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Scoundrel Roll Stuck Bug Needs2Bfixed ASAP


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During a roll as a scoundrel if you are hit with a knock back you are unable to move for the entire length of the warzone. If you type / stuck it will only boot you to the starting point and you will be kicked from the warzone since you will still be unable to move.


Please fix this.



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  • 1 month later...
Just had this happen on my Gunslinger last night in an Arena type WZ. We won first round because even though I was stuck, my teammates were able to draw the opponents within my range. After that round, however, I was rooted in the starting room and then got booted since I couldn't get out. A sage tried to "rescue" me a couple of meters but it didn't fix the "stuckage."
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  • 6 months later...
I thought this alrewady got fixed in 2.8.1, no?



As for the patch notes, this is probably the 3rd or 4th time they say they've fixed it, yet they're either lying (which would be stupid) or they're simply unable to fix it.


I understand certain bugs are harder to fix than others but...c'mon...it's been 1+ year.

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