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Scantily clad player characters..


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At least in swtor, skimpy armor can be explained away. Just say that the toon is using a personal energy shield or something like that. Armor in mmo's will always be weird and non-effective. Like someone said earlier, robes are horrible for lightsaber fights. And i'm pretty sure some of the toons can't see out of the helmets they wear. And, oh yeah, it's also just fantasy and sci-fi, so it really doesn't matter. It's not like a real person is going to go fight in a bikini, and even if they did, one shot is likely to kill the bikini wearer as much as someone wearing a uniform.


Yep. Arguing about whether skimpy or non-skimpy armor is practical is about as logical as arguing whether the color of magic sword crystals is realistic.

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At least in swtor, skimpy armor can be explained away. Just say that the toon is using a personal energy shield or something like that. Armor in mmo's will always be weird and non-effective. Like someone said earlier, robes are horrible for lightsaber fights. And i'm pretty sure some of the toons can't see out of the helmets they wear. And, oh yeah, it's also just fantasy and sci-fi, so it really doesn't matter. It's not like a real person is going to go fight in a bikini, and even if they did, one shot is likely to kill the bikini wearer as much as someone wearing a uniform.


True. Not wearing a full suit of armor would, in theory, lend itself to mobility and flexibility. And, outside of stormtroopers, clone troopers, and the Fetts, I don't recall seeing anything more than the very lightest of armor in the Star Wars movies. Why? Because the freakin' lazer beams will burn right through it.


That, and, my character carries a light saber. That'll cut through armor like a hot knife through butter... so you might as well be comfortable before meeting your destiny. :t_biggrin:

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Expect more scantily gear as time progresses. It happen in pso2. Cast, which are like robots, outfits have been noticecablly reduce or completely removed from gacha packs. What you do see a lot are new humanoid female outfits that show skin. For humanoid male gear, they produce less gear too, but at least the male humanoids get a new piece of gear every new gacha pack. Sex sells and that is what sega is doing. I expect the same from BW in the long run. Although, I'm not sure if the female population in swtor is large enough for BW to start focusing on skimpy gear for male characters. Edited by Knockerz
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So, there is no moral outrage. I am not offended, I just have noticed a much higher ratio of modestly clothed to not so modestly clothed female toons.


The tone of some these replies are humorous. I didn't realize folks would get bent out of shape.


I prefer my female toons to where body suit type armor. My agent, sorcerer, and gunslinger all wear either the Last Handmaiden top (two are Twi'lek, so no hood) or the Outlaw duster. Being a man's man all of my male toons are body type 3 and wear heavy armor (Juggernaut, PT, Commando). So, in a sense, I am just as guilty of clothing my characters and companions (Vette, Mako, Elara) in outfits I feel are appealing.

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Yeah, I'm no prude either.


It's just that the skimpy outfits are getting so ubiquitous it's starting to feel like Star Wars: The Baywatch Edition.


^^ This.


Again, to each his own and it's always nice to see people having fun but I kinda miss the point of seeing a hardcore Jedi Master or veteran Republic Major, wearing no robes or armor for the most part. Maybe I'm just too much of a RP I guess.

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Genocide for fun - No problem.


Genocide for profit - No problem.


Murder for fun - No problem.


Murder for profit - No problem.


Bigotry - No problem.


Racism - No problem.


Slavery - No problem.


But it's the fashion that gets the thread. It's the extra cleavage that makes people sit up and start typing.


What is wrong with you?


Whatever stage of the game your character has progressed to, you have gotten there mainly through the act of killing things. Killing lots and lots of things. Killing other humanoids, killing animals, killing droids. And then your character gets paid for killing all those things.


But I'm supposed to believe that it's the fashion that raises a red flag with you?


You, whose character is a paid murderer?


I'm expected to believe that you, a person who clearly derives pleasure from watching acts of extreme violence depicted on their computer screen for hours on end, thinks that a bare midriff is inappropriate?


I don't believe it. Not for a second. I think the OP is misguided.


When genocide happens in the real world, it is a terrible, horrific thing. People die. Families are destroyed.


