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Ranked (Guild v Guild & Kickball)


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GG's last night everyone. Great games against <Chaotic Pixels>, <Unicorn Stampede>, <Dark Eclipse>, and <Do You Even Force Lift Bro>!! Looking forward to more guilds joining in soon hopefully.


Had a blast playing ranked last night, hope this keeps up, and if we keep doing it everyone will get better, and it will become even more fun..I learn something new every game.( mostly learned I suck last night). but I learned it.

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Had a blast playing ranked last night, hope this keeps up, and if we keep doing it everyone will get better, and it will become even more fun..I learn something new every game.( mostly learned I suck last night). but I learned it.

you were annihilation this afternoon in NC. did you run that in rated? :p

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not like its really a big deal, just something i noticed, the kickball team i was on went up against hikarighosts team 3 or 4 times last night, and after each game (win or loss) i and a few others on our team would /say gg yet nobody on the other team said anything.

on another note, i wanna bring up the suggestion of possibly separating pub and imp kickball nights. from what ive seen a "kickball" pub team wins 9/10 of their matches against imp teams. my thought process is because it seems there is normally only one pub team queuing, and its a stacked team. compared to the 2-4 imp teams that are watered down to try and BALANCE the teams to make it fair. the pub teams i have seen are not balanced at all compared to the imp teams. if theres 2 or more imp teams and 1 pub team...thats not kickball guys. thats called pug ranked. kickball is built around swapping players and balancing teams as much as we can..just some food for thought.

also. shout out to nemesis for bringing a full guild team against a kickball team...


I was on that team and I just want to say us not responding to ggs was in no way indicative of our lack of respect or whatever. A lot of us don't even enable general chat or whispers so on my chat tab I don't see it at all. Also, I personally rarely respond to comments after ranked because in my experience some one will always take something the wrong way. Its much better to restrict communication to voice comms to avoid drama.


As for the second point - to try to separate pub and imp side kickball - I'm afraid I can't agree to this, at least not at this stage. What you are suggesting will completely destroy pub side kickball. Most of the time forming more than one team is a challenge on pub side, and the only motivating factor is the idea that there might be a pop against imp teams. Even getting a reasonable comp is a issue at times. a Sometimes a second team does manage to be formed up after a few games, but then the first team disintegrates soon and there is a very short period of overlap. If we need to get a full 16, nothing will get off the ground at all.


Now, a question to other PvP guilds - do you guys forsee a second GvG night you could commit too? For my main group Sunday is difficult to achieve due to different commitments / raids. We should at least have a weekday to make things happen.

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I was on that team and I just want to say us not responding to ggs was in no way indicative of our lack of respect or whatever. A lot of us don't even enable general chat or whispers so on my chat tab I don't see it at all. Also, I personally rarely respond to comments after ranked because in my experience some one will always take something the wrong way. Its much better to restrict communication to voice comms to avoid drama.


As for the second point - to try to separate pub and imp side kickball - I'm afraid I can't agree to this, at least not at this stage. What you are suggesting will completely destroy pub side kickball. Most of the time forming more than one team is a challenge on pub side, and the only motivating factor is the idea that there might be a pop against imp teams. Even getting a reasonable comp is a issue at times. a Sometimes a second team does manage to be formed up after a few games, but then the first team disintegrates soon and there is a very short period of overlap. If we need to get a full 16, nothing will get off the ground at all.


when you guys run 1 team pub side for kickball the only time ive ever seen you lose was 2x at huttball against me and kenny. when the pub "kickball" starts queuing it makes ppl quit on imp side. because our teams are WATERED down and the teams are seperated to be BALANCED. the teams you guys make are all fully geared out except maybe with the exception of one person. its not kickball at all. its pug ranked at that point. kickball is designed around balancing teams. you cant balance teams when you have 2 on imp side and 1 on pub side. the 2 imp teams can be balanced against each other, but again. watered down in the sake of fairness for our kickball teams we dont stack teams cuz nobody enjoys losing all night.

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when you guys run 1 team pub side for kickball the only time ive ever seen you lose was 2x at huttball against me and kenny. when the pub "kickball" starts queuing it makes ppl quit on imp side. because our teams are WATERED down and the teams are seperated to be BALANCED. the teams you guys make are all fully geared out except maybe with the exception of one person. its not kickball at all. its pug ranked at that point. kickball is designed around balancing teams. you cant balance teams when you have 2 on imp side and 1 on pub side. the 2 imp teams can be balanced against each other, but again. watered down in the sake of fairness for our kickball teams we dont stack teams cuz nobody enjoys losing all night.


It seems like to me that it would make more sense to just have a minimum gear standard for kickball nights. I'm not saying full conqueror or anything like that but I really don't think its unreasonable to ask that people have at least close to full partisan before they jump into a ranked queue, i mean its not exactly difficult to get. I understand the whole point of kickball is to get more people involved in rated play but its really not too much to ask that people farm a little bit of gear in regs before they do kickball. Not having people with absolutely no pvp gear in the queue would make the teams much easier to balance, and the games more competitive especially between pubs and imps. Just my two cents for what its worth.

