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E3 - Will Bioware announce a new SWTOR Expansion?


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Hey folks,


Just to head off any crazy expectations, SWTOR will not be on the floor of E3 so I wouldn't expect any big announcements from us. That being said, don't forget that we are having a meet and greet as a part of the Cantina Tour! You can find that info here. You can always look forward to cool little tidbits of information from our Cantina events though. Just don't expect anything big since we wont have a presence directly at E3.


That being said, I really do love speculation threads so carry on. :rak_03:



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Hey folks,


Just to head off any crazy expectations, SWTOR will not be on the floor of E3 so I wouldn't expect any big announcements from us. That being said, don't forget that we are having a meet and greet as a part of the Cantina Tour! You can find that info here. You can always look forward to cool little tidbits of information from our Cantina events though. Just don't expect anything big since we wont have a presence directly at E3.


That being said, I really do love speculation threads so carry on. :rak_03:




are we going to at least have some news regarding 2.2/paid transfers tomorrow?

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are we going to at least have some news regarding 2.2/paid transfers tomorrow?


Don't know why you'd expect it tomorrow.


2.2 comes out Tuesday. If we're lucky, we may get full patchnotes Monday.

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Don't know why you'd expect it tomorrow.


2.2 comes out Tuesday. If we're lucky, we may get full patchnotes Monday.


we usually have some news on Friday regarding the new update after that weekend.

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Hey folks,


Just to head off any crazy expectations, SWTOR will not be on the floor of E3 so I wouldn't expect any big announcements from us. That being said, don't forget that we are having a meet and greet as a part of the Cantina Tour! You can find that info here. You can always look forward to cool little tidbits of information from our Cantina events though. Just don't expect anything big since we wont have a presence directly at E3.


That being said, I really do love speculation threads so carry on. :rak_03:




That's a sad news indeed. So pretty much, we will not know what the future lies for SWTOR. At least other MMOs like Neverwinter, FFXIV, ESO and Defiance will have something to show this year at E3.


Hopefully SWTOR will still have a future =/ EA not showcasing SWTOR to the Media Briefing on Monday is worrisome.

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That's a sad news indeed. So pretty much, we will not know what the future lies for SWTOR. At least other MMOs like Neverwinter, FFXIV, ESO and Defiance will have something to show this year at E3.


Hopefully SWTOR will still have a future =/ EA not showcasing SWTOR to the Media Briefing on Monday is worrisome.


Worriesome? Nah. Quite telling? Very much so. EA's probably thrown in the towel with this game update wise and has told Biowallet to go buck crazy with Cartel Market updates so they can milk the cash cow for a few more months.


Who's ready for more reskinned stuff!?


On a parting note though, when Makeb first came out, a joke my guild master and fellow officers were tossing around was this: "SWTOR 3.0 will be Makeb, recolored... and at night!" :rolleyes:

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Worriesome? Nah. Quite telling? Very much so. EA's probably thrown in the towel with this game update wise and has told Biowallet to go buck crazy with Cartel Market updates so they can milk the cash cow for a few more months.


Who's ready for more reskinned stuff!?


On a parting note though, when Makeb first came out, a joke my guild master and fellow officers were tossing around was this: "SWTOR 3.0 will be Makeb, recolored... and at night!" :rolleyes:


Who knows, will there be a 3.0? I hope so. Usually EA announces their big projects for their games around E3 time but SWTOR not being part of the media briefing is indeed something to be worried about. Other MMOs will be showcasing their content and expansions next week at the showfloor... but SWTOR? nope, its MIA.

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Hey folks,


Just to head off any crazy expectations, SWTOR will not be on the floor of E3 so I wouldn't expect any big announcements from us. That being said, don't forget that we are having a meet and greet as a part of the Cantina Tour! You can find that info here. You can always look forward to cool little tidbits of information from our Cantina events though. Just don't expect anything big since we wont have a presence directly at E3.


That being said, I really do love speculation threads so carry on. :rak_03:




Oh, so basically what you are saying is you are going to announce the new xpac at the next cantina tour meet and greet. Got it..

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Oh, so basically what you are saying is you are going to announce the new xpac at the next cantina tour meet and greet. Got it..


Hmmm...as much as I enjoy twisting Eric's words myself, this one may be a bit of a stretch :p

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Hmmm...as much as I enjoy twisting Eric's words myself, this one may be a bit of a stretch :p


Yeah. I'd say...


