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The only way to make PvP players happy RE: Gear


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I have thought exactly this, why not make valor rating increase your expertease and nothing more, then allow those in PvP to earn same stat versions of the PvE gear with different looks.


Something like for every Valor rank you gain 25 expertease for a maximum of 2500 expertease.



Do this. Seriously. Do it.


ESO will be my cue to leave otherwise. Even if it's exactly the same level of bugginess/failed implementation - I'd rather experience something new than continue the busted *** bolster nonsense.


Expertise should be tied to someone's EXPERTISE - the more you PvP, the more you gain. An individuals actual amount of practice in PvP will be reflected in their valor level. I don't even care if you have to pay comms to unlock the next valor level so you can begin working on it. Plus paying comms to buy the gear. I'm fine with that, I'm swimming in comms as it is. If you have to, to defeat the individuals who farmed valor levels in the Ilum exploit craze, then re-set all valor levels above 50 back to 50 and let the grind begin again - people will appreciate the change if they understand it is eliminating a bullcrap bolster system that everyone hates.

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I like this idea. A great alternative for grinding PvP, basically you get what you put in time wise.




Yes. That's a pretty good suggestion. Make people actually devote time to pvp.

Problem: What happens to the people who are just TRYING out pvp, and they get set up against a team with 8 people with 100 valor ranks?

Pure slaughter, and more often than not, it keeps them from wanting to pvp again.

There has to be some balance between this idea (I actually love the idea, by the way) and being able to get new players in who might want to check out a different aspect of the game.

Some people get bit by the pvp bug, and don't do anything else, afterward. But more often than not, they need to have a good first experience for that to happen.

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Yes. That's a pretty good suggestion. Make people actually devote time to pvp.

Problem: What happens to the people who are just TRYING out pvp, and they get set up against a team with 8 people with 100 valor ranks?

Pure slaughter, and more often than not, it keeps them from wanting to pvp again.

There has to be some balance between this idea (I actually love the idea, by the way) and being able to get new players in who might want to check out a different aspect of the game.

Some people get bit by the pvp bug, and don't do anything else, afterward. But more often than not, they need to have a good first experience for that to happen.


That's a good point. Recruit gear can be issued which will give people at level 55 the equivalent of valor level 55, so those who never pvp'd before are given the same expertise as people who have been pvp'ing since level 10 and worked their valor up with them. That might help a bit. Also, maybe a bracket system that divides people by valor level once they've hit max level can be made up also - like valor 55 to 75, and 75 to 100 brackets or something.


It also doesn't need to have such a drastic difference lowest to highest, maybe instead of a max expertise of 2500, giving a boost of like 30% damage/healing, it should be tuned down a bit to like 15% damage or healing boost. That way a measure of skill will actually help to offset the harder hits of the higher valor level players. Just a thought...

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Even though I don't believe that PvP players can ever be happy, I think this is a great suggestion and will solve a lot of problems. I have always thought that a specific stat for PvP has always been a terrible idea.
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That's a good point. Recruit gear can be issued which will give people at level 55 the equivalent of valor level 55, so those who never pvp'd before are given the same expertise as people who have been pvp'ing since level 10 and worked their valor up with them. That might help a bit. Also, maybe a bracket system that divides people by valor level once they've hit max level can be made up also - like valor 55 to 75, and 75 to 100 brackets or something.


It also doesn't need to have such a drastic difference lowest to highest, maybe instead of a max expertise of 2500, giving a boost of like 30% damage/healing, it should be tuned down a bit to like 15% damage or healing boost. That way a measure of skill will actually help to offset the harder hits of the higher valor level players. Just a thought...


I will be honest, that's a good thought.

I agree that the difference between the people starting out, and the people that have been doing it for a while should be there, but not overpoweringly so.

Skill should play a lot more into how well people do in warzones.

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expertise should be removed as a stat. Warzones should be an even playing field... make everyone have equal stats.


That way better players are the ones that win not simply people with more gear. PvP is supposed to be PLAYER vs PLAYER, not gear vs gear.

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expertise should be removed as a stat. Warzones should be an even playing field... make everyone have equal stats.


That way better players are the ones that win not simply people with more gear. PvP is supposed to be PLAYER vs PLAYER, not gear vs gear.


I have to say this is a much better idea.

However, most of the pvp community will always decry not having some reward that shows off that they are 1337.

(Yes, I hate that $#!^, but am using it to add emphisis to the nature of their arguement)

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expertise should be removed as a stat. Warzones should be an even playing field... make everyone have equal stats.


That way better players are the ones that win not simply people with more gear. PvP is supposed to be PLAYER vs PLAYER, not gear vs gear.


Go make your own suggestion thread. I'm looking for people who support the idea in the OP. I'm not trashing your idea, just saying, make your own thread rather than derail this one.

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The worse idea ever...

then it will be a reset to pre 2.0

The new player would be bocksing bags again.

Remember who you got beaten up when doing a wz in recruite or in bh gear.

Their should be no expertice. Just player vs player skill. and that is the whole point of pvping right?

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The worse idea ever...

then it will be a reset to pre 2.0

The new player would be bocksing bags again.

Remember who you got beaten up when doing a wz in recruite or in bh gear.

Their should be no expertice. Just player vs player skill. and that is the whole point of pvping right?