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when you guys run 1 team pub side for kickball the only time ive ever seen you lose was 2x at huttball against me and kenny. when the pub "kickball" starts queuing it makes ppl quit on imp side. because our teams are WATERED down and the teams are seperated to be BALANCED. the teams you guys make are all fully geared out except maybe with the exception of one person. its not kickball at all. its pug ranked at that point. kickball is designed around balancing teams. you cant balance teams when you have 2 on imp side and 1 on pub side. the 2 imp teams can be balanced against each other, but again. watered down in the sake of fairness for our kickball teams we dont stack teams cuz nobody enjoys losing all night.


I have not seen this huge disparity in either gear or skill. We are picking up a lot of people who have no idea what to do in ranked. And as for gear, I'm still rocking majority partisan with mk6 augments. Also, in the few nights I've run on, the pub record vs imps have been almost consistently around 50%. We've run into quite a few bona-fide guild groups with a lot of people from one guild and you can't really claim impside is watered down.


I think right now pub side right now has neither the depth nor the flexibility to sustain a separate kickball night.. I'm all for keeping kickball fair and not have any guild vs pug team trashing, but what you are asking would divide the pvp communities on both factions and probably restrict rep teams to running ranked guild pvp.

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In all honesty, I don't understand what you guys expect the pubs to do? other than just never run ranked...

If on a kickball night they struggle to find 8 players. then that's just gonna have to be what they que up with.

YES I understand your point in being watered down. But honestly? everyone should be in full partisan before participating in kickball. as someone pointed out, its not hard to farm... 1 week at the most. But yeah I don't think anyone has the right to tell the pubs not to que for kickball because they cant get 16 players... they pay the same sub fee's as we all do, and shouldn't be dictated to, all because imp kickball teams are going in with 25k hpers with no minimum gear requirement.


On anther note, in response to Periphelion who asked about another night for guild commitment.... what nights do you have in mind and ill see what I can do? we tried for Friday before but no1 else was in que.

Also... if either team wins I don't expect the other team to bail out after a few games, no matter how bad the result. would be an epic waste of time and organisation and would really tick me off if someone ditched after 1 or 2 losses lol.

Edited by Corsin
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<Revelation> tried to que last Friday as well but unfortunately, we were missing some of our key players and by the time we were able to que, noone was around anymore. We're going to try again this Friday but it's not looking good as far as people's availability. If you exlclude Wednesday (imp kickball), open nights during the week for more GvG Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri. What works for your team Xider?


So on to Kickball... As far as pub side is concerned, I start doing invites around 8 PM and it usually takes about 20-30 min to get 16 people in the OPS group and sorted into some form of balanced compositions. The last three weeks we've done pub v pub for 2.5-3 hours. After that, people are getting tired, etc and we normally lose too many to keep two groups going. I personally usually bow out around then also. Normally a single group of 8 has tried to continue queing if there are imp groups in que. This group has typically been made up of folks who raid on Saturdays and can't join kickball until later or something like that.


The last few weeks, it's been difficult to get people involved pub side for kickball. We tend to have the same core group want to play each weekend. I don't know how or why but it's like pulling teeth trying to find the last two or three people we need for two groups.


So to everyone that plays regs on pub side, if you see decent players out there encourage them to come out on Saturdays. I've personally enjoyed meeting some new people and finally "talking" to players that I have seen running around.

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I have not seen this huge disparity in either gear or skill. We are picking up a lot of people who have no idea what to do in ranked. And as for gear, I'm still rocking majority partisan with mk6 augments. Also, in the few nights I've run on, the pub record vs imps have been almost consistently around 50%. We've run into quite a few bona-fide guild groups with a lot of people from one guild and you can't really claim impside is watered down.


I think right now pub side right now has neither the depth nor the flexibility to sustain a separate kickball night.. I'm all for keeping kickball fair and not have any guild vs pug team trashing, but what you are asking would divide the pvp communities on both factions and probably restrict rep teams to running ranked guild pvp.


pfft, meh sents 100% partisan gear was OP and you know it :cool:

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kick ball balance: if the pubs only have one team (there's usually more than 8 but less than 16), they need to hop into imp mumble and ask for some imps to switch over. if no imps are willing to do so, then they're choosing to create lopsided matches. now I understand that you may want to play your imp for numerous reasons, but the fact of the matter is that there are fewer pubs, which means those who do show up cannot switch over to imp without making the pub side player pool even more concentrated. Edited by foxmob
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GL to all in ranked arenas if I'm not still playing in October + roll 4 operative healers for that ez win. :cool:


new huttball map 2 years later :rolleyes:


You cant turtle the 4v4 ranked after after 5 min of the match the match goes into a death mode with a gas that cause major damage to you and effective healing get a big debuff from what i read you will not be able to cross heal at that time and your effective healing get a huge trauma debuff. The want you to fight it out not play the better healer game.

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So wed night I watched as 24 Imp players all got together and created 3 well balanced teams all consisting of people from Imp PvP channel. Great right? It was till once again DYEFL created a team to crash kickball and farm. The team consisted of a majority their members with a few ringers from the servers best ranked guilds.


