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Ranked (Guild v Guild & Kickball)


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Rwzs were a bust kickball is a bust anyway you look at it. If you would like to be better at PvP rather then join water down competition find the people you feel and good grp with them, ask for chat info listen to coordination that's how I was able to learn and would help anyone who asked.


Watered down? No gear requirements? Mediocre skilled players? It is obvious you have no respect for most if not all the Imp side players.


Every time I've queued with a group in kickball was with fully geared and skilled players. But let's us not confuse the issue with facts.


The old ways you said that works, is long dead. It is only there for people who want to make themselves feel good for rolling, destroying, and beating new competition. Oh wait, there won't be because kickball is dead, nothing more than preschool. Yup, no respect.

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I reckon you can take a player out of LD 50, but you cannot take LD 50 out of the player.




He wasn't even in LD. And people in LD did more for kickball than a lot of people, but don't talk about that side :rolleyes:

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Still planning on trying to get a few pub groups together tonight (Saturday) for kickball. Although this may be my last time doing it. I'm getting a little burnt out of dealing with the drama each weekend... If someone else wants to take over, please do.
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Ah, so "some or someone" disrespected you and now it is ALL those who participate in kickball fault. Therefore, based on that you wreck it for everyone because of a slight? Hm, that's akin to "taking your ball home" because you didn't get your way.


Anyway, thank you for wrecking kickball for those of us who are were working to learn the ins and outs of ranked pvp without spending months being facerolled by guilds like yours. I do hope your pleased with your self. I reckon you can take a player out of LD 50, but you cannot take LD 50 out of the player.


Like Daven said... if you wanna learn the ins and outs, playing watered down teams isn't the way to do it. Losses are what make teams and players better. Kickball is just a comms farm and sorta a total perversion of what BW intended them to be. I do understand why you do them, and to crash them isn't the only reason we que.... Ranked warzones are being removed in 2.4 and a lot of our members have busy RL's so we like to run whenever we get the chance.


but ive already explained this around 50 times to you people.


And none of DYEFLB was ever in LD50 (except Ranj) so.... yeah not sure where you got that from.


On other news guys we're hosting a duel tourney, still looking for more teams to participate, there's a post about it on the JC forums. (press back once). cash (credit) Prizes! :o

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Kickball is just a comms farm and sorta a total perversion of what BW intended them to be. I do understand why you do them, and to crash them isn't the only reason we que.

no. win trading, what b30 did, was comm farming. I could give a **** about rated comms. I could give a **** about grinding gear. gear is easy and a joke to grind in this game. I don't need to farm rated comms. kickball offers a means of creating competitive matches (i.e., matches in which both teams are closely matched) on voice.


close matches = fun. exhilarating


lopsided matches = boring, full of troll and butthurt

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I would like to fill the vacuum of Krogan's guidance and will continue to organize kickball on Wednesday's and Saturdays at 8 pm est. We just had a GREAT night of rateds on the rep side and I'd like to thank the community for not crashing the party! On that note, we've got a good thing going, I'll try to keep things fair and balanced for both the reps and the imps by checking in on both channels and whatever voice server people are using. There are some hard feelings here, but I would like to ask the various leaders on the server to contact me on any one of my toons that are listed in my signature and I'll also go out of my way to find people. I know 8 man rateds are being removed, but I don't see why we can't have fun in them until then.



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Ok first Vasyl the smug is a beast I have played him a few times and dude is a stright pain in the *** to kill.

2. You say you want to learn the ins and outs or rwz then why q with random people with no gear requirements, that will "balance" the team? Unfortunately to learn the ins and outs of rwz your gonna get rolled...

Every good guild in rateds didn't start out that way.


I personally don't think we ruined kickball "pre-school" games rwz are gone did anyone really care about preseason 1 rating? Rwzs were a bust kickball is a bust anyway you look at it. If you would like to be better at PvP rather then join water down competition find the people you feel and good grp with them, ask for chat info listen to coordination that's how I was able to learn and would help anyone who asked.


He easy to kill when you focus ask Vasyl how he like dieing in under 4 sec to the ebon remnant when we got there premade to ours. If you cant kill him like that then you do not focus fire the healers..


Have you ruined kickball yes from what i hearing no one want to que now for ranks because they do not want to deal with th BS. Same thing happened when uncensored crashed kick ball people said screw it we will just que reg with friends. which is starting to happen now less and less teams queing

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I can't speak for the imp side because I haven't been over there at all, but the rep side players are still very enthusiastic about kickball. With that being said, I'd like to iron out the issues we have, after all it's a game and we're here to have fun right? Anyways, shoot me a line on any one of my toons that you see in my signature and we can rap.
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He wasn't even in LD. And people in LD did more for kickball than a lot of people, but don't talk about that side :rolleyes:


Aw, being mean to LD, my apologies. :eek: I've learned nothing from being facerolled by LD 50, QQ, v V v, Prime Defense, U.S. or the other guilds who populated normal warzones from one time to another, other than "learning to accept dying in 3 to 4 GCDs, not doing squat to them even though I was in fully augmented min/maxed WH gear except frustration beyond belief."


