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Harbinger down.....again....?


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Remind me again why I loyally pay subscription to these folks.

Where I was encouraged to transfer to an Australasian server then forced to transfer back to a US base later and this means I get something.........

  • Where the lag and graphics are worse
  • Where the server crashes without explanation or estimate of down time
  • Where I loose the character names I've had since foundation
  • Where the in game mail system works about 50% of the time

Not sure if this is some intentional effort to lose subscribers but I'd hate to think it was simple negligence, at least if they are intentionally running it into the ground I can feel like SWTOR is not run by the retarded offspring of a Jawa and an Ewok.

yeah exactly ive been playing since the very start was on the harbinger then was encouraged to go to dalborra now told to go back to harbinger just for this crap
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Was just hanging out, touching up on some Revenge of the Sith skills... come back and server's down. I mean, clearly. Only three threads about it and eight pages just on this one. But really. The 'Super Servers' really need to be upgraded. There's been lag since they started being used, and they're never fully capable of handling Harbinger's pop. And I know what you're thinking: it's just one server. Well, the reason it's having problems is because it's on average the most populated server. So you're not just ignoring one server. You're ignoring your biggest server. Plus, I play on it. So fix it. :D
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was just hanging out, touching up on some revenge of the sith skills... Come back and server's down. I mean, clearly. Only three threads about it and eight pages just on this one. But really. The 'super servers' really need to be upgraded. There's been lag since they started being used, and they're never fully capable of handling harbinger's pop. And i know what you're thinking: It's just one server. Well, the reason it's having problems is because it's on average the most populated server. So you're not just ignoring one server. You're ignoring your biggest server. Plus, i play on it. So fix it. :D


+1 this

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You know I'm truly starting to think this game is run by an evil AI that is just trying to see how long we'll keep funding it while it tortures us. I mean, I asked for help once, and all they did was send me a message saying they weren't going to reply. ***?
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Dear Australians


You have to move to US servers.


You will experience an average of 300ms PING.


You will experience LAG spikes into the 3000s.


You will experience other random in-game issues that will detract from your gaming pleasure.


We will not supply a stable server.


We don't really give a crap


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When it comes up, it is up. Complaining about it into the ether isn't going to get the thing up and running any sooner. I don't sweat it. The only thing I would like is a bit of communication from the techs. You know, what is the status and what is the ETR. They may not even know yet what caused it. Who knows? These things happen. On the rare occasion I'll step away from my computer for a bit and come back to find if OFF. Nothing seems awry when i boot back up. Once again, who knows. These are extremely complex systems with billions, if not trillions or more, variables. Who knows if it weren't something crazy like 1 person puts up a dye on the GTN and exactly as it posts 5 people at the exact same time to the millisecond buy that item. They all go to the mailbox and retrieve said item, and holy cow!, 1 items sold, 5 items delivered, system goes "HUH?!?!" and takes a dump. All starts with the butterfly on the other side of the world. . .
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You mean Super Saver... cause the hardware was most likely purchased in the Super Saver penny ad's and plugged into the existing server farm.


This is really starting to get STUPID.. BIOWARE team stated last week they are "Looking into" the LAG issue and delays of screen and this.. BLAH BLAH BLAH... When is "Looking into..." going to end with you guys?


You overloaded your capacity. . How HARD is that to fathom? BUY some real equipment to handle the load!


Maybe they are trying to drive away you malcontents. Plenty of other games out there to ***** about. Some are even free. Surprisingly, their servers go down, sometimes, too. So you can just cut and paste your complaints.

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