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If you are going to just let people buy the Ewok...


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Who says that the Cartel coin option doesn't still require legacy level 40 to purchase the companion? BW never said that there would be no legacy level requirement for that option. Why are some of you people just assuming that and spazzing out about this? Most of the legacy perks have an option to use credits or coins but still have the same legacy level requirement.


I would be ok with the CC purchase of this companion if the legacy level to use it remains 40 also. Would be nice to get a dev response to clarify.

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Yes, and so does every other comp.


I was talking about a quest line en route to getting her, like every other comp. Make the quest require Legacy 40 and an item which costs 1,000,000 credits or X amount of CC for the privilege to speak to the 'Woks. And then on completion, the toon that did the quest gets Treek, and unlocks the ability for all alts in the Legacy to buy Treek without doing the quest again using credits or CC.


Unless I'm mistaken you have to have legacy lvl 40 when you get Treek no matter if you choose to pay with credits or CC. I will personally buy her for a few characters with credits and a few characters with coins. Like it says in Dulfys article.


Mandatory: Legacy lvl 40

Choice: Credits or CC




Or that is at least how I interpret it.



Well, now I feel a little stupid. Should have looked at developer tracker straight away before guessing. Eric Musco posted the following.


Hey folks,


Just wanted to let you know that no petition is necessary, you will be able to acquire Treek via Cartel Market if you so choose. Having her be a part of the Legacy system allowed an avenue for players to get her without spending any of their Cartel Coins if they wanted!




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Well, now I feel a little stupid. Should have looked at developer tracker straight away before guessing. Eric Musco posted the following... *snip*


Actually, he did not say if CC option will still need LL40. If I base my assumptions on how it is at the moment with other unlocks (personal ship transport cooldown reduction, for example), CCs will override legacy level requirement.

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If you look at other unlocks non of them of them has ever required any prerequisites if you bought em with CC's.


Why do people care so much about things that do not have any impact on them. I mean jesus, so much fuss because of one retarded ewok companion.

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...and surpass any requirement to earn it. At least give us two different styes of the Ewok.


A basic one for those who purchase it and one that looks a bit more tricked out (however you would trick an Ewok out) perhaps with different fur color and pattern and different gear so that we can tell who actually worked for theirs.


That way everyone gets what they want. Folks can buy one, and those of us who have earned the Legacy Levels to get her can have our trophy companion.


I agree with you 100% BBP this has been my thought on this situation from the start. This idea could put an end to the Ewok threads IMO.


You would then know who "earned it" and who bought it.

Edited by Skaol-dirtyd
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...(however you would trick an Ewok out) ....


I vote.... the companion is the same regardless of how you obtain it (Legacy vs CC).... but if you have Legacy 40 or higher, your companion should come with an exclusive customization that:


1- Dresses your Ewok like John Rambo.


2- Replaces her bowcaster with a slingslot (oh yes....)


3- Let's your Ewok wear a Stormtrooper helmet...

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i think they need one of those heal emotes, like the remote control starship, that turns you into a snowflake.


it should be available in game through grinding something like "kill 100 xx" things, 1 on each planet. they should probably shoot for around maybe 50 hours of playtime to be able to kill all of the things on planets you've already visited.


it should also be available for 30 cartel coins. that way, it is more or less equally available to everyone. and the forum people who like to talk about 'special snowflakes' would actually have someone to talk about.

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...and surpass any requirement to earn it. At least give us two different styes of the Ewok.


A basic one for those who purchase it and one that looks a bit more tricked out (however you would trick an Ewok out) perhaps with different fur color and pattern and different gear so that we can tell who actually worked for theirs.


That way everyone gets what they want. Folks can buy one, and those of us who have earned the Legacy Levels to get her can have our trophy companion.


Why do you feel you're a special snowflake and you deserve something different or special for doing it the way you want?

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I am legacy 50 for half a year, some dude who does not have time, gets to buy this for cartel coins, fair and square :rolleyes:



yes it is because i "earn" getting my ewok by working and spending....REAL CASH



those with legacy lvl 40 earned by playing for a year.


this is a fair compromise

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yes it is because i "earn" getting my ewok by working and spending....REAL CASH



those with legacy lvl 40 earned by playing for a year.


this is a fair compromise




No it's. not!!! some people have no job and have nothing to do all day but live off uncle Sam and play SWTOR all day long and live life doing nothing other than receiving handouts. Yet because A. are worthless and of no dedication to society. or B. live life mooching off mommy and dady. These folks believe they are entitled to some special compensation for something they did not even have to try for they just already meet the requirements and think that because I work 12 hours a day 6 days s week and have a family that it's wrong for me to be able to spend my "earned e" money if I want to be able to receive this companion? That is so selfish and like another poster has said. IT DOES NOT EFFECT YOU so why the uproar?

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yes it is because i "earn" getting my ewok by working and spending....REAL CASH



those with legacy lvl 40 earned by playing for a year.


this is a fair compromise


Sorry RL has squat to do in the game... You did not earn anything by buying it.. in the context of the game. You bought it ......


I don't care if you can buy the Ewok or not.... I don't care if there is a legacy requirement or not...


But buying things through the CM is not "earning" anything.

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Care to elaborate how you extracted that from my post? Does my request not have an option for the instant gratification and easy-mode folks?

You started a thread on a subject you know is controversial, and also upon which there are multiple (and heated) threads already.

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Sorry RL has squat to do in the game... You did not earn anything by buying it.. in the context of the game. You bought it ......


I don't care if you can buy the Ewok or not.... I don't care if there is a legacy requirement or not...


