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as the title says:

How about some Steampunk inspired gear, weapons, mounts


There are games out there where playing steampunk is par for the course, you know that right? You do realize this is Star Wars, right? Star Wars...you know...has six movies, a seventh on the way, and a huge expanded universe?


Seriously, I see this suggestion and wonder, do you even like Star Wars? Do you play on a RP server and say you're really a blue vampire smurf from the planet Mushroomia?


Just curious, as you requested...Steampunk...in Star Wars.

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There are games out there where playing steampunk is par for the course, you know that right? You do realize this is Star Wars, right? Star Wars...you know...has six movies, a seventh on the way, and a huge expanded universe?


Seriously, I see this suggestion and wonder, do you even like Star Wars? Do you play on a RP server and say you're really a blue vampire smurf from the planet Mushroomia?


Just curious, as you requested...Steampunk...in Star Wars.



This makes me think: DO YOU EVEN STAR WARS?

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  • 1 month later...

Okay enough with bad mouthing the idea, some of you players are so boring. The idea of the Old Republic is that it still fits into the Star Wars Universal story line, but at the same time, is a game, and does not have to be completely canon. Besides, it makes a change from your typical robe poorly dyed by players lacking sense of art.


I am leveling a very steam punk looking shadow right now. To give you an idea of what she looks like, she's currently wearing:


Jedi Consular Exalted Robe (No Dye)

Elegant Gloves (No Dye)

Voss Ambassador Sash (Secondary White Dye)

Troublemaker Pants (Unified or Light Brown Dye)

Jedi Consular Exalted Boots (No Dye)

Covert Energy Wristguards


She's also equipped with a Gray Helix Saberstaff (Copper Crystal)


I think she looks really cool. Worthy of a Couture photo shoot :D

The Old Republic has pretty much become a Dress-Up game anyway, and the gear is there to begin with. It just takes an open minded imagination to make a character look good and stand out from the 50 other players around them wearing the Eradicator's set.

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Okay enough with bad mouthing the idea, some of you players are so boring. The idea of the Old Republic is that it still fits into the Star Wars Universal story line, but at the same time, is a game, and does not have to be completely canon. Besides, it makes a change from your typical robe poorly dyed by players lacking sense of art.


But there must be a consistent theme for gear appearance since it's a Star Wars game. A fantasy MMO usually doesn't begin introducing Halo inspired gear. Those MMOs are fantasy, not sci-fi. SWTOR is a space opera game with very many possibilities without introducing gear from another genre.

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I feel there is plenty of Star Wars costumes and armour available from other Star Wars-related media that would be a lot better for the game. We don't have to resort to genre-breaking to add new and unique items, guy.


Then again; actual Star Wars items in a game calling itself "Star Wars"? Preposterous!

Edited by TooltipTim
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Normally I'm all for steam punk, but...it would just look odd in a sci fi setting. Techno-wizard on the other hand....:D


You do realize that Steampunk is essentially Sci Fi set/written during the 18th and 19th Century of Earth, right? There is in fact nothing in the rules of the Star Wars Expanded Universe that says Steam Punk can't exist in the SWEU. In point of fact, this image of the Battle of Coruscant during the Great Hyperspace War, seems to indicate that the technology during the Great Hyperspace War involved a great deal of Cyber Punk which is a hybrid of traditional Steam Punk, with more contemporary Sci Fi. The fact that the two buildings in that picture look like Gothic Cathedrals and not Skyscrapers lends credence to the whole "Steam Punk existed in Star Wars at one point"


That said, most of the Steam Punk tech that does exist in Star Wars, is going to be ANCIENT by the time of Star Wars the Old Republic, and Prehistoric by the time of the Prequel Trilogy. Also, keep in mind that this game takes place 3,600+ years before the Battle of Yevon. The Galaxy of Star Wars was formed 13,000,000,000 years before the Battle of Yevon. The first documented life emerged at 5,000,000,000 BBY. It is unclear when the Celestials came into existence or if they are even from the Star Wars Galaxy to begin with. But point is, that some civilization somewhere between 5,000,000,000 BBY and 3,600 BBY surely developed something resembling High Steam Punk Technology. And given the rate at which technology survives the aeons in Star Wars, it is a very good probability that said Steam Punk Tech still exists in some fashion.


Do you play on a RP server and say you're really a blue vampire smurf from the planet Mushroomia?


