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Level 55 and never did PVP warzones.....too late to start now?


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title says it all! Will it be a futile endeavor for me to even try to get into war zones at this juncture?

level 55 Vanguard Trooper

I've primarily done PVE and very little of the flashpoints beyond the first one.


i've recently gone back and started doing the flashpoints solo and mailing most of the gear i can to my alts.


i don't have a ton of money ($500k) or planetary comms to gear myself up either.



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Nope not really you are the type of player bolster was put in place for. Just make your ilevel isn't too high. Check out the threads about min/max bolster on here for a better explanation. You will be put on a fairly level playing field if you augment the gear you use and just grab the daily and weekly and start amassing WZ/RWZ coms.
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Nope not really you are the type of player bolster was put in place for. Just make your ilevel isn't too high. Check out the threads about min/max bolster on here for a better explanation. You will be put on a fairly level playing field if you augment the gear you use and just grab the daily and weekly and start amassing WZ/RWZ coms.


Absolutely this. Wear average PvE gear, and you'll be fine. Don't touch ANYTHING that has expertise on it, unless it is Partisan or Conqueror.


Also, try not to group up with other badly geared people. A pug can absorb one or two newbies easily, especially if they are willing to learn, but when a full group of people 'just learning' queues together, it hurts :D

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I'd also recommend that right when you load into the WZ (and everyone else is in), announce in ops chat at the start that you are new. Hopefully that will inspire some people to cut you some slack, and maybe even give you some tips. (You will probably also get some snarky comments, but ignore those.)


[Edit: I didn't start until I had my first level 50 (back when level cap was 50). It was brutal for the first few matches, just because I had no idea how to PvP. But it quickly becomes fun (IMO).]

Edited by Banderal
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Be prepared for a deluge of hate when you make a mistake. Pay attention to what team you're on in Huttball; people will destroy you in ops chat if you take the ball to your own end zone. Call incoming and their number. Also, use snow and grass (civil war) east and west (voidstar).
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I'd probably brush up on this guide so you understand the objectives and just play those (it was really helpful to me to understand which objectives benefit from multiple clickers, that you can run orbs in one map etc.). Yell (early whenever possible ... sometimes not as possible with stealthers) if you need help on a node with how many enemies are attacking.


It's sometimes boring standing out all by yourself if something's not being attacked, but it's important and it's a great way to contribute when you're not as great at the combat side of things either due to gear or skill.

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Since you are a vanguard, not sure the spec but if you are a tank, find a healer when the WZ loads, follow, guard and taunt everything attacking the healer...

Keybind all of your regular abilities! Taunt / AOE Taunt should be used early and often... Use your harpoon to pull enemies off your healers if they are kiting...


Good luck!

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Ask on the fleet in /2 if people will group with you, and say that you are new and will need to be carried. As long as you are willing to learn you can easily get into pvp now with bolster. As others said, announce that you are new in warzones. People are less likely to call you an idiot when you have basically already called yourself one.


Best tip I can offer other than that is to pvp on Tuesday-Thursday. By the weekend people get more stressed out because a) they may not have finished their weekly and b) nore casuals play on the weekends so the overall quality of play is a lot worse.


What server are you on? Might be a good idea to ask for a group on your servers subforum.


Breaking into pvp is significantly easier than getting into high level raiding. GL

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title says it all! Will it be a futile endeavor for me to even try to get into war zones at this juncture?

level 55 Vanguard Trooper

I've primarily done PVE and very little of the flashpoints beyond the first one.


i've recently gone back and started doing the flashpoints solo and mailing most of the gear i can to my alts.


i don't have a ton of money ($500k) or planetary comms to gear myself up either.




Vanguards troopers so bad after 2.0, so no one will not expected from you any feats :D

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Here's my short list of tips, I'm sure I'll get feedback on how useful they are but here you go:


Call out incoming correctly (location and number of incoming). If you're guarding a node and a stealther hits you, let people know immediately you're getting hit, even if there's a chance you can win, he may have called in backup stealthers already or have someone at the node ready to cap when you're stunned. Try not to interrupt your first CC, it builds your resolve. Try to save your break later for critical moments.


