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This game is way too hard, and it's not just me...


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If something is to hard in this game then rethink your strategy and keep trying at it. I'm not trying to offend or belittle anyone but this day of age I think games hand hold people too much. I think that's the whole fun is trying to conquer a challenge because once you achieve your goal you feel that much better about doing. it You feel like you have accomplished something you have been working at. Instead of just running in slash and hack and call it a day.
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I honestly just think it's my class... Marauder dies so incredibly fast... I do pretty nice damage, but with 5 mobs beating down on me or a boss hitting me, I die like a knife through butter... Were supposed to be warriors and were easily killable... First game I've ever played where my "warrior" is like its wearing cloth.


I haven't played a Marauder, so frankly I can't be specific. But for ANYONE to survive getting beaten on by 5 mobs or a boss for long, you either need to be a) a tank class, or b) have a good healer nearby (and even then, most of these are designed to require a tank with a healer).


But for non-heroic quests, if you're "mostly" a DPSer, your companion/party member should be a tank or a healer.

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Want to ramp up the difficulty a little? Just take off all of your gear and do those quests. I ran into a bug where my modded gear would reset it's stats every time I zone transitioned, so effectively doing everything naked. Walking around with like 33% lower hp than my companion, friends, getting slaughtered by everything. Took me some time to figure out what had happened.


Still, I was able to complete my story quests, survive group missions and flashpoints.


In other words: if I can unknowingly do the game naked except for a few pieces, I'm pretty sure the difficulty isn't as high as you make it out to be. Just have to figure out how you need to respond the situation: maybe a different companion, maybe some CC/stuns, maybe just taking the time to learn your class overall, it really does help in the end. This isn't a FPS where you tap your aim button to quick-target and 1-shot the world. RPGs typically require a little strategic planning, and a bit of trial-and-error! :D

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This game is remarkably hard, and it's not just me.

From playing this game since the first day of early access, I have seen many things about this game. Some I liked, some I did not… But something increasingly becoming a problem is the difficulty of this game. I have a guild and we frequently discuss the difficulty, and we all agree on a couple things…



Some quests are just arbitrarily hard. The sith warrior quest when you're put on the tracking station is a joke… They storm in and all kill you. (4-5 exceptional units). Instantly kill my companion and kill me in 3 hits… and were supposed to be able to solo this? This is a joke… Why would you do this? Makes no sense why in the game you would have someone attack each unit individually and die, and respawn until their all dead… That's not fun at all, that's just annoying… If a quest is going to need a group, why not just say that ahead of time and save us the time of dying 6-7 times trying to kill something that obviously requires 2 people? Not everyone is geared up in full orange armor…


But in general, Bosses are hard, absurdly hard. Whether it’s a non-heroic but still elite boss for a class quest, or a boss in a heroic instance… They're unbelievably hard, and I honestly think it brings the game down if it's far too hard to manage. The last boss in Hammer Station so far is impossible. I haven't met a single person on my server able to complete it (at normal level). The last boss is ridiculous, and hits you for ridiculous amounts… I don't know about you, but it's not my idea of fun clearing an entire instance to fail on the last boss 12-15 times and find that it's simply not possible.



I'm not asking for you to easify the entire game and make fights a cakewalk.. but seriously? It'd be nice to give me a non heroic / non-group quest that's at-least doable....


The game is no where near too hard, and that's not just a personal opinion. The Flashpoints and Heroic quests are designed to be a challenge for people of the appropriate level. If you are aware of what's going on you will learn the fight and win. That's what they want. For all the easy non-challenging content, stick to the class story. If you and your friends of the appropriate level simply cannot win against a boss in a Flashpoint then that's on you...that doesn't mean the game is too hard.


If I had a copuple friends just stand in front of that boss in the hammer station and take his frontal cone AoE and stand in the grenades, and NOT clean up the adds that spawn...then we deserve to lose the fight. If we think the fight is hard then that's just us trying to excuse our suck.


