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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Work with Pride. Work with Czerka.


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Droid Technician: Under supervision of Lead Technician, qualified applicants will guide the assembly and programming of state-of-the-art droids. Requires a strong understanding of motivators, complex circuitry, and combat algorithms.


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

I belive I a well qualified sniper who used to work exclusivly for the empire under the imperial intelegence. I work in the shadows and can do things with great secrecy.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


1: The extensive use of cutting edge imperial technology in the field, fighting in both war game and against the rpublic. This includes reactivating an ancient and powerful droid and the extensive use of probes of all forms.

2. Near mastery of cyber technology, including implants of droid parts into ancient droids and even my own cybernetic implants.

3. aiding in defeating such monsters in the galaxy such as Dread Master Styrak and the legendary gree terror from beyond.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


I make use of any resource I can to get the job done, I use large numbers of military technology, using such things as air strikes where needed and upgradding my sniper rifle with the best technology available. my cybernetic implants allow me to slice into droids and disable their systems along with being able to call in probes.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


While I generally attempt to do the right thing to help others I have a good sense of right and wrong. However if the situation truly calls for it I will do something that is considdered questionable to either enhance my self of those around me, all while maintaining the thought that I tried to do the right thing.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


Being an exelent engineer, I would quickly access the nearest computer terminal and use my cybernetic brain implants to allow me to quickly find the flaw in the confines that the experiment is about to use to break out. I would then attempt to repair the break in the containment cage and even if nessicary apply my own sheilding arrays to keep the experiment from escaping and ruining the experiment all while using my in built communicator to my cybernetics calling my colleague and informing him of the situation.

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Legacy Spokesman: Jumong

Legacy Name: Gogoryeo

Preferred Positions: 1) Security Officer 2) Research Contributor


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

Ever since we, the Goguryeo legacy, has established our footings on this galaxy, we have performed many deeds that have influenced the affairs of millions of denizens in ways that will resonate for many years to come. Our noble lineage starts from a union between Yuwha and Geumwa, former accountants of Big 4 accounting firms, who have laid aside their pens amidst galactic chaos caused by the war between the Republic and the Imperials, and have since, picked up arms, to bring order to the chaos. Their achievements are heralded with the birth of I, Daeso, and Soseono, who have continued to defend the galaxy from the greater threats (Makeb invasion) that have emerged from the distant corners of the worlds.


Speaking on behalf of the Legacy, I, Jumong, believe that partaking in the Czerka family is only a natural step in our never ending quest to bring betterment to both sides of orders. Members of our legacy are proficient in all fields of professions (crew skills) and our members are experts in their chosen fields, both force-using and non-force-using fields. As noted before, we were originally a family of accountants with extensive experience in corporate laws and auditing. Business blood runs in our veins and we firmly believe that we would be the best fit for the Czerka family.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

Our Legacy prides in defending Makeb from the invasion of the Hutt Cartels and bringing peace for the planet’s denizens while securing substantial amount of Isotope-5 for the Imperials. After the defeat of the Hutt Cartel, we have continued to provide aids to the unfortunates of Makeb in a “daily” manner.


We also pride ourselves in being a Legacy that embrace and thrive on diversity. Despite the fact that half of our families are aligned with Imperials, we have completely debunked the notion of Sith racial superiority, and have borne children of many races including Rattataki, Twi’lek, and Chiss. Although I am currently a Sith myself, I was originally of Miraluka origin who has undergone plastic surgery to resemble my forefather, Geumwa.


Lastly, I pride myself in being the most renowned collector of the Cartel Market. Up to date, I have purchased more than 180 cartel packs to satiate my desire to collect rare antiquities and I can proudly boast that during my tenure, I have collected all the available vehicles and probably could boast with the biggest collection of armors and pets in the galaxy. My other unique collection includes the rarest rides in the galaxy including Korrealis Baron and Korrealis Commander.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?

My achievements mentioned above would not have been possible solely by my sole feats. It is through the dedication of diverse and capable members of my Goguryeo Legacy, that we were able to achieve our accomplishments. With a congruence of force-attuned and non-force attuned members aligned with both Republic and Imperials, we were able to accomplish any adversaries that we face. When it comes to unwavering diligence and patience, having two “Resplendent Crown of Avarice” and still owning 20 Cartel Market Certificate is the very testament to my desire to do “whatever it takes” to complete my goals.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?

Fortunately, my Goguryeo Legacy has diverse members who can abide by both ends of the “moral compass.” Some of our members adhere to strict moral conducts with unwavering wills to protect the denizens at all costs. We also have our dark force aligned members who will do anything to achieve our goals at all costs. If the Czerka Family is in need of those who follow a strong moral compass, you will greatly be appreciated of what we have to offer. If the Czerka Family is in need of jobs of questionable standings, we are also the perfect fit to satiate all your needs.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?

I am an ardent believer in the goods of corporations. It is only through the might of corporations, like the great Czerka, that could accomplish feats that a mere mortal cannot possibly accomplish. Despite the good standings that I maintain with this “esteemed colleague,” it would be an extreme ill-use of resources to have a renowned experiment only confined in the realm of a single scientist. As such, I would allow this experiment to run amok with the desire that it kills the “esteemed colleague.” Then, I would capture the fine specimen and present it to the Czerka.

Edited by Monopolist
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To whomever it concerns,

Being in a family, means, among other things taking care of others, givin up your plans and ambitions in order to achieve something greater for the family, something better than bigger gun or more deadly poison. Czerka so far does not seem to respect any of those, such "family" statement is nothing but poor marketing propaganda that can only be welcome by those who are blind, deaf and lobotomized.

