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Macros for pvp, respecing, grabbing huttballs. Legal?


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Nothing. Bioware said they don't care about emote macros and just because i say i'm doing something isn't proof that i am.


You're really reaching now.....you can't stand the thought of this happening to fellow macro users as yourself. It makes you viscerally angry that someone would take time to ensure that cheaters such as yourself are caught while also encouraging the practice/providing instruction to help it catch on and spread to other/all servers.....I hope the frustration is = or greater to the frustration that you've caused others with your cheating ways. No doubt you're a loser who likes to cheat/face no comp and the thought of that going away angers you. Pathetic! Grow up.

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You're really reaching now.....you can't stand the thought of this happening to fellow macro users as yourself. It makes you viscerally angry that someone would take time to ensure that cheaters such as yourself are caught while also encouraging the practice/providing instruction to help it catch on and spread to other/all servers.....I hope the frustration is = or greater to the frustration that you've caused others with your cheating ways. No doubt you're a loser who likes to cheat/face no comp and the thought of that going away angers you. Pathetic! Grow up.


LMAO You are mad about rotation macros?! There is literally no advantage to macroing attacks because of the gcd and the action queue. Macroing a rotation gives no unfair advantage and actually gimps you because you are less able to react. Bioware will do nothing about it, they only care about stopping a player from having an unfair advantage.


And if you really want to catch people using rotation macros, run raids. Pvp'ers don't macro rotations lol. They just keybind and know their rotation.

Edited by Puissant
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LMAO You are mad about rotation macros?! There is literally no advantage to macroing attacks because of the gcd and the action queue. Macroing a rotation gives no unfair advantage and actually gimps you because you are less able to react. Bioware will do nothing about it, they only care about stopping a player from having an unfair advantage.


I can only guess that you're playing stupid(playing dumb) to sway others reading this that you're not part of the problem. Anyway, I'm off to best buy to get one of the new Samsung 1TB EVO SSD's. I need some space for videos!!! :)

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  • 11 months later...
Agreed, apparently he's not on the side of the accuser....rather the accuse.....b/c if you're not a dunce and can spot it and aren't too cowardly to call them out in /ops and after in /2 some are such braggarts that they can't help but spill it with arrogance. But there are others, who know about it, but will do anything to prevent the topic being brought up for fear that changes will come that will alter their ability to take advantage of the system. I can't imagine how pathetic they are in real life.


That goes for all cheaters and types of cheats in this game... You only need to bring any type up to get trolled by the deniers trying to play it down and in some cases outright deny it is even possible... I believe most are uses of some sort of cheat or another and don't want to bring high level attention to it.. Then there are the trolls who just troll for fun... And lastly the ignorant who just parrot what others say and have no idea themselves

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If you keep letting people talk long enough......the truth ALWAYS comes out. Your emotional reaction and visceral anger are a clear indication of who you are. I hope you're one of MANY that get busted. I'm gonna have to make one video that's not of people cheating, it will be one on how to spot it and how to make the videos using their video cards built in features. I.E. hopefully more than just the channel catches on. What's there to hide ;)


That would be great... Please make a new thread in the pvp section on how to spot cheats and how people can set up the video recording software... FYI... AMD cards don't seem to like Fraps much as it uses all the card resources and then your game play becomes reliant on your cpu... So if you have other recording software you can use, then more people will be able to record and still play at reasonable FPS

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Now that it is necro'd and I read thru the posts from 2014 I want to see the videos of the cheaters now.


Did you catch a lot of them? How many were banned? Give us an update!! what did you do and stuff?




Oops ... I Didn't look at the date... Again..


Yes I too would like to see these videos

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Thanks Phillip for this insight. Now this really sucks. I got gaming hardware recently and now I read that I can't fully use its capability. Lucky me I asked the Support (who directed me to the ToS-Team) for advice.


I have been using my Gaming Mouse to assign each button a skill (one click = one action) but I also thought about assigning "small" macros (1 click == 2-3 actions) but it seems that this would apparently violate the ToS. In my opinion there should be tolerance when using macros up to 2-3 clicks, but then again how would BW detect this and define between legal usage or automation... it's a pickle..

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  • 3 months later...
Hows quick re-spec'ing in WZ a problem ? What would be the logic of doing that ?


That's from a time where you could totally respec your tree in a warzone. The logic would be you could blind queue in 1 spec and hop into a different character build based on which map or what not you were in, team comp you had, team comp you were facing etc (so for instance if you were an infil shadow and you got a huttball without a tank, you could quick switch to kinetic combat and switch gear. Or you didn't like your comps odds against the opposite team, so some people switch their setups around right before the round starts etc) BW didn't like that, so they changed it.