"Hey listen... We have no promotional budget and nothing to announce anyway so maybe we might drop a random hint on that Cantina thingy. Just FYI." (Said in the voice of Tech Sargent Chen from Galaxy Quest).

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The SSSP or Space project as you refer to it is gonna be a major expansion to the game.


No it won't, it'll be an update.


BW may tout it as an expansion pack but everybody here will say the samething about it that they did ROTHC, ie "this isn't enough to justify an expansion pack!"


I am hoping they do announce that and at least have some playable demos for people to check out and some game play videos.


Been confirmed that they won't, do keep dreaming.


Just what are you basing your information on?


How about the fact that Makeb was in production before the game went F2P and was announced as a free update.


It's been proven multiple times over that alot of the content we've been getting or that's been announced has been in the works for quite awhile. We also know that they've recorded dialogue and written scripts for things that we might never see like future class stories.


LotRO has full blown expansions


No they don't.


and do many other games that are free to play.


Also not true.


I think you may need to Google just a bit harder next time.


Let's see now...


Champions Online - Digital Updates

Star Trek Online - Digital Updates

DC Universe Online - Digital Updates

Guild Wars 2 - Digital Updates


Full on, boxed/retail expansions are a thing of the past and something that only Blizzard does now. MMO developers/publishers simply label major updates as expansion packs now because it's tradition. It makes something sound/seem more important. Same goes for a number of game titles, just look at Assassins Creed 4 and Saints Row 4. Nobody considers them to be "full on" proper sequels but from a marketing perspective the number on the end makes them seem more important.


Then again how about naming some MMO expansion packs that came out in the last 6 months that were boxed retail products or anything that's close to providing a level of content a WoW expansion pack offers or the level of content that pre-F2P expansion packs offered for MMOs.


Maybe you should get a clue and take a look at the genre as a whole or every F2P MMO out there, not just the 1 or 2 that come to your mind or that you have limited knowledge of.

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No it won't, it'll be an update.


BW may tout it as an expansion pack but everybody here will say the samething about it that they did ROTHC, ie "this isn't enough to justify an expansion pack!"




Been confirmed that they won't, do keep dreaming.




How about the fact that Makeb was in production before the game went F2P and was announced as a free update.


It's been proven multiple times over that alot of the content we've been getting or that's been announced has been in the works for quite awhile. We also know that they've recorded dialogue and written scripts for things that we might never see like future class stories.




No they don't.




Also not true.




Let's see now...


Champions Online - Digital Updates

Star Trek Online - Digital Updates

DC Universe Online - Digital Updates

Guild Wars 2 - Digital Updates


Full on, boxed/retail expansions are a thing of the past and something that only Blizzard does now. MMO developers/publishers simply label major updates as expansion packs now because it's tradition. It makes something sound/seem more important. Same goes for a number of game titles, just look at Assassins Creed 4 and Saints Row 4. Nobody considers them to be "full on" proper sequels but from a marketing perspective the number on the end makes them seem more important.


Then again how about naming some MMO expansion packs that came out in the last 6 months that were boxed retail products or anything that's close to providing a level of content a WoW expansion pack offers or the level of content that pre-F2P expansion packs offered for MMOs.


Maybe you should get a clue and take a look at the genre as a whole or every F2P MMO out there, not just the 1 or 2 that come to your mind or that you have limited knowledge of.


Just because it is delivered digitally doesn't mean it isn't a full expansion. Many gaming companies are forgoing physical expansion because doing it digitally are less expensive. Yes LotRo does have full blown expansions. I have had a lifetime account with that game since beta and they have had a couple full blown expansions. So stop talking about something you know nothing about.

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Well that makes it obvious EA no longer has no interest in supporting the game in any meaningful fashion. I hate being right about this stuff, I really do. The circumstantial evidence is just too much for even the most blind fan to ignore.


The game is on milking mode now till it dies off.

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Well that makes it obvious EA no longer has no interest in supporting the game in any meaningful fashion. I hate being right about this stuff, I really do. The circumstantial evidence is just too much for even the most blind fan to ignore.


The game is on milking mode now till it dies off.


Wow! I'm not sure you're right....just because they won't be at E3, doesn't imply the death of the game...it really only means that SWTOR is yesterday's news. It's going to be console wars this year at E3. Was lotro there last year? The year before? Eve online? W0W?

