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Naming and "legacy" names... is it as stupid as it seems?


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I think its a cool idea, except when you unlock it after only 7 days of early access and someone already had taken the name you planned most of your character names off of....



Seriously, who took Targaryen on the Hedar Soohgn (sp?) server if I had almost every Targaryen first name all locked up?!

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I like the fact all my alts can be identified as one group. If a person sees the "Bollah Legacy" on any character they will know it is me.


The legacy system was stated as a benefit for people that want to level alts. It isn't a RP feature.

Correct. It's not. But last names are. Why would you combine a RP feature and a non-RP feature when the proper functioning of each interferes with the other?

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First off, I couldn't find the option or "slot" for an actual last name during character creation.


Why? Why the hell would BW limit our choice in this?


Last names are not an option at character creation.


Then I hit a higher level, and am forced to take a "Legacy name" ...? Which better yet, is forced on ALL of my characters?


No, you are not forced to use it.


If you're complaining that you tried to fake a last name before you get a last name, and are now complaining that you get one later, I'm afraid I'm a bit confused.

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Let me explain the blatantly obvious to you about how that is less choice.


You say, how is it less choice now that all of your characters are part of the same legacy with the same last name, why should you prevent that?


I say, All of my characters, of different races, species, factions, planets etc. who are all contemporaries in the same time line and don't know eachother ARENT part of the same legacy, or same family to have the same last name.


As most people do, we want our characters to be able to have different last names from one another and still be fully formed characters in their own right.


Not having that is LESS than if you had it.


The system is clearly about linking alts and main together, thus they need to have a "legacy" name. I will repeat once again, if you're role playing, why would you care what stands above your character, considering it doesn't exist. This isn't a roleplaying function, and surname certainly ain't necessary in a game like this. You have plenty of "choices" to make with the standard name-creation tool.

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You can add it as a last name, you can add it as a title, house name, or whatever you feel like calling it name. And you can simply ignore it and hide the name. That's 3 options of what to do with the Legacy name.


It's called the LEGACY system, not the LAST NAME system.


sigh Tiresome.


So either I don't explain myself well, or some of you are being willfully ignorant of the point.




Can. I. Have. Unique. Last. Names. For. Each. Alt. I. Make. ?????


Can. I. Do. This. In. Character. Creation. ?????






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The system is clearly about linking alts and main together, thus they need to have a "legacy" name. I will repeat once again, if you're role playing, why would you care what stands above your character, considering it doesn't exist. This isn't a roleplaying function, and surname certainly ain't necessary in a game like this. You have plenty of "choices" to make with the standard name-creation tool.

Then I'm sure you wouldn't mind if your character was named "Toon 127823412".

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I am a bit upset about this as well. Had I known about the titles and legacy system ahead of time I'd simply had named my character Face, legacy name Smasher, and earned the title Darth.


Now I am going to be running around as Darth Darthfacesmasher Smasher with my title and legacy name.


When can we buy name changes

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sigh Tiresome.


So either I don't explain myself well, or some of you are being willfully ignorant of the point.




Can. I. Have. Unique. Last. Names. For. Each. Alt. I. Make. ?????


Can. I. Do. This. In. Character. Creation. ?????








As it's been said about 4 times in this thread.





It's a Legacy system or bust. Get over it.

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In other words, you can't address my points or answer my questions?


Yeah, that's what I thought.



Not being able to make a first/last name in char creation is a step back. Amateur time. By definition it limits choice. It's arrogant.


Sticking your fingers in your ears and singing "la la la" don't change that.



(unless someone can tell me how to make a unique first and last name, in char creation)





Choosing a surname can be done outside the game, because that would solely be for role playing reasons. It's only required to have an ingame alias to identify someone, and this legacy name will tie your characters together. That is the sole purpose of it all, and that is the answer to your simple question. Having different "surnames" would completely undermine the whole idea of a leacy system, and it would contribute with NOTHING.

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The system is clearly about linking alts and main together, thus they need to have a "legacy" name. I will repeat once again, if you're role playing, why would you care what stands above your character, considering it doesn't exist. This isn't a roleplaying function, and surname certainly ain't necessary in a game like this. You have plenty of "choices" to make with the standard name-creation tool.


"Plenty of choices?"


Like a last name? Oh...except that? Yeah, "plenty of choices." :rolleyes:




Oh, and it's none of your concern what others "care about" in regards to how they want to RP, name their char's, etc. Who are you to tell people how to do it, what to/not to "care about?"


