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How many of you listen/read the whole story dialogues in quest fp etc?


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Since bioware seems to care too much about story and dialogues as you can see in their upcoming PVE update 2.4 i was wondering how many people do listen and pay attention to them,i personally skip them all and know many peope that do the same, so lets see how many care about them and maybe make bioware change their policy of story its the most important part of the game so they can stop it and invest resources and time in pvp and other abandoned areas of the game etc....of course i mean the first time you watch them.



Edited by anarsv
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I'll be honest: story is about 80% of why I play this game (it sure isn't the copy-pasta WoW combat mechanics, rep grind, or borked PvP).


When I run out of story and have to resort to doing Dailies, I usually unsub until some new content drops. I'll dabble as a preferred on my alts a bit during this time....but not much.

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I read/listen all of them (first time). Story is big deal for me, especially if it's SW.


I respect your style, but i would like to know why u playing game when you skip all the story? Really. I just don't get it. How old are you? You just want to shoot and slash with lightsaber and that's all what matters to you? :)

Edited by RixoFutu
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I only skip the normal quests, i mean those quests that you get around and doesn't have anything to do with your class quest.


I pretty much listen to every conversation on class quests, i never skip those.

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I will always watch them if I can, if the group I am with decides to skip then I will (As long as I have watched it at least once!) Story and immersion is for me the most important aspect of this game, and if BW ever abandoned that way of thinking . . . I don't think I would stay.


I cant help think that if you have no interest in the story element of this game whatsoever, then you may be playing the wrong MMO for you . . .

Edited by Cyberwoman
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I listen to the full story the first time but after that it gets less and less the more often I do it, but by then the story is part of me and I like that, so I am happy that we have it. I will say it may be done a bit less in the side quests but for main story lines, fps/ops etc I think it really adds to the game.
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Naturally, I watched all of them the first time through. I normally spacebar through FP content now. However, other story content(regular quests, class storylines, operations, etc) I'll watch depending on my mood and what character I'm playing. Lately I've been leveling a crapload of alts to watch their class storylines. I am even leveling a second warrior, but female this time, because I enjoyed the play through of my first one so much.


I guess I'm just the type of person who enjoys all aspects of the game.

Edited by Radzkie
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I read/listen all of them (first time). Story is big deal for me, especially if it's SW.


I respect your style, but i would like to know why u playing game when you skip all the story? Really. I just don't get it. How old are you? You just want to shoot and slash with lightsaber and that's all what matters to you? :)


Im 28, ive been playing mmos for 10 years and i enjoyed KOTOR series a lot, i play for pvp with friends only and fyi i dont have any jedi characters at 55 yet i play since early game access and maybe i skip them all because after 10 years of playing this kind of games i just want to log in and have some insta-fun i dont know

Edited by anarsv
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I listen to all the dialogue options (by pressing ESC before the end) the 1st time through on a toon to hear the different class/gender voiceover. The voice acting is really well done and you start to notice a ton of easter eggs and references in the dialogue. Edited by Projawa
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I always listen to the story at least the first time though. The planet , FP's, OPs, and Class quests.


Their policy is not going to change regarding story. This is Bioware.

Bioware = Amazing story.

In all of their games (they have gotten better as the ME games progressed) the best part of the game has always been the story. With an OK gameplay side.


I still love bioware because I love a good story and the gameplay is not generally boring (at least not as a whole).


I just don't fully understand what brought you to this game (or any bioware game) if you are going to argue that story is not extremely important.

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not only do i listen, when soloing I've been known to escape multiple times, just to see all the options and get the conversation JUST the way I want it.


times when I spacebar:

1. when its alien language. I hated how long that gibberish took in KOTOR and I still dislike it in SWTOR.

2. when picking up dailies on Illum.

3. when I have already seen the flashpoint and group I'm pugging with would rather spacebar.


that's it. conversations and story is one of the main reasons I play bioware games in a first place. if emphasis on that is removed even more, then I personaly would be playing less and less, and even then mainly coming back to level another alt through class story.

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Some people said that ive choosen the wrong mmo,whats the multiplayer component on this story stuff? if you play mainly for the story why do you pay at month for it instead of playing a single player game? mmos are about playing with other people
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Some people said that ive choosen the wrong mmo,whats the multiplayer component on this story stuff? if you play mainly for the story why do you pay at month for it instead of playing a single player game? mmos are about playing with other people


Almost every MMO out there has had "single" player portion and group portions.

The story in FP's can be fairly different if you actually pay attention to your choices and not just spacebar through.


You can do all of the quests and cutscenes (except class quests) with a group and you are both affecting the outcome of that story.

