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Ranked (Guild v Guild & Kickball)


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not sure if joking or referring to a specific instance.


Both :p you caught me slipping in a huttball match just after I scored and started my channeled self heal. I won't lie... I felt kind of embarrassed I let myself get killed by one guy.


...but I did not have any particular healers in mind. although, comically, there have been quite a few scoundrels that I dropped from 100% to 0%. and got me a solo medal in the process. so I'm sure I wasn't getting invisi-help from some ranged. I killed a sage or an op through guard too. it's just...iunno. guess it makes me feel good after the futility of trying to tunnel a scoundrel getting crosshealed and guarded. but w/e


It's rare I get guarded rolling solo but my sniper feels your pain. :D

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- Updated POC for <The Ebon Remnant>.


- Added <Unicorn Stampede> proposal for Monday as an additional night for GvG Ranked.


(Looking for feedback from other guilds if this night is feasible and/or what another option may be.)


<The Einherjar> are still a ways off from having a feasible Ranked team so no updates. I'll let V'rod (or one of the other team members) chime in for <Revelation>.

Edited by JAYFB
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foxmob, youre a very cynical person aren't you? lol i really dont know what to tell you. i mean if the pvp is so bad here and everyone is just so average (or "meh" in your words ;P) why stay on this server, or why play at all if it bothers you so much. theres a lot of solid premades out there. obv none are facerolling like LD used to, but thats cuz most of the current premades arent treating each match like its ranked. theyre trying to have fun. with friends. that being said, if youre not having fun with things my suggestion would be to just unsub man honestly instead of talking in all the forums how all the premades are just average players and trying to sound so elite lol. i pvp to have fun and meet cool new ppl and make friends and if that doesnt happen for me anymore, thats the day i unsub.
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Foxmob always has and always will hate premades. He's a solo queueing masochist like I used to be lol.


Best advice I got from a few friends from those better guilds before they left... "Queue with other good players." As much as I fought it, I finally realized solo queueing is for the birds. Although i still do occasionally, some one picks me up before too long and the fun and wins come rolling.

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Foxmob always has and always will hate premades. He's a solo queueing masochist like I used to be lol.


Best advice I got from a few friends from those better guilds before they left... "Queue with other good players." As much as I fought it, I finally realized solo queueing is for the birds. Although i still do occasionally, some one picks me up before too long and the fun and wins come rolling.


You qued up with us on your scoundrel one day, then promptly left for pot5. Should I read between the lines? lol

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You qued up with us on your scoundrel one day, then promptly left for pot5. Should I read between the lines? lol


Nah I was being recruited the whole time... Even before transfers were open. A personal message from Banksy got me to finally jump. Cost me a good pvp friend tho (sorry Oscar >.<)


Funny thing is since I don't have the time for ranked i wish i had, I don't really play much there any more.

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foxmob, youre a very cynical person aren't you? lol i really dont know what to tell you. i mean if the pvp is so bad here and everyone is just so average (or "meh" in your words ;P) why stay on this server, or why play at all if it bothers you so much. theres a lot of solid premades out there. obv none are facerolling like LD used to, but thats cuz most of the current premades arent treating each match like its ranked. theyre trying to have fun. with friends. that being said, if youre not having fun with things my suggestion would be to just unsub man honestly instead of talking in all the forums how all the premades are just average players and trying to sound so elite lol. i pvp to have fun and meet cool new ppl and make friends and if that doesnt happen for me anymore, thats the day i unsub.


didn't ask. wasn't talking to you. so on and so forth.

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Foxmob always has and always will hate premades. He's a solo queueing masochist like I used to be lol..


nah. never cared about 1-4m grps. never complained about them. but there are no more moral victories on this server. as I said earlier. it's frustrating to get a crap comp from matchmaking. the ppl who invited me to grp had a op going, so I ditched asap. but I go in sprees of solo and grp. don't really know anyone left on server. nobody answers when I ask in pvp chan. shrug. move on. no skin. can always leave if I don't like my team.

