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What the hell


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Finally fun, do you call a massive hoard against three or four fun? Hell no you don't and if that is you definition of fun then there is something seriously wrong with you.

Comes with the territory. Quest with friends, it gets a lot more exciting this way. I travel with a couple of buddies, we have augmented pvp gear and geared, augmented companions, and several Heroic Moment powers unlocked. It's really fun beating a superior force with teamwork and a bit of a heroic moment nudge, in case things are about to get ugly.


Gets hilarious when some ganking-wannabe degenerate accuses my Commando of cheating/hacking after getting obliterated by legacy sticky=>choke=>Force Sweep=>Project combo.

Edited by Helig
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Couple of people early in the thread gave the key, switch instances. As for the 'play on a pvp server for the ques' I transferred my main from Jedi Covenant, the ques were just as quick there as they are on potf. The whole open world pvp while doing dailies etc adds a level of excitement to the game, this is why I transferred.
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Ok, so l will tell you another secret. In WZ's people are going to die, you know you will, you clicked the button to join. The satisfaction of winning lasts all of about 2 seconds after the match is over. Open world PvP and locking down a zone causes anger on other players. To the winning side it is 10000x more satisfying to frustrate your enemy than to win a WZ.


Here are a couple more things that add to the thrill for the winner:


1. Having the losing side get on an alt and spam the zone with hate.

2. Someone rage quiting

3. Someone to actually go to the boards and openly complain.

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Well since no one wants to pay attention and read i'm going to close this up now. Wasn't really meant to start debates that I clearly have no interest in. Before this thread gets way off topic with people who think they are above everyone else i'm going to ask this be closed. So stop stating what is so clearly obvious. I know what pvp server is. I've played this since early access. I've also played age of conan so I know what open world pvp is. I know I can transfer but I don't need to I got toons of other servers so stop saying to switch. Also no **** pvp server isn't for me I already stated that or at the very least made it obvious. Finally fun, do you call a massive hoard against three or four fun? Hell no you don't and if that is you definition of fun then there is something seriously wrong with you.


See this is your issue. you roll on a Pvp server for whatever reason then come to the forum and complain about being ganked in a busy area. It was bound to happen transfer to a PVE server that way you can do Pvp when you want but not get ganked when your questing. Really I don't know what you expect everyone to say because they are right, insults or no its daft you made this thread. you come moaning about Pvp on a pvp server This game Owpvp is non existent so quit ************.

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Comes with the territory. Quest with friends, it gets a lot more exciting this way. I travel with a couple of buddies, we have augmented pvp gear and geared, augmented companions, and several Heroic Moment powers unlocked. It's really fun beating a superior force with teamwork and a bit of a heroic moment nudge, in case things are about to get ugly.


Gets hilarious when some ganking-wannabe degenerate accuses my Commando of cheating/hacking after getting obliterated by legacy sticky=>choke=>Force Sweep=>Project combo.


This garbage. Companions should immediately despawn or do nothing in owpvp. Cannot count how many times I got knocked out of stealth after I vanish from MAX RANGE or cc'd for zero resolve. What's even better is when 10 pubs come over with companions so its 20v5 or however many show up. Complete trash

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Whats funny is that you are making yourselves look bad. If you would of red my post then you would of come to the conclusion that this was meant to bioware and not the community. Also you would of used your eyes instead of your ego's you would of noticed it was like my first post on here. This was the only forum I thought that it would go in. No wonder every sucks in WZ no matter which one I go to. I am justified because I have clear obvious statements that I know how this game works. If there is only three people on the planet then you CANT SWITCH period. You have to have the numbers on YOUR side. Let me paint a picture for you guys since all of you are to illiterate I log in and as soon as I see the game I am swarmed by five guys and die before I can respond. That's what pissed me off the most. There was no notice either that this was happening. Bioware needs to put something like that up in the client. I wouldn't of cared otherwise. I don't care about your guys idle threats or stupidity. Next time read and understand before you flame.
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Whats funny is that you are making yourselves look bad. If you would of red my post then you would of come to the conclusion that this was meant to bioware and not the community. Also you would of used your eyes instead of your ego's you would of noticed it was like my first post on here. This was the only forum I thought that it would go in. No wonder every sucks in WZ no matter which one I go to. I am justified because I have clear obvious statements that I know how this game works. If there is only three people on the planet then you CANT SWITCH period. You have to have the numbers on YOUR side. Let me paint a picture for you guys since all of you are to illiterate I log in and as soon as I see the game I am swarmed by five guys and die before I can respond. That's what pissed me off the most. There was no notice either that this was happening. Bioware needs to put something like that up in the client. I wouldn't of cared otherwise. I don't care about your guys idle threats or stupidity. Next time read and understand before you flame.


Bioware hardly reads any non-customer service forum topic... especially pvp. They pay barely any attention to us, so any complaints should go to suggestions under general discussion, or customer service. I highly doubt this is something ticket-wise. But, I suppose you could try to send a ticket in for harassment.


As for the pvp-server, you chose to roll on it, and were informed at the serverlist that those are the rules on a pvp server. If it makes you feel any better everyone has to deal with it, especially while leveling. Based on your assertion that you cannot switch instances due to low population I take it you play republic side? I mean I haven't done dailies on a pvp server, though I imagine nobody does them because there's little reason to do so.


Your insults to us seem to contradict your earlier request of having constructive comments. This is made even more humorous by your incorrect grammar.

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Bioware hardly reads any non-customer service forum topic... especially pvp. They pay barely any attention to us, so any complaints should go to suggestions under general discussion, or customer service. I highly doubt this is something ticket-wise. But, I suppose you could try to send a ticket in for harassment.


As for the pvp-server, you chose to roll on it, and were informed at the serverlist that those are the rules on a pvp server. If it makes you feel any better everyone has to deal with it, especially while leveling. Based on your assertion that you cannot switch instances due to low population I take it you play republic side? I mean I haven't done dailies on a pvp server, though I imagine nobody does them because there's little reason to do so.


Your insults to us seem to contradict your earlier request of having constructive comments. This is made even more humorous by your incorrect grammar.

You say that but there is fare worse grammar out there that I have seen trust me. Thanks for actually reading some of what I post but it still doesn't change the fact that I know how this game works better then most people even pvp sometimes and that is sad coming from a non-hardcore pvp player. I like pvp sometimes but getting swarmed by twenty guys when you load in and you can't do **** about is NOT fun at all. So after this I am not going to post anything especially since most people don't bother to read.

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You say that but there is fare worse grammar out there that I have seen trust me. Thanks for actually reading some of what I post but it still doesn't change the fact that I know how this game works better then most people even pvp sometimes and that is sad coming from a non-hardcore pvp player. I like pvp sometimes but getting swarmed by twenty guys when you load in and you can't do **** about is NOT fun at all. So after this I am not going to post anything especially since most people don't bother to read.


Its not fun to get swarmed by 20 people, but what pain has it really caused you? Is it worth asking for the devs to change it when those 20 people were just out there not looking to grief you, but to engage in a fight with groups of your factions who also want to be involved?


That is why you are getting trolled and you only encourage people to do it more. You basically are saying "screw everyone else trying to have fun which I just happened to unfortunately stumble into and change it for ME."

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Okay so I'm a little pissed here. I know I am on a pvp server but it irks me when I come to do some dailies on the NON pvp central area and now the whole *********** area is swarmed with the opposite faction and I can't do anything. Next time could you guys please make it so you have to be flagged when ever you guys beside to do that? Not all of us are appealed by the pvp aspect and some are just their because their personal friends are.


Go back to The Sims. It's where people like you belong

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