Would you care to explain why you tried to recover the ancient Rakata prisoner on Tatooine sacrifiyng your own "family members" and thousands of other, innocent lives? Is this what you do for the family?




2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


Removing Czerka from Tatooine labs. Closing the site and destroying otherwise unstoppable evil you tried to "tame" for your own power. Even the Sith did not dare.

2. Gathering conflicted Galactic races (somethimes those no one else would even think is possible to co-operate with) into one board, and showing them a reason for common effort that brings long term benefits to all of them.

3. Ruthlessly removing any other threat created by any other greedy, power seeking cartel, or better say, gangs.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


I took every step possible to overcome the problem without brute force. Much elegant solutions are within one's mind reach, but don't be mistaken I cannot remove hundreds of foes by one force blow.



4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


The only "questionable" thing is how long Czerka is going to survive when I join your ranks. My Shadow will be your final act.



5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I would be happy to use that as a showcase of another poorly coordinated, completely mishandled project at Czerka, requesting to immediately shut down that nest of scum and villany which, in fact your corporation is. Not that Czerka differs much from any other greedy, deprived of any morality corporation on any planet in the Galaxy


Not sincerely yours,






Unfortunately I must inform you that Mr. Blys has rejected your application as you appear to be outwardly hostile towards our beloved Corporation. We believe you could be a great asset, perhaps in the future we can meet on friendlier terms.

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1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


My name is Alyx Dinas. I am an ex-employee of Corellian Transports and Exports, a shipping concern within the Galactic Republic. During my time with the company, I achieved a position of leadership and managed various company events and mediated interpersonal disputes. I believe this makes me a clear choice for a security officer at Czerka Corporation. I am forward, direct, and tackle situations quickly and efficiently.


Why do I want to be part of the Czerka family? Probably because you used the word family.


The galaxy is not a kind place. It has more negative space between the stars than you'd imagine. And even stars die. People leave. Initiatives fail. Friendships collapse into black holes. After a while, you start to feel that there's no place where you can achieve something. Be someone. No place where you're welcome.


I want to join Czerka because I want a family. Better yet, I want a family I can make proud. That I can serve to the best of my abilities and can offer me work that makes me go home at the day satisfied in a complete way. I want to join Czerka because I want to be something more than myself.


I want to join Czerka because, maybe, just maybe, we'll create more stars.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


- I created and continue to maintain an extensive program to track wanted criminals across the galaxy. This system has received countless mentions on the public holonet over the last standard galactic year.


- I managed the security for two large swoop races, one of which (The CTE Vertical City Swoopstakes) was also subject to recognition on the holo.


- Prior to the massive reset of these holonet forums, I wrote an article regarding the Republic Military that was permanently attached to the top of the forum frequented by Republic Troopers.


((I believe it was the only stickied RP guide in the website's history.))


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


Success require commitment. Most people say they will do something because they enjoy being able to tell people that they are doing something. People of achievement? They say the will do something because they will do it. They will labor for hours over the small detail, they will look at all angles to make sure that their work is not just good work but excellent work.


My own achievements give me no shortage of pride. They are initiatives of scale, recognized by peers. But that's not why we push ourselves to succeed. It's not why I worked to do what I did. Recognition is a side note.


I said I would achieve, so I did. I can look other people in the eye and know that through my time and my efforts I've created something of my own. Something that people shared in. Something that left a mark.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


Not everyone can work on the cure for Brainrot or Silicalung. Work is work. What matters is if the work is fulfilling. That's what makes you sleep at night. Knowing that you did a fine job at something.


So, would my moral compass get in the way of my job? Not at all. Why? Because the job's my compass.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I would first check to see if I knew the experiment's general position in the company's concerns. Czerka does a strong job of categorizing projects with quick call up designations. This would take little more than a few seconds with my datapad. If the experiment is above the middle line of projected worth, I would call for an immediate evacuation and subsequent quarantine of the area until specimen control could arrive.


However, should the experiment not meet this criteria (ie. the cost of specimen sterilization is minor compared to the cost of their release), I would order sterilization immediately in order to prevent risk to any other experiments, prototypes, or projects of value. Also, employees.


In either case, my coworker will be immediately reported and a follow up of security suggestions would be forwarded to the proper parties.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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(If this some sort of roleplay thing or an actual selection thing I don't know, anyways I'll give it a shot.)

CZ-198 Application: Droid Technician


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

I am a tip-top of the line bio-mechanical and genetic masterpiece, selectively bred by Imperial Research and Development and implanted with the most cutting edge enhancements available. Having been involved in both the Imperial Intelligence Service as well as the Republic Strategic Intelligence Service, I have extensive knowledge of both Imperial and Republic designs, facilities, and information on high-ranking personnel. I have a long experience with working with as well as slicing droids, and a history with combat experience. My interest in Czerka comes from my fascination in mechanical technology, and I believe that Czerka can help me further my research to further both Czerka's and my own advancement in the field of droid engineering.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

-I have successfully reprogrammed and refitted a 2V-R8 Imperial Ship Droid into a stunningly efficient and battle-ready combat medic.

-Rebuilt and improved a Czerka HK-51 assassin droid.

-Defeated Sith Lord and Dark Council member Darth Jadus


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?

Reprogramming and refitting the 2V-R8 droid took patience and precision, having to replace and modify several parts and rewire several components to fit my standards. The schematics and parts of the HK droid were by no means easy to obtain, and I was required to venture into several dangerous areas throughout the galaxy to acquire different parts. In addition, I used my connections throughout the galaxy to obtain the AI regulator from a shifty Twi'lek smuggler. The Sith Lord was quite difficult, considering the man shot lightning from his hands. However, with considerable planning and consideration, I put my own life at risk to defeat him. Though working with droids does not involve high danger situations, I do believe I would do whatever it takes to succeed in my work.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?

