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4v4 warzones are coming!


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Well, I'm excited.


did you read the thread?


2.4 will be bringing a new planet quest story-arc about the dread masters, 2 new operations and new PvP and PvE gear. oh, and 4v4 warzone arenas.


so 2.4, the mother of all PvP updates, is going to be a PvE update with some PvP on the side


fk you bioware

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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I'm excited because 4v4 has a different dynamic than 8v8 so some classes might get a new edge that they didnt have with 8v8. Though I am worried that from past experiences with PvP in this game, it's going to be screwed up somehow, have to wait for more details to be released for it!
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did you read the thread?


2.4 will be bringing a new planet quest story-arc about the dread masters, 2 new operations and new PvP and PvE gear. oh, and 4v4 warzone arenas.


so 2.4, the mother of all PvP updates, is going to be a PvE update with some PvP on the side


fk you bioware


Did you really expect it to be different! BWs main focus in this game is PvE, the biggest PvP events are all player organized!

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Is arena's something to be excited about? Sure.....so is dinner. This isnt worth the 1 year wait we've endured. All the complaints we've had over the last year and their only answer for a PvP update is 4v4 warzones (arenas)


The more I think about it the more dissappointed I become. Absolutely Shamefull.

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I know that it's probably just a rough draft of what's included in 2.4...but no season 1?




Hey two new operations. I know myself and others were worried that the PvE community might be left out of the PvP patch.

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I'm an arena fan so I'm excited for the 4v4, provided there's new maps.


It would always be nice for more from Bioware, though.


m2. i cant wait for arena :) but i was also had my hope upp for a new huttbal game :p

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I'm excited because 4v4 has a different dynamic than 8v8 so some classes might get a new edge that they didnt have with 8v8. Though I am worried that from past experiences with PvP in this game, it's going to be screwed up somehow, have to wait for more details to be released for it!


2.4 should be called "Opening of the nerf thread flood gates".

They better really look at balance, because 4v4 will shine a microscope on imbalance.

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I'm excited to hear about the 4x4 arenas, and I'm sure I will play the hell out of it. However, when I scroll down to see the teaser about 2.4 [the pvp patch thats suppose to shut us up] that has moslty pve notes then pvp.


Either they are *********** with us and want see us ***** and whine about on seeing mostly pve notes on a so called pvp patch or they don't have that much to show and dont want to give it all away now


I hope I'm wrong and this is a HUGE pvp patch that we all will be somewhat happy about. But I'm afraid to get my hopes up anymore.. Please Bioware give us more information about 2.4. pvp wise. PLEASE!!!

Edited by Darththirdeye
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Lol, 2.4 is the big pvp patch, sure. Potentially decent combat system ruined by an uncaring/incompetent developer. Unless there is WAAAAAY more to it than they have revealed that will be that for my involvement with this game.
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The 'PvP' update has more PvE in it than PvP...



God I hate this game sometimes I'm glad I am F2P.


You actually know something I would like to know, how do you maintain posting privileges as f2p?

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preferred can still post right?


Don't know....never been preferred but I remember seeing some posts a while back where people were QQ'n about losing posting privies once they went preferred. I've never seen anything official that states they can.

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