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I'm sorry Bioware, but this is my opinion on SWTOR and why I'm unsubscribing.


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You are absolutely allowed to feel the way you feel and express your opinion on the matter. That said, you need to understand this is the way of the MMO. When playing an MMO with a Free-to-Play market, there has to be a cash element somewhere. These corporations are "for-profit" businesses and not just fan gaming charities. Bioware didn't spend millions of dollars to make some freebie game for Star Wars fans. They were in it to make money. They failed to market it and work out the kinks in time before the launch. They wanted it on shelves before christmas for better sales. Smarter bet would have been wait til March, work out the kinks, and let people recover from christmas spending.


There is not an MMO alive today that doesn't have a sub price, or some type of cash shop. If someone can name even ONE that is 100% completely free, with zero cash items, zero subs, no money ever leaves your pocket including the download cost of the game itself, I will gladly retract that statement. Please don't misunderstand, this is not a personal attack, and it is certainly not intended to be a lecture. But the company that is "nickel and diming people to death" is a for-profit company which is a subsidiary of another company and is openly traded on the stock exchange. Their primary focus has ALWAYS been to make money. Fans are not people to them, they are dollar signs.


I wish you luck in another MMO and hope you find what you are looking for. But, be sure to do a lot of research first and understand what kind of game market you are in, and why it is the way it is. $15 a month is $.50 a day. If you play 2 hours each day, that is $.25 an hour for entertainment in the form of a game. I would challenge anyone to find 2 hours of entertainment that only costs $.50, requires no gas, and you don't even have to leave the house. Either way, if you do happen to find it, post it on Twitch and I might just make the switch :D

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I would challenge anyone to find 2 hours of entertainment that only costs $.50, requires no gas, and you don't even have to leave the house. Either way, if you do happen to find it, post it on Twitch and I might just make the switch :D


Working out, writing... sleeping! Okay, maybe not the latter.

I just couldn't resist the challenge. :o

You are right though, 15$ a month is a lot of entertainment for little money.

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You don't understand what he is saying about the Cartel Market.


He is saying that he pays a subscription cost, $15 dollars a month. Part of that goes to keeping the servers running, but the other part goes to making new content. That is how MMOs work, and how they have always worked.


He is saying that BW is trying to double dip him. Charge him for subscription, and then use development time to make items that you are required to buy. In a sense, you already payed for those items with that part of your subscription, but now you have to buy Cartel Coins to get the new items/content.


No it doesn't. Part of that goes towards maintaining the servers and pennies go to making new content. Team has a lot of people who need to be paid not only the developers. The CM is maybe felt to be a evil, but it is a necessary evil.

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Amazed about all the QQ'ing about "lack" of end-game content. Seriously? You get new end-game content every. freakin. patch.


Or, at least, that's what it seems like in the eyes of us PvP'ers.


Upgrading an operation to NiM mode doesn't qualify as content to the vast majority of PVE'ers, as they will never complete a level-appropriate HM op, much less a NiM one. It's as frustrating for those players to see NiM ops as it is for PVp'ers, since neither group cares about them.

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Well i agree it is not like we are not getting new content. The last update on the summer of swtor shows that they still try to keep the pace with their content cycle but it will be interessting to see what comes next. All datamined stuff is out at the end of the year. It will be interesting to see if the team can keep this pace with following content.

However i totally disagree that we should accept something because it is „the norm“. Don't let all the countrys in the western hemisphere know that we are ok with something as soon as it is „the norm“. If that would be the case i give them the advice to raise taxes to at least 60 or even 70%.

The norm shouldn't stop us from asking if it is really necessary. Is it necessary that subscribers have to buy new armors, speeders etc. in a way that they support the cm no matter what.

Why can we not earn it? Why are they not trying to make subscription even more appealing to f2p players? Legacy bank, on off switchable double xp, and yes why not some cloting store where you can preview all clothes available in all colors on all toons withou switching? Dual spec, gear switch with one click, 25% dicount on cm. Those are just some ideas i could think of in the last 5 minutes and there could be many more.

Why is it legit to ask for a choise if someone is willing to pay cc but not if someone asks if he can invest time and effort instead of supporting the cm. He is still paying 15$, is filling the server with live and most important is actually playing the game.

Think of all the people who try to prepear their char for Asation HC if there would be a 10% drop chance for revans mask. Or how they would grind every flashpoint that is connected to revan if you could grind the armor and the mask with a 1% drop chance. Of course onlyif you have a subscription.

I don't say i want everything for free and now. I just want the choise to not spent cc and instead benefit the server by running ops or fps with people.


