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2 things required to make this game more friendly to beginners


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Ok enough is enough, I am sick of hearing the same 2 questions on fleet OVER and OVER. Those of us who give a damn about helping newbies need to be given a break here, make this stuff more user friendly.


1. Where is the priority mission dropbox?:


The answer: Well you need to go to supplies, go to about the middle and then stand there and wait for 10 seconds and the dropbox will appear. Don't run around and around without stopping or you will never find it.. ever.

This couldn't possibly be more unfriendly to newbies and must be incredibly frustrating.


2. I'm at the advanced class trainer but I can't pick my advanced class, why not?:


The answer: Well it may not have been obvious to you but when you first landed on the fleet you ran past a guy with a quest triangle above his head. So if you can remember where you've been, retrace your steps and find him.

How about automatically getting the quest at lvl 10?

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Yep - two of the most overlooked mis-steps at the moment ....


The other one is the positioning of the 'Codex' tab in the mission log. How many people do you see asking about which Crew skills go together?


Or they don't realize that they can go click on all the crew skill NPCs without actually choosing the skill and therefore pick up the codex and get XP at the same time.

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1. Where is the priority mission dropbox?:


We have the above question constantly on fleet on the Red Eclipse.

To be fair to the players though, it can be very slow loading in the supplies area and players often ride past it before it loads.

I have a good top end computer and broadband connection and when I showed a player where it was, it did not load for me either as I had to wait a short while for it to load in so I think that's where the issue is


2. I'm at the advanced class trainer but I can't pick my advanced class, why not?:


I think its due to lots not knowing the difference between normal and class quests. This could be explained better at level one. I think many are leaving the starter worlds before finishing class quests and heading to fleet.

Edited by Ziso
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Yep - two of the most overlooked mis-steps at the moment ....


The other one is the positioning of the 'Codex' tab in the mission log. How many people do you see asking about which Crew skills go together?


I don't think that is because they don't get the mission, its because they are too lazy to read.

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1. Where is the priority mission dropbox?:


The answer: Well you need to go to supplies, go to about the middle and then stand there and wait for 10 seconds and the dropbox will appear. Don't run around and around without stopping or you will never find it.. ever.

This couldn't possibly be more unfriendly to newbies and must be incredibly frustrating.


I don't remember if it was with Patch 2.1 or 2.2, but it was in that general neighborhood.... It seems like the amount of time I have to stand by where the box SHOULD be, to wait for it to render has increased quite a bit. It's not too terribly long on my desktop (around 10s or so) but when I play from my (much slower) laptop, it can take 20s or more. Being a veteran player, I know the box is there, and will eventually load, but new players simply don't know that, so they run around and around and around and never find it. I've probably told a dozen people just this weekend alone, where the mission terminals are.


2. I'm at the advanced class trainer but I can't pick my advanced class, why not?: ......How about automatically getting the quest at lvl 10?


When I rolled my first toon back at launch, I'll admit, I missed the mission giver for this when I got to fleet the first time. My mission log told me I had to go to Coruscant, so when I got to fleet, I simply followed my mission directive and it wasn't until I asked someone in my guild about when I got to choose my advanced class, that he told me I missed the guy on fleet, and I had to go back there. There really SHOULD be a mission directive to speak to that person, because then people wouldn't miss it.

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I don't remember if it was with Patch 2.1 or 2.2, but it was in that general neighborhood.... It seems like the amount of time I have to stand by where the box SHOULD be, to wait for it to render has increased quite a bit. It's not too terribly long on my desktop (around 10s or so) but when I play from my (much slower) laptop, it can take 20s or more. Being a veteran player, I know the box is there, and will eventually load, but new players simply don't know that, so they run around and around and around and never find it. I've probably told a dozen people just this weekend alone, where the mission terminals are.


It was 2.1 for me. I went from never waiting for anything to load to growing used to waiting for the bank, mission terminals, and the worst offender, the customization kiosk, to appear. I imagine new players are confused about a lot of fleet amenities.