When racism occurs in real life, it's a terrible, shameful thing. People lose their jobs, lives are destroyed.


When a woman leaves her house in an extra tight crop top and extra short miniskirt, the likelihood of someone getting killed because of it is pretty low.


And yet, here you are, telling yourself that the provocative fashion in a video game is simply too much to bear.


OP and everyone else who agrees with him/her opinion - take a step back and think about what it is you're really saying here.

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Let's be honest in general: more and more games, especially AAA titles, are going the route of scantily clad or full out nude.


Why? Who knows. I imagine going for that "we're a mature game, we're not for kids!" persona.


Personally, I say keep it out.


Its not like they are gonna get cold...even on hoth

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^^ This.


Again, to each his own and it's always nice to see people having fun but I kinda miss the point of seeing a hardcore Jedi Master or veteran Republic Major, wearing no robes or armor for the most part. Maybe I'm just too much of a RP I guess.


well.. in character, Elara wearing slave outfit makes zero sense, but as someone in possession of a shadow who goes around wearing skimpy outfit, my in character reason is - distraction and element of surprise. people tend to underestimate someone who looks like that, make a lot of assumptions (that are very often completely wrong) and she uses it to her advantage. plus there's a matter of force barriers etc. not like few pieces of cloth will stop a blaster shot anyways

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Personally, I don't love it and I think it's a bit ridiculous but honestly it's what people like so you have to pander to your audience. I used to mod for games like Elder Scrolls and people always seem to clamor for the skimpy stuff over the armor that covers more no matter how nicely done or detailed that may be.


I honestly think it's just a case where it exists because there's so much of a demand for it and that demand among the demographic that tends to play video games is not going to go away.

as butt ugly as some or the earlier armor was(and still is) it is no surprise.

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Genocide for fun - No problem.


Genocide for profit - No problem.


Murder for fun - No problem.


Murder for profit - No problem.


Bigotry - No problem.


Racism - No problem.


Slavery - No problem.


But it's the fashion that gets the thread. It's the extra cleavage that makes people sit up and start typing.


What is wrong with you?


Whatever stage of the game your character has progressed to, you have gotten there mainly through the act of killing things. Killing lots and lots of things. Killing other humanoids, killing animals, killing droids. And then your character gets paid for killing all those things.


But I'm supposed to believe that it's the fashion that raises a red flag with you?


You, whose character is a paid murderer?


I'm expected to believe that you, a person who clearly derives pleasure from watching acts of extreme violence depicted on their computer screen for hours on end, thinks that a bare midriff is inappropriate?


I don't believe it. Not for a second. I think the OP is misguided.


When genocide happens in the real world, it is a terrible, horrific thing. People die. Families are destroyed.


When racism occurs in real life, it's a terrible, shameful thing. People lose their jobs, lives are destroyed.


When a woman leaves her house in an extra tight crop top and extra short miniskirt, the likelihood of someone getting killed because of it is pretty low.


And yet, here you are, telling yourself that the provocative fashion in a video game is simply too much to bear.


OP and everyone else who agrees with him/her opinion - take a step back and think about what it is you're really saying here.


/thread right here. :rak_03:

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Genocide for fun - No problem.


Genocide for profit - No problem.


Murder for fun - No problem.


Murder for profit - No problem.


Bigotry - No problem.


Racism - No problem.


Slavery - No problem.


But it's the fashion that gets the thread. It's the extra cleavage that makes people sit up and start typing.


What is wrong with you?


Whatever stage of the game your character has progressed to, you have gotten there mainly through the act of killing things. Killing lots and lots of things. Killing other humanoids, killing animals, killing droids. And then your character gets paid for killing all those things.


But I'm supposed to believe that it's the fashion that raises a red flag with you?


You, whose character is a paid murderer?


I'm expected to believe that you, a person who clearly derives pleasure from watching acts of extreme violence depicted on their computer screen for hours on end, thinks that a bare midriff is inappropriate?


I don't believe it. Not for a second. I think the OP is misguided.


When genocide happens in the real world, it is a terrible, horrific thing. People die. Families are destroyed.


