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Sorc full healer not rely wanted -.-

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hello all :)


am now a lvl 49 sorc full healer build


but after some time and try to do alot of FP

it seems i get kicked out much even if am a bit higher to help party


and my gear is pretty good i dont die much even if i pull alot of argo i can keep my self pretty good alive


but after some time i figure out that alot of players dont like as a sorc healer and want a Operative healer more -.-


if that is the case i hope bioware make Sorc healer beter but i dont see rely a problem yet

stil dunno why players like Opertive more the sorc ??


and now i feel a bit sad and start thinking to quit my sorc that i work so hard for

but if i need to w8 more then 20 min for a FP run it pretty sad and pll ad fleet say that healers and tankers always join fast for a FP run


not in my case sadly :(


if any no why this is let me no thx

sorry for my bad english

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I'm going to be straightforward with you here. It's almost certainly not your AC. It's probably something like "oh, he hasn't done this fight 10 times beforehand and we might actually have to use groupchat to tell him something - let's kick him." Try partnering with people who haven't done the FP before and you probably won't be kicked.
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huh... on my server at least, sorcs are very highly desirable. heck, my main is a sorc healer (and while I like all three and have all three at 55 - sorc is also my favorite)




this is very odd.


are you pulling aggro because not all mobs are being tanked, or are you attacking things? are you keeping the group alive? are you using your pushback a lot (most of the time, it does more harm than good - there are some very situational uses for it, but using it in a middle of a normal pull is not one of those uses)? did the groups directly tell you that they preferred operative, or are you just assuming that its the reason? maybe you are just that unlucky, or maybe you are doing something that irritates the groups. because in my experience at least i've never, EVER had people complain about sorc healers as a healing spec.

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Your problem is not your advanced class. Sage/sorc healers are very desirable, especially for PvE content. Without any more detail about the FP runs you've done, I can only guess whats actually getting you kicked.


It could be that you're not playing your role very well. I suggest looking up guides on how to play sorc healers.


Another problem might be that you're choosing "need" on every drop in the FP. It's commonly accepted that you only need on what your characters main spec can benefit from.


Breaking CCs, aka crowd controlling effects, can upset people. If you don't know what CCs look like, tell the people in your team so they can show you.


Using your AoE knockback constantly can also get you kicked. I have no clue why the devs decided to make it heal, because all it does is encourage new players to use it, which is likely to cause drama. It can and will piss off the tank and melee DPSers if used incorrectly.

Edited by Radzkie
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If you're getting kicked as a level 49 healer, the problem is not the spec, it's your healing or possibly your gear. Hard Modes are not yet in the picture, so it's not just a case of people wanting to have those that know, say, Lost Island HM tactics.


It takes a lot to make people kick a healer unless they are completely incompetent.

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For flash points there is never a need to kick a player b/c they are in a suboptimal AC. There isn't enough of a difference in AC performance nor is the content that hard. All 3 healers are very viable. Even for ops the general rule is just to have 2 different healing ACs. It doesn't matter which.


It's much more likely your gear isn't up to it or your just not on the same page as the team.

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but after some time i figure out that alot of players dont like as a sorc healer and want a Operative healer more -.-


There is nothing wrong with sage healing, they are very good.

Edited by Icestar
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either they are just jerks or you are bad healer.

my sage is doing good.


with bad healer,I mean:

1.rotation is wrong

2.you let people die

3.your gear is wrong (using cunning much?)

4.you need on everything (that has nothing to be a bad healer, but could be reason to kick)

5.you are not nice.

Edited by Atramar
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I have never ever been in a Group Finder (leveling or endgame) where a person was kicked because of their advanced class. Ever. And I GF queue a LOT.


I have been in plenty however, where people have been kicked for:


Under-performing to the point of hindering the progress of the team;

Constantly going AFK;

Disconnecting frequently;

Need rolling on everything that drops;

Failure to follow even the simplest of instructions;


That's pretty much it.

(Except for one time, in a HM 55 FP, when I was vote kicked by the tank, after an argument and he was screaming at me, because he was infuriated that I kept taunting off of him. I was playing my dps Mercenary. He didn't like it too much, that my answer was "I couldn't taunt even if I wanted to. I think maybe you just need to learn to hold aggro, I can only threat dump every 45s, so if I am pulling aggro, it's not my fault, it's yours. Learn your class before you yell at someone else for not knowing how to play theirs." - then he initiated a vote kick. hehe)

Edited by Ocho-Quatro
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Sorry someone should at least tell you what the problem is, as mentioned I would do the following:


1) Make sure you greed not need for drops - Even if you think you might need it, for now just greed it. Good teams will give you gear if they dont need it.


2) Concentrate on healing. Don't do any DPS, like literally zero unless you are in trouble from a mob. Concentrate on keeping the tank alive in the group. Throw bubbles on the DPS, and only heal them where necessary. A tank and healer can pretty much take on many SM FPs


3) at level 49 you should have at least some decent gear on, make sure it is at least specced for willpower and otherwise endurance. You can have Power and some other pieces for min/max stats, but if you have endurance/willpower gear noone can complain. You should have some decent blue/purple/orange stuff by now? Pop along to the planet vendors on fleet and try and get some upgrades if not (you should have comms??).


