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Coming clean on Bastion


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Very funny thread on Bastion. Before I get flamed: I really don't care about the topic. Maybe I would if I ran rateds, but I just enjoyed some of the things people confessed:




My confessions: I didn't go full naked, but I did drop relics during the early 2.0 pvp days. I focus fire people who have a habit of dropping wzs and don't heal them even when it hurts my side. I once healed a WoW Heroic dungeon with 4+ shots of Tequila in me and didn't tell anyone until it was over.

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i love fire pits. whether it's killing myself or others in it... i just love them.


also, i make mental notes of people who don't give me the ball (i'm a ball hog). later, i try to kill them in fire pits.

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Ah shoot. BW seems to have taken the thread down, which is too bad because mixed in with the accusations of various guilds relying on bolster and other exploits were some funny confessions like "I cheated on my 3rd grade history test".
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I only corner cap when I know someone will freak out about it >.> Its funny to watch them stand there typing while you beat on them. My favorite thing is to try to kill them before they can type there sentence. Then you get to see them rez and have a instant message typed for you as soon as they run up to you!!@11 one....
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I like to focus my fire on top healers. This makes for a simpler rotation than when I have to switch targets and increases my DPS while causing absolutely no inconvenience to the healer. I like to think that occasionally one asks "What's that annoying sound? Is someone shooting something?"
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I only corner cap when I know someone will freak out about it >.> Its funny to watch them stand there typing while you beat on them. My favorite thing is to try to kill them before they can type there sentence. Then you get to see them rez and have a instant message typed for you as soon as they run up to you!!@11 one....


Is that why you do it in Ranked?

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I take it you're one of the people he's referring to.


That's cute coming from the biggest exploit finger pointer. You has video proof.


Corner capping is the worst PvP exploit in the game, because only certain body types can do it. Most of the other exploits anyone can do it, so I don't see them as bad.

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I'm one of those who flame at Arroca for corner capping. I don't think I've seen him/her (character is female, assume player is a guy based on demography) make a cap without exploiting. Yes, Arroca. You're cool. You do things that bother people. Congratulations.
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One time I used /stuck in Voidstar. I was legitimately stuck, but still felt dirty.


I get more solo kills on my healing op and scoundrel than I do on Ardevall :(


One time Wrecks lept me in the endzone in huttball. I told everbody it was lag. I really just wasn't paying attention.

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I once made it an entire no plant voidstar without healing someone just because I don't like the guy.


I used to save my "dirty kick" for Threid when I would go up against an ASB premade.


I once put myself further in the corner than I felt was proper in NC because someone had just corner capped us.

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What is this rehab lol? Ok then..


Hello my name is Vix, and I'm one of the server ******es, and a big douche.




rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr OWLS AND SAND.



Edit: No not really I forgot why we are posting, and are to lazy to recheck.

Edited by CadeStive
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I only corner cap when I know someone will freak out about it >.> Its funny to watch them stand there typing while you beat on them. My favorite thing is to try to kill them before they can type there sentence. Then you get to see them rez and have a instant message typed for you as soon as they run up to you!!@11 one....


Hey, some people just gotta use every "advantage" (depending on how you define "advantage") that they can so that they can give their team a better chance at winning. And that's okay. Some times It does make me wonder about how that person really feels about losing matches, or losing in general. ;) It's a shame (or a something that makes some people "happy"... it's unclear for each individual) that people did (and still do) resort to corner capping.


But no hard feelings. If that's your thing and it makes you feel better that you can win by doing that, or help your team out, or annoy some people by doing that, or whatever your mind may ponder, then that's what will continue to define you as a player.


"Whatever floats your boat", "To each their own", "Whatever makes you happy,", "Life is a highway, and I want to drive it all night long", "I can feel you tremble when we touch, and I can feel the hand of fate reaching out to both us...", etc. etc. etc.

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One time during a raid, while the boss mechanics were being explained, I afk'd and went to the store.


One time during a raid, I was explaining boss mechanics, and our sorc healer afked and went to the store. I will never forgive her.

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Game Update 2.2: Operation Nightmare




Novare Coast

  • Characters with body type 1 can no longer hide in the corners of bunkers to prevent others from seeing their nameplates.


Link: http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/2.2/operation-nightmare


Just thought I should post that here...


More on subject: I once AFK'd in the middle of a boss fight in HM TfB. lol

Edited by Radzkie
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Game Update 2.2: Operation Nightmare




Novare Coast

  • Characters with body type 1 can no longer hide in the corners of bunkers to prevent others from seeing their nameplates.


Link: http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/2.2/operation-nightmare


Just thought I should post that here...


More on subject: I once AFK'd in the middle of a boss fight in HM TfB. lol


Its funny, once during tfb, we had a guy who went afk and no one noticed(even though he said he as going afk), we were in the middle of kephess in tfb and he got nanites and we kept telling him to break the channel but he just stood there. Needless to say its been 5 months or so and this is still a joke in our guild. "break the channel, "name" break the channel"

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