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Petition to make the ewok not buy able by cc


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So ready for 2.3 to hit. This little Ewok will be my first purchase after I go preferred status.


LIttle bored, Supes? You already won the argument on this, the only reason to bump this thread is to troll. I'm glad to see that the Ewok will be your second to last contribution to the community. The last one will be after you go to preferred status and your forum posting privileges are revoked.

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LIttle bored, Supes? You already won the argument on this, the only reason to bump this thread is to troll. I'm glad to see that the Ewok will be your second to last contribution to the community. The last one will be after you go to preferred status and your forum posting privileges are revoked.


+1 on this. Agreed.

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-1 for the necro thread

Hardly a necro. It's only been two weeks. Someone had the thread linked in their rebuttal to someone else in another thread, and I felt like saying I was ready for 2.3. Rather than open a new thread, I brought this up from page 22. :D

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As far as I'm concerned, if an Ewok isn't offered as a playable race, what's the point of spending RL money on it? The kawaii factor of having an Ewok companion? Puh-lease. I'll pass.


by the numbers posted, it will be super tank (not by durable, but by smart aoe and some weird taunt system), and a super healer (by numbers)

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I can see both sides of the issue. Those who have played, stayed and earned a high legacy level really don't have much to show for it beyond bragging rights. So I can see how it would be nice to have that tangibly acknowledged in way that is not for those who have not put in the time or effort. Of course, as someone who does -not- have that high a legacy level yet, i will be green with envy, lol. But really, as long as the ewok isn't more "uber" than any other companion, it's something I don't mind having to earn rather than have handed to me as long as I can earn it without making it so difficult as to be unattainable by the average adult casual player.


However, if this companion is better geared or has better skills than any other companion of the same basic class, level, etc then having it on the Cartel Market is definitely a "pay to win" situation which I absolutely do NOT support. If this companion is not better but is more just an additional option, then having it purchasable is not pay to win and isn't as big a deal. If they make it so everyone can have one via cartel market regardless of legacy level, that really doesn't bother me either because really, it's about personal achievement more than showing off some shiny new toy that other people not as leveled as me can't have and feeling oh-so-superior because of it.

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I can see both sides of the issue. Those who have played, stayed and earned a high legacy level really don't have much to show for it beyond bragging rights...


Actually, we had a lot of fun playing the game. That is what we have to show for our high legacy level.


If we forced ourselves into doing unfun things in a game in order to get to to high legacy level, well, then we're fools for failing to understand the concept of "game".


Back on topic, I would pay a considerable number of cartel coins to be able to play a game of Ewok skeet shooting, where Ewoks are, of course, the skeet and the shotgun is an anti-aircraft battery. :cool:

Edited by DarthTHC
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Actually, we had a lot of fun playing the game. That is what we have to show for our high legacy level.


If we forced ourselves into doing unfun things in a game in order to get to to high legacy level, well, then we're fools for failing to understand the concept of "game".


Back on topic, I would pay a considerable number of cartel coins to be able to play a game of Ewok skeet shooting, where Ewoks are, of course, the skeet and the shotgun is an anti-aircraft battery. :cool:


I'd like an Ewok pinata to bash with my lightsaber. :t_tongue:

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If they make it so everyone can have one via cartel market regardless of legacy level, that really doesn't bother me either because really, it's about personal achievement more than showing off some shiny new toy that other people not as leveled as me can't have and feeling oh-so-superior because of it.


I basically agree with this. There dose seem to be an air of elitism around Treek (And with the recently announced Tauntaun mount, despite the fact we have no idea how it will added) with the argument being less about achievement (I kinda think that the Legacy system is flawed in that manner anyway) and more about simply wanting to have something that makes them feel special. Don't get me wrong, I do think that there should be Legacy items and rewards, I just dont think every signal optional item that they add in to the game should be Legacy exclusive as some people seem to believe.


Personally speaking, I would have rather Treek was available via a solo story arch. As it is, I have no problem with people either getting her through Legacy or the CM. It offers a choice, so that people have yet to get to Level 40 Legacy (Which in my opinion is to high anyway) can still have a chance of experiencing this new companion, while those who have got to Level 40 Legacy can get her for free.