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Here is the speculation : EA will announce that they are working on a new SW based MMO which will be launched mid 2014. They already have a team working on it for some time and they are very excited about it. It will have all the cool features SWTOR lacks and will be the ultimate WOW killer. Meanwhile SWTOR fans should not be worried because EA will continue supporting it, at least until CM purchases dry up.
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That's a sad news indeed. So pretty much, we will not know what the future lies for SWTOR. At least other MMOs like Neverwinter, FFXIV, ESO and Defiance will have something to show this year at E3.


Hopefully SWTOR will still have a future =/ EA not showcasing SWTOR to the Media Briefing on Monday is worrisome.


"Older" MMO's typically don't have an E3 presence anyway. Two of those MMO's aren't out yet, and the other two are just released. Given PWE's track record for completely abandoning their games a few months after launch, I doubt we'll see Neverwinter at E3 next year. RIFT hasn't had a real E3 presence in years, so I'm sure the same will be of Defiance.




why go there? you have nothing planned for the game other than milking the brand obviously.


Pretty much this .While I doubt that's the true intention of the dev team, it's certainly EA's, and they have more say in the matter.

Edited by Stncold
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That's a sad news indeed. So pretty much, we will not know what the future lies for SWTOR. At least other MMOs like Neverwinter, FFXIV, ESO and Defiance will have something to show this year at E3.


Hopefully SWTOR will still have a future =/ EA not showcasing SWTOR to the Media Briefing on Monday is worrisome.


Nothing to worry about. What will they show at E3? "Buy our packs." or "Buy our reskin armor." or "Buy our coins.... pweeese?" That last one would be just before the final person walked out. How things are coming to the game, there's nothing worth showing. All they are doing now if they showed it at E3 would turn off any remaining people who are even thinking of trying the game one day.

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Oh, so basically what you are saying is you are going to announce the new xpac at the next cantina tour meet and greet. Got it..


Eric across room




Vodka & Red Bull


Who knows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If you believe they are making less money now than before, then you will believe anything lol.


Are you serious?


TOR or the Cartel Market rather isn't making as much as TOR was at it's peak numbers. There were millions of people playing the game at launch and now it's only a fraction of that.


They've said that the game is doing well now, but that doesn't mean it's doing better than it would have had it kept it launch subs.


EA will be making tons more money out of this cash cow model than they were out of just subscriptions alone.




Let's say TOR had 2 million subs paying $15 a month for a year versus half a million people playing for free buying content from the Cartel Shop over the course of a year. You honestly think that that the profit turned on the CM model would be higher than the 2 million subs paying $15 a month? Are you crazy?


Like do you not realize that WoW would go F2P in a heartbeat if they believed they'd make more money that way. Same goes for every MMO. Why do you think so many start off with subs and then go F2P? F2P is a way to save an MMO but it doesn't generate more money than a successful pay to play MMO does, of which there is currently one, WoW.


Actually, they had some new voiceovers done for Makeb.


And, for new OPs and FPs, they do it as well.


They've constantly said that Voice Acting is NOT anywhere near as expensive as people think, and it isn't the reason for not going ahead with things like class stories.


The Makeb VO was recorded long ago.


There was a tweet posted not long before ROTHC came out by Lacey Chabert who plays Mako where said that she had recorded new VO for TOR. The tweet was almost immediately deleted though. Now this could've meant she went in to record a few lines for Mako for Makeb but I suspect she recorded for something we don't know about yet and is still a ways off. I mean given how little the companions say on Makeb I can't imagine that they brought all of those VAs back in just to record that little bit of content. Then again maybe it's both.


At least other MMOs like Neverwinter, FFXIV, ESO and Defiance will have something to show this year at E3.


At least other MMOs like Neverwinter, FFXIV, ESO and Defiance will have something to show this year at E3.


Defiance just came out, ESO and Neverwinter aren't out and FFXIV is being relaunched, so of course all of them are going to be at E3. They are either new or unreleased games. That's what E3 is generally made up of.


Will Champions Online, Star Trek Online, DCUO, Guild Wars 2, LOTRO, etc, have a presence at E3 this year, ie MMOs that like TOR aren't new?


The MMOs you listed aren't exactly a fair comparison.

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