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What's with all the ganking??


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Ganking isn't PVP. Ganking is for people who have no PVP skill. It makes them feel good to pick on people who have no gear or level equality.


Gankers don't have the brains or skill to fight someone equal to themselves or better.


Gankers kill level 55's too and for the most part it's only two more buttons pushed on non geared 55's than it is for lowbies.


They put a new title in the game and I think the op's problem. Just takes one person to lock down a lowbie area out of the thousands of subs and that person is reporting one incident. Lets face it, this is not very common on most servers, op just needed to vent.


Section x is the place to farm kills, constant flow, easy to find victims and there's almost never a lull.

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LOL. Did you read?


I love world PVP. When it's level appropriate. When I'm Lvl 31, I don't want a bunch of 55s killing me 6 times in 5 minutes.


The only person who isn't reading is you. You know that PvP tag on the server you joined?


Yeah.... suck it up or you can go join join a PvE server with the rest of the Trammel lovers

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Ganking isn't PVP. Ganking is for people who have no PVP skill. It makes them feel good to pick on people who have no gear or level equality.


Gankers don't have the brains or skill to fight someone equal to themselves or better.



you sound bitter and angsty


all player vs player fighting is pvp. get over it.


the only reason i gank at time is because im bored, and i know it makes people like you whip into a foamy rage. it has nothing to do with thinking im good, or outplaying you. i use your tears as nourishment. if they dont seem like they care then there would truly be no point.


furthermore, ganking is a way to protect people in your faction as they quest.

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Newbee is making quests on Tatooine.

- KABOOM!!! *100500 damage from grenade*

-Damn!!! WHY ARE YOU KILL ME???!!!!! :(:(:(:(

-*55 level commando* Hey))) Im just saying "welcome to our PVP server" ;)


In Russia, we have a little PVP-mem.

"If you like PVP - you should also love to watch at your corpse" (yeah, in russian it sounds better)

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...rolling on a PVP server is not automatic consent to be ganked by someone of a much higher level..


Actually it is. The rule set is explained clearly during server selection. Truth be told, the level of and occurrences of ganking and the general level of pvp outside of warzones is amongst the most carebear I've seen in any MMO.


That said, ganking is poor form and a symptom of an immature personality.

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Newbee is making quests on Tatooine.

- KABOOM!!! *100500 damage from grenade*

-Damn!!! WHY ARE YOU KILL ME???!!!!! :(:(:(:(

-*55 level commando* Hey))) Im just saying "welcome to our PVP server" ;)


In Russia, we have a little PVP-mem.

"If you like PVP - you should also love to watch at your corpse" (yeah, in russian it sounds better)


We have a Russian named Baldie in our guild, she's an insomniac PvP killer. Baldie loves giggling while stabbing your stunned toon in the back. She bathes in the blood of those who challenge her.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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Very bad example.. Nobody unwillingly sits down to a chess game..


Nobody asks to be ganked and rolling on a PVP server is not automatic consent to be ganked by someone of a much higher level.. Nobody asked to have their time wasted or to not be able to do a quest because someone is acting like a jerk.. People are ganked without their permission.. Which is why it is called griefing..


It isn't playing.. Someone is imposing their will on someone else, and preventing them from playing the game..


Personally, I think people that repeatedly gank lowbies should be temp banned.. If they continue, then permanently.. Technically it is harassment. Even on a PVP server..


It shouldn't be allowed on any server.. :rolleyes:


No one unwillingly joins a PvP Server. And it is automatic consent. When I rolled on a Jung Ma, this is exactly what I knew could and likely would happen.

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When I was a young chap on Tatooine, I lived in Begeren Colony where we like to roleplay and fight NPCs in peace. Everything changed when the Sith attacked. They came in hordes, Level 55s of all sorts, slaughtering our guards. I drew my lightsaber, but they were upon me. Everything killed. I found myself at a medcenter and rested my wounds, but the Sith came and continually drove their lightsabers through me. "Stop!" I yelled, but the Sith smiled wickedly and said "Die noob C:" My clothes were in tatters and it cost a fortune to get everything fixed.


Okay thats just a theatrical way of putting it. Ganking is a problem, but only really on PVE and RP-PvE servers. On PvP servers you don't have too much of an excuse. There should be a restriction to who you can kill while not engaged in a warzone. Maybe only being allowed to kill players 5 levels below or above you. Or PvP flags should always be manual on non PvP servers. High level players seem to abuse the automatic PvP flagging.

