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Alternate weapons unlock.


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the problem would also rest in that certain abilities require specific weapons to be usable. In addition to this, you equip a guardian with 2 sabers and then they have no shield generator. Would that mean you chose not use shield at all for minor damage? it would take a lot of programming to make this kind of cosmetic effect viable so its not something I think we'll see. I love the cut-scenes where my agent uses his pistol but from a development point of view it;ll prob never happen.


Dual sabers would likely then be limited to DPS guardians. Or maybe the second saber would add to shield chance and act as a shield generator.

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I would pay some good money to be able to use those.

About PVP, i dont see issues as you can enable to see those icons above ppl heads that say whar ever spect they use (once you get used to class icons).

But to honest i dont think it will ever be implemented. As much i love the idea i think the Devs give weapon restrictions to give unic feeling for each class, so i bet they wont ever let this happen. But if things change ill buy it for sure!

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Now that they've got adaptive armor in the game, they can no longer make the justification of needing classes to look particular ways for PVP (or whatever the justification was in the past for not being able to wear medium as a heavy, etc). I'm all for 'adaptive weapons' allowing us to use a broader range of gear.


Although last time I played my sniper (and it's been over a year) I recall sniper rifles having a different damage range than blaster rifles, so there might be some more tweaking than simply animations to get everything working right (or snipers would be at a disadvantage using anything but a sniper).

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I don't feel comfortable with that idea. A lot of moves are tied to particular weapons, and replacing it with another animation of the substitute weapon is too weird to me. I can't imagine a commando throwing his healer ray from a sniper rifle, or a diagnostic scan (from an operative) using a assault cannon healing beam.


It's just too weird for me, sorry, I can't support this idea.

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I get where you're coming from but it would create some issues in pvp, attacking a tank vanguard and a heals commando is a very different fight, but you'd be surprised how many people see a trooper with a blaster rifle in a WZ and go in for and easy kill only for the "Vanguard" to heal through all the damage. if you're a gunslinger, the way you fight a sith assassin and a juggernaut are very different, seeing a sith with a double saber won't make you immediately drop cover exposing you to the "Assassins" leap.


great idea would love to see it


but won't work with pvp from where I sit


You know you can turn on the class icons over players head to show which class they are right.

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the problem would also rest in that certain abilities require specific weapons to be usable. In addition to this, you equip a guardian with 2 sabers and then they have no shield generator. Would that mean you chose not use shield at all for minor damage? it would take a lot of programming to make this kind of cosmetic effect viable so its not something I think we'll see. I love the cut-scenes where my agent uses his pistol but from a development point of view it;ll prob never happen.


This is the biggest obstacle I can see. I don't think anyone here is asking for a mechanical change to how the classes work, just the cosmetic option of using a primary weapon(s) which the player enjoys the most for aesthetic reasons.


It could be helped by adding a "cosmetic" off hand slot or toggle to inventory, just like they added the dye slot to equipment. Tank guardian wants to wield two lightsabers? Put the off-hand one in the cosmetic slot - get no bonuses from it, but it looks like you're wielding two lightsabers. Marauder wants to look like he's only got one lightsaber? Hit the off hand toggle to switch to single lightsaber/primary hand graphics only. etc.


I don't feel comfortable with that idea. A lot of moves are tied to particular weapons, and replacing it with another animation of the substitute weapon is too weird to me. I can't imagine a commando throwing his healer ray from a sniper rifle, or a diagnostic scan (from an operative) using a assault cannon healing beam.


It's just too weird for me, sorry, I can't support this idea.


Personally, I find it too weird to play a "commando" lugging around a huge assault cannon so I can't enjoy that class because some abilities just don't work carrying a blaster rifle. Same with operatives. To me the whole class screams spies and decades of James Bond movies has conditioned me to want to use a pistol, so a rifles are weird. The less enjoyment I get from a game, the sooner I stop spending money on it and move on to something else, the more enjoyment, the more I spend and the longer I play.


Commandos with rifles too weird for you? Play yours with the standard assault cannon, maybe you'll occasionally team up with weird looking a rifle-commando, but the player behind that rifle-commando will do the same job as if he was wielding an assault cannon, only he/she will have given the devs extra money that they can put a slice of toward extra content for you too.


How is that not win win all round?