I did not say that just because it IS the norm we should accept it I was saying that it has become the norm that is all. I also never said you can't ask for things and yes perhaps some things should be earned in game as opposed to the CM. But things like disable double xp won't happen that i can assure you of as that would imbalance the leveling besides if you don't wish to use it don't level on those days. However, a legacy bank I could get behind


Oh by the way I am currently doing HM TFB with my raiding team we have not completed it yet but when we do we going to farm it so people can get geared which to your words is NOT in the CM. And in actuality you are asking for things to be given to you. The simple thing is if you don't want to spend CC then you don't have to. It is not being forced upon you. But the people who do want to and pay a sub should not have to feel they second class people just because they can spend a little more money. Finally if paying a sub is how you want to do your support that is great and if you wish to do only fps and ops that is great too but I say again you don't need to use the CM at all.

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While I do agree that overhyping Wildstar isn't a good idea, you don't seem to understand how the paths work. As a player, you get to do all of the types of leveling. Even if you pick the warrior path, you still do the exploring, etc but you mainly get to do warrior quests. The idea is, you get to level how you want to, but it also makes for a ton of replayabilty.


No, i do understand. I am giving a ridiculous example to make it obvious that its a scham and not player choice. They lock you out of quite a chunk of content in your character for the excuse of having a profession they are deidicated to. It sounds cool in theory but in practice why cant you fight monsters and looks for lore items and explore locations, etc?

They are basically forcing you to create alts if you want to enjoy other aspects of the game and dont let you do it with your main. This means that everytime they update one of the paths, all the players who didnt choose that path just get the shaft. What is the point of locking your players out of content? The game could be awesome with all those features and variety on the leveling process without forcing you to be locked to only one. That doesnt sound fun at all.

Edited by Nemmar
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Upgrading an operation to NiM mode doesn't qualify as content to the vast majority of PVE'ers, as they will never complete a level-appropriate HM op, much less a NiM one. It's as frustrating for those players to see NiM ops as it is for PVp'ers, since neither group cares about them.


See this is where your wrong. In my guild of raiders we have completed NIM EV KP and soon to be EC NIM. Our top team has just completed SNV HM and is soon working on TFB NIM so don't say that the "vast majority" of PvEers are not happy because some of us actually are and do in fact care about them.

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I would argue that the game no longer targets the traditional or hardcore player, and also that recent studies, cited by more than one community member here in multiple threads seems to indicate that the hardcore playerbase is leaving the market for FPS games.


That said, there are ways to provide the kind of satisfying and ever-changing raid content to the remaining minority of hardcore players in the game. I have made a suggestion to this point.


New end game raid suggestion...Tomb of Lords


I'm going to be doing a rewrite of it soon to flesh it out a bit more based on feedback.

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Are those a rules violation? If not, they should be, since they are pure trolling.

Ah. I see one Biodrone is up PvP'ing now.


Just because you don't agree with a thread with negative views on the game doesn't mean it's "pure trolling".



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Okay, I'm the poor hutt that went through that 30 minute opinion/rant, whatever you want to call it and I'm going to comment.


You started off complaining about the cartel market inclusions when in fact it's completely optional and more then likely the same people who are subbed to star wars the old republic are the main population who purchases CC, go figure! Then at the 7 minute mark you then went on to promoting another game that isn't even out yet, is he serious? are you serious? And even went onto saying wildstar, that isn't even out yet is going to kill star wars, when in fact people have been saying MMO's where going to kill other MMO's since the beginning of the genre and It has never happened! And yes, developers and companies prolong their game with carrot on the stick business moves because specially in the MMO genre, when people leave, they almost never come back and if they do, the company never got money from said player absence, can you blame them for using such said tactics? This happens in every MMO to date and a lot of companies such as Funcom with The Secret World fire a lot of employees and divide content in smaller patches so they don't need a BIG staff and it gives people to look forward to the future. Why you make it seem like Jesse Ventura - conspiracy theories is beyond me, Imagine if you uploaded all your content and everyone breezed through such said content(like on release) what motive does it give current players to continue to play their game with NOTHING serious planned for the future? ... nothing really, the release of swtor proves that much with the mass exodus. Then towards the 18th mark when you started to draw badly designed pictures on paint, I started to wonder what am I doing with my life, but continued on because I've gotten this far. While yes, I agree, breaking up a large patch into smaller patches produces a lot of bugs, It was the correct business choice for what they needed and wanted to do, I hate it, you hate it, we all hate it, but It was correct, so I cannot fault them for doing what is right by them, the game is made to make money, not act as a charity.


After going through all what you pretty much said, you would have hated WoW on launch and you'll hate pretty much every other MMO on the market as well. You lost all credibility when for a lot of the 30 minutes and so early on you promoted another game that is completely Irrelevant because the thing isn't even out yet and not to mention it's under the same company banner that is controlling GW2, that is doing the same tactics but even harsher with content.


