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Ranked (Guild v Guild & Kickball)


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- Added <The Ebon Remnant> to the list of guilds. If someone could point out the team lead or a POC and anticipated que times, I'll update that. BTW, last night was a blast with 4 teams qued on Imp side! :D



You'll want to speak with Jas'ter/Bhayne/Drassk'norudo(or some **** like that). Just "who" The Ebon Remnant.


Also I'm gonna be gone a while so we are in the market for a really good op healer to replace me and a good 1v1 deception sin for guarding/ninjaing. Maybe a smasher too.


Just throwing that out there...

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yea id say the teams were pretty imbalanced still. i dont know that the imps won a match against the pubs at all, and the frustrated the imps and ******* like hikari ghost talking **** led to a lot of bad feelings. got to the point ppl were talking about dropping every match he was in. either keep him out of your groups or shut him up. we play kickball for fun and if he keeps talking **** we just wont play. just my 2 cents.


Hikari ghost the marauder?


If so, then thanks for the laugh.:)

Edited by EnzoForMe
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Really? I call bovine excrement on your statement. You sure have enough time to spend in normal warzones with your 6+ guild members facerolling and farming PuGs. When questioned why you are not involved in ranked play, your people remain silent. That speaks volumes in my book.


They were a pre-launch guild from Keller's Void and most of them unsubbed when ranked warzones were yanked at the last minute around, what maybe patch 1.3? They have been back long enough for most to reach 55 and start gearing up. Next time you see them in a regular warzone, do us all a favor and /who Starsiders. I am backing them up here, I know they would like nothing more than to que for ranked all of the time. Your book is wrong.

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not to be "that guy," but I don't feel good losing (moral victories) to any guild left on this server. there's nothing left here to be afraid of. although it's easy to make average premades look like superstars.
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Ran an absurd amount of regs yesterday, mostly due to sheer boredom around the house. This new guild (at least I think they are new) Starsider...only went up against them once while on Soul. Think they had 4 that match, was no faceroll. Pretty fun actually. Pub side only once did I see the Starsider Guild tag and it was a solo que. Was a shame, keep seeing their name pop up on the forums and wanted to get a good look at them.


2 nights ago I faced them in 3 different warzones. They had 6 people from their guild in each one. They dominated like it was no tomorrow. Reminded me of facing QQ or LD 50. I felt like I was a newbie wearing recruit gear in my first warzone. No one broke over 150k dps or heals. They slaughtered us. If they are that good, then they should be queuing for ranked not showing up and continuing the time honored thing Pub guilds are famous for on this server.

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I would like to type a more appropriate response but I am at work on a break with my phone.


1. Thanks for the back up nitro, appreciate that.

2. As he said, we have waited for rated WZs for a very long time. The only 2 nights we have had 8 people on we have queued both times for rated. Last time I checked, 6 + does not equal an 8 man team.

3. The first time we had enough people we queued immediately even with most of us having less than 25k health. Our motto has always been "anywhere, anytime". We have been waiting for a comptetitive game to play together for a long time.

4. Please take your ill informed attitude elsewhere. Thanks.

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not to be "that guy," but I don't feel good losing (moral victories) to any guild left on this server. there's nothing left here to be afraid of. although it's easy to make average premades look like superstars.


Foxmob, it might be time to do just that as I suggested in that CW we won together. I think I can convince my GM to allow us to host a team on mumble so we can do so.

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do what? all I said was there's a dirth of talent on this server, and the ppl roflstomping you are average 4m's that look like super stars because there's so much meh here. I don't really care. my new thing is to leave like I'm a jenna'cidic sagorer. no calls. not passing balls. filling resolve before a fire pit. w/e. idc. I'm not going to play with 6 derps against anybody of any competence.


e.g., I'm soloing most ppl...and an insane number of healers...IN AP SPEC. dude. AP. lol and I'm like...good. maybe. just above average. not even scratching great.


but it's a casual pvp scene. if you want more, give BW your monies. otherwise...meh. it's a wonderful word. it means no worries...for all your passing days....

Edited by foxmob
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As far as I know, PD doesn't even have 6 active PvP members (though they're all good, so they may seem more populous). I've never seen more than 4 on at once. They may be quing rateds soon though. :D


Starsider somehow took the last s off their guild tag. No idea why.


And I like a casual PvP scene. I came back, and I got an old-time Unc friend to come back, because we don't want to have PvP be srs bsns all the time -- it's just fun to play with competent people. It's also fun to play *against* competent people. Are there no competent unaffiliated imps on the fleet you can do pick-up group q with?


It's true that when two competent 4s or 4+3 get matched together on one team the result can be unfun for all involved, but I'm not sure anyone is doing that intentionally.

Edited by flem
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Why must pvp always bring out the worst in people? Cinerous is trying to do a GOOD thing and breathe life back into the pvp community and ranked scene. We have even found common ground amongst guilds who once despised each other. Can you guys not bash on the forums and save it for the battlefield? Yes, we may not all be superstars at pvp, but we do enjoy playing it and want to continue with civil rivalries. If you can't grow up and accept the challenge of possible defeat, maybe you should play jacks or tiddly-winks:cool:
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Jumping in here.... This is not addressed to anyone in particular but if you want to argue, do it elsewhere.


This thread is here to help bring us together for kickball and GvG ranked. Check the drama at the door.

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Meant to do this earlier but forgot until today, but just wanted to say thanks for the kickball games on Saturday night :D. Had some good games. Shout out to <Starsiders> as well. They handed it to us pretty good in 3 Huttballs and a Hypergate. I will say that playing 4 Huttballs in a row was the most anoyying thing for me about that night XD. Not necessarily because we lost but because i just dont like Huttball....at all.


Sidenote: Sorry to hear about Hikari giving the imp teams trouble by smack-talking. I didnt join until a little later so I dont think I was in the match where he did it but still sorry to hear that happened and hopefully we can avoid incidents like that in the future. I think Krogan already summed up how I feel about not wanting PvP to go back to where it started....as in not a PvP community at all/one that is always fighting amongst each other.

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e.g., I'm soloing most ppl...and an insane number of healers...IN AP SPEC. dude. AP. lol and I'm like...good. maybe. just above average. not even scratching great.


Doesn't count when you start shooting fire from behind when they have 1/3rd health left from previous engagement:rolleyes:

Edited by ace_boogie
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Doesn't count when you start shooting fire from behind when they have 1/3rd health left from previous engagement:rolleyes:


not sure if joking or referring to a specific instance. but I did not have any particular healers in mind. although, comically, there have been quite a few scoundrels that I dropped from 100% to 0%. and got me a solo medal in the process. so I'm sure I wasn't getting invisi-help from some ranged. I killed a sage or an op through guard too. it's just...iunno. guess it makes me feel good after the futility of trying to tunnel a scoundrel getting crosshealed and guarded. but w/e

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