That's easy. Play a Sith Inquisitor, go Dark Side, have the lightest possible hair color, and be the race known as the Chiss. And claim you are a Force Vampire.


See Vampire Smurfs do exist in Star Wars!


But there must be a consistent theme for gear appearance since it's a Star Wars game. A fantasy MMO usually doesn't begin introducing Halo inspired gear. Those MMOs are fantasy, not sci-fi. SWTOR is a space opera game with very many possibilities without introducing gear from another genre.


You mean Star Wars Inspired Gear. All of Master Chief's Armor was inspired by the Storm Troopers and Boba Fett. You do realize this right?

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  • 1 year later...
Okay enough with bad mouthing the idea, some of you players are so boring. The idea of the Old Republic is that it still fits into the Star Wars Universal story line, but at the same time, is a game, and does not have to be completely canon. Besides, it makes a change from your typical robe poorly dyed by players lacking sense of art.


I am leveling a very steam punk looking shadow right now. To give you an idea of what she looks like, she's currently wearing:


Jedi Consular Exalted Robe (No Dye)

Elegant Gloves (No Dye)

Voss Ambassador Sash (Secondary White Dye)

Troublemaker Pants (Unified or Light Brown Dye)

Jedi Consular Exalted Boots (No Dye)

Covert Energy Wristguards


She's also equipped with a Gray Helix Saberstaff (Copper Crystal)


I think she looks really cool. Worthy of a Couture photo shoot :D

The Old Republic has pretty much become a Dress-Up game anyway, and the gear is there to begin with. It just takes an open minded imagination to make a character look good and stand out from the 50 other players around them wearing the Eradicator's set.


Could you please show me a img of your char with that armor?

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  • 1 year later...

Yes, and definitely yes...


also think they should bring back all the old gear that is "no longer avail"...


and i think they should bring new gear inspired by the upcoming movies...


just more more more...


but yes, definitely steampunk...

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God, all the wannabe gatekeepers here deciding what is or isn't appropriate in the Star Wars universe. This is especially funny given all the goofy stuff it already has.


You guys will spend a million credits on a giant lizard to ride around on (because flying cycles just aren't original enough for you), but brass and leather-colored armor is where ya'll draw the line?


I could really see an outer rim planet guarded by ancient droids employing some of these aesthetics.




What I don't want to see are lazy "color it brown and glue some gears on it" design you see with like 90% of the community. If it's done thoughtfully it would look beautiful.





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I just acquired a couple of items that seem steam-punk-ish


This, from the Cutter series of mounts:



And this armor set, mostly because of the eye patch:



Yeah, that and the whole Rishi themed stuff and Antique Soccoro gear kinda blows all these arguments out of the water. Arguing "consistent style" is kinda hard when you have such an insane variety of styles in-world already.



Edited by ZanyaCross
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  • 1 year later...
God, all the wannabe gatekeepers here deciding what is or isn't appropriate in the Star Wars universe. This is especially funny given all the goofy stuff it already has.


You guys will spend a million credits on a giant lizard to ride around on (because flying cycles just aren't original enough for you), but brass and leather-colored armor is where ya'll draw the line?


I could really see an outer rim planet guarded by ancient droids employing some of these aesthetics.




What I don't want to see are lazy "color it brown and glue some gears on it" design you see with like 90% of the community. If it's done thoughtfully it would look beautiful.








Sorry, I didn't check the date on this thread before I started posting. I love the SP options that have come out. Thank you for listening to the people :)

Edited by TexasJune
apology for posting in an old thread.
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This seemingly irrational fear of SteamPunk-esque items in a Star Wars universe is utterly pointless.


Such already exists, there are several Decoration that combine Star Wars technology with elements of SteamPunk.


Jawa-tech has a decidedly SteamPunk Heath-Robinson feel to it.


Heck the new Luggerwahl looks a bit SteamPunk.


Could it be done without breaking Star Wars immersion?


Yes, of course it could.


All The Best

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I dont think legit steampunk would work, but Steam Punk inspired starwars stuff does IMO.


Starwars was always was always a gritty space drama. Space ships and armor that looks like it's repaired with duct tape and twine is more starwars reminscant that futuristic gear with lights and stuff.


Look at the bounty hunters from Empire or Cantina from ANH. Even the Millennium Falcon was a "piece of junk",


Somewhere between steam punk, Samaruai movies, futuristic and old western is where star wars seems to be. Even this dude http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Wat_Tambor has that feel and he is from the prequels.

Edited by kirorx
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