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Petition to stop pretending Bolster was for new PvP'rs


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Bolster doesn't make a player hit their keys any better and really doesn't make the people who were too lazy to equip their recruit gear competitive. They simply die 1-2 GCD's later and buf my total damage stat.


Bolster is not about new PvP'rs. It's about making raid gear usable in PvP.

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...even though you refuse to accept that.


You have no fraking idea of what I accept or not. It is you and the other "l33t professional" PvPers that continually gripe, moan, and QQ about bolster and that you want it back the way it was. It. Is. Not. Going. To. Happen. I for one, am sick of the scat over this issue that comes from you and those who want to see PvP revert back to way it was...all because you feel you are entitled to have the a god like advantage in gear over fresh newbies so you can enlarge and stroke your Epeen. Get over yourselves. You have two choices, accept and adapt or find greener pastures elsewhere. If you don't like what I said, TFB.

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bolster gives people chance to learn how to pvp and draws more people to pvp.


that's what lowbie pvp is for, to learn your class against other players, that's what leveling in general is for, not for 55 pvp or ranked pvp.


only people who quit pvp are elitist lame baddies who cry over they hard worked gear not giving them free kills any more, and no one will miss them, as they don't contribute to the team any way.


So if they implement a PVE bolster and raiders quit the game and move elsewhere because they want gear progression, are they also elitist lame baddies? Serious question.


FYI, I would vote for removing bolster from ranked, ofc there is no reason to do it since most pvp gear is better then pve gear, BUT would discourage people from exploiting, however, I'm not going to give this any petitions, as I simply don't care about that 1% of advantage gained thro exploiting (but I understand frustration of others) - but I would support that bit.


Bolster has 0 place in 55 pvp, let alone in ranked. But, going off your previous point, what about new players who want to just jump into ranked matches with pve gear to learn to pvp on their class, etc?


When Arenas come out, in all likelihood, it's just gonna be solo que ranked/4man ranked. You can bet there's gonna be a bolster in there as well. Since these are evidently going to be separate maps Only for 4v4s, people can't very well "jump into it" and queue for those without a bolster. Do you see the problem there?


Bottom line: new pvp basic gear (don't even call it recruit if that's so offensive to so many people and brings to mind so many negative emotions) free to players, with stats slightly lower than the lowest tier of pvp gear, no bolster, let people do ranked, 4man ranked, solo queue ranked, whatever, in their gear of choice. If they get stomped due to the extra 1% diff in stats, then they can grind regular wzs til they're min-maxed, then requeue for ranked. If there's a bolster in arenas, it's just going to lead to more bolster exploits that CAN'T all be fixes, Obviously. Every single day since 2.0 launched, there have been bugs that they apparently can't fix, even when they claim that they're going to. Therein lies the problem.

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You have no fraking idea of what I accept or not. It is you and the other "l33t professional" PvPers that continually gripe, moan, and QQ about bolster and that you want it back the way it was. It. Is. Not. Going. To. Happen. I for one, am sick of the scat over this issue that comes from you and those who want to see PvP revert back to way it was...all because you feel you are entitled to have the a god like advantage in gear over fresh newbies so you can enlarge and stroke your Epeen. Get over yourselves. You have two choices, accept and adapt or find greener pastures elsewhere. If you don't like what I said, TFB.


I've never claimed to be some elite professional pvper, I'm a subsciber like everyone else, and I'm voicing my opinion on the forums. If you'd bother to read any of the pvp forums at all, you'd see that the vast majority of people do NOT like bolster at all. Whether they want it out of just ranked or 55 and ranked or whatever, point is, they don't like it.


And again, whether you wish to accept it or not, Bioware WILL remove this fail system, because it is fail. I'd personally prefer sooner rather than later, so as to keep the game from bleeding any more subs, but knowing them, it could take 6 months to a year. If nothing else, their "internal metrics" will show that there's far fewer people playing than before 2.0.


Gotta say though, love people like you who post. Who's really full of themselves here? The person sticking to the issue in a civl manner, or the person freaking out and swearing at the mere SUGGESTION of removing bolster and replacing it with a more efficient system (better recruit gear). :rolleyes:


In any case, if you don't like seeing the remove bolster threads, don't come to the PVP forums, cause that's all there is, along with various calls for nerfs to diff classes/specs and premade vs pug stuff.