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How much other Macro'ing goes on still and for what uses??


I recently came across a multi boxing website that had a whole setup and video on how to do it in swtor... It was up to date too as of 3.1.2... I believe they were using Macros to activate rotations and auto attack the same target in gank formation... They state that the multi boxing is undetectable


I've seen a few WZ bots on the web too and the occasional one in a WZ... But only troll ones to lvl up... Not to really do anything except gather WZ comms... They always stand away from combat and they have a script that makes them attack if you vote to kick them from the WZ... They stand out the most in Void Star because they rarely move from the first room... Or Nova where they find a corner and hug the wall


I saw a 4 man bot group on Ord Mantel a couple of weeks ago just farming mobs to lvl... I stopped to watch... They didn't move out of their positions and everytime the mobs spawned they fired at the same time, once the mobs died their healing bars all healed at exactly the same time... The healing continued until the mobs respawned, even though they were full health... And of course every bot toon had one of those credit farmer names like hmpfpmfpmfpm and a one letter alternation of it... The bots lvl'd like that from lvl 1-7... I reported of course and then moved on


Seeing as these sorts of bots and macros are being used and there seems to be no repercussions to those using them... I can only assume some of the combat macros are still used... Is anyone willing to confirm this?

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How much other Macro'ing goes on still and for what uses??


I recently came across a multi boxing website that had a whole setup and video on how to do it in swtor... It was up to date too as of 3.1.2... I believe they were using Macros to activate rotations and auto attack the same target in gank formation... They state that the multi boxing is undetectable


I've seen a few WZ bots on the web too and the occasional one in a WZ... But only troll ones to lvl up... Not to really do anything except gather WZ comms... They always stand away from combat and they have a script that makes them attack if you vote to kick them from the WZ... They stand out the most in Void Star because they rarely move from the first room... Or Nova where they find a corner and hug the wall


I saw a 4 man bot group on Ord Mantel a couple of weeks ago just farming mobs to lvl... I stopped to watch... They didn't move out of their positions and everytime the mobs spawned they fired at the same time, once the mobs died their healing bars all healed at exactly the same time... The healing continued until the mobs respawned, even though they were full health... And of course every bot toon had one of those credit farmer names like hmpfpmfpmfpm and a one letter alternation of it... The bots lvl'd like that from lvl 1-7... I reported of course and then moved on


Seeing as these sorts of bots and macros are being used and there seems to be no repercussions to those using them... I can only assume some of the combat macros are still used... Is anyone willing to confirm this?


If I remember a post about multi-boxing correctly...


One key press equals one action is the rule, but it doesn't seem to preclude using one key press for one action on multiple systems at the same time.


So if you have 4 computers each running a toon, and all 4 computers are slaved to one keyboard, and by pressing a key on the keyboard all four toons do one action...I believe that was theoretically legal.


I don't know that BW officially condones multi-boxing, but I've never seen a post on the subject by a Dev that says it's illegal either.


Edit: Macro's that cause more than one action on a toon with one key press are definitely illegal, as are any automation of processes (botting).

Edited by Grayseven
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The worst thing is they're used by dudes queuing fully FOTM premades versus pugs.


I just feel extremely sorry for these peeps who can only get a thrill out of a game by creating a massive imbalance.


I've run into these before. They are easy to disrupt if you figure out they are multi-boxing and don't make yourself the focus of their attention.

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I've run into these before. They are easy to disrupt if you figure out they are multi-boxing and don't make yourself the focus of their attention.


They do seem to lose focus if you LOS... Even on a melee... I guess it's too hard to try coordinating 4 toons around an obstacle

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I'm not saying they're multi-boxing, they're just pre-mades who go the extra mile to create even further imbalance. I've been tempted to try out macros, but I just won't get any fun out of the game if I get the computer to do all the hard work.
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The worst thing is they're used by dudes queuing fully FOTM premades versus pugs.


I just feel extremely sorry for these peeps who can only get a thrill out of a game by creating a massive imbalance.


No, the worst thing is some of these people will sit there and lay into people who aren't as good as them, even though they are as "good" as they are because they macro (cheat). It's a joke.