Here is an example. Myself and 2 friends did Athiss the other night with my Qyzen Fess companion. We died 5 times to the Beast boss in the outdoor section. We almost called it quits because our tank (Jedi Shadow) was 4 levels too low for the zone and it was really hard. We ended up formulating some tactics to change how we fought the boss and we won. We were stoked! If you can't do that, that doesn't mean the game is too hard. It just means YOU can't do that. Try again in another level or two or change your group composition. It can be done...heck we didn't even have a legite 4th guy on our team and our tank was heavily underlevel...it can be done and it's not TOO hard at all.


Also...if NO ONE on your server can beat the boss on the Hammer station...well your server is going to have a real blast raiding =)

Edited by BlakeTheSnake
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I find the difficulty just right - not too easy, not too hard. It actually requires some thinking and planning on some stuff like the Heroic quests / areas and of course flashpoints. Use CC, let the tank get agro, nuke the normal mobs first and avoid any stuff on ground/stuff shot at you and you will win.
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So, let me get this straight... you found a part of the game that is CHALLENGING... and so the "GAME" is too hard?




Can you see this?


This game is BALANCED between easy stuff (and I mean REALLY easy) to some GOOD Challenges.


Deal with it. It's what makes a game fun.

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These are good - other thoughts if you think Hammer Station is hard:


Are you using all of your abilities? We got him in two tries with a group of level 19-20s chars. The first try was figuring out his mechanics.


I tanked with a Jedi Guardian - facing boss away from group and interupting his long channeled attack with force kick really helped. Also is your tank coordinating with your healer and using his/her cooldowns at the right points? Are they getting 5 stacks of sunder up (for Guardians)?


Finally don't stand on bombs any more than you'd stand in fire.




A couple of things to note about the last boss in Hammer Station.


1. His "full auto" attack is a frontal AoE that hits for very high damage. Whomever is tanking for you should face the boss away from the group.


2. The boss drops small mines. However, these mines pulse a very visible red before exploding. Do not stand on or near them.


3. Have your tank put his back to a wall so that he is not punted off the ledge. The computer terminal directly behind the boss works for this. If the boss is dropping mines on the tank he will have to move.


4. Anyone other than the healer and tank should be dropping off the boss to kill adds every time they spawn.


The boss fights in TOR have some boss mechanics that you typically wouldn't see at that level in other MMOs. That said, they're very possible to completed. Good luck.

Edited by Kitty_Whoopass
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I like the fact that there are more categories in creature toughness. Like some you can solo, and some you can solo only with a 20min cooldown ability, and some you can't solo and.. yep sounds good.


It's a good feeling when you're on a mission other than class mission and notice it's impossible to go through and you have to leave and do something else. Great!

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@ OP


Sorry if your having troubles but you can easily solve them and really there is no need to come to the forums and QQ about it. Your complaints are just that complaints, none are actual valid problems with the game that can't be easily solved.


I have had no issues with leveling difficulty. It has been a great experience that I have enjoyed so far. I actually like the fact that you can die and omg mobs can actually hurt you. Yes you can die if you take on stuff higher then you or if you take on to many things at once. Group missions are just that group missions and they mean it.


This is not WoW you can't run around just smashing everything with 3 buttons and zero downtime. You can't solo group quests unless you out level it. You can't get to max level with one hand tied behind your back half asleep.


About Hammer Station, really its not hard at all. You must have had a very very bad group of players if you failed at it and now think its over tuned. I tanked it as a BH Powertech at 18 with a group made up of all level 18 characters. We nailed it, one shot every boss and wiped once on trash because I pulled to many.


@ Bioware, if your reading this please leave the game alone in terms of difficulty, I find it to be just right.

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If a quest is giving you trouble get help. its a MMO after all.




SWTOR has a nice balance between allowing solo leveling and giving us group content, they even tell you the number of people you should need for some of them. In my experience for people who don't know how to play too well you need a full group, but for those who know their roles very well for most of this stuff you can just sub in a companion.


