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A complete and utter joke!


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Methinks the troll is strong in the OP. This is the 3rd or 4th thread s/he has started along these lines recently.
IKR? i noticed that too


anyways, this is a good thing. now everyone has lvl 40 legacy and the amount of time to get to legacy 40 is months worth of grinding.



i see the argument that the CC purchase will somehow lessen your lvl 40 legacy.ok...but think of it this way



those with legacy lv.l 40 get treek for free via credits



those without legacy lvl 40 have to buy treek via CC.




as far as im concerned, those with legacy lvl 40 is getting a huge advantage over everyone else.n

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as far as im concerned, those with legacy lvl 40 is getting a huge advantage over everyone else.n


And all the subscribers that don't have level 40? BW is basically telling them to pay rather than play. The OP hit the nail right on the head with the message BW is sending.

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Next update, level your character instantly to 55! Get full Dreadseed legacy armor for one time payment of 600CC


Coming in update 2.6, youll be able to get a full set of Kell Dragon gear with only 1800CC!


We want to make subscribers feel they are getting their moneys worth!


In all seriousness, this is a complete joke. Just goes this game has gone Play 2 Cartel Market. The cartel market is just a fast track. Bioware only cares about CC, not the people who spend time actually playing the game.


What? This is awesome! They keep money coming in from those who want to pay real money for their perks, while giving subs the ability to gain it through just in game means, which is what subs want.


If subs had a way to obtain DYE modules in game without having to resort to RNG Packs (the dye module you want, not just the few options they give you), the DYE packs would've went over way better. Hell, they would've went over way better if they said "But the color combo you want for 50 CC" :p


I've been against the way they've implemented some things with the CM, but this is perfectly fine. Subs get a perk to work towards in game.

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And all the subscribers that don't have level 40? BW is basically telling them to pay rather than play. The OP hit the nail right on the head with the message BW is sending.

no BW is saying "hey guys with legacy lvl 40, you can get this new companion for free with just in game credits, while everyone else will have to pay if they dont have it"


if it was more pay than play,then the ewok would have been CM exclusively. the OP is just butthurt that he cant be one of a few players with a rare companion. just look at his bowcaster thread to see his mentality.



he want to be special and wants to limited in game items to a few people.

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to sum up what the forum has been saying about the Cartel Market.


- No XP or any other form of "boosts" because some people consider getting to max level "win" so to them it's P2W.

- No Armor sets of any kind, because some people consider vanity items like a good-looking robe a "win" so to them it's P2W

- No Emotes, because they are RPers' "win"

- No Species, because they are content

- No useless junk, because... it's useless junk and people don't want to buy useless junk with real money

- No items that give you an edge or story items (which is the only one that makes sense, actually)

- No things like a throne mount or glowing eyes, because they could've been added to the game as rewards for reaching level X of Dark/Light Side

- No random packs, because they are gambling and people have gambling issues.

- No appearance changes, like hairstyles or skin tone.

- No optional companions, because they are P2Cartel Market even though you can get them by playing the game

- No unlocks that would make the experience equivalent to a subscriber's, because subscribers need to feel valued and therefore not everything should be available as an unlock from the CM


Am I missing something?

I'm sure I am.

But you get the point.


So I'd really like one of the people who keep crying wolf every time something new is added to the Cartel Market (even though 90% of those can be bought through the GTN or through gameplay) to make some suggestions that would make BW/EA the money they need (or want, call it what you like, after all they never claimed to be a charity) to keep the game running.


I'd REALLY like to see what people come up with.

And I'm sure that for each suggestion there will be 10 more people who'll think it's P2W because it affects their own gameplay.

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no BW is saying "hey guys with legacy lvl 40, you can get this new companion for free with just in game credits, while everyone else will have to pay if they dont have it"


if it was more pay than play,then the ewok would have been CM exclusively. the OP is just butthurt that he cant be one of a few players with a rare companion. just look at his bowcaster thread to see his mentality.



he want to be special and wants to limited in game items to a few people.


