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Everything posted by Mangaboy

  1. I totally agree I get really frustrated with the lack of transparency specially when my money is going into it.
  2. I would be arguing the opposite. I am the definition of a casual player, yeah I like.. hardly ever play because of life. But I'm often arguing that the game is too easy, I mean.. even more so since planet commendations have been all grouped into one, so you can do a lot of heroic quests and always have the best gear. Learn to take a challenge anyway, I mean isn't the game more rewarding if you've had to really really work at that quest because of that super strong mob? Finally you complete it and feel like a ****** hero. If this was like Everquest or Vanilla WoW difficulty I would agree with you that the game is hard, but disagree that it should be easier. Remember mate, loads of us pay monthly sub and some of us are probably bored of facerolling while we level just so that you can get to end game where you might actually wipe, maybe, if you are in a bad group. When I first played SWTOR, yeah it was harder than WoW at the time and still is harder than WoW currently (And I was playing sorcerer) . But you get piled up with XP boosts and weekly XP boosts and XP boosts for finishing a quest and more XP boosts for being sub, or in a guild. So.. pfft. I personally stop leveling during XP boost weeks because sub+guild is already a stupid amount of XP boost which I cannot turn off. Also, level your crewskills, if you start crafting stuff, and grind some matts and reverse engineer your creations so you can learn better versions, you can have a nice amount of purples as you level too. Now every class has interrupt spells, before you had to use a lesser CC ability and stuff.. I guess my message is please dear god no, don't make this game easier.
  3. Mmh.. Chat Bubbles lets RPers RP in crowded places. Atleast, the way they worked in wow did. Because at the moment, the text just gets spammed out if you are in a busy place.
  4. If they can do multiple phases for ship hangars, I'm pretty sure they can do it for phased quest areas.
  5. Please bring your guild to testify their support here, that way we are sure to get more notice. Thank you anyway for the support! That goes to all of you!
  6. Making it an option is a great idea!
  7. Fleet arenas don't make sense as far as story immersion go. Nar Shaddaa however, is cross faction, neutral space owned by greedy hutts who run these kinds of events.
  8. Good point. Maybe make FFA PvP vanish in instances? It's not like you need PvP there anyway. Then if you come a cross a random FFA PvPer in the world, you won't be able to heal him unless you are in a group with him.
  9. Here's a list of changes I'd like to see done to the chat system, from highest priority to lowest. 1: CHAT BUBBLES (as something you can toggle on/off) 2: Cross faction /e because it makes no sense for the other faction to not see your /e if they can see your /s. 3: Cross faction channels, it would make it easier for people to meet up for world PvP/ RP if they were in the game, because people do it anyway, they just alt tab. This saves us alt tabbing.
  10. Maybe it's possible, but one step at a time. Let's focus on priorities which are relatively easier to do than other things.
  11. Make this happen, or I will spend my life convincing anon to hack it into the game
  12. Cheers for the support don't forget to vote the thread!
  13. As well as faction PvP flag, have a free for all PvP flag so that op groups and groups of the same faction can battle each other. Why would this be useful? People can PvP on the same faction in different worlds, if they are both flagged FFA PvP. Role Players can have battles on the same faction side. (Ex: Two conflicting Sith power houses try and wipe the other out. Ex2: A group of crimelords and smugglers go against Imperial/Republic military.) FFA PvP.. is so fun. I don't think it's a very hard thing to add in, I mean all you need to do is add "FFA PvP" option when you right click your character icon.
  14. Right, when you guys announced SWTOR, what did you promote? Oh yeah.. ROLE PLAY! So please, help your Role Playing community along. One very very very simple alteration could be done to enhance the world for Roleplayers. Idea: Areas which are class quest, or even world quest phases, but not repeatable quests, can be accessed after the quest is done. BUT, it does not have -ANY- NPCs inside of it. If the zone is not part of the character's class, they can still access it, but it wouldn't be in storyline phases. This would mean RP guilds or even cross guild groups can enter private phases and use them as bases, or even a storyline thing within their guild. (Like attacking a base, but using dice systems to battle non-existent mobs). And that separate groups can use the same area for different things.
