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Rage Quitting


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People quitting the warzone when things go poorly at the start of the match is absolutely epidemic on The Ebon Hawk server. It literally happens all the time and it is a problem because TEH is an RP server so people that quit the WZ are not necessarily replaced. In fact, I recently had matches end prematurely because so many players on one team left.


I honestly don't know if this is a game wide problem or a more localized one. I imagine it is less of an issue on PVP servers like POT5 because even if people quit they will usually be immediately replaced, and probably with a superior player. However, for TEH (and any other servers that suffer) this... habit, depending on the time of day, can quickly kill the PVP scene for several hours, especially when players on the losing faction switch to their alts on the opposing faction.


Now, I'm not one of the people that defends rage quitting. I think it is not only poor sportsmanship but it is detrimental to the PVP portion of swtor. I've had plenty of matches that started out horribly, like losing both pylons on HG, and our full pug team fought it out and managed to win in the end. Personally, I strongly feel that Bioware should implement an in-game penalty to deter anyone from quitting in the middle of a WZ. Some kind of lock-out debuff that prevents them from queuing for another match because in many cases the people that quit do so in the hopes they can que and quickly get into another game. If BW wanted to be really vindictive they can also take away valor points when someone quits.


Yes, I realize that a penalty will not fully solve the problem. People will still quit and log onto alts (unless if the lock out debuff is tied to their legacy) or just give up on PVP for the day. I also realize that this will inaverdently punish some people who needed to leave in the middle of a WZ because of some real life emergency or they were disconnected. However, it might at least make some of the 'fair weathered friends' stick around and fight the match out.


Thoughts and opinions? Do you think some kind of penalty for rage quitting would be beneficial or do you think it would actually be detrimental or would have little effect?

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I can agree to having a WZ lockout. I'm guilty of leaving WZ's when they're absolutely horrible, but most of the time, even if it's a obvious loss, I'll stick around. On POT5 sometimes it's difficult getting a replacement. I've 7 manned quite a few recently. And there's this one Imp guild that has a Sorc and PT that use video chat to play together, and they'll hold 7 of us to a pylon without us capping. But when I see them, I just chat with them because it'll be over so fast, you could earn more Comms losing against them 3 times in the same amount of time it takes to leave and join another.


Tldr: Yes to penalties. If it's an emergency, the lockout would be over before you returned. No excuse for not being a team player.

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It's kinda funny, we had a CW last night. We had 7, opposition had 8. We took and held two nodes. One of their healers quit and re-queued. They ended up as our 8th.


So yea, there may be a need for that timer now, at least on BC, since we lost so many PvPers due to transfer.

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People quitting the warzone when things go poorly at the start of the match is absolutely epidemic on The Ebon Hawk server.


It does not seem to be as bad on the republic side, a few quitters here or there, but nothing game breaking. May I suggest rolling a sage and stop lightninging poor scoundrels?

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It has gotten worse on the Pot5 recently, and for some reason it doesn't want to backfill right away every time that it happens. Have had people in vent single queing while we have a 4 man pre-made running in a warzone where people leave before even a single turret cap in Civil War (on the ride down to the platform on the speeders) and it takes 2-3 minutes to backfill.


But it's either Pubs quitting at the very first sign of a POSSIBLE loss or Pubs just not caring, so you either deal with rage quitting or essentially playing X amount of players down since they are just running around/trolling till the warzone is over.

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its a game wide problem based on the 9 WIN/ 3 WIN requirements for weekly and daily missions.


If you dont win, you get less than half the valor and comms rewards, and no progress to weekly, so people rather quit mentally challenged zones than waste another 15-20 mins playing them out.


Its a systematic issue, not a player problem. You will never, ever, stop players from going the path of least resistance in these games. Ever. So make the system smarter and the rewards in line with participation- not winning.


Finishing a WZ should be the goal of the system. Encourage people and reward people for actual participation. Winning and losing should not be the main factor in enjoyment and rewards.

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I'll be honest.


If I do quit, its during the countdown before the match. Sorry. There are one or two people I won't play with. I can't call anyone out here, but what they did rhymes with CHEATING and exploiting GLITCHES on purpose to prevent caps.


A few times I've quit, because getting rolled by the same double premade for the third time in a row isn't fun. Quitting put me on a different 20 minute cycle, and I had a chance to play against other people for a change.


TL;DR fix the matchmaking and it won't be as big of a problem.

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its a game wide problem based on the 9 WIN/ 3 WIN requirements for weekly and daily missions.


If you dont win, you get less than half the valor and comms rewards, and no progress to weekly, so people rather quit mentally challenged zones than waste another 15-20 mins playing them out.