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This would brake the class diversity. And how is Bounty Hunter supposed to use Assult Cannon and a flamethrower? Not to mention a jet pack. It's a nice idea to give Guardians/Jagernauts the saberstaffs, I always thought of it as the most defensive saber there existed. I do not see a reason why a Sentinel would like to run around with a saberstaff and focus, he will be loosing a lot of stats swaping a second saber with a focus.


But I think it's never going to happen. To much work with animations for skills that now require a dual-wield. I gues it prooves to be too complicated to apply it in-game.

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This would brake the class diversity. And how is Bounty Hunter supposed to use Assult Cannon and a flamethrower? Not to mention a jet pack. It's a nice idea to give Guardians/Jagernauts the saberstaffs, I always thought of it as the most defensive saber there existed. I do not see a reason why a Sentinel would like to run around with a saberstaff and focus, he will be loosing a lot of stats swaping a second saber with a focus.


But I think it's never going to happen. To much work with animations for skills that now require a dual-wield. I gues it prooves to be too complicated to apply it in-game.


I don't think its nearly as hard as your thinking for commandos all of the skills but 1 you can use with a blaster rifle already it should be no problem at all to edit or use something already in there to make that 1 skill


for other stuff like different types of lightsabers there are already like 10-20 attacks maybe more per saber type they should not have that hard of a time either picking a different animation that's already in the game or editing one a little to work for a different type of saber


the largest problem would likely be odd things like a commando trying to use a handgun I think they could make it work but its likely the thing that would take the most work

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This would brake the class diversity. And how is Bounty Hunter supposed to use Assult Cannon and a flamethrower? Not to mention a jet pack. It's a nice idea to give Guardians/Jagernauts the saberstaffs, I always thought of it as the most defensive saber there existed. I do not see a reason why a Sentinel would like to run around with a saberstaff and focus, he will be loosing a lot of stats swaping a second saber with a focus.


But I think it's never going to happen. To much work with animations for skills that now require a dual-wield. I gues it prooves to be too complicated to apply it in-game.


Probably the same way Corso Riggs does: http://cdn-www.swtor.com/sites/all/files/en/cb/2013_thumbs/companions_101/corso/corso_854x480.jpg


I suspect with the diversity of the companions all the animations exist already for you to do what you need as a class with different weapons of similar type (i.e. ranged/melee). But you're right they probably won't take the time to implement such changes at this point in the game's life.

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It would be quite a lot of work, don't you think? They'd need a bunch of new animations for different attacks.


Not against the idea, just pointing that out.


already been said before but in a LOT of cases its already in the game if not all cases


every commando ability but 1 can already be used with a rifle


most Jedi/Sith ability's can be used with a 1 hand normal saber and what ever the classes saber is (but not all)


also you got to remember its not just player animations they have access to there are the npc both enemy and friendly and also our pets animations someone already pointed out that carso rigs uses a flame thrower with a rifle instead of a hand gun like bounty hunters do

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already been said before but in a LOT of cases its already in the game if not all cases


every commando ability but 1 can already be used with a rifle


most Jedi/Sith ability's can be used with a 1 hand normal saber and what ever the classes saber is (but not all)


also you got to remember its not just player animations they have access to there are the npc both enemy and friendly and also our pets animations someone already pointed out that carso rigs uses a flame thrower with a rifle instead of a hand gun like bounty hunters do


There still are problematic things imo. Like saberthrows (assassin's don't have one, warriors do). All warrior animations would have to be made to fit 1 saber, 2 sabers or a double-bladed saber, and assassin would need at least 2 saber animations, and some animations for 1 bladed saber probably too (for the attacks that are only usable with double-bladed saber). Sages and sorcs would probably be easy, since they don't do much anything with their lightsabers, just make sure they hold an off-hand saber so that they can still use lightning with that hand.


Now, non-jedi/sith classes would probably be a bit easier since the animations probably could be borrowed a bit easier (if you want to be lazy), since they more or less use same kind of attacks - meaning shoot at the enemy. So, "shoot the enemy for 3 seconds" would look like series of shots with sniper rifle, unload with blaster rifle and full auto for assault cannon. However, there would still be some abilities that would probably need new animations (not sure if ambush/aimed shot has animations for blaster rifle and 1 pistol, but I'm sure it doesn't have it for assault cannon). Also, 2 pistols would cause a little headache with operatives, since they have a bunch of abilities that are even named so that they sound like they'd have to be done with a knife. Backstabbing with an offhand blaster wouldn't be that easy. So those not only need new animations, renaming them wouldn't hurt (or giving them some scoundrel abilities if 2 blaster are equipped).