It's a very accessible and 'easy' game. Easy being entirely subjective, I find the hard parts challenging but I don't feel like whacking my head against the wall either.

Edited by Eshaye
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This game is remarkably hard, and it's not just me.

From playing this game since the first day of early access, I have seen many things about this game. Some I liked, some I did not… But something increasingly becoming a problem is the difficulty of this game. I have a guild and we frequently discuss the difficulty, and we all agree on a couple things…



Some quests are just arbitrarily hard. The sith warrior quest when you're put on the tracking station is a joke… They storm in and all kill you. (4-5 exceptional units). Instantly kill my companion and kill me in 3 hits… and were supposed to be able to solo this? This is a joke… Why would you do this? Makes no sense why in the game you would have someone attack each unit individually and die, and respawn until their all dead… That's not fun at all, that's just annoying… If a quest is going to need a group, why not just say that ahead of time and save us the time of dying 6-7 times trying to kill something that obviously requires 2 people? Not everyone is geared up in full orange armor…


But in general, Bosses are hard, absurdly hard. Whether it’s a non-heroic but still elite boss for a class quest, or a boss in a heroic instance… They're unbelievably hard, and I honestly think it brings the game down if it's far too hard to manage. The last boss in Hammer Station so far is impossible. I haven't met a single person on my server able to complete it (at normal level). The last boss is ridiculous, and hits you for ridiculous amounts… I don't know about you, but it's not my idea of fun clearing an entire instance to fail on the last boss 12-15 times and find that it's simply not possible.



I'm not asking for you to easify the entire game and make fights a cakewalk.. but seriously? It'd be nice to give me a non heroic / non-group quest that's at-least doable....


I've defeated the Hammer station boss multiple times, you just need to know the mechanics of the fight and he becomes much, much, easier.


I completely disagree with you on all points. This game is not too hard and I hope they do not dumb down the content.

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Already you start wanting **** dumbed down to wow EZ levels? Holy crap this is like driving and everything else that requires minute amounts of skill. Meaning that the general population is just *********** terrible at it. I have had 0 issues killing anything and in fact think the game is too easy. I know its expecting too much for peope to have to regularly use their CC to interrupt punishing spells that could gib you, but come on, MAKE me have to use stuff instead of just faceroll my dmg... You people are pathetic.

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This game is remarkably hard, and it's not just me.

From playing this game since the first day of early access, I have seen many things about this game. Some I liked, some I did not… But something increasingly becoming a problem is the difficulty of this game. I have a guild and we frequently discuss the difficulty, and we all agree on a couple things…



Some quests are just arbitrarily hard. The sith warrior quest when you're put on the tracking station is a joke… They storm in and all kill you. (4-5 exceptional units). Instantly kill my companion and kill me in 3 hits… and were supposed to be able to solo this? This is a joke… Why would you do this? Makes no sense why in the game you would have someone attack each unit individually and die, and respawn until their all dead… That's not fun at all, that's just annoying… If a quest is going to need a group, why not just say that ahead of time and save us the time of dying 6-7 times trying to kill something that obviously requires 2 people? Not everyone is geared up in full orange armor…


But in general, Bosses are hard, absurdly hard. Whether it’s a non-heroic but still elite boss for a class quest, or a boss in a heroic instance… They're unbelievably hard, and I honestly think it brings the game down if it's far too hard to manage. The last boss in Hammer Station so far is impossible. I haven't met a single person on my server able to complete it (at normal level). The last boss is ridiculous, and hits you for ridiculous amounts… I don't know about you, but it's not my idea of fun clearing an entire instance to fail on the last boss 12-15 times and find that it's simply not possible.



I'm not asking for you to easify the entire game and make fights a cakewalk.. but seriously? It'd be nice to give me a non heroic / non-group quest that's at-least doable....


It's just you.


I am currently a lv42 SI healer.

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