4) Are people marking in your group? i.e. do the mobs have little coloured marks on? if so are you CC them where noted. As a sorc healer you have a pretty good CC so use it and help out.


5) Tell people upfront if you havent done the FP. Most people will be willing to explain them. Try youtube/dulfy/alamar for guides on the FP you are doing. Learn the basic mechanics so that you can at leats follow it. As a Tank & Heal if somone tells me they dont know the FP I will talk the through each area/boss.


6) Every so often use your threat drop mechanic.


It is not your Sorc I am afraid that is the problem, as stated you may be:


1) Doing damage, but igmoring damage on your team, if they are having to work and use up medpacs to stay alive they will not be happy!


2) Using your knockback irritates tanks no end.


3) Your gear is specced for something else?


4) You are running around pulling aggro, attracting mobs, etc, and jsut getting in the way.


5) Selecting need instead of greed, it is not really clear what each means, and I made the mistake in my first FPs


People love good healers, they make runs easy, save people money, and can eb the difference between and wipe and staying up.

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my answer was "I couldn't taunt even if I wanted to. I think maybe you just need to learn to hold aggro, I can only threat dump every 45s, so if I am pulling aggro, it's not my fault, it's yours. Learn your class before you yell at someone else for not knowing how to play theirs." - then he initiated a vote kick. hehe)[/i]

If you're a lot better geared than the tank, then it is your problem (if not actually your fault) -- it's better that you ease off the DPS a little than the mob be running off to hit you. Generallly though, taunt stacking can prevent this being a problem except early in the fight.

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If you're a lot better geared than the tank, then it is your problem (if not actually your fault) -- it's better that you ease off the DPS a little than the mob be running off to hit you. Generallly though, taunt stacking can prevent this being a problem except early in the fight.


I have a 55 Sentinel and a 55 Merc dps... So I know what it's like from the DPS's point of view with regard to pulling and aggro management. I also have a 55 Assassin tank and a 55 Vanguard tank, so I know what it's like to try to hold aggro from DPS.


If a dps is a lot better geared than the tank, the tank WILL have to work a little harder to hold aggro, but if he's a good tank, he still won't consistently lose, and even when he does, IF he understands how the threat mechanics works in this game, there should NEVER be a time when a tank loses aggro, to the same dps, and doesn't have a taunt up to grab it back.


Good tanks can hold aggro off of geared dps... bad tanks can't hold aggro period. (I love watching a tank blow a taunt to START a fight... or hit their Taunt and AoE taunt back to back... it's just bad tanking.)

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lets say it so i rely dunno how groep finder work ore who is controling it


i was lvl 48 and i get 3 new FP,s


battle of ilum

falls empire


i think wow lets try it

so i ad healer those 3 FP.s i wanne do and looking for party in groep finder

i w8 so 20 min -.-


then a party pop up most are above lvl 50 i was the only 48 its only a few lvl lower not a big deal i think ??

then boom i get kick out of the groep finder :(


and it hapend alot sadly

so yea i think is it me and who is doing that who is controling the groep finder ??


my gear is mostly purple will power and orther things i healer need but not rely focus alot to get a good healer set i wanne do that ad lvl 50 +


my gear rating is between 112 and 120 i stil dunno if thats good ore not am very new to that sorry

its my first time i play healer in this game


about pulling argo that problem is if the tanker dont have a AOE argo skill only have a singel 1

i only use my aoe heal skill if i see that my party is in trouble with that i can pull alot of argo to me

but then again you dont want any1 to die also


i mostly focus on the tanker if he/she doing his job very wel i dont have much trouble to do any runs

and all go smooth for me


but in most partys alot of players dont say anything and dont rely help me ore corect me what i do wrong -.-

but i try my best to keep every1 alive


i also help to do CC with my wirl wind skil it wil make a battle with many mobs alot easyer

so i rely dunno maby its me maby its the players i dont no


i do no i stil need to learn alot but it wil help if there was a beter communication between players

guilds are bad to its for me to many guild to less active players with most guilds i try between 5 to 10 online its very sad not what i wanne see sadly


so am mostly alone with out any help but i stil try my best


sorry for my bad english :(

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well, if you got a pop and before porting in, you weren't kicked, one person refused to join in. could be dps accidentally qued as tank, or tank who qued in wrong place.


i also saw they remove me and i was back on the looking for party again but i wanne no who is doing that who is controling the groep finder makes me sick that some players have so much control and add ore remove any1 they want -.-

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i also saw they remove me and i was back on the looking for party again but i wanne no who is doing that who is controling the groep finder makes me sick that some players have so much control and add ore remove any1 they want -.-


from the begining, as I thought we lost our way here.


did you see 'teleport to instance' window or just 'team ready/cancel' one.


no one is controlling group finder.

