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Swtor or Marvel heroes?


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Played the last open Beta for a few hours. Here's what I took away.


As others have mentioned, it is basically a Diablo close. That being said, a lot of the people are actually looking for something like that. I'm told it's not as deep as D3 but it's a good alternative if you've played the former to death.


It does have a story of sorts and it shares GW2's "The whole server is a party and everyone's invited" mentality to open-world PvE. Don't know if it has any PvP -- only played a few hours and didn't get very far. The dungeons are almost obnoxiously long, however.


This was basically my view from it. Except the graphics are worse. I only played a few hours, and just wasn't hooked. A shame, because I wanted to get into it based on the fact it was "Marvel".


I just can't see myself getting into it. Maybe spot play, but OP your guild will be back within weeks. Game's not as good as it should've been.

Edited by islander
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It's a broken Diablo clone, so no, don't waste your guild's time.


If you guys are really just tired of TOR, I'm not sure what to tell you. I know I've been on STO waaaaay more since it's expansion.

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Can't make your own character = bad. :/


Diablo 2 clone = not so bad :)


For those who are looking for a more traditional MMO, they'll be back to whatever game they came from.


I honestly don't see the appeal for an MMO where you can't create your own character. I get that it's been done before, city of heroes, city of villians, champions online and DC universe online, but I would argue that Marvel Heroes Online had a real chance to trump all of those.


-City of heroes/Villans had a good run without having any recognizable characters

-Champions Oline wasn't as successfull has CoH/CoV, but again suffered from having characters that few recognozed (was supposed to be Marvel Universe Online). As far as game play and power sets, I think this is the best of the group.

-DC Universe to me was a poorly built and rushed game. They wanted to come out before SWTOR and released the game without many power sets that were supposed to be in the game (or should've been).

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I honestly don't see the appeal for an MMO where you can't create your own character. I get that it's been done before, city of heroes, city of villians, champions online and DC universe online, but I would argue that Marvel Heroes Online had a real chance to trump all of those.


-City of heroes/Villans had a good run without having any recognizable characters

-Champions Oline wasn't as successfull has CoH/CoV, but again suffered from having characters that few recognozed (was supposed to be Marvel Universe Online). As far as game play and power sets, I think this is the best of the group.

-DC Universe to me was a poorly built and rushed game. They wanted to come out before SWTOR and released the game without many power sets that were supposed to be in the game (or should've been).


In all those games, you have players who like to recreate the Marvel/DC/other comic title comics. They may have just been saving time with the line of thinking ""Look! You're Spider-Man!"

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In all those games, you have players who like to recreate the Marvel/DC/other comic title comics. They may have just been saving time with the line of thinking ""Look! You're Spider-Man!"


yea, but the option was there and most people did create their own characters, even if they were borrowed from another toon.

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yea, but the option was there and most people did create their own characters, even if they were borrowed from another toon.


I know. And the fact that I can't create my own character is going to keep me away from the game. Just a thought on what might have been going through their heads when they said "This will be our MMO!"

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So most of my guild is leaving to play this new MMO called Marvel Heroes. Has anyone checked it out? Is it worth following them? I've heard its like Diablo but in an MMO world.. sounds odd? I dunno, I'm having fun in Swtor but the times I'm having fun its usually with the guildies that are leaving.


So instead of listening to your guildies (and I assume friends), you decide to ask a bunch of complete strangers who couldn't care less whether you stay or go?

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In all those games, you have players who like to recreate the Marvel/DC/other comic title comics. They may have just been saving time with the line of thinking ""Look! You're Spider-Man!"


Marvel tried to sue Cryptic back in CoH early days because people could create the look-alikes. So I find it kind of funny they make a game where all you can do is be their heroes.


Oh and also funny seeing all the Diablo clone comments about a game when this game got slammed for being a WoW clone. Irony.

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I played a bit, it wasn't bad, but once you get past the 'tutorial' you're in the world with thousand's of other Black Widows, Iron Mans, etc. Probably be one to enjoy occasionally when nothing else is taking my time, but the lack of being able to create your own hero and put your stamp on it, it's meh. Seriously miss the creation and customization options CoH had.
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It's ok. The open world areas where you can randomly kill with other players is a nice touch without having seperate "games" or shards & auto teaming in instances sub-levels are handy too. The lack of customization should be no surprise is a diablo-like, so there's nothing missing there.


As much as people rip on D3, playing this makes you realize just how much polish was in it & has been added since launch. If it weren't for the Marvel license, I probably wouldn't stick with it, but the little quips and numkey clipspam makes it worthwhile to try as a Marvel fan. Much like this game and the Star Wars license I guess.

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think of it as diablo but with marvel super heroes. Also if you think CS is bad with this game wait until you get a load of it there. Stephen reid is the community manager there and still quite sarcastic and rude. They had a terrible pre launch program that ended up screwing most of the people that paid big bucks ie 200 bucks for ultimate packs out of about 3 days of their pre launch. Also they took out Hulks main move and accused their customers of exploiting by using the attack then made them pay 3 more bucks to respec to fix the character. Also they are now nerfing the extra pay classes to the ground. The bugs are astounding and they keep bringing down servers randomly to fix stuff that should have been taken care of during beta. I wouldn't recommend going near the game at least for now. There is f2p option that actually has some good characters to play with. Like Thing or Hawkeye. As for me I dinked around in the beta and was not impressed. I tend to dislike games like that anyways and would only play it for the marvel characters that I like.
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