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Sad about the announcement of update 2.2


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Wouldn't it be great if people would stop whining about OTHER PEOPLE getting catered to in a patch? Bioware does a good job of catering to all groups. 2.0 was all about you. It won't kill you to let hardcore raiders have 2.2, and it looks like PvPers will get 2.4.


Quit being selfish.



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Bottom Line is Cartel Market Updates aren't content Updates. The problem is that BW is all over the place with their Updates. .


That's not a problem. It's a good thing. It means more types of players are getting content instead of only one or two.

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Bottom Line is Cartel Market Updates aren't content Updates. The problem is that BW is all over the place with their Updates. At least they are better about publishing Updates the day before, but they still can do a lot better. If they had a set schedule as to when they will push updates. EG you get a dedicated update for PvE then 90 Days you get a dedicated PvP Update. Sprinkle in QoL and Bug Bashes with the recurring events and they'd be in business. Every Tuesday should be a server restart, everything gets squirrely when they don't. Every other Tuesday a Bug bash should be published.


One thing they have is they all but destroyed everyone's expectations last year by promising the world then finding out they couldn't deliver when they laid off the majority of the staff.


I'm not a big pvper, but 8+ months for a PvP Update is way to fricken long. I think Hypergates was Dec 12 IIRC. RoTHC is barely 2 months old and they're already going NM Mode for TFB and SNV. I've been raiding fairly regularly since 2.0 but yet I have only 1 piece of Arkanian. Now, the rest is all BM or Verpine but they don't have a set bonus. The only groups that will be able to run NIM on release are the dedicated Progression Groups that were able to get into HM and get it mastered in the first couple weeks. Even then, that is a long shot, that they would all be UW 4 set bonus...


I agree, and maybe my opening post wasn't clear enough about my final intention on the matter, but i tried to say it... PVP is another of the areas that has been left behind for way too long, and perhaps developers are not realizing that with continues updates on the operations department are forgetting about a whole other aspect this game has.

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I don't mind updating the cartel market. But after the annoying CM 2.1 update, I figured BW would have a lot more up their sleeve. So I am disappointed.


I was looking for new systems, or revamps of something like Guilds. So yeah, it was a dud to me. The only bright spot was when they talked about 2.4. Got a while before that drops.

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Every MMO works closely the same way. Every other patch suits the other type of player. 1/2 the patches end up being Heavy content / Light Aesthetics where they cater to the more dedicated and intense players with end game content. The other half of the patches are Light Content / Heavy Aesthetics and provide a little boost to content and a heavy boost to silly casual stuff like appearances, mounts, pets, etc.


People need to understand this is a successful formula when trying to keep 100% of the people happy as much as possible. Even though, we know, you can't please everyone and patches are pretty much "Mission Impossible". I think as far as content and releases are concerned, they are doing the best they can considering the community they have to cater to.

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NO, cartel market garbage is NOT a " content update " for subscribers. Get on your job Bioware.




But let's face it, the Cartel Market is all they really care about now. Bugs that have been in the game since launch? F 'em.


So long as the Cartel Market is working what else is there to care about, right, BioWare?

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But let's face it, the Cartel Market is all they really care about now. Bugs that have been in the game since launch? F 'em.


So long as the Cartel Market is working what else is there to care about, right, BioWare?


If you really believe this, and really feel that way -- why are you still playing the game?

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If you really believe this, and really feel that way -- why are you still playing the game?


Just think of where the game would be if they hired a dev for bugs for every Cartel Market Dev. They might be able to fix them faster than they create them.

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Just think of where the game would be if they hired a dev for bugs for every Cartel Market Dev. They might be able to fix them faster than they create them.

Or, they could merge the APAC realms into one Mega-server and use the other two as PvE and PvP Patch Test Realms like they have in World of Warcraft. Each new patch is pushed to a test server where volunteers (paid subs) go and roll a top level character and do everything they can in their power for 30 days to break the game and report their findings to the Devs. Then, when a patch launches, it is likely to be less than 2% buggy. Hotfixes would be launched by the following day or the day after.


Some bugs are just beyond fixing and are better off being removed from the game entirely and replaced with a similar system. I would image test servers would prove much more useful than an army of Devs who are sitting too close to the issue.

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New NM content is good. And hopefully people will get the transfers they want.


The disappointment, for me, is for the last 3 months all everyone has been spamming on the Forums is "Wait for June! 2.2 is going to be the greatest Update ever!"


Yeah, well.. Now its "Just wait till 2.4 comes! That will be awesome!

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you bash anyone who questions this company you sure have made it a point anyone who complains is a bad person.


And rightfully so, they are infallible and have their head so far up BW's *** they know what is truly going on over there.

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Also you make an unsupported claim that 'hardcore' gamers are minority.


Actually, it is true that Hardcore gamers are a minority now.


Turns out that people like playing video games, but they also like doing other stuff too.


Like real world socializing.


And Employment.


And coitus.

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I am not asking bioware to develop what i want... i just stating my opinion on the matter... Operations are getting enough updates in a fast succession.


And like i said there is plenty of other areas that haven't got any love lately.


BW's always been pretty decent about trying to spread the love, 2.2 gives us new operations stuff so I garentee you 2.3 will eaither be new dalies or a new WZ.

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don't worry you will be able to experience nightmare tfb in a couple of patches when you catch up. And if you have seen nightmare modes on pts you would know that they are still quite easy. That minority hardcore raider group is laughing at how easy these nightmare modes are so even casual guilds should be able to down some of the bosses if not all.
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So, they should probably stop developing for PvP as well, right?


And forget about RP additions. Why even add raids, since not everyone does it?


I agree that content isn't being released fast enough. But, they aren't completely ignoring anyone. PvPers should've gotten an update sooner than this nightmare crap -- but it isn't a "waste" just because you don't want it. MANY people play this game, and they ALL deserve a piece of the pie.


you realize this game is releasing content faster then wow right?

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