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from the begining, as I thought we lost our way here.


did you see 'teleport to instance' window or just 'team ready/cancel' one.


no one is controlling group finder.


am sorry when a party pop up i press ready to enter then i w8 for the orther 3 some time a see a switch to see orther player pop in mostly dps ore i see something in my screen that they remove me ore so and am back to looking for a new party again rely dunno who is doing that


becouse when i press ready i can quit anymore even if i try to press it it wont work

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am sorry when a party pop up i press ready to enter then i w8 for the orther 3 some time a see a switch to see orther player pop in mostly dps ore i see something in my screen that they remove me ore so and am back to looking for a new party again rely dunno who is doing that


becouse when i press ready i can quit anymore even if i try to press it it wont work


they didn't remove you. one player declined joining in, so you are a first healer in group finder.

once you press ready, you can't decline any more, that is correct.

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they didn't remove you. one player declined joining in, so you are a first healer in group finder.

once you press ready, you can't decline any more, that is correct.


so if 1 player dont want in with the party its back to start over again to get a new groep of players


thats sucks hard in this rate it can take very long when you find a party if some players are very picky

who they wanne join ore not -.-


i see a lower lvl in the groep nah i dont join them and boom no party for you -.-

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so if 1 player dont want in with the party its back to start over again to get a new groep of players


thats sucks hard in this rate it can take very long when you find a party if some players are very picky

who they wanne join ore not -.-


i see a lower lvl in the groep nah i dont join them and boom no party for you -.-


not really. if person declines, he has to que over again. while other 3 are on the top of a list, so if tank declined, 2 dps and a healer just wait for first tank that comes by.


it doesnt suck, you can't force a player to accept, and declines happen mostly when person selected wrong spec. it's better for them to decline, then to play a role of tank while they being DPS.

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not really. if person declines, he has to que over again. while other 3 are on the top of a list, so if tank declined, 2 dps and a healer just wait for first tank that comes by.


it doesnt suck, you can't force a player to accept, and declines happen mostly when person selected wrong spec. it's better for them to decline, then to play a role of tank while they being DPS.


ok now i see why thx so much so i must w8 til the player ad the right spec to :)

then i need to relax and w8 til i get in

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also, personally at least, i sometimes decline if I see that judging by the level of someone in a group, we might get a flashpoint that I'm too high level for. which means useless loot and very little experience.


it does suck to have to go back into the queue, but that's not done because you are a sorc. if people declined groups based on players class/spec, I would never find any groups on my sentinel (because here's the class that a lot of people actually dislike, sadly because all too many sentinels/marauders chose to behave like jerks in groups)

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also, personally at least, i sometimes decline if I see that judging by the level of someone in a group, we might get a flashpoint that I'm too high level for. which means useless loot and very little experience.


it does suck to have to go back into the queue, but that's not done because you are a sorc. if people declined groups based on players class/spec, I would never find any groups on my sentinel (because here's the class that a lot of people actually dislike, sadly because all too many sentinels/marauders chose to behave like jerks in groups)


only thing i hate when i am in a groep is if the dps class atack first with there fast jump atack and not let the tanker get his argo first

with that most dps get very low hp with that my hands get very full of keeping them alive


also i need to keep the tanker alive sometimes its to hard for me and mostly players die and blaming me for not healing them -.-


if they let the tanker get his argo its for me a easy job and almost dont need to heal both dps classes and if they get a little low i schield them with static barrier and give them a DOT heal skill


mostly ad ea run they stay above 90 % hp


most sadly there are jerks that boom jump atack and get there *** kicked my mobs -.-

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hello all :)


am now a lvl 49 sorc full healer build


but after some time and try to do alot of FP

it seems i get kicked out much even if am a bit higher to help party


and my gear is pretty good i dont die much even if i pull alot of argo i can keep my self pretty good alive

Warning phrase #1. "I don't die much" . As a level 49 healer you shouldn't be dieing at all in a FP especially if you are overleveled for it.


What is "pretty good gear"? At minimum you should be in Modable armor in all slots, with 45+ greens or ideally blues. You should have 40+ implants, 40+ Earpiece and 30+ Relics.

Needless to say all of your gear should be willpower based with emphasis on Power, Surge, Crit.


Warning phrase #2: Even if I pull a lot of Aggro


When are you pulling aggro? Are you DPSing or is it on Trash pulls where the DPS isn't picking the low level stuff up?

but after some time i figure out that alot of players dont like as a sorc healer and want a Operative healer more -.-


if that is the case i hope bioware make Sorc healer beter but i dont see rely a problem yet

stil dunno why players like Opertive more the sorc ??


and now i feel a bit sad and start thinking to quit my sorc that i work so hard for

but if i need to w8 more then 20 min for a FP run it pretty sad and pll ad fleet say that healers and tankers always join fast for a FP run


not in my case sadly :(


if any no why this is let me no thx

sorry for my bad english


Having played this game since launch I can tell you I have NEVER seen anyone booted from a group for being the wrong AC. I've seen people booted because they couldn't or wouldn't do their role e.g. Healers so focused on DPSing they let the party die. I've seen people booted because they were undergeared e.g. Running Kaon Pre 2.0 in HM with someone in Level 35 Greens. I've seen people booted for being greedy e.g. rolling need for tank gear as a healer for their companion when the tank needed it. I've seen people booted for generally being rude and obnoxious but not once for being the wrong AC.

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