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This game is way too hard, and it's not just me...


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I am not a "gammer" I enjoy MMO's for the "building" aspect when it comes to starting a toon from level 1 to cap. I suck at PVP and rather take on mindless NPC. I have died on many occasions and guess what....


I find this game is just right when it comes to difficulty. Not too easy where I kill mobs that out number me 5 or 6 to 1 (unless I am a higher level) and not too difficult to where a kid with a sling shot one shots me at same level.


I am PVPing for the first time on a regular bases for the first time in a MMO because it is fun for the first time. I don't feel like I am being overpowered in the least and have a chance to make an impact in the game (even thinking about rolling a new toon on a PVP server).


I hope they keep the difficulty about the same with just minor tweaks.

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I like it a little challenging. First time I tried that last fight with my sorc I died at level 30. I came back at level 32 and beat it, but came a little more prepared. I made sure khem vals gear was up to par, all my gear was up to par, and kicked butt. Used interrupts and my knockback when she was casting and dpsed my butt off and killed her. I loved it. I love how BW makes you go in prepared with a plan even on quests instead of just being a button masher for free loot, titles, etc.
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Mmos should have some kind of test that decided what kind of level they are at.


Something to test their spatial awareness (most important ability for groups/raiding)

Something to test logic and reasoning.


Lack of spatial awareness is whats gotten me closest to wanting to kill guildmates in wow...


This way we could segregate people and say if four people with mediocre spatial awareness and logic grouped they'd get a easier flashpoint but worse gear

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This mudt be a troll thred because I find it absolutely impossible to believe that someone would think that this game is even mildly difficult. Has WOW so clouded the minds of our youth that any bit of effort is seen as some impossoble struggle. What would these gentle minds think or do in UO or EQ? Have gamers become so soft and mentally lazy? Go play Tic Tack Toe if you think this game demands so much me effort.:rolleyes:
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Ummm.. Not hard. Me and 3 guildies, One BH 2 SI and one SW.


We wiped the first attempt at the last boss, but took him out on the second attempt. All of us were 20+ though (not 17)


I did Hammer Station with only my wife and myself. Both of us were level 21. The last boss was easy. Qyzen tanked him, and I healed him.


The game is challenging for sure, but the difficulty level is great. It teaches people to play their class.

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This game is remarkably hard, and it's not just me.

From playing this game since the first day of early access, I have seen many things about this game. Some I liked, some I did not… But something increasingly becoming a problem is the difficulty of this game. I have a guild and we frequently discuss the difficulty, and we all agree on a couple things…



Some quests are just arbitrarily hard. The sith warrior quest when you're put on the tracking station is a joke… They storm in and all kill you. (4-5 exceptional units). Instantly kill my companion and kill me in 3 hits… and were supposed to be able to solo this? This is a joke… Why would you do this? Makes no sense why in the game you would have someone attack each unit individually and die, and respawn until their all dead… That's not fun at all, that's just annoying… If a quest is going to need a group, why not just say that ahead of time and save us the time of dying 6-7 times trying to kill something that obviously requires 2 people? Not everyone is geared up in full orange armor…


Some classes are more difficult than others to level up PVE. The Warrior/Guardian you would need to use your cooldowns, manage your force and generally have a bit harder time at it than say a Trooper/Bounty Hunter. Grab some healing kits, and boost your stats with Stims. Those can help make the difference in several missions.


Use your Stuns and cooldowns to mitigate the damage you are receiving from enemies. If they are stunned, you aren't taking damage from them. It can be tough, especially when a mission is critical to you moving on in a zone. But there are usually ways around these issues.

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Myself and a few friends were complaining that they tuned Solo content a bit much though, even if it isn't impossible. Also, Hammer Station normal? Went through there 3 man @ 17-18 and rofl'd the whole place without dying, how is it impossible?


I am kind of getting annoyed having to play absolutely perfectly to do every single quest after 30 as nearly every single quest has you fight an elite mob that requires you interrupt, stun, and pushback everything you possibly can. Not being able to heal my companion blows as well.

Edited by ckoneful
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Please Bioware don't mind threads like these... Don't do the same mistake Blizztard did and kill the game with faceroll content.


I LOVE the difficulty in this game. After I kill final boss in falshpoint after few tries and it drops loot for me, I actually feel like I deserved it.


Also, doing a calss quests is not that difficult tbh. If you CC, kite and heal you'll be fine. If it's such a problem for you, bring few medpacks or ask guildies to help you.


Don't, please don't, I beg you DON'T nerf this, already polished game. PELASE!

Edited by Strina
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Please Bioware don't mind threads like these... Don't do the same mistake Blizztard did and kill the game with faceroll content.


I LOVE the difficulty in this game. After I kill final boss in falshpoint after few tries and it drops loot for me, I actually feel like I deserved it.


Don't, please don't, I beg you DON'T nerf this, already polished game. PELASE!


Agreed! My first time clearing Athiss, having to actually figure out what a boss does at low levels and such, felt like so much more of an accomplishment than anything preraiding in WoW. I had an absolute blast figuring out we had to dispel a dot, figuring out that a debuff on someone in the group meant that they were being followed by the red balls of fiery death.