  15. Lol @ the people claiming it's not Kosher Star Wars lore. Read up indetail.. on the twi'lek culture. I always had the same problem on WoW. However I support the view of there being more sexy outfits for female characters. It will feel more star wars-y then. There will be people who dig, and people who don't dig, but the people who don't dig might try and enforce their views on other people.
  16. How has this not been implemented yet, it's really pissing me off. I don't want an expansion pack, I want chat bubbles!
  17. I agree with it sometimes being two quiet. I disagree that all planets should only have two songs, different zones in planets carry about different ambiances and thus different music should be there to fit that.
  18. The thing is, I don't think it's come to mind up there yet. They can't have all the good ideas, hence why this part of the forums exists. "The question is, do you think more music with variation should be in the game?" Not, "Why is this not the case currently?" because we can't know what they are thinking up there. Do you get me?
  19. Maybe not the ones of independent music artists, yet, but if the artists get told "Hey do you want your star wars music remixes to be in a game" and they get a royalty for it. Then the musicians will go YES! Unless they are stupid and have no business sense. As for the ones Lucas Arts own, there is no question that it is possible for it to be in SWTOR. They already have film music in SWTOR, nothing is stopping them from adding more.
  20. So yeah I've found a couple more remixes for Nar Shaddaa
  21. Hey, I've been playing since launch. And I love this game.. but as a musician, who was getting hyped up about the music of this game was kinda disappointed. I've played games which had electronic music which had more of a star wars feel to it than some of the music in this game (Force Commander). Specially the cantina music you put in there. The fact you put in the cantina songs from the film is good. But the ones you made are awful. You can tell for one, that they weren't real musicians who played the instruments, it's all VSTi and yeah.. So, really get a band to play your music, get a better singer than the one you used in the Coruscant Cantina. And implement these songs, which are already done for you, into the game. Jabba's Palace Meco Galactic Funk (This 15 min song could be broken down into 3-5 songs) Now that's cantina music. Let's talk ambience. And Nar Shaddaa. I can appreciate Nar Shaddaa's sound track bring from KOTOR, that is cool for all the KOTOR fans out there. But the Slippery Slopes should have some banging electro thing going on. Luckily for you, some epic artists have already made some banging star wars remixes for you. Now you might be thinking "This isn't traditional Star Wars." But don't worry, it's been used in official star wars games and animations before SWTOR, not this specific song, but the Cantina songs you get in some of the animated series of star wars, even on Coruscant have been heavier than what you are about to hear. And of course, let us not forget Star Wars Force Commander. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoqVP44uUe0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhQQmRM_uWo Why do I think planets like Nar Shaddaa should have less classical music? Because if you look at Nar Shaddaa, it's a pit of snakes with some of the most hi-tech atmospheres in the entire game. It's a dirty criminal planet, with all the back stabbing that goes with it. It's the kinda place you'd see gladiator fights and red light districts. The environment is purely technological and metallic structures, yet it's got the warmth the organic imperfection which dominates the durasteel infrastructure of the planet. (Or whatever it's made of) All of these factors would relate more to electronic music, but that doesn't mean you should scrap the music you already have. You have enough room to add more music, which could be sector only music or whatever.. These songs, which are already owned by Lucas Arts could easily be recycled into SWTOR http://galactic-voyage.com/Music1/Force%20Commander/15-crisis-on-sarapin.mp3 http://galactic-voyage.com/Music1/Force%20Commander/06-the-empire.mp3 http://galactic-voyage.com/Music1/Force%20Commander/18-the-battle-of-hoth.mp3 http://galactic-voyage.com/Music1/Force%20Commander/08-listen-up.mp3 http://galactic-voyage.com/Music1/Force%20Commander/12-tatooine.mp3 My other point is that SWTOR is based in a whole galaxy. Now if we look at Earth and look at the wide variation in music we have within different cultures, and that is also only one species. Now we look at planets like Coruscant or Nar Shaddaa, think of how many more people live on the whole planet, how many different cultures and sub cultures you would have, and all of that layered with many many many sentient species, who I'm sure most of have a traditional musical background of sorts within their culture. Then you mix all of these strands together in various different ways. Do you really think that there would only be ONE genre of music in star wars for listening pleasure? So, to conclude, the current music is very samey, and "cheesy" as some people have said. (I play on an RP server, and ambiance is a key factor to RP for many people) It's most likely true that alot of people turn off SWTOR music/sound so they can listen to their own music because they feel it would suit the game play better. However, it is true that the music you guys made for the Sith themes, Tython, and the Trooper class are outstanding. Cantina sound tracks and more imperial music that would make you feel like you are the ****** Empire who is going to crush everything. Also, Hoth could do with some music that relates more to Hoth in the films. The Force Commander Track being a good way to do it. More variety in space combat music would also be good. Once all of this is done, and seeing as you already have like an abundance of good star wars music already made for you it should be easy, the game's ambiance will suddenly rise. Also it could be a good advertising scheme that would pull more musically orientated people to the game. I know for a fact that musicians will play a game or watch a film just for it's music. Examples, Heavy Metal 1981, Heavy Metal 2000, Sucker Punch and Tron Legacy. Thank you for reading my disorganized rant, hopefully you'll pay attention to this. Peace out.