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SomeJagoff: I was to make another long post, but when you typed in about 'new players going in ranked WZ to learn his class' I had to stop...


are bolstered players such a big deal for you? that they can partly compete with you in pve gear? I don't get you'r point. You want free recruit gear that will be adequate to currently bolstered stats (a bit below tier 1 pvp gear), but you are against bolster that is free and mandatory cause it makes people lazy?


no, 'vast majority' do not 'hate' bolster. many people complain about it, about bugs and exploits, but not about the idea of bolster it self, eventualy about removing bolster from ranked as it's top elite etc. if 90% people would vote to remove bolster from ranked, would you say that 90% of people are against bolster in general?


if they remove bolster and go back to previus recruit gear idea - fine, I'll live with it, learn and adapt, as we all do.

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are bolstered players such a big deal for you? that they can partly compete with you in pve gear? I don't get you'r point. You want free recruit gear that will be adequate to currently bolstered stats (a bit below tier 1 pvp gear), but you are against bolster that is free and mandatory cause it makes people lazy?


I touched on this in multiple posts, but to sum up: I don't want bolster because I personally don't want to wear pve gear and stomp people wearing pvp gear. If this game had had bolster at 50 at launch, I honestly probably wouldn't care right now, but after having spent over a year going from different tiers of gear, progression on and on, only to have the gear so utterly meaningless now, it doesn't feel right.


By the same token, I have no motivation to spend my time grinding out BIS min-maxed conquerer gear if some guy is gonna jump into a wz with 69s or 72s, or 66s, or 45s or whatever mixture of pve gear and stomp me in pvp gear. Being equal is one thing, but the huge disparity between actual "pvp" gear and bolstered pve gear is ridiculous.


The benefit of Recruit gear without bolster is this: static stats, NOTHING will change. The stats you have on the fleet will be the same stats you have in a warzone. Bolster just screws with this so much, nobody is exactly sure how bolster works or what really is BIS, including bioware.


A perfect example of this would be a Conquerer mainhand vs a Dread Guard mainhand. Thanks to bolster, BOTH will be bolstered to 75 gear/kell dragon rating.

-The Conquerer mainhand hilt/barrel has 68 mainstat/64 endurance/68 expertise,

-The Dread Guard mainhand hilt/barrel has 72 mainstat/52 endurance/67? bolstered expertise.


So when you look at those two, what is the difference? Any PVE gear 63 or below rating gets close to max expertise (like 1pt less per piece), since the stats are so low even on the 65 tier conquerer gear, why even bother grinding it at all if you already have a min-maxed set of dread guard? I mean honestly. 4 mainstat vs 1 expertise? Maybe 100 more hit points (assuming that isn't bolstered up too, which it probably is)? Is that really worth grinding at all? Especially when both are bolstered to the exact same force/tech power? The only reason you "need" pvp gear at all at this point is if you're questing on a pvp server/ganking people in open world. And even then, basic partisan will do the job just fine.


So once again, pvp gear progression = meaningless/non-existent.

Edited by SomeJagoff
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if you getting stomped by pve equipped players, I have nothing more to add to this thread.

2 more points in mainstat, that horrors :confused:


I have no motivation to spend my time grinding out BIS min-maxed conquerer gear if some guy is gonna jump into a wz with 69s or 72s, or 66s, or 45s or whatever mixture of pve gear and stomp me in pvp gear. Being equal is one thing, but the huge disparity between actual "pvp" gear and bolstered pve gear is ridiculous.


A perfect example of this would be a Conquerer mainhand vs a Dread Guard mainhand. Thanks to bolster, BOTH will be bolstered to 75 gear/kell dragon rating.

-The Conquerer mainhand hilt/barrel has 68 mainstat/64 endurance/68 expertise,

-The Dread Guard mainhand hilt/barrel has 72 mainstat/52 endurance/67? bolstered expertise.


So once again, pvp gear progression = meaningless/non-existent.

Edited by Atramar
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if you getting stomped by pve equipped players, I have nothing more to add to this thread.

2 more points in mainstat, that horrors :confused:


You're kind of missing the point, based on what I just said, Dread guard weapons are virtually identical to Conquerer weapons, if not completely identical to them.


So to be clear, when Bioware said "Conquerer is the best, Partisan is slightly worse than conquerer, and bolstered pve gear is slightly worse than partisan" what they evidently meant is bolstered pve gear is identical to partisan/conquerer minus 14 expertise and conquerer probably gives you a few extra hit points.