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*In an effort to get this thread back on topic* Revelation would be open to running a ranked team on another night. As it stands now, one of our guys will not be able to make it this Sunday so it looks like we wont be in the que. Unfortunately, it may be to late for this week but we would que another day (to avoid going an entire week without a que) if it works with everyone's schedule.


P.S. Please keep this thread on topic. We want this to be a tool for finding ranked info. Thanks.

Edited by ChesterUSCG
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nah. never cared about 1-4m grps. never complained about them. but there are no more moral victories on this server. as I said earlier. it's frustrating to get a crap comp from matchmaking. the ppl who invited me to grp had a op going, so I ditched asap. but I go in sprees of solo and grp. don't really know anyone left on server. nobody answers when I ask in pvp chan. shrug. move on. no skin. can always leave if I don't like my team.


Premades help with bad group comp. I try to go with someone tanky and a few good dps. it doesn't fix stupid and sometimes it feels like your premade has to do EVERYTHING... But alternatives being: solo queue healer and be everyone's target. Solo queue sniper and somehow still be everyone's target. Solo queue smash marauder and be OP and bored as hell in 30-54s.


By the way, if I'm not already grouped, just invite. You don't even need to ask, I'm always queueing. My op doesn't even have her starship yet so I ain't doin anything else...

Edited by ace_boogie
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*In an effort to get this thread back on topic* Revelation would be open to running a ranked team on another night. As it stands now, one of our guys will not be able to make it this Sunday so it looks like we wont be in the que. Unfortunately, it may be to late for this week but we would que another day (to avoid going an entire week without a que) if it works with everyone's schedule.


P.S. Please keep this thread on topic. We want this to be a tool for finding ranked info. Thanks.


just pick up someone else in guild for sunday? we were missing 2 or 3 of our guys on sunday and we still just picked up guildies. dont need a perfect comp. id rather play with a less than perfect comp than not play at all lol.

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this is why i refuse to participate in anything ghost is in. we wrecked his team, held a 3 cap on novare for 90% of the match. i /say gg at the end of the match and this is what he comes back with. i tried being nice then he got all hostile. if you cant play the game for fun and you just rage dont play the game.

just a screen shot for those who dont think ghost says anything at all. those kickball teams between imp and pub were so overmatched it wasnt even fair yet he still acts like its a big deal

Edited by Cinerous
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I haven't seen a word out of shatter. neb's always pretty quiet when I'm in a match (either team). only kenny and shatter did that farm thing with your grp in hb one time and agreed not to after damsyl. gotta say, ya'll been pretty nice and welcoming after that hb.


imo, this one's on you ghosty. just fair warning, nobody trolls like <US> trolls when they troll. so...y'know...you might wanna not do that. not that he even reads the forum. lol

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Not taking up for Ghost, really don't know him. However, we did get wrecked pretty hard that match, 3 capped, and then farmed at spawn point by Neb and a few others. No big deal, sh*t happens and you move on. Ghost over reacted, but after the faceroll butt-whopping we took, /say GG came across as troll bait. Ghost bought it, hook line and sinker. Next match I was in we faced pretty much the same Unicorn team, but I was on Imp side for this one. Another faceroll game, but it was Unicorns on the receiving end of the stomping. I don't recall any /say GGs after the match.
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this is why i refuse to participate in anything ghost is in. we wrecked his team, held a 3 cap on novare for 90% of the match. i /say gg at the end of the match and this is what he comes back with. i tried being nice then he got all hostile. if you cant play the game for fun and you just rage dont play the game.

just a screen shot for those who dont think ghost says anything at all. those kickball teams between imp and pub were so overmatched it wasnt even fair yet he still acts like its a big deal


He has a Mara over on pot5. He's just a very average player, nothing special at all.