So is Kickball done? Its not kickball if guilds are just going to make teams to farm the watered down other teams. It looks like Wed is just ranked now. Don't thin the teams out just bring your best. Looks like those are the new rules.


Oh and don't even start to say you are sorry and you didn't know garbage. We have seen this before and heard all your lame excuses and half felt apologies.

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So wed night I watched as 24 Imp players all got together and created 3 well balanced teams all consisting of people from Imp PvP channel. Great right? It was till once again DYEFL created a team to crash kickball and farm. The team consisted of a majority their members with a few ringers from the servers best ranked guilds.


So is Kickball done? Its not kickball if guilds are just going to make teams to farm the watered down other teams. It looks like Wed is just ranked now. Don't thin the teams out just bring your best. Looks like those are the new rules.


Oh and don't even start to say you are sorry and you didn't know garbage. We have seen this before and heard all your lame excuses and half felt apologies.


Maybe you missed the topic that got deleted regarding this? This is getting kinda old...


Rated warzones are been taken out in 2.4 anyway.


We crashed on Wednesday because in the past we've been accused of doing it even when we didn't so we thought what the hell.... If we're gonna get blamed for it... might aswel do it. Also... a lot of our members have busy RL's... so we run when we get chance.

aaand only 3 of us came from Pot5, so it gives us a good chance to practice new tactics and build group chem.


In the past we've ran with like 3 25k hpers on kickball nights and lost badly... we didn't come and cry at stacked teams.... we just said gg and moved on, replaced some pugs and won, that's how all previous drama balls have started... we lost a few with bad pugs, got better pugs and everyone gets upset.... No1 complained about us "crashing" when we lost. In-fact people even talked **** when they beat us with our 25k PvE pugs lol.


So basically... we're bored of being trolled when we play fair, (or play at a disadvantage). and cryed at when we win. So now its just w/e, and If you're looking for an apology you're not getting one.


Also... the team we played (and beat) the most, was the pub team. Which was a lot more stacked than the imp kickballs. So really we did you a favour, can thank me later ;)

Edited by Corsin
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We crashed on Wednesday because in the past we've been accused of doing it even when we didn't so we thought what the hell....



you, sir, are full of crap. two weeks ago, while kickball was forming, you started a team and pugged in /4. I whispered you, asking that you join our ops. I explained that it defeats the purpose of kickball if you do not join the ops so that we could divide the teams evenly and trade if they became imbalanced. you gave me some horse crap reply that you were pugging from /4. "what could be more even than that?" were your exact words.


we defeated your team on CW that night with the same standard comp that all of the kb teams were running (1 stealth, 2 heals, 1 guard tank). later that evening, I was playing on a different kb team and ran into your team again. oh look, 3 healers. they get to turtle the entirety of CW with a healer to spare for their natural node. idc about the lose, but you f*&(ed with the comps. the whole point of kb is to even the teams. but I suspect you already know this. you willfully chose not to join the kb pool and be divided amongst us. you are full of sh*t. the server knows it. but hey, gratz on bringing the pot5 douchery to jc. you're awesome!

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Honestly this is old and stupid... We crashed kickball qq on forums don't say anything to us in game cool story bro.

However last week I asked on 3 different occasions to join the kickball grp and was ignored.

So I now give zero ****s about kickball.


Watered down competition for "comps" sake then cry on forums that they were crashed or plz pubs don't kickball on wed we can't beat you... Plz cry more! At 1 point I wanted to help people out and be an active part of making this PvP community better but after all the trolling I no longer care, the Rwz community for the most part will cry after a loss no matter what, plz save your gg at the end acting like you have some sort of sportsmenship, then come cry on the forums.


I like some of the people I've met her but most need to grow up! What you basically saying is you have teams and win trade? When I took part in kickballs on fatman or bastion you pick the team you wanted and after 3 or 4 games switch it up, not make sure you all have some perfect comp. I also will no longer refer to thhem as kickball but a pre Scholl as its a bunch a winny *** kids who are gonna cry if they lose or talk **** if they win. Maybe one day you will put on your big boy pants and address us in game til then. **** you

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Honestly this is old and stupid... We crashed kickball qq on forums don't say anything to us in game cool story bro.

However last week I asked on 3 different occasions to join the kickball grp and was ignored.

So I now give zero ****s about kickball.

dunno who you are. don't care who you are. will assume part of dyeflb. I did, in fact, ask the dyeflb GM to merge with the kb population the one time I was on imp during kb and he was pugging. he refused. i was not aggressive. I was friendly. I explained why he should merge. that was in game.


I was not screaming and yelling at you in game. wait. what? I should have? lol you're trollin. I don't know who you are or whether you were actually ostracized or not. but you've got nothin. you are nothin. nobody on dyeflb has shown me anything. I can solo most of you in AP. AP! lol


nobody cares what kb meant to you on your troll servers. you are weak sauce and clearly try to muscle-up with others to get your wins. w/e. not my problem. grats of killing kb. you can be awesome too!


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