If you or anyone else believes that a person can learn from being blown out of a game, you're misguided. One cannot learn how to adjust tactics or strategies in a match of that magnitude. However, in a match where it comes down to the wire and employing a tactic to overcome a stalemate or any other scenario, you can learn from that. Kickball allows for that.


This is what kickball has taught me. On top of that, learning the functionality of commands, target focusing, coordinating CCs, stuns, grenades, and other tools is far easier in kickball than trying to develop these with a fresh team going into their first ranked warzone. One can only do so much in a normal warzone. The two, normal and ranked, are to entirely different beasts.


Kickball gives an opportunity to help players who've not had the time nor experience in a ranked warzone to obtain the experience and knowledge on how to operate. I can pass this on to my guild members as we put our own team together. And those guild members who participate in kickball are acclimated to this environment and it makes it easier to function as a team.


It comes down to this Rynis, what would you rather face in a ranked warzone? A team that has experience of playing in ranked via kickball allowing them to be competitive from the get go, or a team that has no idea of how to operate, no experience and cannot offer your team no challenge.


Lastly, this is why the ranked scene on this server is lacking. 1 or 2 guilds dominated it so much that the other guilds didn't even bother to queue. I have read enough on this forum and seen enough in general/pvp chat to know this. Right now, kickball is giving players the experience and confidence to play which will translate into competition. If you want solid competition like PoT5 offered here on JC, then your cooperation and coordination and others too, would help make this go a long way before BW removes 8v8 ranked and implements ranked death matches.

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Aw, being mean to LD, my apologies. :eek: I've learned nothing from being facerolled by LD 50, QQ, v V v, Prime Defense, U.S. or the other guilds who populated normal warzones from one time to another, other than "learning to accept dying in 3 to 4 GCDs, not doing squat to them even though I was in fully augmented min/maxed WH gear except frustration beyond belief."

- then maybe your a slow learner? I mean this would teach most people to use CDs or to learn to let your team know you need peels?


If you or anyone else believes that a person can learn from being blown out of a game, you're misguided. One cannot learn how to adjust tactics or strategies in a match of that magnitude. However, in a match where it comes down to the wire and employing a tactic to overcome a stalemate or any other scenario, you can learn from that. Kickball allows for that.

-Ofc u can learn from being beaten.... everyone does. Losing is the drive to better yourself... or at least SHOULD be. learn to adapt. "Defeat is the best teacher, to a man wise enough to study it" - Rincepz 08/18/13


This is what kickball has taught me. On top of that, learning the functionality of commands, target focusing, coordinating CCs, stuns, grenades, and other tools is far easier in kickball than trying to develop these with a fresh team going into their first ranked warzone. One can only do so much in a normal warzone. The two, normal and ranked, are to entirely different beasts. - Sort of... but why learn these things if you're never gonna apply them? Imo kickballs should have higher gear requirements... ive seen people in KB groups with 25k hp... I mean Partisan takes a week to grind out, isn't much to ask.


Kickball gives an opportunity to help players who've not had the time nor experience in a ranked warzone to obtain the experience and knowledge on how to operate. I can pass this on to my guild members as we put our own team together. And those guild members who participate in kickball are acclimated to this environment and it makes it easier to function as a team. - Best place to learn this is first in reg warzones while they acquire their partisan set. 8 man Ranked is going away for a while so I don't see the need for this currently. Altho they "have a chance to do It", I do understand.

It comes down to this Rynis, what would you rather face in a ranked warzone? A team that has experience of playing in ranked via kickball allowing them to be competitive from the get go, or a team that has no idea of how to operate, no experience and cannot offer your team no challenge. - the actual question here is... Rynis would you prefer to.... Run with people who have no clue and just waste your evening trying to explain to people what they should learn of a simple youtube video.... Or not run at all........ OR actually play the game your paying a sub for in your own way and be subject to abuse and harassment on forums from posters such as this one? make the call bro! :p


Lastly, this is why the ranked scene on this server is lacking. 1 or 2 guilds dominated it so much that the other guilds didn't even bother to queue. I have read enough on this forum and seen enough in general/pvp chat to know this. Right now, kickball is giving players the experience and confidence to play which will translate into competition. If you want solid competition like PoT5 offered here on JC, then your cooperation and coordination and others too, would help make this go a long way before BW removes 8v8 ranked and implements ranked death matches.


