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Level 55 and never did PVP warzones.....too late to start now?


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Hi, Im a returning player, 12 months ago since I last played. been on it 3 weeks back and joined a really great guild, very patient with me being an old geriatric :p.


I understand the OP concerns.


I have now just past 55, with just Ilam to finish, But that sems to be a flash point.?


My problem now arises, because I , gave up doing any group or flashpoints very early in this game, due to quite nasty comments which almost made me give up SW, I cant buy these so called level 55 gear, Classic, Elite, or basic, they need , not credits, but some other commendations, which I do not seem to have .


My point is simple. I tend to be a lone player, with Elara Dorne, I do like normal war zones, dailies and weeklies, but, to be honest, I dont want to get involved with groups at all. So dont get me wrong, Im not crusty as such, I just prefer to play 95% of the time by myself. So, in short, to acquire 150 classic or basic 55 gear, am I to understand that my days as a lone mission taker on usual planets is over? I dont want to get into Flashpoints, so in essence , in my instance, is there no way of advancing as 55 vanguard without doing groups, which I just wont do, due to the amount of grief and insults I had when i was level 30. I didnt come here to get that sort of behaviour, I can get that any time in Second Life. My only option, would be to explore and make a new trooper character, a Commando, from level 1. I must have hundreds of normal war zones commendations, apart from hut ball which I dont play, simply because I just dont like it. Where I use all these commendations i dont know, they do not seem to be the same ones that the level 55 vendors want in exchange for gear, so Im in a bit of a pickle, on how to proceed now... I have heard that some players of 55 go and do lower level flashpoints on there own, this would certainly be a route, I would take if at all possible? Any advice helpful, cheers:)

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Be prepared for a deluge of hate when you make a mistake. .


Not in my experience. If people tell they are new, they will a) likely get tips on what to do, b) not be set to guard a node ;) and c) be cut some slack


OP, just say you are new. AND read the ops chat during the match.

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Ye i would start a new toon to experience pvp in lowbies before diving straight into lvl 55. Also keybinding blahblahblah ;p


^^^^ This is the best and easiest way to learn pvp...

Even going from lvl54 pvp to 55 can be a coulture shock for some... Most lvl 55s have been PVPing a long time, so they have a lot of skill and know lots of advanced tactics... It's the equivalent of never having done an Ops, not watching any YouTube videos or knowing the tactics and jumping into the highest NiM Ops in a Pug... Lvl 55 is end game pvp...

Re roll another toon and at least pvp till lvl 35 to get the basics... Preferably from at least lvl 15 or though lvl 10 is when I'd start



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Not in my experience. If people tell they are new, they will a) likely get tips on what to do, b) not be set to guard a node ;) and c) be cut some slack


OP, just say you are new. AND read the ops chat during the match.


Yes some will help... But watch half the team quit either before the match starts or when you lose the first node... Then watch the rest of the team give up and sit at your only node because they think giving medals away really counts... LoL

You will never learn from those people and they will never learn themselves because they give up when they should be practicing

If you do go into pvp at lvl 55... Be prepared for some rage... Even veteran pvpers cop it from people... Don't listen to them... Also try to listen to the veteran pvpers who are giving advice or calling out "proper" instructions... Don't listen to the new pvp noobs giving conflicting bad advice

Lastly the thing to remember about all WZs is they are objective based... Not death matches... Find out what the objectives are and concentrate on this... Don't get caught up chasing the enemy around trying to get the highest DPS or highest medals... While they cap your nodes or score 6 nil in Hutt Ball

Arena is the only death match... Just communicate before the match... Work out who your first and second targets are and make sure you focus them...

After awhile you will get to know who the good pvp guilds are or the good players... Try and make friends with them and learn as much as you can

Even watching the enemy helps you learn... If they keep using a certain tactic that works... Test it out... If they keep using a tactic against you personally, think about what you can do to counter that and then use it against them ;)





Edited by Icykill_
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This is a game. We play it to have fun. It entertains us (some of for 6-8 hours a day, 7 days a week).


The overwhelming majority of pvp'rs are casual. And the majority of them, like me, are "bad's".


So get in there and have fun.




Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Let's just get this out of the way.


"HOLY ****! You *********** noob! Just delete all your toons and then do us all a favor and uninstall!"




"L2P, you keyboard-turning, clicker idiot!"


There. Now you have been inoculated. You may now queue.

Edited by Butwaldgrim
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Okay, I recognize the dilemma here. I was in the same boat this June. Or at least I think so, I might be too tired and sleepy to make things out. In this, i apologize. After a bit of agonizing over my shortcomings, there are a few things I did on good advice received from every corner :) Try to wait to gear your 55 till the expansion hit, as you will be able to afford better gear for the same comms after the level cap increase.


1. Soloing FPs overlevelled gives you planetary comms. They buy right now only 140 gear, which you have already, I presume.


2. WZ commendations buy you WZ entry level gear, that is now rated 158, but with the stats that are lower then the 156 gear you'd get on Oricon. However, at L55, you will also get ranked com, that will slowly accumulate into L162 rating gear. You first need to buy an unranked counterpart, then you can exchange for ranked. Do this at least fo relics. Relics rock!


3. Money making: Black Hole, Directive X will make you a lot of credits even if you do not group for Heroic missions. Pays for Augments (blue)/augment slots, materials to craft your own stuff with cybertech. If you never finished Makeb, it is a decent solo money maker, as you are booseted there (click the GSI terminal upon arrival to the Orbital station).


4. Higher level comms come from BH event, Black Hole/Directive X. If you haven't finished Oricon story, go there, there is a free 156 waiting for you in the end. Unless you did it already :)


Again, sorry if you know all this!


But, starting a new character is also a lot of fun! Try to run content on the level and do WZs and FPs this time when the stakes are lower than at 55. I am doing it now, and well, I like it :) I hope to build up to the end game content eventually.

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Honestly, with only a month to go I would say just stick with level 55 and go for it

You will suck and suck big time but at this point peeps in pug 55 reg wzs have seen it all

Plenty of peeps in 55 wz's who are clueless so you won't be alone- I'm serious


Have a thick skin and learn on the fly

After a few days of wz's you will have some specific questions (hopefully) that you can research and go from there


One thing I have had to relearn is just how unbearable lowbie pug wz's can be

To each his own and good luck

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I still remember my first WZ when I told them on op chat that I was new, oh how I was warmly received:

"So? Who cares?"

"We don't need you here."



Moral of the story: The Internet now is not the same as it was in 80s-90s, so don't put your hope too high. :rolleyes:

Edited by ValkyrieEin
fixed vocab
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Level has nothing to do with when you can start. The better pvpers will have played wow, daoc or war for many years, some of the best players will have grown up playing pvp mmos since they were kids. You cant expect to match them by jumping into a casual pve games pvp warzone queue.


When you see players easily outperforming other players that have played swtor since launch its this prior experience in serious pvp games. Its not possible to get to that level by just playing swtor. pvp isnt like pve its isnt learning mechanics or classes. Its developed over years against other skilled players which you wont find nearly as many in swtor to learn from.


Dont expect to be able to match the best players they have a huge headstart thats nothing to do with what level they started. Jump in and start learning and 2 or 3 mmos down the road and you'll be owning all the noobs yourself.

Edited by Tellenn
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If you are level 55, you get ranked comms. You just can't use them till Valor is 40. I accumulated enough to exchange Obroan relics into Brute while working my way up to Valor 40. I don't know what the last OP valor is but it is likely >0 as he said he did PvP normally before. I started with Valor 0 on level 52 or 53, took me 2 or 3 months to get there, but as soon as I was level 55, I had 2 dailies, and 1 weekly, with one of the dailies and the weekly dropping ranked comms.


EDIT: wow, for once being a noob actually provides a piece of rare knowledge, lol. And thank you, Bio for loving a noob at least in PvP :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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I still remember my first WZ when I told them on op chat that I was new, oh how I was warmly received:

"So? Who cares?"

"We don't need you here."



Moral of the story: The Internet now is not the same as it was in 80s-90s, so don't put your hope too high. :rolleyes:


Bioware really needs to offer a play-through tutorial for warzones. It would help immensely.

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