Huttball: Pass the ball and travel within ball toss distance with the carrier when defending him, so he can toss to you if needed. Knockback is you're friend when carrying. Try not to stand in the end zone to be a leap target when they have the ball. If there are stealthers in the end zone, kill or knock them off into the pit. Firepits are hazardous but useful if you can angle right, and knock/grapple opponents into them.


Voidstar: Watch your map, if you see your guys quickly disappearing at the opposite door, they're likely are under heavy attack and didn't think to call out for help, or they'll call out shortly after its too late. If you're attacking and no one is trying for the door, try yourself, many times people seem to forget its about blowing doors. You should always have one person trying a door at all times, if not, then its your turn.


Something being capped by a group, aoe. Someone on your team capping, then defend them from incoming and don't saddle up directly next to them and do the same thing, a single AOE will interrupt you both. On Novare you can speed up a capture by helping, but if you do, spread out so that AOEs don't interrupt you all.


Don't be suprised if you get focused when you become dangerous, you've likely been marked, if you suspect it, try to lure your opponents away from the objective, pace and angle your attacks so they spread out and have difficulty focusing.

Edited by Ybini
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Vanguard dps can still be good if played right though they are not what you would call 'ranked viable', the tanks however are.


My suggesiton would be to roll an alt (doesn't matter which class or spec) and get a feel for lowbie PvP. Its a good place to learn objectives and proper rotations.

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It's never too late. Do what everyone else did when they entered their first ever pvp match:


1) Enter Match


2) Read the rules on the pop up screen, but NEVER fully understand them first go.


3) Tell everyone you're new when in the starting area


4) Watch 1-3 team members leave, because they cannot abide being with a new guy.


5) Run around panicking and button mashing as if this was your first ever day at an MMO


6) Know that although you'll likely come bottom of the table, rejoice if you are second to bottom of the tables.


7) Try again, but get a little better each match you play.


8) When you're playing like a "pro", remember these early days and how much you've improved :)


Edit: Good luck, old bean

Edited by chimex
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title says it all! Will it be a futile endeavor for me to even try to get into war zones at this juncture?

level 55 Vanguard Trooper

I've primarily done PVE and very little of the flashpoints beyond the first one.


i've recently gone back and started doing the flashpoints solo and mailing most of the gear i can to my alts.


i don't have a ton of money ($500k) or planetary comms to gear myself up either.




Nope, it'll be rough, but you'll be fine after a week or so. Just take your lumps and try to focus on other people's targets instead of attacking someone on your own for a bit.

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It's never too late. Do what everyone else did when they entered their first ever pvp match:


1) Enter Match


2) Read the rules on the pop up screen, but NEVER fully understand them first go.


3) Tell everyone you're new when in the starting area


4) Watch 1-3 team members leave, because they cannot abide being with a new guy.


5) Run around panicking and button mashing as if this was your first ever day at an MMO


6) Know that although you'll likely come bottom of the table, rejoice if you are second to bottom of the tables.


7) Try again, but get a little better each match you play.


8) When you're playing like a "pro", remember these early days and how much you've improved :)


Edit: Good luck, old bean


This is a great post. 1-5 exactly describes my first match. I'm still working on 6, 7 and 8. :)


Another quick tip though... when you get into your first Huttball match, you will have received a new ability (under "General" I think?) called "pass huttball". You use that to pass the ball. It works like a ranged AOE attack (click it to get a targeting circle, click again to pass). No one knows exactly how it decides who gets the ball if you pass into a mob, so try not to do that. :)

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At 55, because of bolster, it's not a gear issue. I would recommend running some warzones as a lower level alt just to get the hang of the maps, objectives, lingo, etc. The expectation is that people at 55 have at least some experience in warzones. This will save you and other 55s some grief.