When racism occurs in real life, it's a terrible, shameful thing. People lose their jobs, lives are destroyed.


When a woman leaves her house in an extra tight crop top and extra short miniskirt, the likelihood of someone getting killed because of it is pretty low.


And yet, here you are, telling yourself that the provocative fashion in a video game is simply too much to bear.


OP and everyone else who agrees with him/her opinion - take a step back and think about what it is you're really saying here.


I don't think you get what op or other people are complaining about. People know genocide, racism, murder, and so forth happens, but what they don't want is those thing happening in sight of where they live. Similarly, people don't want to see skimpy outfits for the same reason people don't want to hear some racist yapping their mouth in a public area. Generally, people don't care about racism, murder, genocide, ect so long it's not happen or affecting their lives. It's somebody else problem, not my problem. It's only your problem when it affects you. That is why people are complaining.

Edited by Knockerz
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Genocide for fun - No problem.


Genocide for profit - No problem.


Murder for fun - No problem.


Murder for profit - No problem.


Bigotry - No problem.


Racism - No problem.


Slavery - No problem.


But it's the fashion that gets the thread. It's the extra cleavage that makes people sit up and start typing.


What is wrong with you?


Whatever stage of the game your character has progressed to, you have gotten there mainly through the act of killing things. Killing lots and lots of things. Killing other humanoids, killing animals, killing droids. And then your character gets paid for killing all those things.


But I'm supposed to believe that it's the fashion that raises a red flag with you?


You, whose character is a paid murderer?


I'm expected to believe that you, a person who clearly derives pleasure from watching acts of extreme violence depicted on their computer screen for hours on end, thinks that a bare midriff is inappropriate?


I don't believe it. Not for a second. I think the OP is misguided.


When genocide happens in the real world, it is a terrible, horrific thing. People die. Families are destroyed.


When racism occurs in real life, it's a terrible, shameful thing. People lose their jobs, lives are destroyed.


When a woman leaves her house in an extra tight crop top and extra short miniskirt, the likelihood of someone getting killed because of it is pretty low.


And yet, here you are, telling yourself that the provocative fashion in a video game is simply too much to bear.


OP and everyone else who agrees with him/her opinion - take a step back and think about what it is you're really saying here.



Talk about taking a step back. Have you read any of the posts? Especially mine? Let me type this slow so you can follow: I am NOT offended. Just to be clear. I am NOT offended.


Before responding to threads, you should read the previous posts or at least the original.

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It's difficult to understand what the real issue is here. I can only speak for myself, but I don't play the game and gawk at other toons. they are either too far away for proper gawking or moving too fast. Even on Fleet there are so many other characters that you can't really stare at them for very long.


The only characters you can stare at are your own. That leads me to believe that the skimpy outfits are chosen by people who desire to see themselves, I.e.: Their toon surrogates, in them. Given that it is a choice, it's really no one else's business.


If you REALLY want to vent your moral outrage, how about the NPC's? Most all the women are in hip hugging attire that shows off their ultra-wide hips and ample breasts. And though there are some "Big Mamas" encountered, I have not met a single fat woman yet. They are all voluptuous and when they are on the thin side, they're still really attractive.


The NPC men, on the other hand, are frequently fat, and I don't mean just overweight, but morbidly obese--in uniform, usually. What's up with that? Well, if they made fat women NPCs there would be outrage, but fat men, well, that's how they are, right?


This game is rated "T" for "Teen" and that's what you've got. You've got the merest hint of sex and as this is a North American game, "prude" is already built-in. If you want to see real "scantily clad" females, check out the Korean games. They don't fool around with suggestive black screens. If they did that here Congress would be up in arms.

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All I want is skimpy armor for my male characters! Heavy armor? Two straps of leather across their ******s and a pair of hot pants! Hell yeah!


Seriously, though, I think this game is doing all right in terms of revealing clothes for females. It could be so, so much worse. That said, I do actually think we should have similar options for male characters. Bare-chested isn't quite the same thing. ;)


Not a big deal, though, and I'm not sure why some people are suggesting that everyone is overreacting. So far, this has been a pretty civil discussion.