Its a systematic issue, not a player problem. You will never, ever, stop players from going the path of least resistance in these games. Ever. So make the system smarter and the rewards in line with participation- not winning.


Finishing a WZ should be the goal of the system. Encourage people and reward people for actual participation. Winning and losing should not be the main factor in enjoyment and rewards.


I agree. Participant trophies for everyone. And don't forget Most Improved Player.

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*snip* No excuse for not being a team player.


^ Exactly why I quit on rare occasions. I'd rather requeue and find a team that at least tries to play like one. Not waste my time with solo DMers, AFKers, non-passers, and other assorted bozos that joined a team endeavor to not play like teammates.


Nay for lockout.

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I'll be honest.


If I do quit, its during the countdown before the match. Sorry. There are one or two people I won't play with. I can't call anyone out here, but what they did rhymes with CHEATING and exploiting GLITCHES on purpose to prevent caps.


A few times I've quit, because getting rolled by the same double premade for the third time in a row isn't fun. Quitting put me on a different 20 minute cycle, and I had a chance to play against other people for a change.


TL;DR fix the matchmaking and it won't be as big of a problem.


Well, I'm tempted to leave when I see a particular player that spams his basic attack... :(

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^ Exactly why I quit on rare occasions. I'd rather requeue and find a team that at least tries to play like one. Not waste my time with solo DMers, AFKers, non-passers, and other assorted bozos that joined a team endeavor to not play like teammates.


Nay for lockout.


Like I said, I only rarely quit. But I'm getting tired of the AFK'ers, the "heroes" that think they can take on that tank Jugg guarding with a stealthing Op healer standing by on voice chat, and the people who don't speak English. I am by no means racist, but if you're gonna play a game filled with people who speak English on an american server, learn a few words so you know what the hell is going on. I'm looking at you Brazil guildies (POT5 knows who I'm talking about). I can definitely agree with leaving a WZ if I get stuck with losers so that I catch another queue'ing group.


Heat Vented.

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Well, I'm tempted to leave when I see a particular player that spams his basic attack... :(


No. Cheaters are worse.


Imp versus imp match. One of our players glitched into the bunker and couldn't be shot.


He did it twice, at two bunkers. The other team couldn't cap and lost , and they let us know how ****** that was in /PVP.


I got a cheap stolen win, and felt bad about it. So I refuse to queue with said player, even though BW supposedly fixed the glitch.


Don't punish me for it until you fix matchmaking so I don't have to be on his team.

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The Harbinger server here...


I agree, this is a problem. However, on Harby we don't have the issue of getting replacements. I've never had a match end early, even though quitting is rampant (I'm valor 60+ on three different chars, 40+ on several others). I can't recall a single match where nobody has quit at some point. Some people quit before it even starts (don't like the map), some people quit at the first hint of not dominating the other team (e.g. other team leads 101 - 99 in hypergate), some people quit when we are dominating 100 - 20 in novare coast and we have all three turrets (make some comment in chat about how everybody on our team is dumb for some reason or another, so they quit on principle). I've seen it all. I have whispered quitters when we pull off a victory, but they just get mad and /ignore me. I didn't even have a mocking tone - I was very polite all things considered. Just "Hey, just FYI - we ended up winning that hypergate match." If they had a polite bone in their body, they would reply with at least a "good for you." But nope. It's more along the lines of "don't whisper me" or "I don't give a <expletive deleted>" and /ignore.


On the Harby, I'd really prefer to keep things the way they are - fresh blood often allows for victory from the jaws of defeat. Forcing the bad blood to stay will almost guarantee defeat. On lower population servers, I understand your problem.

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I sometimes leave my Warzone as well. Wouldn't really call it rage-quitting, since I'm not angry in the slightest. It's just that, in those scenarios that I leave, I generally have the impression that there is absolutely nothing to do in said Warzone. And it's not about losing, it's just when your team is getting owned to the point of one player of the enemy team being able to beat 3 of your team mates alone. You know, like when the skillcap gap is massive and you can't even go out solo killing because the enemy always moves in packs.


Apart from that, if we are losing, but still able to give the enemy hell before we do, then I have no problem with staying in said Warzone, even if it is a certain loss. At least you can hunt down enemies and increase your body count a little before the match ends.


Don't think people leaving is that much of an issue as long as the system is able to replace them and hence the team they left isn't crippled by their departure.

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It has gotten worse on the Pot5 recently, and for some reason it doesn't want to backfill right away every time that it happens. Have had people in vent single queing while we have a 4 man pre-made running in a warzone where people leave before even a single turret cap in Civil War (on the ride down to the platform on the speeders) and it takes 2-3 minutes to backfill.


But it's either Pubs quitting at the very first sign of a POSSIBLE loss or Pubs just not caring, so you either deal with rage quitting or essentially playing X amount of players down since they are just running around/trolling till the warzone is over.