I'm advocating a total overhaul of the system here - removing expertise as we know it and simply making it something that players have available to grind out over a much longer period of time, tied to the player, and not the gear they're wearing. PvP gear would be cosmetic only...and the additional "powah" that players eventually want to feel would come from the MINOR boost they'd get along with their valor levels. I think a 30% boost to damage or healing is WAY too much for maximum expertise like we have now. I think it should never be more than 15%, which is totally something a good player could overcome. Skill > Gear A crappy player with the full valor boost would be overcome by a skilled player with less valor boost.


It would be completely eliminating the gear gap, making all gear equal (assuming the same level of gear, level 72's are still better than 62's, etc.) - the "grind" would be for cosmetic gear and for valor levels that would provide a minor boost to damage only. It also eliminates the need for bolster in the max level bracket...

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Valor should remain as is, a useless stat that only measures how much time someones toon has spent in a warzone.


I'm all for a even playing field but it takes a long time for someone to go from valor 0-100. A lot longer than it would take someone to acquire a min/maxed set of partisan gear which can take about 2-3 weeks.


What most 'leet' PvPers want is a bug free bolster system, one in which anyone has there stats bolstered to a certain point and that full PvP gear is just ahead of that. As of now bolster has been one of the worst implemented systems ever and we let the devs know how bugged it was on the test center went 2.0 came out. It could be one of the best features ever if it worked correctly.

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I have a few valor ~60 characters. I think valor rewards should be cosmetic (special orange gear) and possibly even more credits earned per WZ. I have the most fun in a WZ when the play field is more even (I don't even like stims - I don't think it should be pay to win). I'd be fine with everybody getting the same equivalent stats inside a warzone, being completely independent of gear. Rewards are more gear appearance options, more credits, things like that.
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One of two things is happening here:


1. People are simply voicing their own opinion, ignoring the OP.


2. People are misunderstanding the idea presented in the OP, and trying to explain why that wouldn't work.



I'm all for eliminating the massive difference in power that a full expertise gear player versus a no expertise gear player has. I think that some difference needs to exist, in order to keep the majority of PvP'ers happy. I think the "boost" should be tied to valor level, not to gear, and that the max effect of that boost should be tuned WAY down from the 30ish % it currently is. *Maybe* 15%, or 10% tops, and only apply to pvp combat.


PVP comms should enable one to buy special pvp themed gear, cosmetic differences only. The gear should have the same stats as PVE gear. the valor boost would have absolutely no effect except versus other players. Top tier pvp'ers will all have high valor. The boost they get will make them slightly stronger, but should not be so strong that someone entering the 55 pvp bracket for the first time would get roflstomped immediately with no chance of hitting back.


I hope I've cleared up my idea here...because it seems to be not going over well.

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I'm all for a even playing field but it takes a long time for someone to go from valor 0-100. A lot longer than it would take someone to acquire a min/maxed set of partisan gear which can take about 2-3 weeks.

Exactly what I am thinking.


I am currently thinking about changing my main. And so my new main is only 55 in Valor.


Why should i get stomped by 90+ valor guys, for months ?

And I'm serious about "months" : because I'm playing multiple characters, my main is only in the 70s while I'm playing since launch.

For the recall, it took several months (at least 3-4 months) to achieve the firsts Valor 100 after launch, even with the Ilum Valor farm and the rep slaining fest... and as it was the firsts Valor 100, it means they were the most hardcore, no-life players, who most of them left the game because of "lack of content".


Even with a valor reset, this case would be possible with a new player joining in 6-8 months from this change.


So, no thanks. I think it would be one of the worse idea for this game ever.


P.S. : OP is not clear enough. Previous poster may be right, but as long it is not said that expertise changes as well, I take it as it wouldn't change.

Edited by Altheran
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Quote: Originally Posted by Planar

I have thought exactly this, why not make valor rating increase your expertease and nothing more, then allow those in PvP to earn same stat versions of the PvE gear with different looks.


Something like for every Valor rank you gain 25 expertease for a maximum of 2500 expertease.


This toon has played more WZ's than that toon therefore my hits should hurt more and your hits should hurt less and I will get more heals, which means I'm "Good".


Gear progression is a f**ked concept anyway.

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Since TW_Cool spammed the first page with a bunch of threads, and knocked me off, I'm bumping this.


Haha, I only responded to 5 posts in the suggestions forum. I hardly consider that spamming. Although if you did want to consider it spamming, I could justify it by saying this: I dont log onto the forum as much anymore since I usually browse it using a shared computer, which always makes me type in a one-time-password. So the less I have to do that, the better.


And to respond to your idea, sounds fine to me. I rarely PVP though except during Ilum Gree times, so it wont hurt me if it was frowned upon by others. My Valor on my main is less than 10 ha.

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Exactly what I am thinking.


I am currently thinking about changing my main. And so my new main is only 55 in Valor.


Why should i get stomped by 90+ valor guys, for months ?

And I'm serious about "months" : because I'm playing multiple characters, my main is only in the 70s while I'm playing since launch.



Did you read the part about getting auto bolstered to valor 55 for wz's? that will help plenty...plus as i said, the bonus should be tuned way down, so that skiill could compensate easily

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Interesting concept, but I think that PVP armor, for balance reasons, should make it so an additional set bonus is conferred in that with a full PVP set, valor damage/healing is increased by 5%, in addition to maximum 15% (20% maximum.) (A system like this, PVP players will still cry from their gear now being all but equal to PVE gear, regardless of if their valor actually does anything now.)


Other than that, I think this new system would be much more balanced, and far more preferable, to the current system... Even though I don't PVP on my Sorc, it'd still be nice to hear the game become more balance to the players who start verses the hardcore grinders.

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