- FML. :rak_03:

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Another Childish ranting about no end game content among other things, but the he himself claims he took off from work to play this game in the beginning . That right there shows me this person does not even show responsibilty to make sure to provide for his 2 year old child. He rushed to get to level 50 which I see is one of the big reasons why we really had a mass exodus at the beginning of the game due to a lot of the Guild leaders tell their members to do that. No matter what game they go to, It won't be enough endgame. This is not Wildstar, WOW, EVE, SWG or any of the other games.

This is SWTOR . It is not meant to be the other ones , but all I see are player wanting all those items from other games shoved into this one. As for the Cartel store, I have seen worse C-stores in other games with a lot of items being P2W. This store has Fluff. It is not needed to play or win the game. I apologize for ranting myself, but this person is more toward the lines of me, mine, I want this stuff yesterday. It takes longer to program content for the game than what they are willing to wait for. and who is he to say that he know what other players are thinking. Ok , so we have one person rant and say I quit while we have 30 more trying out the game at the same time. I'm stepping off of my Soap Box now. I hope he finds what he is looking for.


Pretty much my first thoughts as well. But that's the nature of things and many players these days. I'm going to show my age here but I know for a fact that some of these players (OP maybe or maybe not) would crap themselves if they had to play EverQuest the original back in the day.

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So what? Nobody cares. If you like it, you stay and play. Little is gained. If you don't, you leave. Little is lost. If you think a 29 minute video plus a small novella on your reasons for leaving are going to excite anyone, you're delusional. All it shows is your lack of character. You stayed home from work to play the game so your co-workers had to cover for you.


That's all I need to know. You should have been fired. That you are now leaving the game is GOOD FOR THE GAME!

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Pretty much my first thoughts as well. But that's the nature of things and many players these days. I'm going to show my age here but I know for a fact that some of these players (OP maybe or maybe not) would crap themselves if they had to play EverQuest the original back in the day.

OP was 8 when EQ launched. :D

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So what? Nobody cares. If you like it, you stay and play. Little is gained. If you don't, you leave. Little is lost. If you think a 29 minute video plus a small novella on your reasons for leaving are going to excite anyone, you're delusional. All it shows is your lack of character. You stayed home from work to play the game so your co-workers had to cover for you.


That's all I need to know. You should have been fired. That you are now leaving the game is GOOD FOR THE GAME!


Yeah, that works. Don't worry about the people leaving the game, their opinions don't matter. You would go so far in business.

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I dont truly see why people are so eager to post on why yhey are leaving. I played this game from beat to about 7 months after it came out. Got burnt out and left until this past March. Got interested in other games and then came back just this month and am enjoying the game tremendously. Sometimes a break is all ypu need. But when I did leave I did post on the forums that im leaving just to get attention. I left quietly and came back quietly. The only ones who had I left are those that I play with in game. So seriously getting upset over the fact that you rushed to 50 and are now quitting because of lack of end game is your own doing no one elses.
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So what? Nobody cares. If you like it, you stay and play. Little is gained. If you don't, you leave. Little is lost. If you think a 29 minute video plus a small novella on your reasons for leaving are going to excite anyone, you're delusional. All it shows is your lack of character. You stayed home from work to play the game so your co-workers had to cover for you.


That's all I need to know. You should have been fired. That you are now leaving the game is GOOD FOR THE GAME!


You misunderstand, I scheduled off a few weeks ahead of time for vacation.

I didn't just call out of work.

GG. :rak_01:


I guess that's my fault for not really explaining.


Little is lost. If you think a 29 minute video plus a small novella on your reasons for leaving are going to excite anyone, you're delusional.


That's all I need to know. You should have been fired. That you are now leaving the game is GOOD FOR THE GAME!


No interest to excite anyone, just express my opinion.

The fact the thread has 8 pages was beyond what I'd thought it be. I expected it to have 2-3 posts, and it fall into the darkness of the forums.

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I dont truly see why people are so eager to post on why yhey are leaving. I played this game from beat to about 7 months after it came out. Got burnt out and left until this past March. Got interested in other games and then came back just this month and am enjoying the game tremendously. Sometimes a break is all ypu need. But when I did leave I did post on the forums that im leaving just to get attention. I left quietly and came back quietly. The only ones who had I left are those that I play with in game. So seriously getting upset over the fact that you rushed to 50 and are now quitting because of lack of end game is your own doing no one elses.


Hopefully I can come back and enjoy this game once more.

Didn't mean to double post, was supposed to edit my previous one. :rak_03:

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