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  1. Is this on some sort of heroic mode ? cos the normal mode isent hard as far as i´ve experienced. Made the instance first at lvl 17 and did it 4-5 times and never wiped once. Maybe you standing too still and getting hit by his aoe flame thingy ?
  2. I think that Bioware mannaged to make healing a really different deal than wow (and other mmos i´ve played) Im playing as a IA operative specced in medicine and its both fine for leveling and for flashpoints obviously. Having to mannage your energi tightly and not getting panicked is important because if you dont, you die So imo healing is both fun and really viable
  3. 3rd here.. Got 0 hope for today... That way ill only get gladly suprised
  4. sound good then you can only hope
  5. Dont worry.. in 1 month or so (maybe even before) all these QQing post will be far far behind in the pages and noone will care about them
  6. Wow these forums move fast... allready down to page 5 or 6 by the time i post this >.< 2 bad that there is such a big need for QQ threads.. why not just have 1 and then bump it to a ghacilion
  7. Well i think theres a really big bunch of ppl in the middle of those 2 extremes that accutaly am pacient and is waiting to get into the game.. and tbh.. i think its the majority
  8. hehe well im thinking long termed.. not just today
  9. I´ve been searching the Forums for server specific forums.. I think it was a real nice feature on the wow forums and for other mmnos and i think it will contribute to server community alot.. Imo bioware should set up forums for all server to discuss specific stuff for the specific server
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