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I did some reading up on Swtor Macros yesterday... From what I can tell from forums outside of the swtor forums and also on some of the macro sites... Lots and lots of the top end guilds and players use them

You can also look up some of the big pvp guild websites and Facebook pages and see some obscure references to using them

They may not have used them to start with, but after lots of people started to use them to make themselves feel like they were better players, more and more people started to use them to even the playing field... The discussions on these sites basically said if you want to be competitive in pvp, then you need to us macros

There was also an argument for swtor to build in a macro ability like other MMO's... Thus making the playing field equal for all people to use macros if they so chose... Not sure I agree with this... If you can't play well without macros, then you aren't a very good player to start with... But I don't know how you police people using 3rd party macro programs... If written correctly, they say they are impossible to detect or that the Devs don't really care enough to stop it?

The issue I see is the good pvp players who started to use them to be more competitive against those others that already used them, have now become so used to using them, they use them in regs too... Which isn't fair on new pvpers or people who don't use macros... Macros give a person about a 25% advantage... If a player is already very good... Then it is just a rofl stomp... I can't see how that is fun for either player, except to troll them and talk trash in chat...

I was interested to read about how the Hutt Ball macro actually worked to allowed people to nearly always grab the ball from the respawn... There is a chance that I saw this in action yesterday... But no way to confirm... But after reading what/how it worked and what to look out for... It seemed similar...

Macros are in the game, I'm not sure how many use them... But I bet it's a lot more than people think... People won't advertise it or tell others out side of those big pvp guilds because they want to keep every advantage they have or they don't want other good players to think they are bad because they need to use them... Plus they don't want to draw too much attention or the DEVS "may" do something to take away their advantage

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I'm not saying they're multi-boxing, they're just pre-mades who go the extra mile to create even further imbalance. I've been tempted to try out macros, but I just won't get any fun out of the game if I get the computer to do all the hard work.


I've been tempted to do it just to see what it looks like so I can properly identify it when they are using them...

A friend of mine who left the game last year says it's easy to spot because the abilities go off faster than you could physically push the keyboard buttons (he plays WoW and Macro's there)... He's going to record some matches and send them to me so I can see what it looks like

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Well yeah, I have all the kit needed to setup macros (Razer keyboard/mouse). If I did actually set them up I think I'd get bored of SWTOR pretty quick, as I said before there wouldn't be any fun in letting the computer do all the hard work. Like you say, it will fire the abilities off quicker and way more reliably, purely because you set it up to activate that key like 1000 times in half a second, same principle of people using clicking macros for Hutt ball back in the days of 8v8 ranked.


If you ever played SWG it had macros built in, and after setting them up all you would literally do is "drive" your character and select targets, while letting the client spam all your abilities off cool down. If you were doing it in SWTOR you would be programming in entire rotations that would activate off a single key press, or making yourself an "oh sh*t" button, which simply activated multiple abilities at the exact same time (DCDs).


Here would be an example with a class like Vig Guardian:


You setup a macro which on the key press performs Force Leap, Saber Throw, Overhead Slash, Blade Storm, Master Strike, Plasma Brand (in that order). So you would set it up to be in line with the GCD and attempt to spam the abilities thousands of times a second so that they activate at the earliest possible moment the client allows, reducing any time lost between GCDs to practically zero. Once this is all up and running perfectly all that the player now has to do is manage their DCDs, interrupts, stuns and target switching, while sitting back and watching the computer perform the perfect rotation after they select a new target and leap with the magic button.

Edited by WannEras
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Well yeah, I have all the kit needed to setup macros (Razer keyboard/mouse). If I did actually set them up I think I'd get bored of SWTOR pretty quick, as I said before there wouldn't be any fun in letting the computer do all the hard work. Like you say, it will fire the abilities off quicker and way more reliably, purely because you set it up to activate that key like 1000 times in half a second, same principle of people using clicking macros for Hutt ball back in the days of 8v8 ranked.


If you ever played SWG it had macros built in, and after setting them up all you would literally do is "drive" your character and select targets, while letting the client spam all your abilities off cool down. If you were doing it in SWTOR you would be programming in entire rotations that would activate off a single key press, or making yourself an "oh sh*t" button, which simply activated multiple abilities at the exact same time (DCDs).


Here would be an example with a class like Vig Guardian:


You setup a macro which on the key press performs Force Leap, Saber Throw, Overhead Slash, Blade Storm, Master Strike, Plasma Brand (in that order). So you would set it up to be in line with the GCD and attempt to spam the abilities thousands of times a second so that they activate at the earliest possible moment the client allows, reducing any time lost between GCDs to practically zero. Once this is all up and running perfectly all that the player now has to do is manage their DCDs, interrupts, stuns and target switching, while sitting back and watching the computer perform the perfect rotation after they select a new target and leap with the magic button.


LoL... Sounds familiar... I'm sure I see things like that regularly...

My friend used his mouse software in swtor and one buttoned his rotations... I'm interested in watching what he sends...

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