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RIP Jung Ma.


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Myself and from what I believe...the rest of Penumbral are staying on JungMA. I find people aren't giving the server the benefit of at least waiting before jumping ship. JungMA will benefit from transfers as well. People will be coming here to get away from the "Big Pond, little fish". So many people, so many guilds and A LOT of competition in trying to gain popularity and membership. I mean...look at the guilds clambering to recruit on OTHER server forums? That's a sign of desperation because they obviously can't seem to recruit on their own server. They come here in hopes of sugar-talking members here so they can swallow you up like a street walker on a weewee. That's over analyzing though and I probably shouldn't have used the word "weewee".


ANYWAYS! Put into account of the lag of the large populated servers as well! People will DEF want to get away from that. Now that they have a choice in the matter (as opposed to selected servers). I'm sure they're also dealing with massive trolls and the community is far more disconnected than our own.


I'm going to have faith in Jung MA but respect the decisions for people's desire to leave. Either way, the server will be just fine.

Edited by Luniara
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Myself and from what I believe...the rest of Penumbral are staying on JungMA. I find people aren't giving the server the benefit of at least waiting before jumping ship. JungMA will benefit from transfers as well. People will be coming here to get away from the "Big Pond, little fish". So many people, so many guilds and A LOT of competition in trying to gain popularity and membership. I mean...look at the guilds clambering to recruit on OTHER server forums? That's a sign of desperation because they obviously can't seem to recruit on their own server. They come here in hopes of sugar-talking members here so they can swallow you up like a street walker on a weewee. That's over analyzing though and I probably shouldn't have used the word "weewee".


ANYWAYS! Put into account of the lag of the large populated servers as well! People will DEF want to get away from that. Now that they have a choice in the matter (as opposed to selected servers). I'm sure they're also dealing with massive trolls and the community is far more disconnected than our own.


I'm going to have faith in Jung MA but respect the decisions for people's desire to leave. Either way, the server will be just fine.


Faith in Jung Ma is all I was getting at. I think there is a lack of it, and I find this lack disturbing....


I know EO and UA will remain on Jung Ma, until the day we are forced off.

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would just like to say, I will miss Immortal and Bad Company if they move on, they have been a pleasure to be in pug's with, they aren't perfect but they have taught me a lot about pvp. I wish them well whether they go or stay. I hate to see the delicate balance of a server disturbed, but I know with dedicated pvp players we can regain what we lose. Of course it will be harder with less of our buffed players. I will probably stay, although Sky Wardens doesn't have many pvp'rs, they have a lovely bunch of people who I enjoy playing with, who are kind and considerate and I really need that in a guild of people.

I may check back with RIFT ftp, but another grind is just very exhausting at this point. I wish all things good to those who will move on from Jung Ma, although this wasn't my original server, it has become home. God Bless!;)




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BioWare should not cut the last RP-PvP server. I mean, it's the only server in SWTOR which is actually meant that you can go out in World PvP and RP. It's meant for it. Even though, it was never any restrictions on how much you had to RP here. RP is created by creativity of your own. I suggest you to use your own creativity and stop expecting so much from other's but from yourself. Like for example, be the first to go up to a Sith and try to RP with him. Tell him that he's under arrest or something like that, or opposite. Just start the RP and more people will attend. The easiest way of course to involve yourself into a RP scenario is simply by joining a guild which is specified for RP.
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I can say that TIG started on Jung Ma and will end on Jung Ma; the grass is always greener on the other side, but when you get their you are always disappointed.


If you already know the server, experienced it, liked it, know people there, you won't be disappointed xfering.

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Not sure why you arent enjoying the boards on your new server then?


Seriously reminds me of the guy who keeps calling his old girlfriend to tell her about how great his new girlfriend is....


Im pretty sure that most of us dont care. If you want to leave, if you think X server is better, go for it. I hope you have a great time. I just dont understand why you keep posting in Jung Ma forum?


Youve been asking for Server Transfers for over a year:








So its not like you recently came to this conclusion.

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Not sure why you arent enjoying the boards on your new server then?

Im pretty sure that most of us dont care. If you want to leave, if you think X server is better, go for it. I hope you have a great time. I just dont understand why you keep posting in Jung Ma forum?


xfers aren't here yet, it got delayed.

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A lot of people have been hearing me say this, but I'm still holding out hope that Bioware won't prove stupid once more.