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you sound bitter and angsty


all player vs player fighting is pvp. get over it.


the only reason i gank at time is because im bored, and i know it makes people like you whip into a foamy rage. it has nothing to do with thinking im good, or outplaying you. i use your tears as nourishment. if they dont seem like they care then there would truly be no point.


furthermore, ganking is a way to protect people in your faction as they quest.


LOL, nah, not really. The other game I play is nothing but pvp, and there I enjoy it, to a limited extent. Here and other games, not so much. I don't whip into a foamy rage, I just shrug, shake my head and say 'what a fail, that he has to kill noobs' and move on. Like I said, I played on Freedom Nadd for 6 mths (well it wasn't called Freedom Nadd, I forget what it was before..Lord Calypho or something like that. I had three characters to 50 and adequately geared (50 was max then) and decided to join my hubby on the PVE server.


Playing on the PVE server solved a few issues for me...Lord Calypho (Freedom Nadd) is a Euro server, and I'm from Canada. I played on the Euro server so I could hang out with my friend, but the lag was really bad for me there, and I was constantly getting dc's in the warzones...


Basically I felt it best to move to the PVE, because I like to do both, and I like to do my PVE without having the stress of looking over my shoulder all the time. I like that I can get up and answer the phone, or let my dog out without returning to a dead body. And when I feel like pvp, I can do a WZ w/o DC. No foamy rage here, I still stand by the idea that gankers are no skill losers...sorry if you are one, lol

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Sadly this is true. But as a seasoned raid leader, I'd rather take a raid full of people who had to watch over their shoulders for 55 levels, than someone who leveled with no danger around them. I'd compare PvE server folks to PvP server folks by the following: The PvE players are like domesticated cattle, with plenty of food, and no danger. The PvP players are more like wildebeests, having to constantly watch out for lions, crocodiles, hyenas, etc. In a raid, a pvp player is going to be able to move and adapt more quickly than someone who isn't used to having to watch all around and react suddenly. Corn-fed Wagyu DPS may have a smooth rotation, but I'd put money on them derping a boss pull because they stand in fire, or didn't watch their target of target or some other form of baddie'ism.


While ganking sucks, it does create a sharper player.



Bwahahahahahahaha! Lolololololol! Whew, ok, I'm done laughing. Wait.. hahahahaha! Ok, thanks for the great laugh and pretty much the funniest post ever. I love the part how you compare world PvP with scripted raids. Like Larry the Cable Guy would say, "That's funny right there."


Ganking creates two things, neither of which is a sharper player: Grief for the ganked party and joy for the loser sociopath who is likely incapable of winning a fair fight. Not that any of this matters in the real world.


Thank you again for such a great post. If you ever want to write for The Onion, I will happily give you a glowing reference.

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We have a Russian named Baldie in our guild, she's an insomniac PvP killer. Baldie loves giggling while stabbing your stunned toon in the back. She bathes in the blood of those who challenge her.

Ooooooooooooo, we kinda hate her on the Republic side. The second she pops up in a warzone, we mark her. Goes something like this:


Player One: "Baldie's here".


Everyone Else: "Mark her, and screw the objectives. Blowing Baldie up is all that matters until the timer runs out".

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Ooooooooooooo, we kinda hate her on the Republic side. The second she pops up in a warzone, we mark her. Goes something like this:


Player One: "Baldie's here".


Everyone Else: "Mark her, and screw the objectives. Blowing Baldie up is all that matters until the timer runs out".


I knew someone would remember her:p

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despite what people will say, if you are actually being camped in major quest hub and are completely unable to get your quests and carry on this is against the rules of conduct. now this is rare but not impossible, i assume bh/troopers can still stealth scan ppl even in pvp death stealth.


rules of conduct-->harassment

"Player versus Player (“PvP”) activities, where available, are not exempt from this policy."


figured id share this knowledge with ya since most ppl are going on about pvp server blah blah blah.

Edited by Mrshush
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Yea I agree, obviously you rolled a pvp server to PVP in a more fair manner, not be ganked by people who are bored with the game. I think it's pretty boring to gank someone that stands no chance against you, where's the challenge in that? I usually don't gank lowlvls for that reason.