Though personally I prefer to leave killing to my droids, I do not refrain from doing anything required for success. As it is there is a war raging on and morals must be set aside to ensure victory. Asked to do something questionable, I would most likely deduct reasons it may be required and carry on however instructed.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?

If placed in this situation, I would notify said colleague and attempt to disable or contain said experiment by whatever means necessary without inflicting too much damage on said colleagues work. However, if said experiment is beyond control of said colleague or myself, deadly force may be necessary.

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Join the Czerka team!


You mean the cartel market team, right?


Do I have to pay 10CC for this message? Can't wait for this day to happen! Fanboys are gonna love it!

Edited by Kesphin
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Join the Czerka team! Please fill out the following application and respond in this thread to be considered for the open positions listed here.


CZ-198 Application


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


1. I am a Sith from the Empire, I would like to join Czerka because I feel that they will be able to provide me with more opportunities than the empire ever could, not only that but I am an experienced cybertech with knowledge in making a huge variety of droid parts with knowledge in droid construction, in addition I am familiar with both advanced biochemistry, and weapon and armor construction. An employer that can appreciate such skills is an employer that will have my utter loyalty for the rest of my days, in addition I have significant combat skills as I have fought against republic and imperial divisions along with several very powerful sith and jedi, when you hire me you have a quality craftsman and combat capable employee that will not hesitate to defend company assets.


2. On taris after some harsh dealings with the republic high command there I learned that the republic began a new energy project called project siantide, rather than kill them in cold blood I instead sent them to the empire where they were happy to share information with us in regards to their new project.


On Quesh I convinced a member of the three families to help the empire and provide us with a fine price on combat adrenals securing a deal to aid the empire in combat.


Then on Belsavis I helped in the recovery of the entire HK production line remaining along with obtaining all the parts to reactivate one, I have since reactivated several and could easily provide czerka corp with the location and resources necessary in obtaining several of their own, for security enforcement of course.


3. I am more then happy to do whatever it takes to get the above goals done, but it is more important to see the bottom line, certainly the republic generals could have been executed but they had valuable information, business must always come before pleasure. On Quesh the hutt saw the empire as a better deal along with my talents of negotiation. While recovering the HK unit required a combination of combat skill, patience in searching for his lost parts, and coordination of strike teams to obtain the parts necessary from areas I could not handle by myself.


4. I do have a moral compass, in the sense that I won't just kill someone if they are still of use or potential value, it is never wise to waste a potential asset unless the drawbacks of that asset outweigh the benefits, in most cases for my experience that is not the case. But if I am required to do something questionable for my employer I would happily do so, my loyalty and the wellbeing of my organization comes first.


5. My first goal in such a situation is the benefit of czerka, I would immediately inform my colleague and security of a potentially tragic crisis, then immediately speak to my supervisor about what I noticed in the hopes that such a matter could be prevented in the future. Securing the experiment should be the scientists first priority, not the selection of delicious amenities provided by our most generous employer.

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CZ-198 Application


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

My Name is Skywinder, Revan's Heir. I am a Jedi Sentinel who, throughout the years, has achieved the rank of Master in the Jedi Order. In my travels i have seen many of Czerka's ingenious inventions, and have wondered what it would be like to meet the individuals who created these marvelous works.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

The first major achievement I would like to point out is achieving the title of Master. To do this I had to travel to a lost world called Dromund Kaas and defeat the milenium old Sith Emporer. This was necessary to defend the Republic.

The second achievement i would like to point out is when I lead a team into the depths of Belsavis' Section X where we learned of the Dread Masters' plan and ended them as well. This beyond maximum security prison had a situation in which the inmates, under the control of the Dread Masters, had not only breach security and escaped, but they were causing all types of problems. These problems ranged from biochemical experiments on the local creatures, to releasing other followers of the dread masters who would have caused certain doom for the republic.

the third achievement was when a team of 16 was assembled, including myself, to repair an interdementional whole called a Hypergate. There was a imminent danger from a terrorific creature from beyond that gate. it took many trips to the medical droids, but after many attempts we were able to defeat the creature and repair the gate.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?

I defeated the emporer to save the republic.

I stopped the Dread Masters really only because I wanted to get my hands on an HK droid.

I stopped the creature because the Gree asked me to.

I would stop at nothing to do it again if necessary.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?

I have strived to become fully attuned to the light side of the Force. I feel it would come down to the intent behind the "questionable" actions.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?

I would personally engage the creature first to subdue it. no need to waist perfectly good experimental specimens after all. I would then bring up the lack of security to a superior officer and see to it personally that the collegue is punished for his lack of concern for his experiment and for not observing the safety of all employees.


I look forward to speaking soon and if you have any further questions, please dont hesitate to ask.


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(CZ-198) Application:


Greetings my name is Lord Sandi's and I would like to apply for a ''Research Contributor'' vacancy, as I've can provide precise and valuable knowledge regarding any new products at the Czerka (CZ-198) facilities.


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?:


As passion archaeologist, and good echelon to a Imperial Reclamation services, I've obtained a great knowledge, from ancient artifacts to powerful Force driven devices, CZ-198 would be a great place to share my wisdom and recommend my ideas as well as my feedback.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.):


On Core world Alderaan I had a rather unusual mission, to investigate intelligent beings called Killik's, with this assignment I've join with House Thul, order of extermination team, and with good results we learned a great deal about them, so after this successful mission I become d a official member of order of extermination.