I'm rather shocked that POT5 has an issue with this. I thought you guys are now the most populated PVP server in the game.


its a game wide problem based on the 9 WIN/ 3 WIN requirements for weekly and daily missions.


If you dont win, you get less than half the valor and comms rewards, and no progress to weekly, so people rather quit mentally challenged zones than waste another 15-20 mins playing them out.


Its a systematic issue, not a player problem. You will never, ever, stop players from going the path of least resistance in these games. Ever. So make the system smarter and the rewards in line with participation- not winning.


Finishing a WZ should be the goal of the system. Encourage people and reward people for actual participation. Winning and losing should not be the main factor in enjoyment and rewards.


If the weekly/daily was entirely based on matches completed rather than wins then that might alleviate the issue. Then again, it could create an even worse problems with AFKers and whole teams sitting on nodes or even letting the other team win to 'speed things up'.

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rage quitting bothers you

facing double premades in non-rated wzs bothers others


Both issues are equally valid.


Facing double premades is awesome! Very memorable matches, especially if a pug team bands together and fights them every step of the way.


Of course, if the pug team is absolutely terrible then the game is usually over quickly anyway. *shrug* Ergo, why bother quitting and gaining a reputation on your server as a deserter?

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What about players who stay in the warzone gathered at the node, players who are afk/botting, or players who just perform so poorly you would think they would be on the other side?


If I leave a warzone it is to q-dodge all of these players. Sure, I will stay in a warzone, if you give us REAL KICKING PRIVILEGES. There is no reason why you playing poorly should EVER effect what I gain in a warzone.

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Personally, I strongly feel that Bioware should implement an in-game penalty to deter anyone from quitting in the middle of a WZ.


Quitting is a player's personal match making system. You want to try and coerce players into getting ROFL stomped and farmed or having to play with people they don't want to?

Instead of going after the players, look at why most quit. Repetitive style warzones where the outcome is not in doubt. Fix that.


By the way, there is a penalty already. Players that quit have any rewards they might have earned revoked and they receive nothing. Those that stay and finish, get rewards.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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Quitting is a player's personal match making system.


I agree. But I think you're a fool if people pick and choose their matches looking for the closest matchups possible. If that were true they wouldn't quit when the first voidstar bomb is placed, or when it's a 98-89 handicap on AH.


All their doing is quitting till they match up with the worst opposing faction, or teamed up with a powerful premade. They're picking and choosing the easy wins, not the best match up.

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OP, you are absolutely right.

I used to see people tough it out and make huge comebacks all the time. Now if things aren't going perfectly in the first thirty seconds, people leave.


Not to mention that when you do that, whoever is waiting in queue could end up coming in at the end of a lost match instead of the beginning of a new one.


Like someone else said---no excuse for not playing as a team. I'd add that there is something called "perseverance". It's not over until it's over, and what could have been a narrow win is a definite loss if people jump too early.

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Quitting is a player's personal match making system.


It remains personal only up to the moment they press the queue button and the entry prompt.


Once you press "JOIN" and enter the field, then its 'personal' no longer. Everyone inside is then committed to the same team, and gains the ethical/moral obligation as a group to work together for a common goal, and under the code of sportsmanship, play the game out and accept the results as it is.


Just because there's a "get me the f**k outta here" button, doesn't mean you can do whatever you want without anything hanging down from your conscience.



You want to try and coerce players into getting ROFL stomped and farmed or having to play with people they don't want to? Instead of going after the players, look at why most quit. Repetitive style warzones where the outcome is not in doubt. Fix that.


What you're saying is like because the Cubs never get to win the World Series, the players are welcome to throw the season... and the only solution is to rig them a new set of rules that makes them the World Series winners.


Give me just ONE good example of a MMOG that does not have 'repetitive style warzones'.



By the way, there is a penalty already. Players that quit have any rewards they might have earned revoked and they receive nothing. Those that stay and finish, get rewards.


That's not a penalty. That's a preset condition. People who do not finish, gets no reward... its just a part of a rule. It's the same thing as some pitchers not getting the win because of how the game was played out and they were changed from the mound. That's not a penalty, that's preset condition.


A penalty, is giving them something like "a lasting penalty so they don't get any rewards for WZ games unless they finish 2 whole games from start to end" ... that's a penaty.

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1. player leaving while waiting for the game to start = no penalty

2. player having disconnects = no penalty

3. player leaving a running game = lockout + pink aura


The current system doesn't force people to give a **** even though they made a commitment by queuing for a warzone. There is no guarantee that you will get a winning team but having a lockout will bring people to at least try because they can't go anywere or they crash their swtor application repeatingly.

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