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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[PETITION] Please Buff Rewards Gained From Warzones! Stop Punishing Your PvP'ers!


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/signed this is exactly why many PVP only guys do not have the best augments



Bolster was supposed to make things even but really not the case in 55. Still seeing 3k-4k hp gaps all the time and thats not from the idiot wearing battlemaster gear

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100% signed first we get level 65 max gear while pve gets 72 and now we also dont have progression thnx to bolster,..if i wanted no gear progression i would be playing LOL as it has been made for PVP essentially, i think the PVP comunity would leave as soon as a good mmo with more focus on their PVP players would be developed.



I love the SW license but *** EAware, imagine being bolstered in raids as it is not about gear but teamwork and solving the boss-puzzle,.. PVE-ers would cry out in droves and rightly so,.. after how many halucinogenic coctails did they conceive this bolster frankenstein,..



Remove Lolster plz,.. or lose your real PVP players

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You know it's really sad that a "petition" to add the ewok companion to the CM gets a development response of no petition needed yet PvPers don't even seem to be looked at or merit a dev response.

I know, right?! Really, really sad. 2.4 better freakin' deliver, or this game is going to lose a lot more PvP'ers than it has the past couple of months.


We need more signatures and shares, so keep it up, everyone! We cannot be ignored! Only 5 more days until this thread is 1 month old... time really sure does fly by. :(

Edited by MrJurgens
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I'm pretty sure Dev's avoid posting in the PvP section as much as possible. PvP'ers just seem to tend to have the most demands, miss-informed complaints, biased opinions, etc... And get the most offended at being told what to do.


Just an observation, notice that most of the threads here go unanswered.

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I'm pretty sure Dev's avoid posting in the PvP section as much as possible. PvP'ers just seem to tend to have the most demands, miss-informed complaints, biased opinions, etc... And get the most offended at being told what to do.


Just an observation, notice that most of the threads here go unanswered.


Your 'observation' could be made about any segment of the playerbase. That is, it is a grossly simplified generalization that doesn't really hold up.


Heck, PvEers are just as bad on all of those points.


The only difference I see is in the amount of dev attention, and the speed with which serious problems are fixed.


Flashpoint boss broken? UPROAR - followed by a hotfix within a week or two, if it even makes it to the live servers.


PvP bolster issues making balance a joke? UPROAR - followed by a fix within the .... oh. Still not fixed months later. Heck, it took ages to get a simple acknowledgement of a problem.

Edited by Jherad
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Your 'observation' could be made about any segment of the playerbase. That is, it is a grossly simplified generalization that doesn't really hold up.


Heck, PvEers are just as bad on all of those points.


The only difference I see is in the amount of dev attention, and the speed with which serious problems are fixed.


Flashpoint boss broken? UPROAR - followed by a hotfix within a week or two, if it even makes it to the live servers.


PvP bolster issues making balance a joke? UPROAR - followed by a fix within the .... oh. Still not fixed months later. Heck, it took ages to get a simple acknowledgement of a problem.


Eh, not really trying to start a war but...


A PvE Operations Boss not working as intended is pretty damn obvious, where as PvP issues (especially involving balance or bolster) are much harder to establish and lead to... wait for it... More miss-informed complaints!


<.< So no... PvP'ers do tend to have more Miss-informed complaints and demands than other areas of the game population. When's the last time you saw a Nerf X class for PvE reasons or some PvE'er complaining that hackers are running rampant in Ops cause they saw a Jugg leap and not get pushed back by a boss ability (or any number of balance/ability fallacies.)


Not that PvP'ers complaints are bad things... they just don't get commented on (Since Dev's can't really tell people l2p or that they're expected to play a certain way without opening a whole other can of worms and chest thumping).

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Just another suggestion, if anyone has played CoD BO, they could implement a challenge system. Like you could go to the mission terminal, and start simple: get 10 kills in 1 war zone. Then, they can get something harder: get 100k damage/protection/healing in a war zone. Lastly, you'd have the hardest: get 10k objective points.

This just came off the top of my head, so you can have a more complex system, or different objectives, but the whole challenge system is pretty cool to me.

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This is a great idea. They nerfed the WZ credits, I believe, in order to force pvp players to do dailies for credits.


The idea of dailies is to artificially lengthen how long a person subscribes for (I can only get xx number of rep per day, so it will take me xx months to max out this rep or make xx credits).

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