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Encrypted Datacube: Story content in the cartel market?


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Just got all of them from the GTN for 210k. Not a fan of the fact they went into the Cartel Market but since you can get them easily from the GTN, at a affordable price, it's no big loss IMO.


Plus, after watching them, it's hardly as relevant as some people make them out to be. Also, once you get them, they're added to your "Cartel Market Collection" items, so you can unlock them on other toons. It's sweet. :cool:

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Just got all of them from the GTN for 210k. Not a fan of the fact they went into the Cartel Market but since you can get them easily from the GTN, at a affordable price, it's no big loss IMO.


Plus, after watching them, it's hardly as relevant as some people make them out to be. Also, once you get them, they're added to your "Cartel Market Collection" items, so you can unlock them on other toons. It's sweet. :cool:


The same will be true of nearly any item they ever put on the Cartel Market. If the criteria for "it's not a problem | it's not pay-to-win" is the ability to put items on the GTN, nothing will ever be a problem | pay-to-win. DUCY?

Edited by CommunityDroidFR
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Just got all of them from the GTN for 210k. Not a fan of the fact they went into the Cartel Market but since you can get them easily from the GTN, at a affordable price, it's no big loss IMO.


Plus, after watching them, it's hardly as relevant as some people make them out to be. Also, once you get them, they're added to your "Cartel Market Collection" items, so you can unlock them on other toons. It's sweet. :cool:


My problem with this line of thinking is we have to look at everything else.


Thana Vesh's outfit. An outfit a lot of players wanted. RNG Packs. They could have easily put that outfit straight onto the market. :/ Oh, but it's on the GTN so it's okay. Pffft. Yeah, with the top going for 1+million creds and the leggings going for 750k+ creds.


Not all subs can afford that. Even when I can afford that, I think that's way to expensive :p

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My problem with this line of thinking is we have to look at everything else.


Thana Vesh's outfit. An outfit a lot of players wanted. RNG Packs. They could have easily put that outfit straight onto the market. :/ Oh, but it's on the GTN so it's okay. Pffft. Yeah, with the top going for 1+million creds and the leggings going for 750k+ creds.


Not all subs can afford that. Even when I can afford that, I think that's way to expensive :p


The same could be said for pretty much all outfits. I know a lot of people (myself included) would be thrilled if you could buy items from the CM piecemeal, without having to gamble with money and packs. Same goes for dyes.


I assume if that was the case, if people could actually choose what they want to pay for, many more people would buy items from the CM. And a lot of people buying a few items from the GTN should bring in more money than a few people blowing ridiculous amounts on hypercrates. Not to mention it would please subscribers as well.


I know as long as randomness and gambling remains the primary focus of the Cartel Market, they won't be getting any of my money....

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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i am sorry but this is completely uncalled for? why are there cutscenes unlocks in the cartel market? these provide interesting information about the story. it is absurd for having to pay for them. that too in gamble boxes. die you learn nothing for 2.1? 2.2 was supposed to be subscriber centric and not u put 'extra scene/bonus content' from one of the most interesting quests in the packs? it is completely wrong!


and thats why I will never see the story nor care about it, no matter how good or bad it is.


I pay a monthly fee for story access. I pay some cash for an expansion and story access. I'm NOT paying money or credits for a cut-scene.


When it comes to doing that. Screw the story cause this game isn't a best selling novel.

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Just got all of them from the GTN for 210k. Not a fan of the fact they went into the Cartel Market but since you can get them easily from the GTN, at a affordable price, it's no big loss IMO.


Plus, after watching them, it's hardly as relevant as some people make them out to be. Also, once you get them, they're added to your "Cartel Market Collection" items, so you can unlock them on other toons. It's sweet. :cool:


About the same for me. I took the Credit booms as the rewards for all of them and averaged a 50k credit return, so all in all i probably only spent about 10-20k to get them.

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I do find it disconcerting that we still haven't gotten a response from the admins of any kind. I understand that they do have plans to make more of these available in future packs. I don't like that, even if collecting them all comes with some special item (probably another speeder) but that seems to inch it closer and closer to being a full-on quest line. One that is only available in the CM (or GTN after someone else spends real money on it). It's not a good direction.
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I do find it disconcerting that we still haven't gotten a response from the admins of any kind. I understand that they do have plans to make more of these available in future packs. I don't like that, even if collecting them all comes with some special item (probably another speeder) but that seems to inch it closer and closer to being a full-on quest line. One that is only available in the CM (or GTN after someone else spends real money on it). It's not a good direction.


What kind of response are you hoping to get? I got a response from asking a dev in person, I found the answer satisfactory enough.

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What kind of response are you hoping to get? I got a response from asking a dev in person, I found the answer satisfactory enough.


Although I do appreciate your post, I don't know you. Your word doesn't mean much to me as a result. If that comes off as cold, I apologize. You could be the nicest, most honest person I could ever conceive of, but I have no way of knowing that. Therefore, any kind of response from them would do. Even so much as "shut up and play" from the admins would satisfy me. What you've said they said doesn't hold as much weight as seeing it for myself.