Edited by Cyberwoman
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I have legacy 42 and the credits to afford Treek. That said, I am happy to have the CHOICE of either spending hard earned ingame cash or hard earned real world cash. Probably going the CC route, though.


I play a game to relax and have fun. Work? *pfffft* Only in the real world, baby... :D I also love everything that pisses off elitist pweshious snowflakes.


And seriously? A companion P2W? Duuuuudes, you believe that, you need help...

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I've been LL50 for 14 months. I see no issue with the Ewok on the CC as well as a Legacy purchase option. HK has been available on the CM since he was introduced. I earned him once on each side then I bought him for all of my remaining alts.


The companion another player chooses has zero impact on you or your gameplay.



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I've been LL50 for 14 months. I see no issue with the Ewok on the CC as well as a Legacy purchase option. HK has been available on the CM since he was introduced. I earned him once on each side then I bought him for all of my remaining alts.


The companion another player chooses has zero impact on you or your gameplay.




Not that I really care, because BW made their choice..... You still have to do the entire HK questline and pay 1 mil credits to unlock him, before you can purchase with CC. Ewok is a straight CC unlock. Little different.

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Yes, PLEASE take the Ewok out of the Cartel Market! Considering that you can use cartel coins to override level 40 legacy is a terrible example for the game.

People should be able to work hard for things. When I heard they were awarding level 40+ legacy players with a companion, i felt truly appreciated for all the hours I've put in.

Do NOT let this pay to win plan go live!


Now am I "special snowflake", or is everyone else just too lazy to get 40 legacy?

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Not that I really care, because BW made their choice..... You still have to do the entire HK questline and pay 1 mil credits to unlock him, before you can purchase with CC. Ewok is a straight CC unlock. Little different.


This is a falsehood. You only have to do the questline on one side and then you can buy with credits or use CC. Only takes doing the quest once on either side. But as for the Ewok, they need to do something to getting the Legacy system working for players. I think only offering it to LL 40 or above is the way to go.

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Yes, PLEASE take the Ewok out of the Cartel Market! Considering that you can use cartel coins to override level 40 legacy is a terrible example for the game.

People should be able to work hard for things. When I heard they were awarding level 40+ legacy players with a companion, i felt truly appreciated for all the hours I've put in.

Do NOT let this pay to win plan go live!


Now am I "special snowflake", or is everyone else just too lazy to get 40 legacy?


To be honest, I would say 'special snowflake'.


The option to get Treek via level 40 is there for people who have that level/want to get it without paying and through effort. Surely that's what counts, the personal achievement of getting her via the Legacy system? Or do you simply want to be able to 'show off' Treek to those who have yet to get to that Legacy level? Don't get me wrong, I do think there should be more extras and little rewards for getting a higher lever Legacy, but BW have decided that Treek will also be available via the CM as well, and I personally have no problem with that.


Not everyone has the time to wait until they get to level 40 Legacy, which is a rather too high level in my opinion anyway (Also I say wait because, in my opinion, gaining Legacy is more of a grind then the show of excellence and effort that many say it is, especially as it seems to be a system rather bias against those who level alts, compared to those who play endgame content more, but that's another debate for another thread).


As I said before, I would personally prefer it is Treek was added via a long solo story quest, but as it is, I dont see what is wrong with the options BW are giving the players. Also, when the game adds instant level 55 characters and high level gear only available via the CM, then it will be Pay to Win and I would be arguing against that. :i_angel:

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Yes, PLEASE take the Ewok out of the Cartel Market! Considering that you can use cartel coins to override level 40 legacy is a terrible example for the game.

People should be able to work hard for things. When I heard they were awarding level 40+ legacy players with a companion, i felt truly appreciated for all the hours I've put in.

Do NOT let this pay to win plan go live!


Now am I "special snowflake", or is everyone else just too lazy to get 40 legacy?


Gotta agree with most of this except this isn't pay to win. What are you winning? There is no endgame except for FP's and Ops. Pay to Win would be like taking Mass Effect and putting up downloads to immediately go to max level for yourself and your companions. That is pay to win. There really is no pay to win in an MMO. And no I am not an EAWare fanboy. EA has screwed up too many games since buying Bioware to be fan like that. (DA2 and ME3 anyone?) I like the idea of a quest to get the Ewok. That is one of the reasons I play the game. I don't want to be able to just buy it.

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