I'm on the same server btw

Edited by Puhnesq
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I have seen full raid groups of pvp geared 'players' tooling around low level contested planets for hours on end. What chance does a lone , under-geared level 20ish character stand against a full raid group of PvP geared level 55s? Edited by LadyKohastFel
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I have seen full raid groups of pvp geared 'players' tooling around low level contested planets for hours on end. What chance does a lone , under-geared level 20ish character stand against a full raid group of PvP geared level 55s?


This defenseless 20 level char will do the same, when the time comes. Dont lie to yourself.

This is PVP server. No rules, no place to hide.

But it was HIS choice. No one has forced him to go on PVP.


P.S. Personally I dont like PVP, so im usually not playing games with open-world PVP (at least if i dont have game protection).

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and one more issue


that's all good about "This is SPARTA!"... i mean "PVP SERVER!!!" position

except one thing


gankers RUIN the game

they waist their time trying not allow other players to run CONTENT


if a bunch of idiots makes for me impossible or hard to fulfill the game content -i'll put it aside

ganking do not lead other side to run the game - just the opposite


people ganked do not go to warzones or Huttball or to Illum to "avenge"

they'll' get bored and dissapointed


there are ways of playing which makes the game more interesting and involving - PVP (war zones or open world) one of them of course

but ganking is not

Edited by pan_sObak
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Server transfers is prolly the final nail in pvp server coffins... gank all you like, while there are still lowbies on your server.


Leveling up on a pvp server can be fun, but ultimately it's a hassle. Players can xfer off the pvp servers now when that hassle exceeds the fun.


And there is no reason to xfer to a pvp server. Pve server players can always tag themselves, and/or que for warzones.


Obviously I don't mean everyone, and not all at once... but watch the trends, 6 months after the xfers started, I'm thinking finding pvp server populations listed as Heavy will become rare, starting in September when the schools reopen.

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Server transfers is prolly the final nail in pvp server coffins... gank all you like, while there are still lowbies on your server.


Leveling up on a pvp server can be fun, but ultimately it's a hassle. Players can xfer off the pvp servers now when that hassle exceeds the fun.


And there is no reason to xfer to a pvp server. Pve server players can always tag themselves, and/or que for warzones.


Obviously I don't mean everyone, and not all at once... but watch the trends, 6 months after the xfers started, I'm thinking finding pvp server populations listed as Heavy will become rare, starting in September when the schools reopen.


IDK, WoW opened server transfers years ago and my server remained balanced and high pop.


People who like PvP will stay, carebears who shoulda rolled PvE in the first place will leave.


Most of these posts complaining about ganking have one thing in common. The person likes to PvP but on their terms. Consensual PvP = PvE server.

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So, when one plays chess against a superior opponent, it's not playing? When one plays poker against a superior player, it's not playing?


I don't think you know exactly what playing is.


You're playing a level 1 (just picked a number :p), they're playing a level 55. They of course have the advantage. You're both still playing, you just don't like your odds.


What if you were level 55, they were level 50, and they not only killed you repeatedly, but camped your corpse? Would the same gripe still be occurring, even though it's the exact same complaint. Only this time, the one complaining should have the advantage.


Oh dear, congratulations on posting the worst analogy I've read for some time. Please allow me to retort::--


In chess, despite variences in skill levels, I can for example take your knight with my pawn. The chances of my beating a superior player are small granted, however, each of our pieces within the game are on a level playing field. My knight is equal to your knight. A level 30 player in SWTOR cannot even hit a 55. The same applies to Poker (another equally bad analogy) if I am dealt a royal flush then I will win, no question.


Players attacking players that are more than four levels below their character's level should be turned into astromech droids, and their companions into orokeet birds, they contribute nothing to the game.

Edited by uncle_monty
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Wouldn't be easier just to put it in the codes that if there is a difference of let's say X levels between the two players they don't see each other as PvP flagged ?

That defeats the purpose of a pvp server. Red = Dead motto on pvp servers. If you don't like forced pvp then join the servers. You can't have it all.


Seriously, what is the mmo world becoming? My Lord. People are so needy and lazy now. They want everything easier and handed to them. They don't want pvp servers to allow higher levels to gank them so they want the whole pvp server worlds to now have level caps of who you can/can't attack.


Why even play mmo's then?

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