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Powertech DPS (not a whining thread)


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Despite all the negative feedback i've read about Powertech dps and all the negative replies I have recieved in game, I have chosen to continue playing my PT DPS, being only lvl 23 at the moment I'm having fun with it and wish to dps at endgame. My question does not pertain to PvP, I could care less about that, I'm mainly PvE oriented and need to know your guys thoughts on a leveling spec that would turn out best results in regards to speed and FP (FP mainly being tank spec I would guess) Right now i'm leveling at Pyrotech but I was thinking of trying Advanced Prototype out. What are your guys thoughts?
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Your senseless and not needed babble is noted. Have a nice day.


Very mature reply to a childish post, cheers.


As for PT DPS, like you mentioned in your opening post you understand 'the risk' of Powertech DPS considering how well desired they are. (Edit: I didn't mean to imply no-one wants them on their teams, any DPS well-played is welcome in most teams, though some close-minded people might not give you the chance to prove yourself) I'm glad you stick with a class you enjoy nonetheless and I'd also recommend going Advanced Prototype. From what I've seen they're currently the strongest.


The useage is quite straight forward; Keep up the DoT from Retractable Blade. Use skills that proc effects, like Flame Burst and later-on Immolate and use the skills when your procs are triggered (Rail-shot, Flamethrower, Rocket punch.) I highly recommend doing leveling content as DPS to get used to your procs and rotations since that's the only valuable lesson you'll get from most content. DPS is also usually the fastests. Also helps to build your tree yourself so you read them and know what's what and how you can make that work for yourself. You can always respec if errors are made. Though if you want a guide-line, I'd run something in the lines off: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/powertech#300230-13032101212221202221312-20


Flashpoints I'd use (if you want) to get used to any role you want to fill, so if you want to keep the option to also tank at end-game, do a few flashpoints as tank and a few as DPS, or buy legacy respec and queue as either. If you know for 100% sure you want to DPS only, queue as DPS and practice your DPS by all means.


As for gear focus on power and main-stat while leveling as DPS. Once you hit 55 you will want to look a bit into optimizing stats, which generally will be a lot of power with enough accuracy (110% on tech) and surge, but all worries for later if you're level 23. :)

Edited by Gloomycakes
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you will be desiered as long as you are a good player regardless of what you play. I have proven over and over that AP powertechs do way more damage then what people expect of them...


The things is most PTs were bad players who used broken pyro to think they were good. Now that pyro is not a bang head on keyboard to win spec they think all PTs are worthless.



AP is the highest DPS of all bounty hunters right now when played right.

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First paragraph, totally correct. Second one, totally unnecessary.


It is not correct at all.


If you are getting kicked its not because of the class it is because of the player. I have people constantly wanting me to raid with them. I have the highest powertech parses in the US and some in the world according to torparse.


The problem is not the class its the people playing the class. It is not longer a face roll spec any monkey can play. You actually have to know what you are doing and play smart. The issue is FOTM re-rollere never have skill so when their OP flavor gets fixed they blame the class for their inability to make it work rather then their inability to play.


There is nothing wrong with powertechs as long as the person playing them is a good player. The same goes for most any class, i think the exception is snipers, its the FTOM right now because it takes next to nothing to put up high parses with them, however it will get fixed in time and then all the re-rollers will move on to the next OP class to pretend they are good rather then just using what ever is broken at the time

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How was Pyro a face roll spec? It works off procs, same as most classes. If you were good you used 5 buttons (or 4 w/o TD) and fillers.


Now in AP spec what do you do, essentially the same thing, you just spam 2 buttons, but instead of proccing and resisting the CD you have to wait. So in AP you use maybe 5 buttons. You're still just spamming FB all the time, Rail shot is nothing to shake a stick at, and flamethrower is a channeled ability. Hizoka you can be the best AP player in the world but you can't argue with the stupidity of this spec. Nothing hits hard when you compare it to other classes who can get 2 times the damage of one PFT in 3 seconds. Pyro spec was also a 5 button spec, 4 if you didn't take thermal Det. It also had a lot of heat issues that only a good player could overcome. You keep comparing Pyros to smashers, when in reality the spec was nowhere near Rage. That spec gets auto crits and increased damage. We had a CHANCE to proc another Rail, which even then, is a regular ranged attack and has a chance to miss more often than tech attacks. So tell me how Pyro is a face roll spec? When you combine that with next to no defensives, ZERO mobility, no armor debuff, and no damage reduction, you get a Glass cannon. Someone who does good damage but cannot take a hit.



The nerf made it worse. They essentially punished us for doing damage, while not giving us any extra defensive capabilities. Not fun, not cool, and AP will never be what pyro was. Don't care how many times you upload to ToRparse. That's not even used in most guilds that I know and has sadly become the basis of people judging how good they are. If everyone used it then it would be ok, but not everyone uploads to that site. Hizoka may be the top powertech (although he's probably one of the only people still playing the class) but that's just of those that submitted, there are plenty of people who are better that just haven't uploaded to that site.