I need to point out my encounter with Colicoid's, a mysteries race, I have to say they're a bit similar to Killik's, but it's worth to note that, Colicoid intelligence and knowledge of cutting-edge technology is remarkable, I personally had a chance in person to discuss with them these technology advancements, which afterwards I shared to Imperial ministry of intelligence.


Recently I'm been on my personal assignment to investigate the ancient Sith Lord Tulak Hord artifacts, which holds unbelievable power, a power ho can even resurrect or re newed a dead body, I already had many successful researches regarding this, and I even had a personal encounter, moreover this will be a great knowledge passed to new Imperial generation.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?:


Knowledge comes always first, so I would say yes, above all, whatever it takes!.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?:


Great wisdom always comes with questions, so to achieve anything you need to over go lot of things, including things which is against your understanding.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?:


It always depends on what kind of experiment, but most certainly I would try to tranquilize this thing before put him out of misery.


Thank you,

Best regards!.


- Lord Sandi's

Edited by sandisrd
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1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


During my time working in a nameless Imperial Government department of little significance I was often impressed by the efficiency of certain Czerka products, such as those that aid in self protection and the ability to blend in with crowds while moving through unfriendly areas. Other Czerka products, like those that aid in the retrieval of information from unreasonably unco-operative individuals were also highly thought of by myself and my team. I feel that working for Czerka in the future would allow me to progress in the future and help in the creation of future products that would also aid individuals in unimportant branches of Imperial Government to meet their targets in the most efficient ways


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


Due to the dangerous and confidential nature of my work I am unable to detail the exact nature of my accomplishments. However it would not be an exaggeration that I have the gratitude of the great and benevolent Darth Jadus as well as the eternal enmity of certain high ranking officials in Republic Intelligence. I have also been highly successful in asset retrieval and in the denial of assets to those not working toward the same goals as I. It is also worth mentioning that many terrorist organisations on numerous worlds throughout the Empire and beyond often experienced periods of catastrophic collapse during the times I was stationed on those planets.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


My accomplishments are often achieved through the collection and collation of intelligence, aided by a loyal team of fellow operatives enabling me to execute my targets with the least amount of disruption and collateral damage, unless of cause disruption and collateral damage was the point of the assignment. Self reliance and the ability to build strong contact networks on these worlds has allowed me to operate freely in the most unexpected areas.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


Working as a humble civil servant in the Imperial Government often means I am sent to inhospitable and dangerous areas of the galaxy where perhaps the rule of law and order is not as stringent as it is in the Empire. This allows a certain amount of freedom and demands an element of moral flexibility

5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


Ah excellent, an opportunity to gather real world data about the efficiency of this experimental unit in the field. Regrettably it would be inadvisable to warn esteemed colleague of the potential danger as this would potentially skew the data in a negative and unsatisfactory way.

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CZ-198 Application for Security Officer

1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

Bounty Hunting, while entertaining, has limits. I have many ideas on how to improve on many of the weapons and medicines/adrenals I use, but yet finding quality corporations to actually create these has been less than fruitful.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

#1. Having created an alternate identity of a smuggler, who has chosen to not have learned an advanced profession.

#2. Learned to be a National Board Certified Math Teacher. This puts me in the upper echelon (less than the top 2%) of all teachers in the country.

#3. Having fully restored a classic vehicle, and then took another of the same model, repaired it, and totally modernized it.

3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?

For #1, I planned out exactly what items I would need to do, set aside a lot of time to prepare, and went for it.

For #2. I talked over with my family to let them know what I wanted to do, set aside a quiet place for my work to be completed, planned it all out, and easily did the process.

For #3. Obviously had to plan out what parts were needed, what weaknesses/strengths I needed, how much additional help I would need, and then went for it for both vehicles.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?

I have a strong moral compass, but if the 'questionable act' was for the better good of many people, I can 'bend the rules.'

5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?

Inform my colleague that if their experiment does break out of it's confines, and messes up any of my work area, I'll send 'a few friends' over to deal with them. Where I'll make sure my 'colleague' and their 'experiment' would be set up in a small room and holorecorded for the network. I would hope my colleague would fix the situation before I get back from enjoying myself.

Edited by Taurax
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You mean the cartel market team, right?


Do I have to pay 10CC for this message? Can't wait for this day to happen! Fanboys are gonna love it!




It is unfortunate that I must inform you that Mr. Blys has rejected your application since you failed the reading comprehension requirement. If you would like to resubmit your application we would be more than happy to review it!

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Position: Security Officer


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


After my dealings with the Republic and the Jedi Order, I thought I could help reach out a bit more and help by defend those who help to arm out troops


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)



A. I was tasked to protect a V.I.P being escorted from a planet in Hutt Space, I was met with heavy opposition through not only the Hutt Cartel but the Imperials as well. We made it out without a single scratch.


B. I was apart of the strike team that took out the Warlord Kephess.


C. I have numerous recommendations from the Republic High Council


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


I did what it took to complete any misson or instructions that were given to me. Even if it involved my own life.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


It is not my job to question orders, but to follow them


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?

Dispose of the threat, and report the failed colleague.

Edited by dudeyoumadbro
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Applying for Biochemical Engineer


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


-I'm feeling tired and stressed from the ongoing war and the would like a break from all the chaos and death to refine my skills as a biochemist and in some way help the galaxy be a better place. With that aside please do not let my appearances of a bloodthirsty Sith who hasn't slept in months put you off. I'm actually a great being who has only eradicated all life on one planet and killed 4681 people in person of which 47% were allies.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


-Ahh well where do I begin? I guess I should start with the fact that I alone survived the perilous Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas as a mere apprentice while Masters of the Dark Side would go insane within minutes! (It's good to note that my life as a peaceful Sith began here - I only killed 3/4''s of the temple's inhabitants and let the rest suffer!)