And I'm not mentioning things that would look pretty funny (i.e. sorc having 2 lightsabers while using neither one, someone casting mortal valley from a blaster pistol). So, yeah, it feels like a lot of work to me. But maybe I'm just picky, since I wouldn't like to i.e. have assassin animations on my mara who wears a double-bladed saber. Assassins do a lot of spinning and kicking while mara doesn't and my mara just wouldn't feel like mara anymore if she started doing that. Not only the weapon, but the whole fighting style would change.

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If you want to dual-wield, play a Sentinel. Aside from Force vs. non-Force user, character class has nothing to do with RP. IC, all Sentinels, Guardians, Sages and Shadows are simply "Jedi."


I beg to differ. For my Shadow's backstory (a character based off one I created for a forum RPG) it is even more dependent on the Shadow's stealth based fighting style. That's why I picked that class, because sacrificing dual wielding was a smaller RP sacrifice than loosing the highly stealth based fighting style. So whether I pick Sentinel or Shadow I'd be sacrificing some part of my RP. (Yes I know other classes have temporary stealth abilities but that wasn't a sufficient substitute just the same way in other RPG games if you want to play an assassin you pick a assassin class not a mage or warrior class even if they have abilities that would give you some limited ability to be a assassin)


For people that are really trying to RP sometimes its not just picking a weapon type but also picking a set of abilities. The current system forces you to triage which is more important to your RP: weapon or class abilities. The proposed change would solve that problem.

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And I'm not mentioning things that would look pretty funny (i.e. sorc having 2 lightsabers while using neither one, someone casting mortal valley from a blaster pistol). So, yeah, it feels like a lot of work to me. But maybe I'm just picky, since I wouldn't like to i.e. have assassin animations on my mara who wears a double-bladed saber. Assassins do a lot of spinning and kicking while mara doesn't and my mara just wouldn't feel like mara anymore if she started doing that. Not only the weapon, but the whole fighting style would change.


The whole idea behind this suggestion is just more customization options for players. They've already greatly relaxed the restrictions they had at launch with regards to armor. I understand that's not nearly the same amount of work as weapons, but I feel like the animations are pretty much already in the game somewhere (player, companion or npc) to pull from.


Whether or not you'd personally use all the options available shouldn't preclude you from supporting the idea. I cannot understand why anyone would be against more options for players (not saying you are, just your tone), given what's already been changed class look/feel wise.

Edited by hadoken
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Would love to see this, as a commando I only use a rifle even though I play gunnery spec, thats how much I hate the cannon. I love absolutely everything else about the class, even rerolled my vanguard back when pyrotech was still godly just because I wanted to be a commando, was so dissapointed when I got forced to use those ugly bulky cannons.


As far as PVP goes, it is NOT hard to tell whats what. Example: sorcs can buy heavy looking armor from the store to look like a Juggernaut but as soon as they use a single attack it becomes obvious they are a sorc. Same goes for gunslingers and mercenaries. As soon as the class starts to attack or heal you can tell what it is. Not to mention there are those class symbols over everyone's heads...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any other thoughts on this? :confused:

So far i think we can agree that recycling animations is acceptable. :ph_agree:


Sacrificing the "OMG, my class is unique!" feeling by having certain classes tied to certain weapons is a minor issue. :jawa_angel:


The only significant complaint I've heard so far is about PVP, but i think having the class icons enabled nullifies any confusion. :mon_trap:


i miss anything? :rak_02:

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This isn't SWG.


Stop living in the past.


In SWG i played a Commando pre-cu, know what weapon i used? a flamethrower.

After CU? a Commando with a lava cannon, which was the exact same as a flamethrower with different effects.

after the NGE? i didn't play SWG... who did? (HINT: Not this guy!) :D


I don't want SWG... in SWG i had no options.

I want options.


In my mind, some of the best changes to this game are when they added more options.

I'm an armormech on my main, and the cartel market destroyed my ability to make credits selling armor.

all the cool stuff is on the Cartel market.


BUT, i like the adaptive armor on the cartel so much that i don't care that i lost my primary source of income.


I really like the ability to NOT look like everyone else.


And that's what i want... not SWG, but the ability to be a beautiful unique snowflake. :rak_09:

Not some cookie cutter storm trooper clone.

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