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Love playing the game, too old for the population.


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I've played every MMO since Meridian 59 and MUDs for years prior to that and have never been so irritated and bothered by so many immature players per capita... hands down.

You've played every MMO released since 1996?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Somehow the conversation drifted off into whether WoW was the catalyst for this behavior, etc. Unfortunately it's not that simple. Ever since the internet offered ways to interact with others this kind of behavior has been happening. It isn't the game that's drawing these crowds, it's the anonymity, and you can't do anything about that. The sad part isn't that these types of people are in the game, it's that they exist at all. I don't mind crass jokes and language, but see no need for racist, homophobic or sexist conversations and remarks to take place. It shows the immaturity of these people and their inconsideration for other people around them. I know perfectly normal people in real life who go nuts on the internet, and it blows my mind to think you'd turn into a different human being just because you're behind a keyboard. You wouldn't walk up to someone in public and say half the things that are said in general chat if you valued your well being. So bizarre.
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I don't mean to offend when I say this but, welcome to the internet. The entire thing is juvenile and crass.


Never used to be this bad, back in 04 and previous years the online gaming community was more helpful, mature and friendlier than it is now.

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I find it ironic that people in these forums are often deeply and sincerely concerned with the long-term survival of this game (which often hinges on taking in new subscribers, preferably in significant numbers), yet no one seems to see that- with more subscribers invariably comes more subscribers that, well, you're probably not going to care for.


Can't eat your cake and have it too, you know...


Was more of an observation than a complaint. It doesn't bother me, I was just offering a possible explanation.

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Rose-colored glasses are tricky tools.


Possible but before when someone asked a question they were greeted with a legit answer, now someone asks a question half the time they get trolled.



example: On Ebon Hawk 2 weeks ago on Tython a new player was asking when she gets a lightsaber and the first answer she got was "Jesus play the freaking game noob(ofc freaking wasn't the actual word used but you know, forum regs and all)" out of 150+ possible people in general chat she only recieved 4 honest answers telling her at the end of the questline. All the other answers were flames and general "I'll lightsaber your mom" jokes.

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So, I still enjoy playing quite a bit. However, the chat in fleet and just about every populated planet is so crass and juvenile that it is a turn-off to be around. Tonight I log into some junior high discussion about panties. No joke. I have gotten to the point where that sort of thing is no longer even remotely humorous.


If I turn off General Chat, I miss out on being able to help newer folks with their questions (helping folks is another fun part of the game for me) or any other legitimate discussion. I don't want to ignore all the folks, because I am sure that they aren't bad folks, I just don't want to be party to their public and juvenile idiocy.


I guess I am not really looking for a solution. Just venting.


Enjoy your night!

Just right click their name in chat and look for Ignore
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Possible but before when someone asked a question they were greeted with a legit answer, now someone asks a question half the time they get trolled.

In GC there's a mixture. I bet it was the same back in the "Golden Age" of EQ. There have always jerks, there have always been helpful people. The "good old days" are just old.


If someone can't deal with sophomoric panty humor (distinct from hateful insults), I suggest they watch Caddyshack and learn to loosen up.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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If someone can't deal with sophomoric panty humor (distinct from hateful insults), I suggest they watch Caddyshack and learn to loosen up.


Why is it that folks should "loosen up" and accept lewd public behavior instead of expecting more decency out of the community?

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Why is it that folks should "loosen up" and accept lewd public behavior instead of expecting more decency out of the community?

Who defines "lewd?" You? Furthermore, in-game chat is not public in the same way a public park is. You are intentionally choosing to participate in the game and its chat, knowing full-well that you might be exposed to Animal House humor.

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Not at all... You know what they say about people who assume other people have chips on their shoulder.


I've played every MMO since Meridian 59 and MUDs for years prior to that and have never been so irritated and bothered by so many immature players per capita... hands down.

how do words on a screen irritate or bother you?


do you even know what "maturity" is? let me help you. maturity is seeing or hearing something you dont like and ignoring it.

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how do words on a screen irritate or bother you?


do you even know what "maturity" is? let me help you. maturity is seeing or hearing something you dont like and ignoring it.

I still can't believe no one else is astounded by his claim that he's played every MMO since 1996.