-I could also mention the fact that I slaughtered my former master who tried to defile our Great and Glorious Emperor's plan! Many died in the process but it was well worth it in the end because all Sith and Imperials could sleep soundly at night knowing that our Glorious Master was still the perfect being and that there was one less blasphemer on the Dark Council.


-Finally I would like to mention the fact that I saved an entire planet from imploding to farm a rare resource that could help the empire win the war. Unfortunately I had to give the order to annihilate all life on the planet to keep it a secret but ------wait Umm *Mind Trick* You didn't hear the last accomplishment I just mentioned - I will now give you a different one *Mind Trick*


-So now on to the final accomplishment I'd like to mention my skills as a biochemist. Over the course of the war I've dedicated a large portion of my time to creating the prefect stims for my allies. It took a while to acquire such perfection, a few incorrect substances, abnormal results, about 70 deaths but it all paid off and now thousands of imperial combatants are fighting for our Glorious Emperor with improved reflexes and awareness.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


I will definitely do whatever it takes to gain success. That is if I am being paid well.......


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


Unlike the stereotypical Sith I care for life and will not do anything that means killing more than 150 people a day. Also I will not harm the Glorious Emperor's plan


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I would carry on enjoying the snacks and just send a message to my personal assassin droid - HK-51, to kill my colleague, take his research and bring it to me to improve and enhance. I've done this many times in the past and it gives me great incentive to prefect the product as victim's death would have been unnecessary if it wasn't perfected.

Edited by micnevv
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Position Most suited: Security Officer


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


I believe I'd be a strong addition to the Czerka Security force as I am a experienced gun for hire. However I grow tired over the fluctuation of my payments and the political blow back of being a galactic gun for hire, I seek a more stable occupation with Czerka Corporation and i believe that you can provide the job security I'm looking for. As a Czerka Security Officer, I will get to ensure that all of the Company's assets and projects remain unhindered by competitors or extremists, and perhaps provide protection from any of the Company's own experiments and projects.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of.


I, along with a handful of allies, claimed victory in the Mandalorian tradition Known as "The Great Hunt" despite numerous efforts by my late competitor Tarro Blood to Halt my progress in the hunt.


I was the squad leader in the strike team sent to the lost Gree world of Asation in order to repel the otherworldly invaders, The Warlord Kephess of Denova who was then mutated and deformed by the Dread Masters Sith alchemy, which imbued him with unnatural ability and combat prowess as well as The Massive multi-tentacled entity Lotek'k, better known as the Terror From Beyond.


I delivered the planet Makeb & its mining facilities to my employer, despite the many questionable decisions i was required to make in order to complete my contract, as well as the Hutt Cartel's frequent interference.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


In my time as a contract killer, I have never accepted a contract I could not finish, my team is already aware that the mission comes first and sacrifices are inevitable, I have never accepted a contract that has gone unfinished or an employer that was left unsatisfied. There have been trying moments in my career and alot of hard decisions but the worst kind of man is the man who goes against his word, and as your employee i give you my word that my duties will be fulfilled.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


In my line of work, those with a strong moral compass don't thrive, much less get paid. Never have my own ideals or morals gone between me and my target, I follow orders without question no matter how abhorrent or dangerous they may be, If you pay me to do a job, expect it to be completed with ruthless efficiency and discretion.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I would attend to the matter myself, i would most likely heavily sedate the "experiment" move it to a new and more secure holding within the facility, order an armed subordinate to stand watch, then return to the party, all the while remaining within comlink communication of the guard as well as periodically checking on the experiment myself.

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Position applying for: CZ-198 Application Security Officer



My name is Cammack , Weapon master skilled in all lethal and non-lethal munitions. I have even master the art of making my HK-51 droid a deadlier assassin then the Czerka Corporation manufactured him to be.


Achievements these were just another day in my life. The pathetic excuse for an Emperor and his apprentice Darth Malgus both fell at the end my saber. Crying and begging for there life as i wiped them from existence. I came face to face with the so called "infernal one" a sad excuse for a Rakata. His little mind traps a minor set back and yet even with his so called hypersensitive force power, was no match for me. A special team i personally recruited assisted me with delivering a killing blow to the Supreme Mogul of the Hutt Cartel Karagga an overgrow worm with no self respect to fight like a real hutt he tried to squash me with his giant robot spider but was stepped on like a worm. While exploring the Ancient Hypergate my team and I came across the being know as Lotek'k the so called "terror from beyond", he was defeat with the assistance of my strike team he was beaten back into the structure where we dislodge the beast from its hold. Most recently while traversing Darvannis with my strike team we came across Dread Master Styrak. He used the last of his powers to grow to an god like size and began to rampage on my team, only to be struck down. In his last moments of life, he commented that "One Lost, five remain, It will be enough." As his fellow Dreadmasters stood over him. I made sure to get a mental picture of them so that i may hunt them down later it is possible that they hold some technologies that may be beneficial to the Czerka corporation down the road.


I work long hours until the job is finished i am dedicated to accomplishing the task that i am given. I have put in overtime for previous employers even knowing the fact that i would not get paid for it.


I do what is needed to finish what i am working on a job is a job and if i am getting paid for a task you better believe that it will get done.


I would secure the experiment. Then i would have a talk with my colleague on how he could be so careless. While working for Czerka privacy and security come first we don't need experiments running amok and exposing company secrets. Then back to the snacks and drinks.