  22. Neat idea, I happen to take ingame screenshots for the SWTOR-RP community. But yeah decent screenshots requires either absolute luck or general photography skills as far as composing the shot goes. I really like that sea front one. Here's a couple I did on tatooine. https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/615566_408192639245429_29810955_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/243487_408192509245442_659452107_o.jpg
  23. I like the fact the game play is faster than WoW, and slightly more immersive like, you can't be stoned out your face and play this game easily. WoW was so slow with the GCDs, and everything. However, BioWare, seriously, why is there NO bi companion characters. Personally the whole man on man thing wouldn't be my choice, but for some people it might be. But I think characters like Kaliyo, and Vette should totally be able to romance females. I dunno about mako, and then there is that dude you get with the Sith Warrior after Vette, he could so suit a male male romance, though I personally wouldn't pick it. Another thing, Jawas aren't playable? I mean seriously the only thing I miss from WoW is gnomes at the moment and Jawas would totally fit the bill. Also, I really hope we get to see planets like Rhen Var, Geonosis, Naboo, Mustafar, Cloud City and others. And some more arena spots for RPers, so not PvP arenas but cool little gladiator pits dotted around in the middle of no where. I'm sure there'd be some on Nar Shaada, Tatooine, anywhere in hutt space, or like a colosseum in some ancient Sith ruins lost in the Jungle. Don't do the same mistake is Blizzard and forget us RPers. I mean you were going on about how much BioWare loves RP, so please don't try and only sell us YOUR version of RP and embrace the origins of RP in the game as well. (DnD styles and what RPers generally do) This often requires NPCless areas, or atleast buildings, with the outside not being mob infested. It is true that there are a fair few of these but it would be nice to find some RP places in the wilderness areas too. At the moment the story lines seem rather superficial, I mean the ones we do in quests. Seriously don't be scared of making a really deep meaningful storyline. I've seen a fair few references to real life topics but they are brushed off so quickly, y'know. Things like how Illusive the Empire's actual motives are, it was really nice to see the revanites but seriously, I'd like to see more of what it would be like to be a citizen of the Empire, a "well fed slave". So in short, the game is hardly "Immersive" compared to what you guys bigged it up to be. It's a good game, has a lot of potential, but it needs to be careful otherwise we'll end up with another pre-digested piece of **** game which just ends up frustrating people who want more from the game than smashing keys in order to kill some virtual avatar. It's an MMO RPG, so please do not forget the RPG side of it, otherwise you got a MMOG, and there are already too many of those and no real MMO RPG's. Peace.
  24. Good ideas, I think a dice should be added in the emotes, eg /roll, and have it like the WoW dice so you can do /roll 20-30 etc etc. I was discussing with some friends about Starwars PvP in general. Most of us think that Battlefront space combat really hit the spot. So yes, free roam space would be nice. A main ship and two capital ships for each faction, main ships are where you spawn, you can then either enter your own docking bay and fly around and fight people in space, or you can enter the "shuttle bay" and attempt to fly a shuttle into the enemy's main ship, which then will act as a spawn point until destroyed or removed. This means while you're buddies are clearing out the skies you can also sabotage the ship from the inside, like battle front.
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