If that's their intention, then there would be no problem implementing a new recruit gear that was identical to partisan, but had 1 less expertise per piece. At least then, you could grind for the extra 14 expertise if you chose to do so, whereas right now, queue up in min-maxed dread guard and you're pretty much already in min-maxed conquerer.


As for getting stomped by people wearing pve gear, considering that the pugstomping pub pvp guilds on the harbinger will wear whatever maxes their stats (the original augment slot glitch thread had screenshots of one of the members from the top pub pvp guild exploiting it), even if it's pve gear, this isn't surprising. There are A Lot of people in pvp gear who get stomped by people wearing pve gear on EVERY server.


The only logical conclusion as to why the opposite would be the case would be the the presumption that people in PVP gear pvp more and thus are better than people in pve gear. Except when a mix of whatever PVE gear gives you max stats and it's widely known, expect top PVPers to be wearing whatever gear makes them dominate.


If there were no bolster, the only gear that would truly dominate would be min-maxed conquerer gear, Nothing else. 75 gear would get 0 expertise and get destroyed, especially with the new expertise diminishing returns cap.


But until there is no longer Bolster, it's anyone's guess as to what's actually best in slot.

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I like bolster, both as an idea and as iit has been implemented. It is good. It works. It is here to stay. Get over it.


You also don't think premades are a problem, but that thread with 174,000 views and 4,900 posts would indicate the community thinks otherwise.

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Bolster was never for PvPers. Yeah, the old system suffered from large entry barrier at max level, but the new system does not improve the PvP experience by any means. The problem is it works mysteriously stupid. My PvE toon was running stats almost identical to partisan in level 61 to 66 PvE gear mix. Once I got to level 69, I gained almost no damage advantage, gained about 2-3K HP and lost 500 expertise. How does that help PvEers compete in endgame WZs?


All it does is make you scratch your head trying to figure out *** happened?! I just upgraded my gear and I am less effective :rak_02:


For pure PvP environment, the people who complained about gear are the same people who complain now about premades or smashers. Competitive PvP play does not give a **** about these under skilled, under geared whiners. Have you ever heard someone in a ranked WZ complain about being under geared?! Changing the PvP_ gearing system does absolutely nothing for competitive play. All it does is help under geared PvEers from entering WZs in tionesse gear equivalent from being utterly destroyed (you are wearing crap PvE gear in PvP environment...), and yet highly geared PvEers are at serve disadvantage. If this is working as intended, BW management needs to reevaluate why the PvP devs are still employed.

Edited by Ottoattack
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Jagoff is right on point even if he exagerates the case with pve geared / mixed gear players "stomping" pvp geared ones. The problem is the bussiness plan in the MMO genre is now all about lowering barriers to entry because that is the only way they can hope for growth. As long as BW believes that bolsters lowers the barrier to entry for pvp it is going to stay. I prefer the recruit gear solution, but recruit gear will never work as long as augments make such a significant difference. The issue with MK2 wasn't the stat differeance between it and WH, it was that augmenting WH gear made sense with how long you would keep it while augmenting recruit was a waste of credits, and that created the gear gap, not that actual stat difference.
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Other people who rarely pvp, but specificlaly were too lazy to grind the gear, now they'll maybe queue for 1 wz a month when they have some time to kill in between raids. So casual PVPers (PVEers) now get a great way to walk into a warzone and stomp PVPers in pvp gear.......but.......but......when those same PVPers in their min-maxed conquerer gear want to try some hm ops? "Nah, beat it kid!"



Odd....I successfully tanked all the way through HM S&V the other day in Conqueor gear

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It says opposite, cause I don't agree with that. pve gear is not better then pvp gear in warzones. While it was badly implemented with devs ignoring signs from testers on exploits, it's mostly fixed and works as it should now.

it boosts properly your designed mods instead of giving fixed number of accuracy,def,etc


asking to remove bolster, is cry for help of players who used to have gear advantage over other players and can't cope without it.

Warzones are better and more equal now, and people can't complain about being outgeared. It truly shows how terribads some are.


You must be trolling me, because you can't really be that bad at reading comprehension. I said PvP players are NOT having problems killing bolstered people. You keep reading it as if I said they were.

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