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1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

  • This is ex-[REDACTED] Cartley, previously employed by Imperial [REDACTED], contacting Czerka Corporations in regard to your recent posting of the CZ-198 application. It's come to my attention through various sources that you've simultaneously developed a new variant of the [REDACTED] and lost control of your [REDACTED]. Considering my extensive pedigree in [REDACTED] and biochemical engineering, it's not a question of why I should be a part of the Czerka family but can you afford to ignore an operative of my reputation.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

  • Stopping a galactic coup by Darth [REDACTED] and then later also Darth [REDACTED]
  • Subduing the [REDACTED] by entering his vault along side a team of highly trained and equipped [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]
  • Combating the [REDACTED] on [REDACTED] and preventing a systemic global meltdown


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?

  • I prefer not to discuss my methods in such an open forum. Should you message me at [REDACTED], I'm confident we can discuss in more than sufficient detail the abundant skills of myself and my crew.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?

  • I've never sacrificed my morals to achieve a job, but I've also never left a job unfinished.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?

  • Quick thinking and a quicker blade should keep this experiment subdued without any other guests being disturbed.


I look forward to hearing from you, but should I not, be assured that I remain ever vigilant and informed of your actions.



Edited by Thourton
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Best suited for organism handler opening.


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


My name is Exandrus Windstalker. The Jedi Council feels it is time that there is a Jedi presence within Czerka Corp. As a high-ranking Jedi Master within the order, I was chosen as ambassador. [jedimindtrick] You will accept my application. [/jedimindtrick]


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


1.) I saved the Jedi homeworld of Tython, became a Jedi Master, and struck down the Sith Emperor, all in the space of a week.

2.) Through intense meditation, I have discovered that in a previous life, I once found flaws in The Old Republic so severe that they brought the Republic to its knees. I gave my life to end the threat, and was reincarnated, stronger and more powerful.

3.) Many months ago, there was a period when the galaxy was in flux. Some know this period as "The Great Merge," a period when many parallel universes were violently forced together, resulting in many deaths. Along with a handful of Jedi, I navigated the merge safely and arrived at my new home unscathed (though not with the same name.)


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


The attitude of doing "whatever it takes" is insignificant next to the power of the Force. The Force is with me, always.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


My morals are unquestionable. I can always find a way to meet both my goal, and the greater good. The controllers at Czerka would do well to follow my example, lest the Jedi Council change my position from ambassador to judge.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


Meditation. The Force guides me through all things. Perhaps it is the will of the Force that the experiment be freed - and if so, I would endeavor to help my colleague's endeavors fulfill their destiny.

Edited by TheSeventhJedi
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I should require no introduction, However as you may be a desk worker in Human Resources working in some underground bunker on some long forgotten world, then I shall do so. I am Lilithine Sizhran, destroyer of worlds. All who come before my presence cower in fear as they look upon me. You may ask yourself, Why and How can a member of the Republic become so feared? The answer is simple, Power!

I have the power to destroy whoever I wish, and I do not care about the morals of the petty Republic or the Empire. I stand for Power and I will do what it takes no matter the cost. My greatest accomplishments if you really want a full list then I will have to kill you. However I will be obliged to list a few. I would say the ones I enjoy the most was freeing the World Razer from his Prison on Belsavis. A dismal world filled with the very scum this universe could think of. The Republic for all its glory, borrowed this ancient prison and did not even bother to learn what it was that was being imprisoned there. So I did what I felt this universe deserves, A parting gift to the Republic that while may be years away, within my scheme this act will surely be a showstopper. I have also learned how to Craft some of the strongest Biochemical Substances in the Universe, using some of the rarest and most powerful ingredients known and unknown. These substances have helped procure me much, and I will be all the more willing to share some of the secrets I have learned as well as those I will discover working with you on my endeavor to find even stronger ones. lastly I would say the destruction of some of the greatest powers in the Universe really is testament to my power, as none have stood before me and survived. The Republic, the Empire and even the Cartel have thrown every manner of creature and leader at me. I have destroyed or claimed then all. I have destroyed Sith Lords, and emperor wannabes, I have laid wastes to planets seized by greedy Hutts, and I have made soldiers and whole armies bow to their knees at the sight of me.

Success is only determined by power. Those with enough money and power can succeed on anything. With the resources at my disposal I accomplish my tasks with precision and focus, driven by the rage of power I do what ever it takes to see my goal is accomplished. If a World must be sacrificed to achieve my goal then I will destroy 3. Your last enquiry I find amusing, as I would ignore the situation for he would only be an esteemed colleague if he could take care of his own experiment. If he does not have the power to stop what he has created, then he does not deserve pity or help. If I returned to find his creation has run amuck and damaged the place and killed him, I would destroy the creature take his work and give it to someone who can do it better. I would then track down his family for compesation if any of my experiments was damaged. If he survived his ordeal, then I would watch to make sure he does not become a threat, ready to strike him down if he becomes one. I have seen what the Czerka corporation can do, and I am intrigued. I think we could work together as great partners. I bring about Power and Control, you have unlimited resources and the man power to do the work needed to control not just the Republic but all of the Empire and Outer worlds combined. I will be expecting your correspondence to formally welcome me onto the team. --Lilithine

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Name: Darth Chinbu

Applying for: Security Officer


Join the Czerka team! Please fill out the following application and respond in this thread to be considered for the open positions listed here.


CZ-198 Application


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


I am a Lord of the Sith, a member of the Dark Council and the most powerful Force user to ever exist. I have heard some marvels things about your, what was it called? Ah yes, Czerka Corporation. Your questionable use of morality and your lust for power is something we Sith admire greatly, so I am interested in joining your crusade for power. I believe that I could concur any of your listed jobs with ease, but I suppose being a security officer would likely fit in well with my love of lightning, murder and mayhem.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


My accomplishments are wide and many, but if I must name a few . . .


