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Make quest phased areas use-able.


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Definately support this. It would open up a lot of opportunities for RP, and give us a wide range of really nice areas to play with. And it would be ideal to have available, by some means or another, to have them available for groups larger than three. Or just a toggle for the area.
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I and the rest of my guild Darkstance on the Progenitor would love for this to be made a reality. So few bones have been thrown to the roleplay crowd in favor of pleasing the raiding and pvp community with gear and challenges that it's left our plates rather empty and unsupported. Sure we get costumes via the cartel and there's the new dye system, but we're still who knows how long from guild ships, and the usable game environment for max level roleplayers (looking aside from the fact that other class areas are inaccessible throughout the game as it is) leaves us with very little room to work with.


If environments won't be opened up, then perhaps an expansion on existing maps. Dromand Kaas and Korriban, Tython and Corucant could all stand to see more added to them that didn't involve running around blasting pirates and mobsters, and insane soldiers and rogue sith.

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I think that this is an excellent idea.... and I don't even role-play! I would really like to be able so see the other instances (maybe even cross faction instances on shared worlds?) and admire them, or even revisit an old instance and really look at the details without having to fight for my life :) (or, you know, having to log off because RL got in the way)


please implement this Bioware, not just for the RP-comunity (thought they will most likely be the ones to actively use the instances) but also for those of us who would like to revisit and admire the scenery (maybe take a few screenshots here and there, you know)

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Right, when you guys announced SWTOR, what did you promote? Oh yeah.. ROLE PLAY! So please, help your Role Playing community along. One very very very simple alteration could be done to enhance the world for Roleplayers.




Areas which are class quest, or even world quest phases, but not repeatable quests, can be accessed after the quest is done. BUT, it does not have -ANY- NPCs inside of it.


If the zone is not part of the character's class, they can still access it, but it wouldn't be in storyline phases.


This would mean RP guilds or even cross guild groups can enter private phases and use them as bases, or even a storyline thing within their guild. (Like attacking a base, but using dice systems to battle non-existent mobs). And that separate groups can use the same area for different things.





This would be awesome.

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Supported by this very message!


Though, if you ask me it would be better to general just make an instance upon all planets.



One for Norma everyday use

One for Roleplaying


Then, when travelling to the Roleplaying "instance" of the planet, then all of the phases should just be removed, so all of the places are open and people have acess for open world Rp in those wonderful spaces.


Besides that, I like the ideá and would love to see some more love for Roleplayers out there, espically when it comes to RP areas.



- Dreak / Hvo

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Yes, yes, yes and yes!


Sure it's nice with a more inhabited world and more NPC's around. But what most of us really want is empty areas we can fill ourselves. Everything from bases, homes, offices or just open areas. We want to be able to take an area and make it ours through the rp. I know so many people that where using the offices in the sith sanctum before the expansion because those where the only rooms that didn't have NPC's in them or where phased and locked. With those gone a lot of good rp opportunities have dissapeared or just made harder to do.


So please, give us some love and keep the RP community happy and playing by giving us more areas to actually use. If you have the rpers sticking around you'll have a whole community of people who are paying subs as well as buying dyes and gear, we are a part of the playerbase who keep the game going. So please give us some love, Bioware.



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I and the rest of my guild Darkstance on the Progenitor would love for this to be made a reality. So few bones have been thrown to the roleplay crowd in favor of pleasing the raiding and pvp community with gear and challenges that it's left our plates rather empty and unsupported. Sure we get costumes via the cartel and there's the new dye system, but we're still who knows how long from guild ships, and the usable game environment for max level roleplayers (looking aside from the fact that other class areas are inaccessible throughout the game as it is) leaves us with very little room to work with.


If environments won't be opened up, then perhaps an expansion on existing maps. Dromand Kaas and Korriban, Tython and Corucant could all stand to see more added to them that didn't involve running around blasting pirates and mobsters, and insane soldiers and rogue sith.


Please bring your guild to testify their support here, that way we are sure to get more notice. Thank you anyway for the support! That goes to all of you!

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BioWare said a while back that this is pretty much impossible given the game's architecture.


If they can do multiple phases for ship hangars, I'm pretty sure they can do it for phased quest areas.

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BioWare said a while back that this is pretty much impossible given the game's architecture.


It's only "impossible" until they see enough people want it, to justify the effort, which means, we need to get as many RPers as possible to show their support in this thread.

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So much effort was put into places like the Dark Temple, the Sith Sanctum, the Dark Council Chamber, Lord Khreusis's Stronghold , and the various other bases and quest areas we've been to along the way.


These are all key places where many roleplayers would WANT to be, where many of our characters would more naturally gravitate to.



As it stands, we are either forced to gather in cantinas, which is a setting many of us disdain or simply do not find befitting of our characters, or to go out of our way to find what few areas aren't phased of, leading to scenarios were, as an example, we have to chose between having characters meet for official business on the capital world but in a hallway outside of an actual room, or in an actual office but on a planet in another sector of the galaxy entirely.



Open up the phases, let us utilize these spaces for what they're meant for; developing our character's stories and Roleplaying.

Edited by Darth_Vicente
Hit enter before I meant to
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Absolutely agree with this post. So many times I have looked around for stunning areas that are befitting of the RP Plot I'm trying to write, only to find that I'm stuck using generic mission areas for questing and the areas I really want to explore with group roleplay are blocked off to me, with many that aren't simply swarming with enemies that interrupt the flow of RP.


All that would be needed is a bare bones option which adds, upon request at the phase gate, a version of the mission area without enemies. In fact, it would be nice to still have enemies in some cases, but set the respawn timer to infinite so that you can get a real roleplaying experience when fighting groups of enemies or storming a base.


Amazing concept, pretty simple to implement if coders know what they're doing with the engine. You have my full support!

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