But buying things through the CM is not "earning" anything.

say who? you some guy on this forum? other people that did nothing but play this game and waste their lifespan on this game that will be gone within 20 years to achieved legacy lvl 40, which btw i would guess barely anyone actually strived to achieve legacy level 40 (perhaps lvl 50?) i work long hours to get what i want that include items off the CM, of course i earned it.



i just didnt earn it in game via legacy, which is fine and why CC is a perfectly acceptable option for people like me

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No it's. not!!! some people have no job and have nothing to do all day but live off uncle Sam and play SWTOR all day long and live life doing nothing other than receiving handouts. Yet because A. are worthless and of no dedication to society. or B. live life mooching off mommy and dady. These folks believe they are entitled to some special compensation for something they did not even have to try for they just already meet the requirements and think that because I work 12 hours a day 6 days s week and have a family that it's wrong for me to be able to spend my "earned e" money if I want to be able to receive this companion? That is so selfish and like another poster has said. IT DOES NOT EFFECT YOU so why the uproar?



i think you misquote me or misunderstood :confused:

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No it's. not!!! some people have no job and have nothing to do all day but live off uncle Sam and play SWTOR all day long and live life doing nothing other than receiving handouts. Yet because A. are worthless and of no dedication to society. or B. live life mooching off mommy and dady. These folks believe they are entitled to some special compensation for something they did not even have to try for they just already meet the requirements and think that because I work 12 hours a day 6 days s week and have a family that it's wrong for me to be able to spend my "earned e" money if I want to be able to receive this companion? That is so selfish and like another poster has said. IT DOES NOT EFFECT YOU so why the uproar?


are you denigrating the US military and embassy consulates and all of the other various employees paid by uncle sam? on the day before our independence day? they have jobs. they're not worthless. and they're not mooching. even though i'm not a government employee, i'm pretty insulted by what you're saying. why are you such a special snowflake because you work for a private industry? i work for a private company, but i wouldn't ask bioware to dumb down their game and cut corners to make their game easier for me.


that still doesn't explain why your special snowflake ewok can't be different than theirs.

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are you denigrating the US military and embassy consulates and all of the other various employees paid by uncle sam? on the day before our independence day? they have jobs. they're not worthless. and they're not mooching. even though i'm not a government employee, i'm pretty insulted by what you're saying. why are you such a special snowflake because you work for a private industry? i work for a private company, but i wouldn't ask bioware to dumb down their game and cut corners to make their game easier for me.


that still doesn't explain why your special snowflake ewok can't be different than theirs.


Pretty sure if you have a job then you understand the type of people I refer to when I say live off tax payers and obviously it's not individuals that have jobs if you work obviously you do not mooch off others. Have any common sense?

Edited by alphazoolou
to add the word not...
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say who? you some guy on this forum? other people that did nothing but play this game and waste their lifespan on this game that will be gone within 20 years to achieved legacy lvl 40, which btw i would guess barely anyone actually strived to achieve legacy level 40 (perhaps lvl 50?) i work long hours to get what i want that include items off the CM, of course i earned it.



i just didnt earn it in game via legacy, which is fine and why CC is a perfectly acceptable option for people like me


No you bought it. A lot of us work long hours, have families and all that good stuff.

I used CC to buy the Sith Raider armor set.... the key word there is "buy". I did not earn the armor set.


You earned money by working... you used that money to "buy" something off the CM.

What you earned was the money in RL , it has nothing to do within the realm of SWTOR.

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Pretty sure if you have a job the you understand the type of people I refer to when I say live off tax payers and obviously it's individuals that have jobs if you work obviously you do not mooch off others. Have any common sense?


you didn't know the military is paid for with tax dollars? i don't count the military as mooches. it still sounds like that's what you're suggesting? donald trump is a bit of a mooch. he's taken advantage of our government to declare bankruptcy a couple times, even though he could have afforded to pay his debt. but he could also afford the ewok if he wanted. people like mitt romney, who live off what their parent's built, could probably go ahead and buy the ewok. the people in the oil companies getting subsidies from the government probably have enough money to buy the ewok. people getting tax breaks on capital gains and inheritance can probably afford the ewok.


i think asking to buy your way out of the challenge in a game is not what a real conservative would do. john wayne and ronald reagan would have preferred to earn the ewok by working hard and killing lots of stuff, not by paying for a free ride.

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No you bought it. A lot of us work long hours, have families and all that good stuff.

I used CC to buy the Sith Raider armor set.... the key word there is "buy". I did not earn the armor set.


You earned money by working... you used that money to "buy" something of the CM.

What you earned was the money in RL , it has nothing to do within the realm of SWTOR.



again say you, which your OPINION means absolutely nothing in the scheme of things. if you want to take pride in your legacy, fine;however, stop acting like it is a huge accomplishment take you undergo months of consisted grinding to achieve. by alot of people own admission, they reach legacy lvl 40+ by just playing the game for at best a year. most of you guys werent even trying to get to legacy lvl 40, it just happen.

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again say you, which your OPINION means absolutely nothing in the scheme of things. if you want to take pride in your legacy, fine;however, stop acting like it is a huge accomplishment take you undergo months of consisted grinding to achieve. by alot of people own admission, they reach legacy lvl 40+ by just playing the game for at best a year. most of you guys werent even trying to get to legacy lvl 40, it just happen.


I'm sorry can you point out to me where I said obtaining legacy lvl 40 was an accomplishment?


I have simply been pointing out the fallacy of your argument.


I could give two hoots if you can buy the ewok or if there is even a legacy requirement attached to it.


Again you have not earned anything in relation to this game. You have bought things.



1. To acquire or deserve as a result of effort or action:



1. To acquire in exchange for money or its equivalent; purchase.


My opinion seems to be the same as Merriam-Webster on this subject.

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