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Are server transfers EVER coming?


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I play this game to PvP and although I absolutely loved the community on my old server (Yes even you, Neo), a large chunk of the PvP'ers say they plan on transferring once they become available. Only question is.. when is that going to happen? It was supposed to go live with 2.2, they pushed it back. They then claimed by the end of June, but guess what folks, it's almost July. I only kept my subscription for June because, like everyone else, I was under the impression that Bioware would deliver what they said they would deliver. Will I ever learn? :rolleyes:


Pretty much sums up my feelings at this point: http://imgur.com/GoR7U9J


The lack of PvP updates is also getting a little frustrating. 2.4 not until October? Seriously?


Personally, I've been checking out Rift but I really want to play Star Wars. I've given them the benefit of the doubt for the past year, I think it's time the devs start paying attention to the PvP community and quit worrying about the Cartel Market and if it has enough Bondage clothes to keep the ERP'ers happy.


get it together, Bioware. Or you might find what's left of your PvP population leaving for another game.

Edited by NvrShoutNvr
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Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to.


We all know the answer, that's the thing. Server transfers are Coming Soon. But then some unforeseen bug will delay release. Then in will be Coming Soon...again.


Just be glad they didn't release it while it was still broken, unlike bolster.


So you're convinced that when it finally is released, it will be a polished product? I admire your optimism.

Edited by TheronFett
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We all know the answer, that's the thing. Server transfers are Coming Soon. But then some unforeseen bug will delay release. Then in will be Coming Soon...again.




So you're convinced that when it finally is released, it will be a polished product? I admire your optimism.


Pretty much this.


Think of the achievements! The Achievements!!! :eek:

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We all know the answer, that's the thing. Server transfers are Coming Soon. But then some unforeseen bug will delay release. Then in will be Coming Soon...again..



Exactly my thoughts. If this keeps up, another game might end up getting my subscription instead of tor.

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Hey folks,


Yes, Paid Character Transfers are still slated for 2.2.1. The reason we didn't post anything about it is that simply put, nothing changed. I will typically only post about something changing from what I had already stated previously.


Paid Character Transfers are still slated for 2.2.1 which is targeted for next Tuesday, June 25th. I will let you know if anything changes, the second it changes.





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