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The Story in Makeb ( SPOILERS)


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Hello guys, I'm not a lore expert so I decided to come to you guys to ask a question about ...



At the end of Makeb in the imperial side we are told that the emperor is dead :eek:. So I'm thinking, why is everybody is so calm? Shouldn't the Imperials be panicking by now? I mean, the mighty Emperor NEVER show his face, the Sith do as they please and there's no intervention, we are clearing losing the war and where the hell is he? Taking some kind of vocation? I would have followed Malgus in a heartbeat if the game gave us a choice, rather him then a invisible Emperor.


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Why is everbody so calm you ask?



Because the Emperor hasn't done anything since the Treaty of Coruscant that has benefitted the Empire. He no longer speaks to the Dark Council, he no longer speaks to the Dread Master, nothing. He's completely absorbed by his own plans that he does no longer care about anything else. That's why Darth Marr mentions that the Emperor "will not be mourned". It does not exactly change much for the Empire as a whole. They've lost a figurehead, that is all. While the Emperor is very, very powerful, it doesn't really mean anything if that power is not utilized. As Darth Jadus put it in the Agent's Act 1:


"The Emperor is... distracted. I could resculpt the Dark Temple into a monument to my glory and he would fail to object. Perhaps I shall do exactly that."


Edited by BenKatarn
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The emperor's current vessel is dead. The emperor is still alive, but as people already said he's been doing his own thing for a loooooong time. The council have been running the show for years and not much has changed. On another note, the Empire isn't known to panic. The Empire has discipline and still have strong leaders in the council. Especially Darth Marr.

Since you've finished the Makeb storyline it's clear that Makeb is the turning stone for the Empire. The war is far from over.


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It's difficult to say what Bioware really had planned for the Emperor's place in the Galaxy, since the direction of the game seems to have changed drastically since launch.


However, I'll give credit where credit is due...



At least for Imperials, giving the reigns over to Darth Marr and letting him take the initiative to preserve the Empire was a good move. He's forceful & direct, his voice actor does a super job, and as a character he just exudes authority combined with malevolence. The few cuts-cenes with him made Makeb worth it for me. However, unlike all the other Sith on the council, he's looking at the big picture & seems completely unconcerned with saving his own @ss, which is why he taps who he does for Makeb, and specifically reaches out to the Inquisitor for an alliance (at the end of Makeb). He goes to great pains to point out that the rest of the Council isn't pulling their weight, with the exception of the SI. Good for the SI, bad for everyone else.


In fact, (provided we get a bit more story going forward), I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Marr ends up doing some culling on the Council. The Emperor is no longer around to stop him, and he makes it pretty clear that he's sick and tired of the Empire being its own worst enemy. And once he gets all the Isotope 5 he needs to kick start the war, he's going to make it very plain who is in charge. I can't see him keeping anyone around who doesn't cosign onto his vision.



And in all honesty, having the Emperor at full strength and giving a damn would mean the end of the Republic. So keeping him in limbo so to speak is actually a good way to make the war interesting instead of being a one-sided slam dunk.


Looking forward to the next pieces of all this.

* * *

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It's difficult to say what Bioware really had planned for the Emperor's place in the Galaxy, since the direction of the game seems to have changed drastically since launch.
Well to me it appears totally clear that Bioware always planned the Emperor to be a villain for both factions at some point. I'm 100% sure it will happen in one of the expansions/future arcs if the game continues to get updates. Edited by Pietrastor
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Well to me it appears totally clear that Bioware always planned the Emperor to be a villain for both factions at some point. I'm 100% sure it will happen in one of the expansions/future arcs if the game continues to get updates.


To me it seems perfectly clear the Emperor is dead :p JK killed him. Storyline says my JK killed him. No other story really contradicts that the Emperor is dead, even my SW's story. Why ruin my JKs story? o.O


No. They never should've had the JK story deal with the #1 Sith, but they did.

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To me it seems perfectly clear the Emperor is dead :p JK killed him. Storyline says my JK killed him. No other story really contradicts that the Emperor is dead, even my SW's story. Why ruin my JKs story? o.O


No. They never should've had the JK story deal with the #1 Sith, but they did.


The Hand don't offer proof that the Emperor is dead but at the very least he's not entirely gone - keeps screwing with the minds of his Children. If the Hand are lying then the Emperor might be a Force Ghost, but even then Exar Kun was still a threat after his death.

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To me it seems perfectly clear the Emperor is dead :p JK killed him. Storyline says my JK killed him. No other story really contradicts that the Emperor is dead, even my SW's story. Why ruin my JKs story? o.O


No. They never should've had the JK story deal with the #1 Sith, but they did.


The only proof you need is this: The Emperor is a Pure Blood. The "Emperor" the Jedi Knight kills is a human.

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The Hand don't offer proof that the Emperor is dead but at the very least he's not entirely gone - keeps screwing with the minds of his Children. If the Hand are lying then the Emperor might be a Force Ghost, but even then Exar Kun was still a threat after his death.


I can totally believe the Emperor is around as Force Ghost.

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To me it seems perfectly clear the Emperor is dead :p JK killed him. Storyline says my JK killed him. No other story really contradicts that the Emperor is dead, even my SW's story. Why ruin my JKs story? o.O


No. They never should've had the JK story deal with the #1 Sith, but they did.


the hands say he isnt a convo with kira makes her think hes alive and scourge doesn't seem sure hes dead.


Also it seems to me that the dread masters were working for the Emperor, i mean the accent hypergate, creating monsters of pure dark side energy acquiring weapons of devastating power and the dread seeds all seem to be things that could kill millions of people exactly what the emperor planned to expand his life.

i believe Mar will end up leading a Empire that will break away from the emperors fanatic devotion to complete devastation granted they still want to destroy the jedi and the republic but the emperor doesn't care if he destroys both sides.

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