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you will be desiered as long as you are a good player regardless of what you play. I have proven over and over that AP powertechs do way more damage then what people expect of them...


The things is most PTs were bad players who used broken pyro to think they were good. Now that pyro is not a bang head on keyboard to win spec they think all PTs are worthless.



AP is the highest DPS of all bounty hunters right now when played right.


Quoted for truth, bolded for emphasis.

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Again, more people who have no idea what they're talking about. AP is no better than pyro. It's not any more difficult to play, and if you do play it you are not some master Powertech just because you play AP, its a spare tire spec that they just threw together, it hits like a wet noodle.


Source: someone who played AP until 1.4 then switched to pyro. Because pyro was better. And still is compared to AP

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Again, more people who have no idea what they're talking about. AP is no better than pyro. It's not any more difficult to play, and if you do play it you are not some master Powertech just because you play AP, its a spare tire spec that they just threw together, it hits like a wet noodle.


Source: someone who played AP until 1.4 then switched to pyro. Because pyro was better. And still is compared to AP


I haven't seen many/any parses from pyro after 2.0. I have seen quite a few AP parses though, all with respectable numbers according to the current state of things. Personally, I think PT's damage is ok (not ****** or great) but it is painfully obvious that there's a significant gap between maras/sents/slingers/snipers. I understand that they'd need higher damage since all they can do is dps but I think the current gap compared to the rest is a bit obscene.


I would love to see some good pyro parses. Ideally they'd be neck and neck with AP edging out on stdps and pyro winning in add heavy fights. I think Guardians and Juggs are a perfect example of this.

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Again, more people who have no idea what they're talking about. AP is no better than pyro. It's not any more difficult to play, and if you do play it you are not some master Powertech just because you play AP, its a spare tire spec that they just threw together, it hits like a wet noodle.


Source: someone who played AP until 1.4 then switched to pyro. Because pyro was better. And still is compared to AP


I think you're way off with the assertion Pyro is better than AP. I don't even think it's close. Are you ONLY taking into account DPS? Because APs effectiveness lies in its utility and survivability, Pyro can't even come close in that regard. And it only barely edges AP in damage output. Of course, i'm only speaking in terms of PvP...I don't raid nor do I care to. Although, I can't imagine AP is way behind in that regard either.

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Mainly for pve purposes but for pvp as well. If you can stay alive pyro is better than AP, you gain survivability in AP sure, but your main attack is the easiest thing to dodge. Most of the time your flamethrower is situational and that's the problem, idk what they can do about it other than letting us move while channeling it. I just don't see the appeal to AP, I tried it for a long time and it just plays clunky to me. Pyro is pretty clunky at times, but you at least have a pretty good chance of RP resetting Rail every 9 seconds. I'm not see incompetent fool that just can't understand the spec, I legitimately tried it and worked at the rotation. It's just...poorly constructed IMO
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Mainly for pve purposes but for pvp as well. If you can stay alive pyro is better than AP, you gain survivability in AP sure, but your main attack is the easiest thing to dodge. Most of the time your flamethrower is situational and that's the problem, idk what they can do about it other than letting us move while channeling it. I just don't see the appeal to AP, I tried it for a long time and it just plays clunky to me. Pyro is pretty clunky at times, but you at least have a pretty good chance of RP resetting Rail every 9 seconds. I'm not see incompetent fool that just can't understand the spec, I legitimately tried it and worked at the rotation. It's just...poorly constructed IMO


I'll concede that point...it is fairly clumsy in execution. For me, part of the challenge in PvP lies in positioning myself well enough to line up a really good flamethrower. Maybe they could make you immune to CC for the channel, provided you're specced into PFT? I don't see why that wouldn't work, it isn't OP imo...your opponent can still move out of the cone.

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I think you're way off with the assertion Pyro is better than AP. I don't even think it's close. Are you ONLY taking into account DPS? Because APs effectiveness lies in its utility and survivability, Pyro can't even come close in that regard. And it only barely edges AP in damage output. Of course, i'm only speaking in terms of PvP...I don't raid nor do I care to. Although, I can't imagine AP is way behind in that regard either.


While I do agree that AP has better survivability, for PvP, pyro still has the edge in burst, which is more useful trying to kill healers and high priority enemy dps. Now, please explain what is the "utility" the AP has that the other PT trees do not? Last I checked the utilities for PT in PvP are taunts and grapple, which all trees have. The 4 second increase in hydrolic override is mobility not utility.


Again both specs are mediocre. PT dps for PvP was based on high burst and powerful dot, which both are gone with the expansion and nothing was offered in return. Also for AP survivability, other melee classes, Juggs, murderers and sins are light years in terms of survivability ahead of AP PT.

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