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completly disgusted


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i have never posted much on the forums, and never had posted anything negative. but today, our voice must be heard.


with treek is another classic example of rendering an already pointless system of legacy worthless. why do we invest our time boosting our legacy only to have it underminded by players that don't want to work for things ingame? EA is sadly exploiting our hard work by greed and listening to the masses that want things now now now.

(need I mention through the cash shop legacy level doesn't matter as said by eric)


this is total bull, and has compromised my faith in BW/EA not to mention my value of the game itself. I don't mind a cash shop..but BW has catered to the people that want to keep sinking money into the game which in there eyes have more value to them then us subscribers! a veterans time and effort is compromised by anyone with a few extra bucks in there pocket.

*edit* this is not about treek itself, nore do I even want him. this is about E/A's use of the cash shop devaluing the game itself. and this affects everyone in the long term. why actually work for anything when you can just buy it :(


WE ARE BEING EXPLOITED BW/EA and this needs to stop!

Edited by displaynamee
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Your rage and complaint is both unique, unheard of, and therefore more important.. eh? :rolleyes:


Why not use one of the existing threads? Did you have a free rant thread coupon about to expire or something? :eek:


And who exactly is "WE"? Are you speaking in the imperial sense? :p

Edited by Andryah
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While I do agree, that Treek should NOT be available to anyone below LL 40, I actually do challenge your statement, that anyone had "worked" for level 40 on their legacy.


I got LL 50 and I can only say... it just came alongside playing the game. At no point in the past year did I do anything in game solely to level my legacy. I leveled a couple chars to 55 and I did a lot of flashpoints and I did all operations over and over again. All for the primary rewards. Legacy level happened on the way and most of the time it surprised me, when I gained a new LL.


So please, while I do agree, that the LL requirement should stay in place for both credit and CC purchase, please do not make it appear as if we had done anything special to gain LL 40 or beyond... we did not.

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So please, while I do agree, that the LL requirement should stay in place for both credit and CC purchase, please do not make it appear as if we had done anything special to gain LL 40 or beyond... we did not.


agreed. but what I meant was, and I should have clarified it, is that high legacy levels signify time and effort into the game. apparently meaning nothing to BW as anyone can get him on his/her first day of playing the game, therefore rendering our legacy pointless. so yes, in a sense we did work for our legacy.

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The real question is, why do you even want the stupid Ewok? If you're going to rant, rant about immersion, continuity, etc. Who cares if some people can buy it? Since you have the legacy, you don't have to spend money on it. What a nice perk! :t_tongue:
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Your rage and complaint is both unique, unheard of, and therefore more important.. eh? :rolleyes:


Why not use one of the existing threads? Did you have a free rant thread coupon about to expire or something? :eek:


And who exactly is "WE"? Are you speaking in the imperial sense? :p


Everyone but you.

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The real question is, why do you even want the stupid Ewok? If you're going to rant, rant about immersion, continuity, etc. Who cares if some people can buy it? Since you have the legacy, you don't have to spend money on it. What a nice perk! :t_tongue:


it's another step down the slippery slope of "how much further can EA can be EA", and once they set a precedent, there's no going backwards later.

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The real question is, why do you even want the stupid Ewok? If you're going to rant, rant about immersion, continuity, etc. Who cares if some people can buy it? Since you have the legacy, you don't have to spend money on it. What a nice perk! :t_tongue:

That too.... I would rather complain about the very existance of any kind of Ewok, which is apparently as deadly as HK-51 and other seasoned warriors, who actually not learned 3 days ago, which end of a blaster is the dangerous one.


The story how treek left Endor is ludicrous and more worthy to be part of Spaceballs than of StarWars.

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agreed. but what I meant was, and I should have clarified it, is that high legacy levels signify time and effort into the game. apparently meaning nothing to BW as anyone can get him on his/her first day of playing the game, therefore rendering our legacy pointless. so yes, in a sense we did work for our legacy.


Not everything released in the game is meant to be achievement based. I know that concept offends some.. but it is the way the game rolls. You either accept it, or find a game that is more to your liking. Might I suggest EVE.. where you literally have to scratch out your place in the Galaxy (or servitude youself to a corp) all the way though.


And companions really of all the content in this game... should be non achievement based IMO. They are integral to the solo aspects of the game. They did veterans a favor by not making it a CM only item really. Veterans can have it for essentially free (since any real veteran is at least L40 and is either wealthy or inept at wealth accumulation).


And no.. you did not work your legacy.. it worked you. All you had to do was login and play. Legacy took care of itself, and then teased you with perks for extra "credit" (literally... extra credits needed).

Edited by Andryah
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Hooray someone is mad again at BW/EA for being a business and making money


LvL 40 legacy and a million credits, new companion


Cartel Coins - not sure how much itll cost, but maybe the new daily section and companion will be packaged together like HK/Section X, which would run around 900-1200 CC, so 10 to 15 bucks, not bad.


