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July Assassin Questions - Let's Start her up!


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Knock backs and every agent/smuggler CC seems to bypass shroud on the most consistent basis.


True, actually. Still not always, but every other time you try to get the ball you just get overloaded/grenaded through it :/

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True, actually. Still not always, but every other time you try to get the ball you just get overloaded/grenaded through it :/


Yeah its super annoying that's for true.



Also are you leveling a sin or shadow?

Edited by cycao
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Knock backs and every agent/smuggler CC seems to bypass shroud on the most consistent basis.


My working theory is that most abilities that have a control and a damage effect actually have the two different effects resolve separately with different accuracies. The damage effect has the standard 100% that special attacks have whereas the control effects have a substantially higher accuracy chance that allows it to remain above the 5% miss chance even when Resilience/Shroud is active.

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My working theory is that most abilities that have a control and a damage effect actually have the two different effects resolve separately with different accuracies. The damage effect has the standard 100% that special attacks have whereas the control effects have a substantially higher accuracy chance that allows it to remain above the 5% miss chance even when Resilience/Shroud is active.


I'm pretty sure that you're right about that. Those grenades/overloads that hit have the damage resisted.

Just not the CC part.

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I'm pretty sure that you're right about that. Those grenades/overloads that hit have the damage resisted.

Just not the CC part.


One time I noticed a electrocute go through someones shroud and the dmg went through as well, so I tested shock and discharge and they both went through as well (tank specced so he had the 5second shroud). I need to start compiling all the video evidence of it being broken. As far as agent/smugglers going through more often, maybe, one thing I have never had happen to me yet t hat I can recall was awe going through shroud.

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My working theory is that most abilities that have a control and a damage effect actually have the two different effects resolve separately with different accuracies. The damage effect has the standard 100% that special attacks have whereas the control effects have a substantially higher accuracy chance that allows it to remain above the 5% miss chance even when Resilience/Shroud is active.


Which would make sense since I will see the *resist* pop up which would make since for negating the damage but not the effect.

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First might I say that the Bioware douche waiting until November to address class problems is ridiculous. How about two classes per week until finished and actually show that you give a crap about the concerns of your player base. So we talk to this dude in November and when will they get around to addressing the issues maybe next year? Unacceptable. The issues are real and dear to our hearts and need to be fixed and these idiots wonder why they are hemorrhaging players.

I have read a lot of good points and suggestions maybe we can find a clear and logical way to use the three questions to benefit our class concerns to the fullest. How about a question regarding PVE issues, one for PVP, issues, and one to address class balance issues?

For PVE perhaps focus on the madness spec and what is the plan to fix it? Seems like and issue for real concern for those players and it is not a viable spec at this time.

For PVP we could address the force shroud problem and getting that to actually work at 100% resistance, 100% of the time, regardless of the situation.

Lastly on the class balance issue we could question issues of sin tanking vs other classes ie jug/pt, lack of mobility ie we are slower getting to mobs and unable to reach certain mobs (thinking the thrasher snipers here), lack of raid utility (marauders get bloodlust etc we get no raid wide buffs), why is our dps not on par with other classes (dps should equal for all classes and dependent on skill, rotation, and equipment ... not that marauders are the best, hell a lot of other dps classes beat us out sometimes), and that our class lacks sustainable dps.

I read a lot of stuff in these forums and we need to start formulating strong, well worded, in depth, multipart questions in order for our voices to be heard. So far all I have seen is a hodge podge of ideas but no direction as of yet. We still have time to get things together, I just want decisions to be made regarding the three questions so as many of our points are covered. Focused and concise ideas will go along way in making Bioware know that we are serious about our class and the direction it is heading.

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First might I say that the Bioware douche waiting until November to address class problems is ridiculous. How about two classes per week until finished and actually show that you give a crap about the concerns of your player base. So we talk to this dude in November and when will they get around to addressing the issues maybe next year? Unacceptable. The issues are real and dear to our hearts and need to be fixed and these idiots wonder why they are hemorrhaging players.



What makes you think they are going to make balance changes based off the 3 questions. I think that is a mistake believing that.