Edit: I.... n.i.p.p.l.e.s is censored? Is there a less offensive word that I'm not aware of? All righty, then. Papillae mammariae it is! :rolleyes:

Edited by Lung_Tien_Lien
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Talk about taking a step back. Have you read any of the posts? Especially mine? Let me type this slow so you can follow: I am NOT offended. Just to be clear. I am NOT offended.


Before responding to threads, you should read the previous posts or at least the original.


Don't get mad because I called you out on your hypocrisy. I read your post, and I read the other peoples posts. Just because you claim to not be offended doesn't mean you're not actually offended.


" . . .jeez. I see less virtual flesh in Tera."


"Jeez" is normally used to express annoyance or exasperation. And when you compare TOR to a game that has a reputation for being overly gratuitous with the jiggly flesh, yeah it sounds like you're offended to me.


You took the time to post about something that you found offensive, and I'm calling you out as a hypocrite because of it. You're obviously okay with the violence, genocide, racism, bigotry and slavery. The fashion shouldn't be an issue either, no matter how scantily clad.


And, despite what you might think, typing slower doesn't make it any easier for another person to comprehend your post. It just means it takes longer for you to make your thoughts heard. Save the grade school quips for Facebook.

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... genocide, racism, bigotry and slavery.


Racism is a more specific form of bigotry, like chauvinism or homophobia.


As far as this game is concerned, they are the same thing. The bigotry the NPCs show toward the PCs is racism.

So, there's really no point in listing them both as separate things.



Edited by Blackavaar
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I love the scanty sets, its looks clean for the female toons and the males just look like they could eat glass with body type 3, especially as sith.


It reminds me of a Darth Sion look...the "I don't need armor because you can't touch me anyway" kind of look.


Warrior Monk. Love it.

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NemesisVision I think you are rather taking this whole thing to extremes try to 'win' an internet argument, but such is the nature of this forum sometimes I suppose.


Carry on.


I'm not trying to "win" anything. An opinion was expressed that I disagreed with, and I expressed that disagreement.


Being concerned, offended, annoyed, miffed, mildly perturbed or whatever by fashion in a video game as overtly violent and bigoted as TOR, is hypocritical in my opinion.

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You took the time to post about something that you found offensive, and I'm calling you out as a hypocrite because of it. You're obviously okay with the violence, genocide, racism, bigotry and slavery. The fashion shouldn't be an issue either, no matter how scantily clad.


So, sweetheart, you just play to learn crafting and stare at the beautiful mountain vistas, huh? Your artificial "rage" here is what seems hypocritical to me. Get over yourself.

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Genocide for fun - No problem.


Genocide for profit - No problem.


Murder for fun - No problem.


Murder for profit - No problem.


Bigotry - No problem.


Racism - No problem.


Slavery - No problem.


But it's the fashion that gets the thread. It's the extra cleavage that makes people sit up and start typing.


What is wrong with you?


Whatever stage of the game your character has progressed to, you have gotten there mainly through the act of killing things. Killing lots and lots of things. Killing other humanoids, killing animals, killing droids. And then your character gets paid for killing all those things.


But I'm supposed to believe that it's the fashion that raises a red flag with you?


You, whose character is a paid murderer?


I'm expected to believe that you, a person who clearly derives pleasure from watching acts of extreme violence depicted on their computer screen for hours on end, thinks that a bare midriff is inappropriate?


I don't believe it. Not for a second. I think the OP is misguided.


When genocide happens in the real world, it is a terrible, horrific thing. People die. Families are destroyed.


When racism occurs in real life, it's a terrible, shameful thing. People lose their jobs, lives are destroyed.


When a woman leaves her house in an extra tight crop top and extra short miniskirt, the likelihood of someone getting killed because of it is pretty low.


And yet, here you are, telling yourself that the provocative fashion in a video game is simply too much to bear.


OP and everyone else who agrees with him/her opinion - take a step back and think about what it is you're really saying here.



Knee-jerk Sensationalist Post of the Day

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