Its win win. Too many people in this world want to have digital pixels that's just for them, and that only through following a singular path to achievement. I like the branched approach, at Lvl 40 legacy getting a million credits should/can be done fairly quickly if credit farming is something you do for maybe a couple hours (at legacy lvl 49 currently, want the Living Legend title so bad). Those who don't have the time to play the game regularly can pay for the same features, this all seems to be a fair trade off.


Entitlement of MMORPG players is sickening some times. They complain as though they are the only people who pay/play this game and their feelings on what to appear to be sound business polices. The game is here to make money, not shower suuuuper exclusive companions on a select group of people. It makes more sense to give titles and maybe a piece of earned gear for those reasons, not possible content/companions.

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Your rage and complaint is both unique, unheard of, and therefore more important.. eh? :rolleyes:


Why not use one of the existing threads? Did you have a free rant thread coupon about to expire or something? :eek:


And who exactly is "WE"? Are you speaking in the imperial sense? :p



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The game is here to make money, not shower suuuuper exclusive companions on a select group of people.

Quoted for cold, hard truth. It is just a game, and we play to have fun. Fun is subjective to the person playing. When someone takes issue in someone else's fun, it might be time to re-evaluate your position regarding the game.

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Cmon guys...everyone knows that all you have to do is moan and complain on these forums about item restrictions and *BAM* you have a Bioware/EA reversal on qualifications to get said item.


Here is a companion only available to LL40 characters BUT you can buy the item with CC coins from our exclusive store with LL 1. Good game Bioware/EA...good game. Notice how I am no longer only blaming EA for the nonsense in this game. Having said all that I still log in and pay a subscriber fee so....yeah I am an idiot apparently :rolleyes:

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While I agree that legacy perks should only be available to those people that have put in the time to reach the required LL, Treek is a complete joke. I mean, come on! An Ewok?! Why not give us a race that everyone wants to see, like Yoda's, or the Sand people, or any number of other much cooler races than an over-grown teddy bear! I mean, seriously! Give us something that makes obtaining a higher LL worth our time!
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Quoted for cold, hard truth. It is just a game, and we play to have fun. Fun is subjective to the person playing. When someone takes issue in someone else's fun, it might be time to re-evaluate your position regarding the game.


You don't see the hypocrisy in your position? You're doing exactly what you're speaking against...you're taking issue with the way in which something is acquired in-game (playing the game) and you're expecting to be treated like a special snowflake who's entitled to bypass all the requirements of playing the game, just so you can buy it outright.


The Ewok should have been a symbol, representing that the owner of it has achieved an in-game milestone, not just a "vanity" item like all the other market stuff is. In fact, I think it's just stupid to have any Legacy Level tied to it now as it serves no purpose.

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While I'm not too bothered about Treek for CC , I did want to say that I did work for my legacy level 50 ( which I dinged about 3 weeks ago ) , I started on two servers and had a legacy of 25 and 18 , I lost the legacy 18 with the server merges. So that was a bit carp and had to gain those levels back on top of my legacy 25. Okay you could say but you gained 8 more characters to level up your legacy 25 , you have 16 characters now it will be easy , that still doesn't make the fact I lost 18 legacy levels though right. i think the required Legacy level for Treek should be a bit lower for the above reason.





Edited by BadOrb
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Hooray someone is mad again at BW/EA for being a business and making money


LvL 40 legacy and a million credits, new companion


Cartel Coins - not sure how much itll cost, but maybe the new daily section and companion will be packaged together like HK/Section X, which would run around 900-1200 CC, so 10 to 15 bucks, not bad.


Its win win. Too many people in this world want to have digital pixels that's just for them, and that only through following a singular path to achievement. I like the branched approach, at Lvl 40 legacy getting a million credits should/can be done fairly quickly if credit farming is something you do for maybe a couple hours (at legacy lvl 49 currently, want the Living Legend title so bad). Those who don't have the time to play the game regularly can pay for the same features, this all seems to be a fair trade off.


Entitlement of MMORPG players is sickening some times. They complain as though they are the only people who pay/play this game and their feelings on what to appear to be sound business polices. The game is here to make money, not shower suuuuper exclusive companions on a select group of people. It makes more sense to give titles and maybe a piece of earned gear for those reasons, not possible content/companions.


You remind me of Mark Pincus. He sucked at video games, and wished he could pay to win. So he made Zynga.


"“I was addicted to this online game, Rise of Nations, where you move your nation through civilizations, to the point that it really hurt a relationship I was in,” he says. “These kids online were just destroying me—they were coming in with tanks, and I was throwing spears at their tanks. And I thought to myself, Wow, I would really pay some money to not have it be this way.” Most of us would think of this as cheating. “It’s breaking the rules of the Western ways of gaming to buy your way ahead, but so what?” he says. He’s got a point: why do games have to be fair? After all, in life, everything is easier if you throw money at it. It’s all easier then. You knew that already."



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