It does not benefit them to cut out the last RP-PvP server. Yes, everyone points out that "there is no roleplay." What of the community, though? I think that's what our server prides itself on most. Yep, we have the trolls, the elitists, we have them all. But I can't think of a single WZ I go into no matter what time of day that I don't know someone.


I already had to transfer off of Ven Zallow, fix a broken friends list, and make new friends (with tanks!) Why should any one of us pay for Bioware's mistake in keeping our servers healthy? They're simply exploiting the instant gratification mindset that pops up in every MMO game. Some of us have 12 characters. We have to transfer all of them off, for money? What bull is that? A lot of people I know use several, if not all of their characters, for various crafting uses. If nothing else, who wants to start over in getting the Master Craftsmen title?


If Bioware does create transfers OFF of Jung Ma, they're only shooting themselves in the foot by creating a dead server with those who could either not afford or simply don't want to leave a server and be a new refugee for a second time, they'll simply have to merge Jung Ma eventually anyway, and that will be for free for us, and at least a small cost to them.


In the end, I'll likely do whatever The Remnants of Hope does. But I implore everyone to at least try and give Jung Ma another chance. Ranked Warzones ARE coming back. We have teams that have had months, over a year to practice together. Give the teams slowly trying to come into their own a bit more time.


Zek, you will keep your title if you transfer, but they will open up paid transfers to everyone. Not just a few select servers. BTW, if you ever need Wraythos to help you out with some DPS, just let me know ;):p

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I feel it will be okay. The hardcore pvp guilds seeking competition will leave and we will get be getting people running away from the competition and rudeness. I've been hearing so much stuff about the behavior over on the other servers and compared to ours.... we are heavenly. It makes me thankful and confident that JungMA will be okay.


We'll lose some and gain some.

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Paid Character Transfers are still slated for 2.2.1 which is targeted for next Tuesday, June 25th. I will let you know if anything changes, the second it changes.


^ Devtracker.


It's good to hear so many groups are staying on Jung Ma. I personally am not a PvPer but I am part of our little Jung Ma community :) As far as I know Remnants of Hope has zero plans of moving anywhere (we never even discussed the possibility of moving :p).


Out of curiosity, has anyone heard about any groups coming in? PvP or otherwise?

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Out of curiosity, has anyone heard about any groups coming in? PvP or otherwise?


Hmmmmmmm what? NO!!! no one has heard about any pvp groups going to Jung Ma, i can see maybe see a player that is good, who wants to be a big fish somewhere else. But guilds? Groups? more then likely No. Jung Ma is a nice place to play tho. I enjoy my alt i have on your sever, tho i dont play it much. But there is 2xp coming up!

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Staying. Why should I have to pay (extra) for Bioware's incompetence in not giving us cross-server PvP? They can come out with an entirely new planet, 2 new operations, and now 4 new tiers of armor for PvEers with the expansion. What did PvPers get? 1 new tier of armor. And our most recent WZ map was 7 months ago. Not to mention other blatant imbalances, like getting 1.9k credits for spending 15 minutes in a losing Voidstar where Aazo or Aries are on my team. Meanwhile, I can kill 5 mobs on Makeb stress free in about a minute and a half and get double that.


Basically, FU BW. GG.

Edited by Aetrus
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Staying. Why should I have to pay (extra) for Bioware's incompetence in not giving us cross-server PvP? They can come out with an entirely new planet, 2 new operations, and now 4 new tiers of armor for PvEers with the expansion. What did PvPers get? 1 new tier of armor. And our most recent WZ map was 7 months ago. Not to mention other blatant imbalances, like getting 1.9k credits for spending 15 minutes in a losing Voidstar where Aazo or Aries are on my team. Meanwhile, I can kill 5 mobs on Makeb stress free in about a minute and a half and get double that.


Basically, FU BW. GG.


Me personally, not looking to pay for Bioware's incompetence in not giving cross server pvp wz. I'm only paying because I want to consolidate my toons and I want OPvP, not just warzones because they eventually get stale to me. Just like they waited until the 1 year anniversary of merges to do transfers, I bet you, they'll wait until the 1 year anniversary of 2.4 just to put cross server warzones. I hope not, but the size of their dev crew seems a little too small to get things done at a appropriate pace.

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I just want to say thanks for the home and I had some good times on the server, before I leave, I would like to say a formal farewell. I'll have this server as my alternative server.


Long Live Jung Ma!!!

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I just want to say thanks for the home and I had some good times on the server, before I leave, I would like to say a formal farewell. I'll have this server as my alternative server.


Long Live Jung Ma!!!


Indeed, great community - thanks for all the fun!



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