According to the defense team's posts though everyone already has Legacy 40. . . If you don't see the message BW is putting forth it's because you don't want to. Also, nothing in this game is CM exclusive, so that argument just doesn't work. If it was meant to encourage play it'd be a quest like HK-51 was, or Legacy 40 would remain a requirement and it'd just allow players to bypass the credits.

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Next update, level your character instantly to 55! Get full Dreadseed legacy armor for one time payment of 600CC


Coming in update 2.6, youll be able to get a full set of Kell Dragon gear with only 1800CC!


We want to make subscribers feel they are getting their moneys worth!


In all seriousness, this is a complete joke. Just goes this game has gone Play 2 Cartel Market. The cartel market is just a fast track. Bioware only cares about CC, not the people who spend time actually playing the game.


So getting a companion that only affects you doing dailies is P2W to you? Wow, that's incredible.

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Well, there are going to be folks against the market naturally. No matter what is added it will be derided in some form by those folks that do not care for this market model.


I think any reasonable person would admit, however, that the F2P/Market conversion probably saved the game from oblivion.

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According to the defense team's posts though everyone already has Legacy 40. . . If you don't want to see the message BW is putting forth it's because you don't want to. Also, nothing in this game is CM exclusive, so that argument just doesn't work. If it was meant to encourage play it'd be a quest like HK-51 was, or Legacy 40 would remain a requirement and it'd just allow players to bypass the credits.


lol no, not everyone has legacy lvl 40 and it is you who arent seeing as you are wrap up within your own anti-CM agenda.



my point was with the CM exclusivity, if bioware wanted to go pay than play then we wouldnt even have a legacy requirement. in fact, it would just be in the CM like other vanity items. if the ewok had a quest like hk 51, this thread wouldnt even exist. expecting everyone to get to legacy lvl 40 is so silly i cant believe that is you core argument.tbh, all thelegacy levels does is only measure long you have been playing this game. i been here for 8 months and only reach legacy lvl 26.....8 months of constant nightly gameplay, grinding for top pv(e,p) gear and i only achieved legacy lvl 26. this has nothing to do with laziness people,despite what you want to believe here.

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Because I dont like it when people can just buy things straight up instead of spending time in game to get the same item.


What's it to you? I'm not competing with you. I don't know how many credits you have. I don't care. How would you like it if I told you, for example, that the way you have yourself decked out in the game looks utterly stupid. You wouldn't like it, right? Because it's none of my business, right?


Well, right back at ya. I want to play the game my way and not by your made up rules. I'll leave you alone. How about extending me the same courtesy because when you get right down to it, it's none of your damned business.

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So I'd really like one of the people who keep crying wolf every time something new is added to the Cartel Market (even though 90% of those can be bought through the GTN or through gameplay) to make some suggestions that would make BW/EA the money they need (or want, call it what you like, after all they never claimed to be a charity) to keep the game running.


I'd REALLY like to see what people come up with.

And I'm sure that for each suggestion there will be 10 more people who'll think it's P2W because it affects their own gameplay.


do a reasonable job of at least trying to maintain server population balance (they've improved here, but obviously didn't at the start). release decent content at a reasonable pace. maintain a successful subscription based MMO. or are you not comparing this game to WoW like many people did when they decided server transfers should cost so much?


i guess f2p is a required industry trend now. no game can stay profitable without focusing on a cash market. except the new final fantasy. and eve. and whatever other subscription MMOs are out there.


i guess if i wanted to pin it down to one single thing they could change, it would be this. don't give up on the game. lots of us think there is still potential, but the cartel market focus is not the way to develop and fulfill that potential.

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Next update, level your character instantly to 55! Get full Dreadseed legacy armor for one time payment of 600CC


Coming in update 2.6, youll be able to get a full set of Kell Dragon gear with only 1800CC!


