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Got Xalek... why use any other companion again?


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Why use another companion? Cause he can't dps or tank to save his life :p

funny hes not only saved his own but also my assassins life many times, i will continue to use him untill they at least give me another companion similar but sexier :D

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If you fail to equip him properly, you can't exactly expect a miracle to occur. Gear him properly and he'll take care of you just fine; My sorcerer has no complains.


I keep him in my old gear (which at this point is a mix of 50 and up classic and misc items) and his damage still doesn't get up to snuff nor can he hold any aggro to save his life. Now as an assassin usually spec'd tank, I don't need him to tank, however the dps is something I need to be on par and his just isn't. Ashara puts out more with more outdated gear, at least in my experience. Also keeping in mind it's not something I'm tracking numerically vs how quickly it takes to melt a set of mobs. I run Black Hole dailies still and it takes half the time if I run Ashara or HK (even Talos off med watch) to cut through the mobs opposed to having Xalek out -shrug-


Not to mention (from more of a rp perspective) I'm constantly thinking he'll betray my assassin and so I'd rather just shove him out an airlock :p

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If you fail to equip him properly, you can't exactly expect a miracle to occur. Gear him properly and he'll take care of you just fine; My sorcerer has no complains.


Actually with the recent armour nerf, Khem is by far the better tank choice. Assuming similar gear, Khem's Defensive stats will be way better, and yeah if for some strange reason you are using him as dps, Ashara (and/or Andro) will be far superior.

Edited by Chemic_al
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Atm i use Ashara only she the best companion i ever had


her dps is so high that she did my work to kil the first fight vs thatatos ( ore so his name is XD ) i just heal and schield her :D


i was lvl 46 he was lvl 50 and stil Ashara beat the crap out of him ok i need to watch her hp she not rely a tanker

her hp can be low fast but with good gear and weapens she a dam fine companion :)

Edited by ShadessaWayland
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I suppose with the exception of Treek, who I imagine will replace every companion regardless of class.


Treek is a big no for me. I don't care how much work it takes to unlock him (out of Cartel Market)...lets say they sent him to you for free after hitting legacy 50...I would take him out of the mailbox and drop him, as I have absolutely 0...actually make that less than 0....a negative number....in having an Ewok Companion. I don't care if he is the best tank, dps, healer...or combo of all 3. I don't want him. I don't understand why so many people are making a big deal out of Treek.


Xalek, on the other hand. I never actually used him on my Assassin. I stuck with Ashara. On my Sorc, though, I plan on using him once I get him.

Edited by Braxxiss
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Because Ashara looks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better in the skimpy outfit I've got her wearing lol :rolleyes:

She's so vanilla and lame thought.:rolleyes:


She'd likely be one of those silly girls who pose in Spacebook with duckface on their pictures.

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Because I don't like him. I think Blizz and Khem tank better; and for DPS I use Ashara in bleed stance. She tears stuff up.

Well, thing is - geared DPS-specced main characters rip through packs before the companion gets a chance to show off their damage. Running a Marauder with Pierce (Smash for dailies - stuff just dies, even whole packs in 2+heroics, provided I herd them up behind a corner), and Lightning sorc with Khem, both companions geared full tank, and are mainly used for controlling/herding/keeping packs together, and, naturally, drawing some fire.


It's very, very steady. DPS comps seem to work better with tank characters, or healers.

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I *wanted* to use Xalek as main after I got him, and I did gear him up. Then, at the point when I repeatedly tested and saw that Xalek with *better* gear than Khem, tanked about half as good, I said eff it.

Khem is a beast of a tank, literally. :)

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Blizz is a BH companion, btw. Unless you meant it as a general statement, lol.


General statement on Xalex's tanking ability. I've tried him out, and his tanking ability is not great in my opinion. Blizz's for my MERC has shown me exceptional tanking ability. I've tanked HM FPs with Blizz pre 2.0. Blizz was mostly columi with some rakata. Xalex was similarly geared when I tried him out. Blizz has been better in my experience as tanking comp.


Well, thing is - geared DPS-specced main characters rip through packs before the companion gets a chance to show off their damage.


I run Torian on my merc for the extra dps half the time. My merc is full arkanian, with some underworld gear. For the various heroics, (Sec X, Torvix) and dailies, I annihilate stuff, but for packs that are spread out, I usually just send Torian after an elite mob. He wrecks them. since he gets my old dps hand me down gear. High presence also helps.


It's very, very steady. DPS comps seem to work better with tank characters, or healers


My sorc is a healer. Ashara does great dps for me. I don't use tank characters on my healer because I need stuff to die. So dps all the way for him.


Funny you mention Pierce though. I just went back to give him a second look on my jugg tank. I'm going to gear him full dps and see how he does overall. I think the voice actor does a pretty good job on him, and some of Pierce's dialog is pretty entertaining.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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