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Since bioware seems to care too much about story and dialogues as you can see in their upcoming PVE update 2.4 i was wondering how many people do listen and pay attention to them,i personally skip them all and know many peope that do the same, so lets see how many care about them and maybe make bioware change their policy of story its the most important part of the game so they can stop it and invest resources and time in pvp and other abandoned areas of the game etc....of course i mean the first time you watch them.




more players are in this mmo for the story than those for the pvp. legacy system is even built around story lines as are the ops. in beta pvp was known to be terrible and with the current planet and other mechanics it still is. just keep it warfront only as it is and stop wasting resources on pvp. world pvp will never happen. factions are too far removed and outposts are not challenging enough to raid. the lag doesn't help much either.


your pvp isn't terrible because of the story. it is terrible because of the inherent games mechanics which can not be easily fixed and the lag.


as far as your story question i like to watch everyone of them the first time. some of them i could watch even more but too many players are bent on shaving 10-15 mins off a run.


if you take the story out of this mmo, you leave it with absolutely NOTHING. many of us players who have been here since release know this. so does bioware/ea. apparently you don't though.

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The thing is that by focusing on the delivering of the story's and even the small animated scenes to get the quests they make quests worth (atleast for the first 1-3 times, when you as mentioned sometimes escape + retry) actually reading/knowing what you're doing instead of just picking up all quests you can and then looking at your list and going: right then how i can i clear this as quickly as possible.


I actually hate that (especially for class stories) have to do all that running from point to point inbetween the story. SWTOR has ruined newer mmo's for me as with tor i can just go about and do my thing be it pvp/pve/stories and 'feel' like the quests are more then the basic fetch & kill (despite them not being so). I have tried newer mmo's when they came out, and some even had some semblance of 'spoken quest' but they all failed to deliver it properly, or made the 'character story' too sparse forcing you to spend a while grinding (and see days go by) to actually continue your quest to save your sister from being hanged 3 evenings ago by pirates. If you intersperse the class stories with some wz's /fp's every now and again or pick up a few of the side quests you usually end up being able to just continue your story.

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not only do i listen, when soloing I've been known to escape multiple times, just to see all the options and get the conversation JUST the way I want it.


I do the same, although for a sightly different reason. Whenever I create a character, I have to give them a detailed personality and there will be times when I 'escape' and try different dialogue options in order to find what is right.


times when I spacebar:

1. when its alien language. I hated how long that gibberish took in KOTOR and I still dislike it in SWTOR.

2. when picking up dailies on Illum.

3. when I have already seen the flashpoint and group I'm pugging with would rather spacebar.


To my shame, I do sometimes skip alien language at times (Although only if I have already watched it with another character or something!). Even then though, I will always quick-read what the alien says and then skip it. I play mostly Empire though, so it helps that there isn't much of that! :o


Im 28, ive been playing mmos for 10 years and i enjoyed KOTOR series a lot, i play for pvp with friends only and fyi i dont have any jedi characters at 55 yet i play since early game access and maybe i skip them all because after 10 years of playing this kind of games i just want to log in and have some insta-fun i dont know


That's a shame, you miss out on a lot of great content with the stories. Did you play KOTOR for gameplay only too?


Some people said that ive choosen the wrong mmo,whats the multiplayer component on this story stuff? if you play mainly for the story why do you pay at month for it instead of playing a single player game? mmos are about playing with other people


Well, a lot of the story content can be experience with other people, such as planet quests, Flashpoints, Ops etc . . . Just because you may solo to experience the class stories and the like, that doesn't mean you dont want to experience group play, PVP or join guilds and make friends to experience the game with. The wonderful and groundbreaking thing about SWTOR is that you can do all of that, whilst also experience some wonderful examples of storytelling. I dont think any MMO is anywhere near to offering something similar.


Besides, I always think an MMO should have solo elements for those who dont necessarily want to run endgame content and the like. I'm not in the camp that MMO's should be for hardcore players only.

Edited by Cyberwoman
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I actually hate that (especially for class stories) have to do all that running from point to point inbetween the story. SWTOR has ruined newer mmo's for me as with tor i can just go about and do my thing be it pvp/pve/stories and 'feel' like the quests are more then the basic fetch & kill (despite them not being so). I have tried newer mmo's when they came out, and some even had some semblance of 'spoken quest' but they all failed to deliver it properly, or made the 'character story' too sparse forcing you to spend a while grinding (and see days go by) to actually continue your quest to save your sister from being hanged 3 evenings ago by pirates. If you intersperse the class stories with some wz's /fp's every now and again or pick up a few of the side quests you usually end up being able to just continue your story.


I am actually in the same boat. I tried Guild Wars 2. My husband was in the beta for FFXIV. And neither interest me enough to keep me interested because of the story. Right now no other MMO has really stepped up to what Bioware did with story and that is keeping me here right now (the story is really good). I can't bring myself to go to any other MMO becuase of that.

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