We want to make subscribers feel they are getting their moneys worth!


In all seriousness, this is a complete joke. Just goes this game has gone Play 2 Cartel Market. The cartel market is just a fast track. Bioware only cares about CC, not the people who spend time actually playing the game.


If it makes you feel better I'm neither going to spend money nor credits for the teddy bear :p

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do a reasonable job of at least trying to maintain server population balance (they've improved here, but obviously didn't at the start). release decent content at a reasonable pace. maintain a successful subscription based MMO. or are you not comparing this game to WoW like many people did when they decided server transfers should cost so much?


i guess f2p is a required industry trend now. no game can stay profitable without focusing on a cash market. except the new final fantasy. and eve. and whatever other subscription MMOs are out there.


i guess if i wanted to pin it down to one single thing they could change, it would be this. don't give up on the game. lots of us think there is still potential, but the cartel market focus is not the way to develop and fulfill that potential.


I don't disagree with what you're staying (although the WoW thing was a bit...irrelevant?), but still you're not suggesting anything for the Cartel Market.

It exists.

It needs to be maintained and updated with things that are relevant and will keep people spending money.

So, taking into account all the previous categories which people have been very vocal that they do not want to see in the Cartel Market and assuming BW listens and removes all of them from the cartel market, can you come up with a suggestion that would make them as much money?


Regarding actual content, it's being developed by a different team. So the fact that Team A can recolor an armor and put it in the Cartel Market doesn't really have to do with the time, quantity or quality of Team B's content development.


True, they could hire more people for Team B, but wouldn't that also mean that until the second team provides enough content for people to come back to the game (if that ever happens) the first team would have to somehow make up for the higher developer costs?


As for subscription-only games like FF...well... let's wait and see how that works out and if there will be a "hey guys, we've decided that F2P is the way to move forward" or not.

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If it makes you feel better I'm neither going to spend money nor credits for the teddy bear :p


Boy...you really stuck needle to balloon there didn't ya? :D


I support your right to not have a Furball for a companion though... play the game the way it's fun for you. :)


"vivre et laisser vivre!" :)

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my point was with the CM exclusivity, if bioware wanted to go pay than play then we wouldnt even have a legacy requirement. in fact, it would just be in the CM like other vanity items. if the ewok had a quest like hk 51, this thread wouldnt even exist. expecting everyone to get to legacy lvl 40 is so silly i cant believe that is you core argument.tbh, all thelegacy levels does is only measure long you have been playing this game. i been here for 8 months and only reach legacy lvl 26.....8 months of constant nightly gameplay, grinding for top pv(e,p) gear and i only achieved legacy lvl 26. this has nothing to do with laziness people,despite what you want to believe here.


You're obviously missing something. A companion with STORY content doesn't even begin to compare to a pair of pants. Heck you even go onto argue in favor of my point. I agree 100% unless you're running dailies/ HMs across multiple characters a day Legacy 40 is nothing to balk at. If you can read you'll see that isn't even my 'core argument', I said a quest similar to HK-51 would be better. Your argument eventually begins to work against itself lol. You're basically admitting that BW is punishing players with the 40 requisite because it takes so long to get. So you think players should have to play 8 months (or in your case longer) to get this Ewok? And it's just okay for some to bypass months of gameplay by spending a bit of CC? El oh el.

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You're obviously missing something. A companion with STORY content doesn't even begin to compare to a pair of pants. Heck you even go onto argue in favor of my point. I agree 100% unless you're running dailies/ HMs across multiple characters a day Legacy 40 is nothing to balk at. If you can read you'll see that isn't even my 'core argument', I said a quest similar to HK-51 would be better. Your argument eventually begins to work against itself lol. You're basically admitting that BW is punishing players with the 40 requisite because it takes so long to get. So you think players should have to play 8 months (or in your case longer) to get this Ewok? And it's just okay for some to bypass months of gameplay by spending a bit of CC? El oh el.

ok english is not my native language, so i am barely understanding what you are saying. can you repeat what you said in a condensed format?


or someone else translate what he is saying.

