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Well done Bioware, new Bug in huttball


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the score randomly changed without anyone scoring, we were 1/1 and the ball was near the rottworm endzone, i was carrying the ball (frogdod), i got killed and the score changed 1/2 now.


Again we were fighting at mid with the ball and suddenly the score changed again, like if the rotworms had scored but they had the ball at mid.


What is this, anyone saw this bug today?



EDIT: thanks to pistols for this video



Edited by Osoygatitalove
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Happened in a Huttball match I played before last patch. Seemed every time the ball changed hands to my team it counted a score. We were up 2-0 the opposing team had the ball. We kill their ball carrier down in the pit near our endzone and we scored.


We were all pretty flabbergasted. It happened every time the ball changed hands from that point on but only for my team. Meaning if the other team killed our carrier nothing, if we killed their carrier... Rottworms scooooored... Only happened that one time though no idea what set it off or how it came about, but we were worried someone was using a hack or cheat thing. Pretty much sucks to win that way and not because of good teamwork and coordination.

Edited by kirdapeswtor
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