You want to limit others' options. It's arrogant.




Simply give the option in CC to have several names.



Problem solved.




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For those of you that are worried about RPing with this -


They let you phrase it as "of the ____" so why not choose a legacy name that represents a clan or faction your main and alts can be a part of? Like "Hambone of the Bear", "Revaaan of the Lake", "Naruto of the IronFist"?


I mean it's not perfect but it's a little more explainable in terms of all your toons sharing a name.

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I am a bit upset about this as well. Had I known about the titles and legacy system ahead of time I'd simply had named my character Face, legacy name Smasher, and earned the title Darth.


Now I am going to be running around as Darth Darthfacesmasher Smasher with my title and legacy name.


When can we buy name changes

LMAO, I know where you're coming from.



Just wait til regular gamers and casuals and non-fanboi-non-zealots experience this.


I bet they'll love it! /end sarcasm



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Pretty much everything you say is wrong, or doesn't address the point directly, or is some sort of deflection.


Choosing a surname can be done outside the game, because that would solely be for role playing reasons.


Anything can be done 'outside the game,' whatever that even means.


Maybe they could have just made TOR a tabletop game. Let everything be 'outside the game.' It's all just numbers and pixels anyhow, eh?


It's arrogant to tell people to do something "outside the game." Give people the option to do it in the game.



It's only required to have an ingame alias to identify someone, and this legacy name will tie your characters together.


By "ingame alias," you mean... one's name? (I don't get this -- are you trying to say a character's name is somehow trivial, unimportant, or whatever?) So some 'legacy' name is kewl, a character's name is meaningless?



1. If we had the option to make titles, we could 'manually' "tie our characters together" by giving them all the same title name, house name, etc

2. Maybe we don't
many of our characters "tied together." For a million difference reasons.

3. If they give the option to make separate names in char creation, then keep the option to hide the Legacy name, it would solve the problem, and satisfy everyone...


(well, except for those miserable types who try to limit how others play)


That is the sole purpose of it all, and that is the answer to your simple question.


LOL, is that some sort of 'dig?' Throw around the word 'childish' again for some more irony.


Having different "surnames" would completely undermine the whole idea of a leacy system, and it would contribute with NOTHING.


Again, revealing your agenda and your intellectually dishonest "debating" methodology.



One more time, since you use convenient logic and ignore rationale that doesn't support your dogma:


1. If we had the option to make titles, we could 'manually' "tie our characters together" by giving them all the same title name, house name, etc

2. Maybe we don't
many of our characters "tied together." For a million difference reasons.

3. If they give the option to make separate names in char creation, then keep the option to hide the Legacy name, it would solve the problem, and satisfy everyone...




Edited by Feskitt
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Speak for yourself, I love this decision.



Agreed. I like having the single name to share for all my alts. I think it's a nice perk to the Legacy system that I haven't seen elsewhere. It's not a last name system, it's something different all together.

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So basically now, wanting to make different characters with their own unique, Star Wars-esque names, each fitting the appropriate class and character theme...


...I can't do that?



Because the only way to have a last name... is to have the legacy name as a last name... the same legacy name, on all characters?



Someone needs to change seats at BW for his moronic decision. Unbelievable. Amateurish or arrogant, I can't decide.





OMG. Such problems over a freaking LAST NAME??


Many MMO's don't even let you have last names


Deal with the system as it is



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The legacy system by itself is fine as a way to tie all your characters together in a form of overall progression and allowing you to identify that way or not as you please.


The problem is in it being a poor substitute for having a more flexible last name system. And there is really no reason why they can't do both. Allow people to choose non unique surnames to attach to their character. This doesn't need to interfere with the existing legacy name system. If people want to use regular surnames, great. If they wish to use their legacy name as a surname great. If they want to use both, why not, lots of people regularly use 3 names publicly.


This really doesn't need to be an either or thing.

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How does it give you "plenty of options?"



Can you make a first and last name in char creation?



That was one of my original questions, that no one has yet answered.


Perhaps I missed it during char creation. Not sure how though. I'd think someone w/ decent gaming experience could figure out how to make a first and last name.




No, you cannot make a last name at character creation. It is like WoW, AOC, CO, and others that way


When you get your Legacy Name, you can assign a last name to be used to IDENTIFY all your characters and for them to all owrk on your Legacy Level to open new options.


You can display it as Feskit LegacyName

or Feskit of the LegacyName Legacy



This si how it is. Deal with it

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