1:- I concurred the will of long dead power, and used it, along with my own talent for murder and mayhem of course, to slay my predecessor on the Dark Council.


2:- I saved (I still cannot get used to saying that word, it is like having blood in ones mouth when trying to speak, only this time it is your own) Makeb from the vile hands of the Hutts. Do not take me for a fool though, I did it only for my own interests. Oh dont worry, I am sure that all enemies of the Empire will soon find out what I accomplished. I will make sure that I am there, watching your tiny, smug little faces when you find out what we have. It will be such fun!


You know, one day, I will see Makeb burn just to make up for that one necessary blip.


3:- I once painted an entire valley a beautiful crimson color. I had to wait a few days to lure reinforcements in so I could fill in some few blanks, but it was worth it, if only for the look on their tiny Republic faces.


In the future, expect my achievements to include: - Becoming Emperor, destroying the Republic, exterminating every last Jedi, enslaving every planet in my name, destroying the Dread Masters, burning Makeb once again, and having the largest statue dedicated to oneself in the known universes. Oh, and securing immortality and whipping out most of the known population. What? I have to leave some servants alive. Perhaps my servants can be made up of Czerka members? If you give me this job, that is.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


My double-bladed lightsaber, an unchallenged skill in the force, and fashionable wares. Style and looks can be as deadly as venom, you know. (A note to myself, I must discover why my cult has yet to deliver me a dress made of pure gold)


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?

A moral... compass, you say? Oh yes, I have heard of such a thing. They are a chain, used by the weak as an excuse for their lack of strength and cowardliness. If ones mind is truly set upon a task, be it discovering the dark secrets of the past, or finding out just what pattern that Republic soldiers blood will make when splattered on the wall, then nothing should get in the way, not allies, civilians, lovers, nothing.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I sit back, and I watch the entertainment unfold. The beast will eventually die at my hands, unless its belly bursts from consuming most of your staff! Haha!

Edited by Cyberwoman
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Position Applied For: Biochemical Engineer


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

I seek the support of a large corporation in assistance with my research. I bring to you unique opportunities to create new biochemical miracles. Czerka is is a trusted name for getting results, and I feel now is the time to share my research and capability with such a reputable company.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


Just three? I polled a research assistant, and these were the first three that came to mind:


Manipulation and synthetic replication of the Rakghoul Miracle. Classified.

Full research into the effects and application of the Quell chemical into water supplies, along with an improved airborne and injected MOD (Method of Delivery).

Field work certification to synthesize both Huun and Krayt Dragon natural chemicals.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


Some by correcting the "bad" work of others, but mostly by innovating past my competition. Hard work, long hours, and managing a motivated staff.


The future has no limitations, laws, or ideals that apply. Only the future. Morals and government that stand in the way of progress belong to those whom fear the future.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


There is nothing "morally questionable" when it comes to science. Sacrifices must be made for the future.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


Contain and report this "Colleague" for unprofessional behavior. They can of course, join my staff and learn the correct methods instead of losing their jobs.

Edited by Maelael
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1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


My name is Alyx Dinas. I am an ex-employee of Corellian Transports and Exports, a shipping concern within the Galactic Republic. During my time with the company, I achieved a position of leadership and managed various company events and mediated interpersonal disputes. I believe this makes me a clear choice for a security officer at Czerka Corporation. I am forward, direct, and tackle situations quickly and efficiently.


Why do I want to be part of the Czerka family? Probably because you used the word family.


The galaxy is not a kind place. It has more negative space between the stars than you'd imagine. And even stars die. People leave. Initiatives fail. Friendships collapse into black holes. After a while, you start to feel that there's no place where you can achieve something. Be someone. No place where you're welcome.


I want to join Czerka because I want a family. Better yet, I want a family I can make proud. That I can serve to the best of my abilities and can offer me work that makes me go home at the day satisfied in a complete way. I want to join Czerka because I want to be something more than myself.


I want to join Czerka because, maybe, just maybe, we'll create more stars.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


- I created and continue to maintain an extensive program to track wanted criminals across the galaxy. This system has received countless mentions on the public holonet over the last standard galactic year.


- I managed the security for two large swoop races, one of which (The CTE Vertical City Swoopstakes) was also subject to recognition on the holo.


- Prior to the massive reset of these holonet forums, I wrote an article regarding the Republic Military that was permanently attached to the top of the forum frequented by Republic Troopers.


((I believe it was the only stickied RP guide in the website's history.))


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


Success require commitment. Most people say they will do something because they enjoy being able to tell people that they are doing something. People of achievement? They say the will do something because they will do it. They will labor for hours over the small detail, they will look at all angles to make sure that their work is not just good work but excellent work.


My own achievements give me no shortage of pride. They are initiatives of scale, recognized by peers. But that's not why we push ourselves to succeed. It's not why I worked to do what I did. Recognition is a side note.


I said I would achieve, so I did. I can look other people in the eye and know that through my time and my efforts I've created something of my own. Something that people shared in. Something that left a mark.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


Not everyone can work on the cure for Brainrot or Silicalung. Work is work. What matters is if the work is fulfilling. That's what makes you sleep at night. Knowing that you did a fine job at something.


So, would my moral compass get in the way of my job? Not at all. Why? Because the job's my compass.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I would first check to see if I knew the experiment's general position in the company's concerns. Czerka does a strong job of categorizing projects with quick call up designations. This would take little more than a few seconds with my datapad. If the experiment is above the middle line of projected worth, I would call for an immediate evacuation and subsequent quarantine of the area until specimen control could arrive.