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Who defines "lewd?" You? Furthermore, in-game chat is not public in the same way a public park is. You are intentionally choosing to participate in the game and its chat, knowing full-well that you might be exposed to Animal House humor.


Common sense defines "lewd". Consider what would be appropriate in a public environment with all ages of people from kids on up. The anonymity of the internet does not have to mean that all notions of decency are thrown out of the window.


Regardless, we can have that argument in another thread. I am not here to force or even expect people to be decent. Clearly that is a losing battle anyways. I had an issue and some good folks gave me some good suggestions.

Edited by TheBBP
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Skipped a few pages of response, but had to chime in.


I agree completely with the OP. I find the general chat topics very crude. I will grudgingly allow that language acceptance has deteriorated and I have to accept that or turn off chat. Understood. But the topics discussed are very crude. I think it has actually gotten worse since free to play started (in my opinion.) My gamer type: married older girl gamer. My husband and daughters play too. Do I need my daughters to be seeing the crude humor of men? No. Do I want to see it? No. I usually turn off general when I see it starting. Unfortunately, that doesn't erase what has already been said. I leave it on sometimes for Heroic messages or, like the OP, to help new players.


But, mostly I wanted to mention something a guild mate ran across: a complaint from someone in general chat about "old people" playing the game. Being a somewhat older gamer, he responded (politely) and got a rude response back. So, yeah, it is younger and / or immature people making everyone else uncomfortable.

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you should know that this is the internet. Just sayin'. :rolleyes:


"This is the internet" is a way over used excuse for the right to treat everyone around you like dirt and feel justified while doing so.


Half the people in this thread just metaphorically dropped their shorts and took a dump in here for fun.

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Common sense defines "lewd".

Using one subjective term to define another is pointless.


Consider what would be appropriate in a public environment with all ages of people from kids on up. The anonymity of the internet does not have to mean that all notions of decency are thrown out of the window.

Again, TOR is not a public park. A person has to create an account and choose to log in and participate.


Regardless, we can have that argument in another thread. I am not here to force or even expect people to be decent.

Define "decent."

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Do I need my daughters to be seeing the crude humor of men?


Yes, because girls never make lewd jokes... It's hardly the "crude humour of men" you're seeing, it's the childish humour of children...

Edited by SwoopingLion
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how do words on a screen irritate or bother you?


What strikes me a bit is your lack of acknowleding that "words on a screen" actually enter the reader's mind - and that they are probably even able to fire mirror neurons.


do you even know what "maturity" is? let me help you. maturity is seeing or hearing something you dont like and ignoring it.


Like the death of your grand-parents ?

All of mine are dead now. I've been with them in their last months.

And I can tell that there are even worse things like that.


Define "decent."


How would your definition look like ?

And don't ignore me by saying "you weren't asked".

I ask you now.


Yes, because girls never make lewd jokes...


They do, believe me, they do ... But NEVER when there's a man around ...

Just ask some of your female friends. You'd be surprised ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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The game does carry a "T for teen" so keep that in mind when complaining. :rolleyes:. Also don't forget school's out and that always brings more kiddies.


Me, I report gross offenders, and use /ignore for the truly annoying ones...

Besides ask any of my guildies, I don't normally notice chat anyways. ;)

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One could have guessed this would have happened (oveflow of immature people) when the game adpoted a Free 2 Play option.


This is a big trend nowadays to have free 2 play online gaming, but that also creates the problem that you get a community that is overall younger. Kind of normal, as you don't need money anymore to play the game. So you can be 11 and play.


While we can say F2P saved SWTOR, it also brought a decent amount of, sorry, dumb people. And I'm not saying that every young kid is retarded or immature. Just saying that often, FREE = Bait for immatures and dumbs.

Edited by Deamonition
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Can I put another word in for mature AND silly? This one time, one of my friends had just brought his friend into the guild. I greeted him in all caps, and referred to him as Ackerius, friend of Bai'kree. Cue shenanigans for the next several hours. Yes, normally capslocking everything is considered rude and what not, but we were having fun and enjoying ourselves by screwing over those boundaries and the friend instantly became part of the circle as a result.


Let's not get all up in arms because we're all sooooo superior because we don't crack simple jokes or do dumb things for fun. Sometimes there's genuine d-bags and trolls on my server - Begeren Colony - but there are a lot of people who are mistaken for them because they're messing around, trying to enjoy the game socially too.

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