Seems to like /say pvp though.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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Not taking up for Ghost, really don't know him. However, we did get wrecked pretty hard that match, 3 capped, and then farmed at spawn point by Neb and a few others. No big deal, sh*t happens and you move on. Ghost over reacted, but after the faceroll butt-whopping we took, /say GG came across as troll bait. Ghost bought it, hook line and sinker. Next match I was in we faced pretty much the same Unicorn team, but I was on Imp side for this one. Another faceroll game, but it was Unicorns on the receiving end of the stomping. I don't recall any /say GGs after the match.


true enough. I think CM had it right when he said ppl don't consistently GG or when they do, it isn't genuine, so just don't say anything. that's mostly true, I think. and I try to reserve my GGs for /ops. can't flip out when someone else says gg though. lol

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this is why i refuse to participate in anything ghost is in. we wrecked his team, held a 3 cap on novare for 90% of the match. i /say gg at the end of the match and this is what he comes back with. i tried being nice then he got all hostile. if you cant play the game for fun and you just rage don't play the game.

just a screen shot for those who don't think ghost says anything at all. those kickball teams between imp and pub were so over matched it wasn't even fair yet he still acts like its a big deal


Have to agree we say GG out of respect for a fellow PVPer not because we only do it when we win we do it when we loose win or draw because it is respectful. I was there when you said this and he went off for no reason like beating a team in a kick ball made up of a mixed kickball group is any thing special.

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Not taking up for Ghost, really don't know him. However, we did get wrecked pretty hard that match, 3 capped, and then farmed at spawn point by Neb and a few others. No big deal, sh*t happens and you move on. Ghost over reacted, but after the faceroll butt-whopping we took, /say GG came across as troll bait. Ghost bought it, hook line and sinker. Next match I was in we faced pretty much the same Unicorn team, but I was on Imp side for this one. Another faceroll game, but it was Unicorns on the receiving end of the stomping. I don't recall any /say GGs after the match.



Unicorns only says GG out of respect for fellow pvpers nothing more. We do it when we loose not all will do it either only some of us will. We may troll some time's but we still have respect for pvpers in general. Acting like he did just hurts the community peroid

Edited by Neoforcer
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Not taking up for Ghost, really don't know him. However, we did get wrecked pretty hard that match, 3 capped, and then farmed at spawn point by Neb and a few others. No big deal, sh*t happens and you move on. Ghost over reacted, but after the faceroll butt-whopping we took, /say GG came across as troll bait. Ghost bought it, hook line and sinker. Next match I was in we faced pretty much the same Unicorn team, but I was on Imp side for this one. Another faceroll game, but it was Unicorns on the receiving end of the stomping. I don't recall any /say GGs after the match.


lol what?! which one did my team get butt raped on? was that the one where battlestation was trying to superqueue in a hypergate and the ones on one side (my side) all quit the match, leaving us with 5 ppl? cuz that one wasnt a gg at all lol. i try and say gg as much as possible (if its actually a gg and not some stupid ******** like guildies dropping a team cuz they failed a superqueue lol) thats the only match i remember getting beaten on was that hypergate.

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He has a Mara over on pot5. He's just a very average player, nothing special at all.


Seems to like /say pvp though.


lol whats his name on pot5? i wanna find him in outlaws or in a match and wreck his ****. hes an average smasher. not really anything great. play carnage and talk a lil less **** all the time and maybe ill have some more respect for the *****

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lol whats his name on pot5? i wanna find him in outlaws or in a match and wreck his ****. hes an average smasher. not really anything great. play carnage and talk a lil less **** all the time and maybe ill have some more respect for the *****


nobody's willing to play carnage anymore. and that's not just because smash is so easy. did you notice that in 2.0, EVERY class is faster? I sure as heck have noticed it, and it saddens me. ops did not need a roll. maybe give that to concealment alone cuz they're melee. htl did not need to boost speed. the value of predation was seriously diminished.

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Just checking in to see if Pub side Kickball actually happened last night (Tuesday)... Anyone know?


Don't think it happened last night, or if it did I missed the announcement in /pubpvp entirely. Sucks because I ended up running into a superqueue last night too. Was not a pleasant experience XD

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