Just go and have fun! There can sometimes be a fair amount of hazing in chat....don't fret the jerks. :)

Edited by teclado
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If youre dps you can just start playing. Im in zones all the time where people seemingly dont understand the game. Yesterday a premade leader was telling the group to get orbs on hyper gate when the other team was trying to deny/capture pylon. He just could not understand that if we got our own pylon and defended we would win. Or the guy in a tie huttball game who throws it with 5 seconds left and full health...


Zones are full of players who dont even seemingly care to learn the game, so you are likely going to be fine if you just pay attention. Hutball is kind of odd (and make sure to have throw on a tool bar if not keybound) but as a dps you can just try and follow with the group, or worst case if they mark a healer just annoy them all game.


No matter what just have fun. Everyone has made a stupid mistake that has cost our team the game. My friend and I lost a node on Civil War because we were talking about how I just joined the guild when a stealther capped. I only get annoyed when I give instructions (go left, etc) and people are silent, and then ignore them. If you want a different plan, fine, speak up. But if you dont say anything most people presume that you have read the ops and are in agreement, IE Stealth left everyone else right.

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Most of the fun you would've had was in Lowbies (pre-55). Unless you have a premade group of 4 (heal, tank, stealth, dps) you will find non-ranked 55's highly frustrating. 8 out of 10 warzones will have you on a team of solo puggers versus a half premades and pocket healer fanboys strictly healing their master.


While you will at first think completing a weekly is no big deal unless you find people to group with you will struggle to complete one before the mission resets Tuesday morning.


Most of the servers have a faction that dominates. Unless you are a glutton for punishment like myself you will chose the more winning faction for your pvp.


Good luck.

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While you will at first think completing a weekly is no big deal unless you find people to group with you will struggle to complete one before the mission resets Tuesday morning.


I don't find completing the lvl 55 weekly hard at all, and I only solo PUG. I play for about 2 hours most nights. I usually have the weekly done before the weekend.

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go to youtube and input SWTOR pvp.


Watch some vids.


See what does and doesnt work for those playing your class, and also learn the maps a bit.


Then proceed to enter a WZ and trust me, youll be equally bad as many people who have been playing WZs since the start.


The mere fact you are here asking leads me to believe you are teachable, so with just a little prep you can be at least average- which isnt that hard based on the skill level and attention spans of most people playing this game.

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I didn't do PvP on my main toon until she was already 55. Big difference from the lower tier WZs, but I'm coming along! You can too. I found that 55 PvP gear had some amazing stat boosts compared to the PvE gear I was wearing (all ~50 blue stuff like implants, earpieces, etc). While it makes a noticeable survivability difference in warzones, it is incomparable in open world PvP, where Imperial players LOVE to jump the unsuspecting Republic players who are doing their dailies in places like Section X and Black Hole.


It used to be that such waylays were guaranteed to slow me down. Now? I can often hold my own, usually bugging out of the encounter (since that isn't why I'm there), and sometimes sticking around to finish the punk off if I find that I have the upper hand. I am working to get some more such gear before the Gree event coming up, as that was a huge source of frustration for me when there are roving bands of Imperials out there solely to be annoying. Last round, it was like... "oh, look, an Imp is incom" <dead>. :rolleyes:

Edited by -Wes-
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Be prepared for a deluge of hate when you make a mistake. Pay attention to what team you're on in Huttball; people will destroy you in ops chat if you take the ball to your own end zone. Call incoming and their number. Also, use snow and grass (civil war) east and west (voidstar).


Just tell people you're new. People get pissy at mistakes because they kinda assume by the time you're 55 you know not to do things like stand on the edge of the endzone in huttball. Most people are actually a lot nicer when you just come out with it rather than trying to 'hide it'.

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I'd also recommend that right when you load into the WZ (and everyone else is in), announce in ops chat at the start that you are new. Hopefully that will inspire some people to cut you some slack, and maybe even give you some tips. (You will probably also get some snarky comments, but ignore those.)


[Edit: I didn't start until I had my first level 50 (back when level cap was 50). It was brutal for the first few matches, just because I had no idea how to PvP. But it quickly becomes fun (IMO).]


I was 44 my first PvP it was brutal but hooked me like a victim from hellraiser. One you learn the ins and outs it gets easier and more fun

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