- The ranked scene is lacking because so many people are totally clueless on how to operate a rated team. I came here with 2 other guys from Pot5... we picked up 5 people who had NEVER done ranked before. and in our first ranked warzone night we beat most teams and became one of the top rated teams in the server... Proving personal coaching and the right tactics developed through losses and real ranked warzones.... by 3 people can be taught to 5 others.... and beats all these "kickball veterans" on our first run. (not to make a jab at any other guilds, some of you are really good), just proving a point to this guy that we stood toe to toe with people who have done kickballs for weeks.... with 5 guys who had NEVER been inside a ranked warzone before.


And on that I rest my case

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It comes down to this Rynis, what would you rather face in a ranked warzone? A team that has experience of playing in ranked via kickball allowing them to be competitive from the get go, or a team that has no idea of how to operate, no experience and cannot offer your team no challenge.



I have yet to face Rynis in a ranked match (might have to wait for arenas). Though I am sure that he is a good competitor and would prefer solid competition.


My message to the inhabitants of JeCov is stop acting elitist, it is not good for the server, especially since 8v8 ranked it going the way of the dinosaur. We @Starsider want as many people geared as possible since it will make for better arenas.


To get the topic back on track, who is up for PTS ranked Arenas? / Also what team comp is everyone taking to the real arenas?

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@Starchild let it go bud you have made your point, you cant get belligerent that someone does not see things your way. Sub = Sub. You will only need 4 for arenas, you should be good enough to hit him where it hurts (in the wz).


@Corsin don't respond to Starschild behavior on the forums, this is not conducive to a good community.

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I would like to fill the vacuum of Krogan's guidance and will continue to organize kickball on Wednesday's and Saturdays at 8 pm est.


- Added Wed / Sat kickball pub side. Thanks for taking lead Sowa.


Looking forward to some GvG tonight. <Revelation> will be in que around 8ish. Hopefully we'll have another good showing of groups in que!

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-I'm all for setting up carebear ball, but I'm still in the Army 'till next April so I will miss days every now and then.


-Ryniz asked me to join some random *** group he's in this Sunday and I talked to Natureboy, so Rev will have at least one team to que against.

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Oh and one last thing, spread the word about our imppvp/pubpvp channels, let's get people involved and bring us closer together. Some people are newer and afraid to ask for help but with a readily accessible community of players to draw from they can learn and improve. I remember when I first started pvping back in September, I'd log on, solo que, then lose 6 times to finish my daily and would have to wait about 3 weeks to finish a weekly. Not very much fun and I don't think I could do it again with what I know now! :p
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I wouldnt say youre one of the top ranked teams on the server when theres like 4 teams that queue regularly. i can account for Unicorns who have gone 1-1 against you, ik chaotic has beat you once or 2x and youve beat them a few times, idk how you've done against revelation or any other guilds but i dont think there are really any "top ranked teams" considering theres only a few that regularly queue up.
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He easy to kill when you focus ask Vasyl how he like dieing in under 4 sec to the ebon remnant when we got there premade to ours. If you cant kill him like that then you do not focus fire the healers..


Have you ruined kickball yes from what i hearing no one want to que now for ranks because they do not want to deal with th BS. Same thing happened when uncensored crashed kick ball people said screw it we will just que reg with friends. which is starting to happen now less and less teams queing


You're that Sin that blows Maul procs on Dodge and loses matches with 6-7 of your guildies.... you're kinda bad at internet lightsaberz

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I wouldnt say youre one of the top ranked teams on the server when theres like 4 teams that queue regularly. i can account for Unicorns who have gone 1-1 against you, ik chaotic has beat you once or 2x and youve beat them a few times, idk how you've done against revelation or any other guilds but i dont think there are really any "top ranked teams" considering theres only a few that regularly queue up.


We we're 1-1 three weeks ago on our first time in rateds, last sunday (or the sunday before) we beat your guys twice. Once in a HuttBall and once in a Hypergate. Although in your teams defence I think on the huttball 1 of your guys dc'd But hey unlike you at least I have my facts straight.


So that makes 3 - 1 :)


But let me guess not your main team? np neither was ours.


and Chaotic beating us? LOL what? we've steamrolled them 4 times. They won 1 voidstar cos our sin tank hit windows key at the start. But we held them at the bridges for the whole 7 mins. 58 kills to 6. (so was kinda a moral victory still)


We've lost to revelation once, beat them a few times. they got a good team tho. US and revelation are the only 2 teams that give us trouble so far. But our win/loss ratio is still 3-1 vs both of your teams.... so far so good :)


Also I did say "One of". not the top. (altho the win/loss ratios would indicate... lol jk) So I don't know what your crying at other than for the sake of it. but HEY don't think anyone here is surprised at that. Think this is the 6th time? that ive cared to read about?

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