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Seems like every class at some point around level 26 to 30 come up against a class quest that you simply can not solo. You keep trying it a few times and then realize it is well above your abilities, and the one I am talking about is for the Smuggler and it is on Tatooine, the class quest, "The Lightspring".


One of the best cutscenes I have seen in the game bar none. So I will not ruin that part for you. There is a gold Sith I think level 29 and then there is Diago and he is gold level 29 and he is huge and a very tough scrapper indeed. The Sith lady heals herself and she has aoe damage and the only reason I don't die is I have that skill "dissappearing act".


There is a reason for this, and like I said I think every class has one or maybe more of these type of quests and the reason is so that the player can not simply follow the class quests to the end, these quests are designed to slow you down. They are made so that you either get help and move on right away or if you are the type like me that wants to solo all the class stuff, you level and come back and try again and you keep doing that until you win the fight.


Seems like its working as intended to me....

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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Me and my friend do the Heroic 2+ with companions. It's challenging but not too hard. He's a shadow so he usually mind mazes the Elite and then we take out the Strongs, me tanking them as a Jedi Guardian then we take out the Elite. Just takes a little strategery. I admit in my Jedi Knight story I couldn't beat

Darth Angral after try and try again, he was only 1 level higher then me

but when my friend got done with his class quest he was on his way to help and we kicked his butt together

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I understand where the OP is coming from, not that I agree but look at it from this point.

A lot of things in this game are very easy, they don't punish you for ignoring tactics.

You do an instance and if your healer is half decent you get the job done even when people don't CC/interrupt/avoid damage or all DPS a different mob.


Now some heroic quests/bosses require you to do this , even in the same instance boss A can be challenging while boss B is a joke.

Boss A wipes the floor with you for ignoring tactics and boss B is a basic tank and spank.


Point is the learning curve isn't balanced well it goes from black to white.



Next is the UI and the lack of tools, the game doesn't tell you anything.

My sorcerer has barrier but I wouldn't know how much it absorbs it just says ' it absorbs a lot', so yeah how much is a lot?

The UI adds difficulty because it's inconvenient and well you got no recount or parser that tells you what you did wrong.


Personally I enjoy a challenge, I don't like the UI how ever.

But I can see that new MMORPG players might find this difficult.

The game doesn't teach you how to play , it just let's you hit a brick wall.


The average player won't learn from this and most new players are just very bad.

Have 4 elite mobs and they all try to tank/DPS something else and wonder why they wipe.

Tell them to CC and two of them will AOE everything.

This just doesn't work for all quests but just like every one they have to learn or well ask Bioware to nerf it.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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i try to do green quests all the time... easy/more xp, especially class quests


people want to finish everything in one go... DON'T

do easy ones and later hard ones.


I've had no trouble doing 'em all in one efficient swoop. Grant it I've had someone else with me the whole time, but I'd probably do the same thing anyways

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Seems like every class at some point around level 26 to 30 come up against a class quest that you simply can not solo. You keep trying it a few times and then realize it is well above your abilities, and the one I am talking about is for the Smuggler and it is on Tatooine, the class quest, "The Lightspring".


One of the best cutscenes I have seen in the game bar none. So I will not ruin that part for you. There is a gold Sith I think level 29 and then there is Diago and he is gold level 29 and he is huge and a very tough scrapper indeed. The Sith lady heals herself and she has aoe damage and the only reason I don't die is I have that skill "dissappearing act".


There is a reason for this, and like I said I think every class has one or maybe more of these type of quests and the reason is so that the player can not simply follow the class quests to the end, these quests are designed to slow you down. They are made so that you either get help and move on right away or if you are the type like me that wants to solo all the class stuff, you level and come back and try again and you keep doing that until you win the fight.


Seems like its working as intended to me....


youre dumb. I solo'ed the ACT I boss fight at level 31 as a sniper. It took like 4 tries, but I did it and I had a lot of fun!

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The last boss in Hammer Station so far is impossible. I haven't met a single person on my server able to complete it (at normal level). The last boss is ridiculous, and hits you for ridiculous amounts… I don't know about you, but it's not my idea of fun clearing an entire instance to fail on the last boss 12-15 times and find that it's simply not possible.


Is this on some sort of heroic mode ? cos the normal mode isent hard as far as i´ve experienced. Made the instance first at lvl 17 and did it 4-5 times and never wiped once. Maybe you standing too still and getting hit by his aoe flame thingy ?

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Hammer station hard? Isn't that the 20 minute instance thing? I'm starting to think I must've skipped a boss there cause I did it the other day and we blew through it with me tanking in DPS gear and spec for the first time in TOR, I wasn't sure what I was doing even. Granted I was a little higher level for it due to doing a lot of quests on Balmorra but... hard? No.


Use your abilities and the game is not hard at all. You're likely neglecting to move out of areal effects, not interrupting, not utilizing your skills well... I haven't come across a non-group quest that I couldn't solo. Hell, I solod a few group ones using a bit of CC, interrupting and such right.

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