise and placed the individuals on ignore, however that hasn't been 'enough' due to potential alts etc. Imo the 'Ignore' feature should be account wide. I actually pity the individuals guild leader as he has willingly believed every single word of the troll, we know for sure he is young so it may be a way of gaining attention. Anyway I have been disappointed by the lack of mature leadership and willingness to discuss the situation between Officers at least, I've had multiple whispers from the guilds members saying that they will not be placing us on ignore as they are adults and can make decisions for themselves, which is nice to see them not partaking in their leaders power trip. I'm actually friends with quite a few of them so he's potentially putting pressure on friendships etc. just can't wait for the whole drama to pass and not having to log in receiving whispers from a Lvl 1 alt saying either "You are going down", "The Police will get you!" And many more, seriously lol so mature...not! Oh and thanks for the show support and reading my wall of text :)

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Imo the 'Ignore' feature should be account wide.


That would help a lot of people, if you ignore someone it should put all his chars (or his account) on the ignore list of all your chars (or your account)


You handled the situation correctly and were more patient than most would be, it is always a pain to see someone getting tricked (like his newest guild leader)

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I feel sorry for you! It is great, that you kept cool!

This guy is definitely mentaly disabled or/and a complete looser, hardcore-virgin etc.!


The only thing you can do: Laugh at him and his looser-life!


Keep on playing!


Greetings ;)

Edited by Schattenaura
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That would help a lot of people, if you ignore someone it should put all his chars (or his account) on the ignore list of all your chars (or your account)


You handled the situation correctly and were more patient than most would be, it is always a pain to see someone getting tricked (like his newest guild leader)


Exactly, Bioware will always advise you to ignore the individual but as soon as they realise they are on ignore there's nothing to stop them harassing you from other characters that you didn't know they had. Account wide ignore would be great for this and should work that way anyway to be honest.

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Exactly, Bioware will always advise you to ignore the individual but as soon as they realise they are on ignore there's nothing to stop them harassing you from other characters that you didn't know they had. Account wide ignore would be great for this and should work that way anyway to be honest.


Anything else doesn't make a lot of sense.

(It would keep most ignoerlists much shorter)


I bet he is looking into this thread here to find out who is replying.


From the amount of being a douche it could be EvilGerman XD

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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[...] I actually pity the individuals guild leader as he has willingly believed every single word of the troll, we know for sure he is young so it may be a way of gaining attention. Anyway I have been disappointed by the lack of mature leadership and willingness to discuss the situation between Officers at least, [...]


This is sad, really. I can't verify what really happened, but even if you were whitewashing the issue in your original post and/or in fact did harrass your ex-guildmeber, the new guildleader is clearly overreacting. In any case a mature, open talk between guild officers / leaders should be possible and the right way to resolve this. There's no need to involve any third party at this point, much less the police. If what you write is an accurate description of the new guildleader's reaction (same disclaimer as above) than he/she doesn't seem to want to resolve that issue, but to escalate it beyond any reason.


If this would be a new guildmate of mine, I'd listen to his/her story and make up my own mind. As an officer I definetly would talk to one of the officers in the "offending" (your) guild, regardless what my guildleader says - my guild is hopefully no dictatorship where I can't even choose whot to /w with :t_biggrin:. The same would go if I'd have any friends there.


If after that I'd believe him/her I'd most probably would tell him to forget about it and move on - no point wasting time in this pointless crusade, if there's a galaxy to explore :t_smile:.




[...]Anyway I have been disappointed by the lack of mature leadership and willingness to discuss the situation between Officers at least, I've had multiple whispers from the guilds members saying that they will not be placing us on ignore as they are adults and can make decisions for themselves, which is nice to see them not partaking in their leaders power trip.


Maybe this is a way to deescalate the whole thing. Maybe these guys, not the leader or the officers, are the right persons to talk to? What if your officers or guildleader contacts them? Could they be intermediators between both parties?

Edited by CW-Eris
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On the Harbinger we have a guild leaders web site that we have over 70 something GMs as members.. We have a badboy forum on it to list just this type of player so all the GMs will be aware of how a bad player acts..
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Sounds like you handled it as best you could, but this?


Guild Leader from the Guild in question begins whispering us saying he's reporting us 'daily' and has contacted the UK cyber bully charity and Police regarding the whole thing.


Actually made me laugh.


If the UK cyber bully charity and Police got involved, what does this other Guild Leader think they're going to do? They're probably going to request to see the chat logs, and, if SWTOR has them, what they'll see is how this guy behaved to you. And if you wanted to, you could mention the cyber bullying the Leader is enacting with his threats to you.


Annoying as heck, but just keep on /ignoring everything. Devolving to their level just makes everything worse.

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I made the mistake of taking in someone who claimed she'd been abused in her old guild, kicked for no reason, blah blah blah... never have I seen one person create so much drama. Disregarding the Ops leaders, disregarding and disrespecting the guild officers, and then lying to me about it all. She wasn't a child, either. When I finally kicked her she got her boyfriend to whisper threats to me. But nothing ever happened.


I guess I'm trying to say that these things happen, and it's best to move on and ignore the person. They can make all the threats they want, but it doesn't mean anything will happen. I do warn new GMs of bad people if I see they've joined a new guild.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I made the mistake of taking in someone who claimed she'd been abused in her old guild, kicked for no reason, blah blah blah... never have I seen one person create so much drama. Disregarding the Ops leaders, disregarding and disrespecting the guild officers, and then lying to me about it all. She wasn't a child, either. When I finally kicked her she got her boyfriend to whisper threats to me. But nothing ever happened.


I guess I'm trying to say that these things happen, and it's best to move on and ignore the person. They can make all the threats they want, but it doesn't mean anything will happen. I do warn new GMs of bad people if I see they've joined a new guild.


If she was a transfer from Jedi Covenant I think I know who you mean. If not, there's more than one? *cry*

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