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I didn't know what the encrypted datacube is until now. I checked this on youtube and I'm literally shocked. This being on CM is unacceptable. Even an apology from BW can't solve this problem IMO. These items must be taken off the CM and made available in game as loot of some kind or something. And that must be done ASAP. No compromises about that.
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I am happy now that I know that Bioware truly does not care anymore, they are just greedy now, as all content, even story content is going to come from the CM. Being a Subscriber seems useless as you seem to have to pay extra for all new and interesting content anyway. As soon as my sub runs out, I am just done with this.
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I would hope that they fix this EITHER by taking all the datacubes off the Cartel Market and making them Seeker Droid loot OR by keeping them on the Cartel Market, but add an alternative of letting us go to that place in Nar Shadaa, activating whatever button you need to press and letting us see all the cutscenes, just don't give us any rewards.
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Not just the credit boom is gone, but now the xp boost is bind on pickup. This doesn't make the fact that the datacubes exist less of a concern.

it simple destroyes many of the arguments we've seen so far in this thread, like "it was made to give you a choice of a item", this should be a drop from either Seeker, or rewards from something else.

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I didn't know what the encrypted datacube is until now. I checked this on youtube and I'm literally shocked. This being on CM is unacceptable. Even an apology from BW can't solve this problem IMO. These items must be taken off the CM and made available in game as loot of some kind or something. And that must be done ASAP. No compromises about that.


Just to note: you don't get to define what is/is_not in their MMO. ;)


As to the topic.... if people are going to go postal over this.... go for it. :D But you are being as sily as the folks that complain about armor skins, crystals, weapons, mounts, etc. via cartel packs. You are just working on your own personal stump is all.


They are all FLUFF. FLUFF you can obtain directly off the GTN...which is the intelligent approach IMO to people who actually want the datacubes.


This whole thread is largely a rinse and repeat "hate the CM for having fluff content" thread. The only difference is the piece of fluff being pissed about. Yes, yes... I understand.. your fluff is special and not_fluff... yada yada.


Please continue with gnashing_of_teeth, brandishing_of_pitchforks, and ripping_ at_chest. :)


Personally, I don't consider the datacubes to be story content. They contribute nothing to the story of any of my class characters. They are disconnected fragments of story without relevant context... which is probably why they resulted in a simple reward at the end. Imagine the anguish and outcry in the forum if you only got the cutscene.... because let's face it... most people could care less.. but it's a nice fluffy perk for people who collect lore, even if it's just lore fragments.

Edited by Andryah
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As you don't get to decide what is important to some players


I never claimed to Mike, unlike my fellow forum member I responded to. ;)


As for the definition of "fluff"... it's like "ninja looter"... it's whatever some random forum member wants it to mean. Because the genre has largely devolved from any standard use of words/terms/definitions.

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I never claimed to Mike, unlike my fellow forum member I responded to. ;)


As for the definition of "fluff"... it's like "ninja looter"... it's whatever some random forum member wants it to mean. Because the genre has largely devolved from any standard use of words/terms/definitions.


Did you seriously came here from the other thread just to continue this?

lol Andryah just lol, you do overreact a lot when people have a opnion on the game that differs from yours lol, you should chill out seriously because clearly this bother you to the point that you had to come post here the same arguments on the other thread?

Edited by Sohaim
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Just to note: you don't get to define what is/is_not in their MMO. ;)


As to the topic.... if people are going to go postal over this.... go for it. :D But you are being as sily as the folks that complain about armor skins, crystals, weapons, mounts, etc. via cartel packs. You are just working on your own personal stump is all.


They are all FLUFF. FLUFF you can obtain directly off the GTN...which is the intelligent approach IMO to people who actually want the datacubes.


This whole thread is largely a rinse and repeat "hate the CM for having fluff content" thread. The only difference is the piece of fluff being pissed about. Yes, yes... I understand.. your fluff is special and not_fluff... yada yada.


Please continue with gnashing_of_teeth, brandishing_of_pitchforks, and ripping_ at_chest. :)


Personally, I don't consider the datacubes to be story content. They contribute nothing to the story of any of my class characters. They are disconnected fragments of story without relevant context... which is probably why they resulted in a simple reward at the end. Imagine the anguish and outcry in the forum if you only got the cutscene.... because let's face it... most people could care less.. but it's a nice fluffy perk for people who collect lore, even if it's just lore fragments.

You don't consider it story content, other people do, deal with it.

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You don't consider it story content, other people do, deal with it.

Really it's just about 2-3 minutes of background dialogue to Rise of the Hutt Cartel on information you pretty much already know if you do the Macrobinocular questline and ROTHC story. I seriously can't see how people can write up stuff like these threads and not think twice about how obscure and ignorant their post is.

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You don't consider it story content, other people do, deal with it.


Oh but she does consider them story ..... just story without relevant context..... :rolleyes:


So it is story content to her but she adds in a little twist to try to justify it's placement in the CM.

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No I did read it. You and I, I'm afraid are at an impasse. If it falls under the quest log, it's a quest. That has no bearing on the purpose behind it. Regardless of whether it is there to guide you somewhere or not, that does not change the function of the quest log. That is where quests go. Therefore, it is content, if an insignificant amount. It's lore. It's story. It's four small cutscenes. True that there is no experience gained, and true that you choose from three static items. It still doesn't deter from the fact that it's in the quest log. If something is in the quest log, it is a quest. It's kind of hard to dispute that.


So then tell me, how would you like them to guide you to where it needs to be turned in at? There is no way of doing that without it being tracked in the quest log. Your problem is everything is black and white. There is no actual quest involved. It doesn't start a quest line nor does it end one. It certainly doesn't add any info that is required or new that you wouldn't already know from running the ACTUAL Binos quest line. So in spite of everything that pretty much sums it up as not a quest, that because its tracked so you know where to go and get your turn in item its 100% a quest :rolleyes: . Hey ya know achievements can be tracked in the quest tracker so those must be story content and quests too right?

Edited by Hyfy
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