In addition I expect they will make some changes with 2.4 to account for arenas release. I think they would have to be high to use the player bases suggestions. Very few people take into account PvP, PvE and how the change effects other classes as well as the balance in PvE encounters. For an example of this check out the Mar forums, there are some good suggestions from Guda and a few others but some think they need range protection or CC immunity during berserk and my personal fav is the one that suggests that Anni's dots with berserk cause them to phase in and out of stealth. You get the idea. But look at many of the suggestions in other class forums. Yes the rep should weed these out but if they made changes based on the questions imagine how ridiculous the questions would become.


Its up to the reps to ask well thought out questions that hopefully address the root of issues that Sins and Shadows are most concerned about. With Shadows up first Kitru has done a good job putting the questions together which is very relevant to Sins as well since they are essentially treating the ACs as 4 vs 8 pairing the mirrors together. After the first 8 reps ask there in theory will be another vote and another round of reps asking questions. This suggests this is an ongoing process to reach out the community and answer the top concerns we have. I would also wager they read the threads compiling the questions as it consolidates a lot of the info and concerns into 1 place they can monitor.


Contribute your ideas and thoughts to Kitru's thread first once those questions are answered it might lead to other questions or provide clarity on questions the Sins were to ask.

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This question format is screwing us out of covering some pretty obvious issues with the AC.


Is it possible for BW to just sack up and take a list of 10 questions in a rank order, prepare an opening statement that canvasses what they already knew/are working on, then they can answer three of that which remains?


People are going to lose their minds if they come on here and answer all three questions with: "we're aware of the problem, and have fixed/will fix it in patch x.xx", while other pressing issues just skid on by.

Edited by DaftVaduhhh
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People are going to lose their minds if they come on here and answer all three questions with: "we're aware of the problem, and have fixed/will fix it in patch x.xx", while other pressing issues just skid on by.


If they respond like that, it just makes people lose faith. Because that's the same damn response they've given for the past year.

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Can we get some Qs over? Put a vote up if you need to but lets get the ball rolling


- Force Shroud fix

- DPS changes

- Why so much love for the Agent/smuggler class? ;)


Force shroud being bugged is a problem - but should we *waste* a whole question on it? I'm sorry but fck that noise.

Edited by Polymerize
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Force shroud being bugged is a problem - but should we *waste* a whole question on it? I'm sorry but fck that noise.


I see you brought nothing to the table with your response. And why not? It's been broken for months and ignored when 2.0 arrived. Bioware must be aware but they have chosen to ignore every single thread about it. So I believe it is a valid question. When will it be fixed? Before Episode 7 is released or after?

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Just use the force shroud question in combination with the tank spikiness, something like:


"So tank spikieness sucks blah blah blah, in addition to that, force shroud's supposed 100% mitigation on force and tech attacks is not true and we'd like a fix because of blah blah blah... makes tanking difficult when not only do we have spikieness, but a non so reliable force shroud ability as well."


The second question can be devoted to madness spec, and the last can be devoted to the underparsing spec of deception.


We'll also have to keep in mind that Shadows will have their questions as well.

Edited by MasterFeign
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I see you brought nothing to the table with your response. And why not? It's been broken for months and ignored when 2.0 arrived. Bioware must be aware but they have chosen to ignore every single thread about it. So I believe it is a valid question. When will it be fixed? Before Episode 7 is released or after?

They have commented that they added in a % chance floor that has affected Blade Turning & Resilience (and the Imp equivalents), so a fix is probably in the works, or it's been made plainly clear in threads they have been reading that it will be.


As for your other points and terse rebuttals when people have shown they are getting impatient, read this and other threads because questions have been proposed and options and ideas are being discussed. There's a lot of info to sift though.

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Do you guys have a question about PVE Sin DPS? I know they already answered it by saying "DPS on dummy does not equal DPS on the boss." But due to the nature of fights in this game ( a lot of adds and other classes having stronger AoE abilities; add that to these classes just having "better" single target DPS (ONLY based on torparse so take it with a grain of salt), do they have any plans on reworking and looking into assassin and madness DPS?
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Do you guys have a question about PVE Sin DPS? I know they already answered it by saying "DPS on dummy does not equal DPS on the boss." But due to the nature of fights in this game ( a lot of adds and other classes having stronger AoE abilities; add that to these classes just having "better" single target DPS (ONLY based on torparse so take it with a grain of salt), do they have any plans on reworking and looking into assassin and madness DPS?

The questions come with both areas of play laced in.

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