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A Public Apology from Drop it Like it's Hoth


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I realise most of you probably have no idea who I am or who we as a guild are and probably have no idea to what this is about but I feel it is important to make this clear in a forum where identity is verifiable; so please humour me as you read this. I have added a TLDR for those who just want a bullet point summary at the end.


On many websites that report, news on SWTOR my guild and I have been subject to an individual impersonating us.


Those of you who have heard of us and do know me quite well I hope you agree that this is not something we would do.


To begin with, I first want to apologise to every guild website they have posted on pretending to be myself or one of my guildies; I would also like to specifically apologise to Dulfy and Darth Hater both of which have been subject to this imposters attempts.


Below is the most recent comment I know of:



I can only assume this is someone who has come to bear some sort of grudge against us and I can as mentioned previously assure you this is neither me nor a member of the guild. Maybe it is someone who used to be in the guild I do not know but it is not one of my members. If it were, they would be out of the door faster than you could blink.


However, whomever has made these posts clearly does not know myself or the guildies very well as the others they have attempted to impersonate are some of the most well-mannered gentlemen I have had the pleasure of meeting.


Drop it Like it’s Hoth is a large guild, we are a social guild. We are proud of our achievements but we do not believe that makes us better than anyone be them a sub or a F2P’er. Our first run after nightmare mode clear was two groups split splitting up the progression group to try to get a further eight players through the content. We chose not to work on the title to get our patient guildies into the fun fast.


Once again, I would like to humbly apologise and ask for the forgiveness of anyone offended by the actions of the unknown person f you run a SWTOR related website or guild site please be aware that this troll is very active and if in doubt contact me directly through a PM here or dilih.eu



  • Someone has pretending to be me and other members of my guild
  • They have been painting us in an unsavoury light and offended many people
  • I am extremely sorry to all the sites they have posted on and to anyone offended by the comments
  • I would like to assure you that this is in fact no one within my guild
  • If it were someone within my guild, they would be out of the door faster than you could blink

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I'm not in your guild but we share a server and the same faction. Have to say I've never had any issues with any of your members. Nice of you to bring some clarification into this. That individual most be a very sad person. Hope everything gets sorted out fast :)
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A well written apology Lace. I doubt that persons with an arrogant and superior approach towards other people within this level would even be considered as a member of DiLiH. It's just sad and unfortunate that this individual decided to impersonate several of our members in an attempt to give us bad PR. Rest assured it's nobody within the guild.


We'd never brag about the achievements we've accomplished lately in a way that would hurt or upset a persons feelings in any way and apologize for this mess the person has caused us even thou he's not in the guild.


I got a tip from another person today while playing SW:ToR and the person was kind enough about the matter to give us a heads up of the matter and I clarified to said person about the matter. After this incident I think we've had enough of this foolishness and just want to end it.

Edited by Zyntharion
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Yeah..nature of the internet in the context of games. It happens. But it's particularly bad when it is an entire guild that is impersonated.


Generally they lack persistence of effort though.. leading one to believe they are small minded little gerbils that are easily distracted. :)


I remember when some d-bag was pretending to be me on some gaming forum AND pretending to be an actual Bioware consultant at the same time. The funny part though, was the people who bought into it and were so easily duped and ran with it.

Edited by Andryah
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Classy move Lace. Here at <SuckaFish> we hold you all with high esteem and and believe this to be a travesty. We're sorry that someone out there wants to drag your guilds phenomenal guild name in the mud. You are all a class act to us and have treated the community with nothing but sincerity. No9 need to apologize cause some people get jealous my man. Best of luck to you and your guild. We look forward to racing you all again. :)
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Classy move Lace. Here at <SuckaFish> we hold you all with high esteem and and believe this to be a travesty. We're sorry that someone out there wants to drag your guilds phenomenal guild name in the mud. You are all a class act to us and have treated the community with nothing but sincerity. No9 need to apologize cause some people get jealous my man. Best of luck to you and your guild. We look forward to racing you all again. :)


Likewise; the fun of racing you guys and just being involved in the forums has made raiding all the more fun! Looking forward to October/2.4 if it has the new raid.

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Well spoken Lace!


As GM of <Shades of Grey> I will happily sign my name in support of you and your guild on any forum or blog where this muppet has attempted to discredit you guys.


Best Regards,


- Muzyka

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This post is very well written. In my 12 years on the internet, this is easily in the top 5 well-written forum posts. I do not believe most trolls are capable of such literacy or clarity. Best wishes to Drop it Like it is Hoth.
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Lace i hope you get it sorted soon and for my 2 cents people only try and discredit those that have something they wish they had . Good luck and ill keep an eye out for any more posts that just don't fit the manner of the people i have played with. Edited by DarthBryn
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