As for people missing the advanced specialization mission, in an ideal world if you show up on Coruscant/Kaas unspecialized you get chewed out by Zash/Barus/Keeper/Crysta/Garza/whoever for not being more observant. :p

Edited by Pubsam
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Ok enough is enough, I am sick of hearing the same 2 questions on fleet OVER and OVER. Those of us who give a damn about helping newbies need to be given a break here, make this stuff more user friendly.


1. Where is the priority mission dropbox?:


The answer: Well you need to go to supplies, go to about the middle and then stand there and wait for 10 seconds and the dropbox will appear. Don't run around and around without stopping or you will never find it.. ever.

This couldn't possibly be more unfriendly to newbies and must be incredibly frustrating.


2. I'm at the advanced class trainer but I can't pick my advanced class, why not?:


The answer: Well it may not have been obvious to you but when you first landed on the fleet you ran past a guy with a quest triangle above his head. So if you can remember where you've been, retrace your steps and find him.

How about automatically getting the quest at lvl 10?


so because the players this game attracts are stupid they need to change the game for them?


Sorry but they need to stop dumbing the game down. The more you allow people to get away with being lazy and stupid they more lazy and stupid they will become.


Why do you think so many old gamers are waiting for wildstar??? it is because the devs have said over and over it is an MMO for gamers not the casual little kid who expects everything handed to them the second they log in.


EA already crippled the lifespan of this game with their screwed up launch and simplistic content. If you look at a game like wow which has had multi millions of subs for the better part of a decade and look at their end game, their hard modes are something less then 5% of the population are capable of clearing yet they have the window licker mode as well but window licker mode does not ever allow them to get the same gear as the skilled players get. This game screwed that up.


You was to stupid proof the game. Look at all the threads about how people are mad that they want to change their class after they leveled just because they feel entitled to it. If anything they should make all aspects of the game harder.

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On the contrary, if it keeps them around long enough to possibly spend money, it helps the game.


It's not like we as players have to actually interact with them or anything.

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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On the contrary, if it keeps them around long enough to possibly spend money, it helps the game.


It's not like we as players have to actually interact with them or anything.


How many Jawa [iTEM] jokes does it take to make a CM purchase?

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Oh geez.


How long will it be before we get a breadcrumb trail holding our hands and leading us everywhere because people cannot be expected to look at their map for the glowing quest icons?

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Oh geez.


How long will it be before we get a breadcrumb trail holding our hands and leading us everywhere because people cannot be expected to look at their map for the glowing quest icons?


exactly... you cannot think for everyone... and if you make it so no-one has to think not only will the game get worse then it already is, the window lickers playing will be all that is playing and even teh dirt simple story modes will be too hard for a pug to complete.

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2 things required to make this game more friendly to beginners


1) More patience from new players. EG: looking around, reading mission descriptions etc


2) More patience from more experienced players. What may seem obvious to you, may not be so obvious to others. If someone who is likely new is asking a question, being rude is not a reasonable answer (no matter how many people have asked it in the past).

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1) More patience from new players. EG: looking around, reading mission descriptions etc


2) More patience from more experienced players. What may seem obvious to you, may not be so obvious to others. If someone who is likely new is asking a question, being rude is not a reasonable answer (no matter how many people have asked it in the past).


Doncha know? Logic is frowned on round these parts lil missy.

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2. I'm at the advanced class trainer but I can't pick my advanced class, why not?:


I think its due to lots not knowing the difference between normal and class quests. This could be explained better at level one. I think many are leaving the starter worlds before finishing class quests and heading to fleet.


This^ Believe it or not I went through my first characters entire storyline and didn't realize it was the class story. It actually wasn't untill my second toon that I really started to grasp the concept of the class story. :p

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The tiny Exit Area button over the map circle in Flashpoints isn't really well advertised either and I notice a lot of new people to Flashpoints having issues with how to get out.


And yes about 2.1 when collections hit was when the mission boxes started taking forever to load for me. Before that they never did. I guess it's all those items being parsed on every player to see if they are in their collection that may be slowing things down a bit.

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