However, should the experiment not meet this criteria (ie. the cost of specimen sterilization is minor compared to the cost of their release), I would order sterilization immediately in order to prevent risk to any other experiments, prototypes, or projects of value. Also, employees.


In either case, my coworker will be immediately reported and a follow up of security suggestions would be forwarded to the proper parties.




Thank you very much for your application. I was particularly impressed with your answer, "So, would my moral compass get in the way of my job? Not at all. Why? Because the job's my compass." I have forwarded your application to Mr. Blys. I am sure he will be just as impressed as I am.

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Jedi Covenant



CZ-198 Application: Biochemical Engineer


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


I am called Rhesos. Otherwise, who I am is not important.


What I am seeking however - well. Yes. My interest in your family has very very much to do with your cohesion and single-mindedness of purpose; that of self-extension. Most factions, most governments and collectives, they wax and wane with the petty desires of those near the top scrapping for their own personal gain, but I'm looking for something a little less tangible than currency or accolades.


Knowledge and the benefits afforded by that knowledge are what I seek and I feel it is fortunate we find ourselves crossing, maybe aligning paths towards a singular purpose - together. Your material resources and my technological prowess could both leverage one another for a, mutual, and significant benefit.




2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


Of those experiences for which simple written language can suffice as a means of communication, I can think of three recent events:


For several years I spent a good deal of time studying and mastering the technologies of the Rakatans. While inelegantly bureaucratic and mired by foolish Rakatan societal structuring, their artifical intelligences and materials technologies have proven to be useful to me on an ongoing basis. The knowledge didn't come without some effort on my part though. There was one particularly arrogant entity calling itself "the infernal one" who had the temerity to try to deny me access to the contents of a certain vault. I walked away, unscathed, with the knowledge and technology I had come seeking while its assumed agelessness was left twisted into a rather ugly end.



On another occassion, I found myself called to that charmingly barren and icy little world, Ilum, where I was given the opportunity to experience an intelligence both startlingly old and cruelly elegant in its abstraction of reality. Using some of the augmentation techniques I had acquired from my time studying the Rakatans, I mastered the languages of the ancient Gree and managed to gain their most explicit of trusts in astonishingly short time. Their reality-bending technologies have become invaluable to me in my daily work now.



Most recently though, and most disturbingly, I have found myself at odds with a group of aging force wielders calling themselves the dread masters. I'll be the first to admit they possess an intimidating appearance and pedigree, but the only dread they've managed to instill in me is that which comes from their haphazard wieldings of the scraps of technologies they've managed to pool together. It was the fallout from these puerile manipulations of spacetime that brought the Gree to my door. They came asking for help in an attempt to stop the chaos from engulfing what of the Gree enclave were left in a material state. I obliged, first on Asation where the guard's cowardice had them manipulate a pathetically simple creature, and again later, more directly against the guard, on Darvannis. Some would say I treated the guard harshly on Darvannis. I would be more inclined to say I showed a measure of pity in not wholly discorporating them when I finished playing with them.




3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


How? Whatever it takes? These seem like silly questions. Would you ask the twin suns of Tattooine how they rise and fall over rocky ruins? Would you ask a Gree singularity the means by which so many trillions of minds were unbound from their bodies and coalesceced into a infinitesimally small quantum of unimaginable intelligence?


How I accomplish what I accomplish isn't really of consequence now is it? That once set to a task, a task's completion is seen - is many time exceeded, would appear to be all that matters. No?




4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


Morality is...? I don't really follow what you mean. Is this something to do with the primitive notions of "good" and "evil?" Some bipolar set of arbitrary judgements applied to actions that favor or disfavor one of two values? I don't see how so limiting a categorical system would apply to our mutual goals.




5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


Hmm. Interesting question. The experiment, will it interact with those colleague's in such a way that I might be able to gauge its effectiveness against the colleagues? Will the colleagues be equipped in ways to try to counter or disable the experiment? Will I get the chance to engage the experiment myself and have the time later to improve on the findings? There are just too many possibilities opened by the scenario you've provided and the mind reels at the opportunities to learn from the unintended interactions you propose.


I would very much like to be a part of this scenario, but I would expect full write-ups on the colleagues and the experiment so I could have a better insight into the context about which you're making proposals. Can we schedule a time to talk more about the parameters of the experiment? I've had some ideas lately involving the highly adaptive and mutagenic capabilities of the Rakghoul virus and I think your "loosed experiment" could be the perfect vehicle for testing some theories I have about both accelerated and forced evolution in high metabolism higher functioning species.

Edited by Rhesus_TOR
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CZ-198 Application


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


I am a Major in the Republic special forces, I have experience in a wide variety of environments but have yet to step into the more professional world of Czerka corporation. It would be a nice change to see more direct and immediate results to my actions. I know i would do well in the ranks of Czerka giving the proper opportunity.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


1. I have strong political connections on Alderaan.

2. I have proven my combat ability on many extremely harsh environments ranging from poison choked swamps of [Redacted] to the frozen plains of [Redacted] and even in many different urban and city landscapes.

3. I have my own crew and ship ready to venture out to any location anywhere anytime.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


I do what needs to be done to get the optimal outcome for the objective. I have yet to come across any person thing or machine that can stop me from seeing the mission completed.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


Context is everything, I have my own code and i follow it as closely as possible, the context of the mission and its consequences coupled with my code will drive how the mission goes and if anything would slow me down.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


make sure I am the one to stop their experiment after it breaks free, just in time to save everyone and make sure they take note of what happened and why, no need for Czerka personnel to pay with their lives to prove a point.

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