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So we can unlock this companion via the CM or by grinding out in game content and people are really upset about this....why? I swear BW could hand people free money and they'd complain that it wasn't in the right denomination.


We are being given OPTIONS!! What's wrong with the Devs trying to cater to their entire playerbase?


Person A has the creds to purchase the Ewok

Person B has the RL income to purchase CC's to purchase the Ewok

Person C has saved x months of CC stipends and wants to purchase the Ewok


If I feel like spending my RL money on a video game and it makes my time in game more enjoyable, what does it matter to anybody else?

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ok english is not my native language, so i am barely understanding what you are saying. can you repeat what you said in a condensed format?


or someone else translate what he is saying.


Oh, okay, I'm just being trolled by the Defense Team. Well good day then! We can only hope you'll spontaneously manifest a sense of literacy.

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Oh, okay, I'm just being trolled by the Defense Team. Well good day then! We can only hope you'll spontaneously manifest a sense of literacy.



i am being dead serious, just rewrote what you just type. there were some parts of your last post i couldnt comprehend.no trolling here.


and defense team? hardly, i just dont try to dictate other ppl lives and normally agrue against ppl who say silly stuff e.g. the OP

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I swear BW could hand people free money and they'd complain that it wasn't in the right denomination.


Oh, they have.

Back when we got the free cartel points when F2P was introduced, people were complaining that they should get more.

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i don't know how bioware is managing their priorities. maybe jeff hickmann will touch on that in his next state of the game address.


i'm pretty sure they could make the game better by focusing on the game instead of on the cartel market. if they want a decent game, they'll build a financial model around subscriptions. if they keep doing what they've been doing for the past 6 months, it will just be a fluffy game of buying crap off the cartel market. i don't know if that means focusing on both the cartel market and the game, or if they can't afford to do that, moving cartel staff over to the game (we've seen new story content released through the cartel market, we have not seen new story content released for people that just want to play the game).


another way to look at it is that if they didn't give up on the game, all of the new cartel market updates wouldn't be as offensive. maybe if Ayelinna could run a new flashpoint or something the ewok being sold off to the hutts would be as big of deal, but as it is everything goes to the cartel market and there is nothing to work towards in the game.


pull a lever, get a reward. it's a skinner box. it's how pretty much all video games have always worked. now, it's either run through the missions, or circumvent all gameplay and just dig into your mom's purse. kind of pathetic.

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maybe if Ayelinna could run a new flashpoint or something the ewok being sold off to the hutts would be as big of deal, but as it is everything goes to the cartel market and there is nothing to work towards in the game.


pull a lever, get a reward. it's a skinner box. it's how pretty much all video games have always worked. now, it's either run through the missions, or circumvent all gameplay and just dig into your mom's purse. kind of pathetic.


I don't presume to know what the OP would've liked, but I can assure you that when HK-51 was released (which is the latest companion, was free to subscribers along with a new also free area - Section X - and a quest line to get him) people where complaining like mad.


PVPers were complaining that they had to do Flashpoints to get him

PVErs were complaining that they had to go to Outlaw's Den to get a part that was needed.

And both of them complained that they had to spend more than 5 mins searching for the parts on various planets.


So, in a nutshell, it's not strictly a cartel market thing.

It's something that people apparently like to do with and about everything BW adds to the game. Had they decided to add it only as a Legacy Level 40 reward, people would complain that they don't want to grind to Legacy Level 40 to get it and that it's unfair to new players. Had they decided to release it only as a cartel market item, it would suddenly become story content that was being released through the cartel market and subscribers would be up in arms about it.


You think that content and actual difficulty in obtaining something is what people should get. And I completely, wholeheartedly agree with you.

However, as it turns out, the truth when it comes to what people want is not quite as simple as that.

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